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May 26, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-05-26

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The Michigan Daily




Bianding Pitches Shutout With
(food Support and Gets Three.
Bagger-At Corneii Today.
. Special to The Daily.]I
lisoster, Ohio, Mtay 2s. --ackett by
a supporting cast that wobbtledl sut once
is the nine innlings a1n(1whtich averted
possible (tanger on two or three occa-
sions by brilliant work, Fritz Btlanding
blanikedl the fast 'Wooster aggregation
here today. WVhile the the WVolveries
iere pln ti p ive rolls. Snosw shared
awitti Blaniiig tile defenivie tsoniors of
thie tolio0gamle. ltanin~g helpseidhim-
self to sic tory tiytis ttiree.-base tijitto
ttie remiotest corner of teft fietit, a (drive
onich lieticoiitl iave comptleted tte
circuit tiad tietieeiifurced ti) extend
Stioiitz, the Ohiiiipitcter, startedl off
swelt anit tetld Mictiigan helpless for
three iningts, tint ill the fourth, with
toguile, Olsoii singleid sharply to ei-1
ter fielitaaiite 1r stealiing secondl, can-
tereit hoiiesin Eiioeiroth's awful wal-'
ltio 1l eft ield.'Thereafter run-gettiing
wias cuoimparatively easy, wh-tile Tlanding
wsas ini dainger biut rarely. Ii the sev-
entiti loiokeid il though the hmte hopes
isul avit et a shiit-ouit. trance openedl
isithi a hit leer seconid and then stole
secondi. Richiaridsoni faisieid,tint France
stileth jid. Compiton h ilt sihightboiud-
sr to Snouw, whoii iasde a grandl stillsande
tiriissnainjg France lt the plate aind
savinig the stiit-oiit performsance.
'rTeMichbitigan teaiiu left here at 7:54(
tioiight fur Itthaca, via Cleveland and
Btuffalo, an will st reach the Cornitl
strionghiolidabuout nin tomoirrow. Daat
is tietprobablte itctinig selection fof
Michtigan. althugth Siiithi may tie sent

WIL TE DLCUI A KProf. de Muralt wil1eail a paper W ILL TALK FREE
toiight beforec the Michigan braichsof teAeia nttt fEetia n
gineers, on thie sibject, "The Chouice oiif
a System of ElectrificationimorTrunk Riamous Japanese Diplomat Will
Lines." Because f the importance of Complete S. L. A. Course With
this subject to the engineering world, a Notable Address.
and Prof.ide ftralt's particular fitness -___
for speaking sin it, ilsitatisihtav e eee Te adress of aroin Kogro 'Taka-
extruded to some Itreehndriieiilr'itlwutu ir ia, ipheral ,Jaaesse aitssaiortio
aiid electrical engnieer to stteusi. the tUitedt Statss, wiciih is to te giei
Perinissioiun s eei otaiiedl to Inhl Saitreumys- ciing, J ue t wsil te stie
the meeinigat 8Soiclok ini teswes io te tiublsiic itthout aiy aidimissin
lecture 'room11 if the Phtysi s bsuitldingcharge.
All those interestedt tre crsially iiiiit Ieause f te idesi resiof te Stiideits'
eeI tsoe tresent sanisttake part iintie lecuree associeatnollsfitces ofi tie go8-
discussioni tat will foilow. gosj hoardt to thaee alarge 'uiecee toe
- \ Amtasdore Tkahir, ttis csiirs has
CHEER DEPARINLG SQUAD helssiitetrmiiiei uposis.IRegur toliers
______ oitS L. A.sesonslitict cs sutwibcd
Track Men Leave for Botou to Rest isitirst teo i Ui esiylly adt iv
for Eastern Intercollegiate. ell te seats sshiihtickitets tiaveicititlei
Clicrel b acros i ii Iipsl eistetaitoil fo sr the ast icear. S1lt icket
lietei ieiiihiiiake111 Metigsn'holdties sssholtit tieir1111sats by8
thete me wo mkeupNlihia sietcloekt he eveinug o aos I' kiuur
eastern traek ssuai left ser the Mica eta frBsowe elie tdes o tthttm l h et
gaoCeiiril orEnstsiiiiher tie5swillherown fioesit tthe1p1blltic.s t
will stiendtthe tmelensil itthe estser'Indigtite tdns etr
_intercollegi te track meet ecommence Is tiii ti~itsSmiis1str
Friutay. Tie' squaid, acomputasield isiaiiisiss5b eii isseitii
trainer Fitzpatriek anis Masniager Sstes iisliasi ito tie isemibters if tis ililis
will arrive inRotsson st }olocktshilpisits sboy toile lpresetl sitthis,tielastc
afternon an willput.upat.thsipissiou er of te year. Itwa
cy Square hotel. itat bsrossi lakamirtsi'asdress ssouts~
'Tonight they awill gio toithetsete i sseleisesiisIi isei esai
suit Thursdasyswiltahke a ight ii irisuias w ifrn ae eerag(
oni the IlIsrs srd trsick at Ohn.Siuurmgt frsis I'lec 5tusreiibiltsehusie surrag
The trelimiaries in the trsck cenelt iiisii\ilsssils lshimr ris
will be theldlFridasy afternoonl. ,T'te r esdil is otiressador iii Cmii C reiset
test will cosmse oinSstumrasy rie:'it ssssttt ls ii s ul'tec~t~ st
the nSelllives throiughiFridayu's iwisrk. I isi7 tle i elss jsur,
toilr smiake si cresditabe sowssig 'th lbIst eethsce of s iatisss. crireo
wturday it is ineessary thi lesl thellsmeime ~ Piir ss ls1,Sh eti
thtfnut.ti e stsidate ii ihiaitweek ftr thest
tLeger expiects to give Siterrliess iess off ls cesst slli
I,1liars-and,swho reenutly ran itie 41),a'-iis tiugii g hst illsu addstress s"ch
hard ranifer firsiplace. Leger rsiiiin the si''ssssriisiigs t
lisance ini :5 git last Saturd-uay illsaccptable tchle stuetsu.
siout beinig sished,. andihit cutcal eepct-c
edI that ie shohuh doiasisweli next vi r
lay saniiSsturdas. He rssii agis FUND IS NEARLY COMPLET
o Siffrrihmess-inithis Pennimresays tiisrng
o and nts defeatedl by ii 11111sis ichdes
lit le is coli(mhiat te sill'turnl tue Student Council Receives Reporto
stler ths itte. Loving Cup Committee.
I s Atis me'tigla stsiexsciiumg till
o BtO'TH I,t'SAND) LAWS mitec ichasrge sit this cllection c
o CONFI)ENT tiEFORE f;C.IS f unds s fortPrs'sient Cget's1hu)lllsngci
oreotlurettt absuI sillshundurd dolat
o Thissetnior it-lass game ihs bie'u silt recminiuiti econsiltributues iioriti
-ptostponedhunilhWednuesdasm- sfternooniiuasumtuscmplteiisthis aumuntui neci-edmto hat
t4:5, owisng to this fact ttseacsel teaim this purclas. 'het cupihihe is heii
tas bitt snetither saudsthtmeasci (f desigunedh by a iinotesecilis ii Ch
o themuifeels tiesid of a lonuger rest sifte cgo, usil he resadmy fume presentasti
otheir strenluoluiseffors shflsa iiB-.hlsJunemstusmushdusil cs $oo. T'lime
oteamus sre ini sihight state' sitexcitc'eentumitecs-insruicted to -ihui' acpi
tas a result of the smg sruggle mu1MCll-mi[hietsreptm iaie 'Thursdaitsuy i~c'iiug
o day' sndiheacisay lisp me sre ofithel7c')'clcket. CAy-deicii fmus h t tm
dgamue tomuorrow,. ime il rile remeusdie tsonic.
o "Vi" hPateugill camptauiniofthe his 'TheiCoiiuci etprssedl itself i fsus-
ou rheu seco yeseruday-ssidt: "uWe sre f asaninmu usignhs iiat liti Isisoste
o oing usonmake es-ery- effort touswiu. We thm~e tresense-ms. T'lmeuumeus estclmr
ase usadeu a slight shift inumour fue- teustssi ,ms -sisi fvr uf thus' Ne jeses
5 up,Disonu goingtousseconduansummianlmsewinsulinwmiteliu-monouugraum. If this' .'t
to third. I hopm~e that lnotsuly- senior s lic masscitionu gics its cmiiient111ousl
-5 ut its of mll casses swilliturn oum mndusemisc-mifathmleticlrsumtmsfumethis o
-ohelp cherues to icory. Tlhis isuntstu fmnorm, hmanhil ,
so muuchi aiclass gasme s it is a sdcipmrt- humusecutohIcntuisue. uswerimg atclm,
ismental struggle." tills susiuion iof sihie fuse ~-1t-cw
erarl Moosdy, captaini ofthe suws, ishecnlsiks miace niel y-mi. Th'thaids's'b
is tletsvhat thesslhsieesd us it, stidh: ageedmto hum tmuue'this siseeit. sts'
"-Just say for tue that eeryonieshould hu mmeer mises.hmsihus i g say iti mu
remember thast there asee'twrissies hoembslanuiceommallmiiit.
X9 thast innuing preopositionu. VWe are ust T'l'le cmituuitee sw-ichm is resisig 4
1'as sure thatsinwewill wiun as thisother 'cullsitutuimioof tie Cullls-itbe recu
ce felowu:rs. W iwateery lawsetoicommeies repot t this letum etig. It I
Ssoustndhelp swithithis misus e.iCshave eems propshedm thc t thss= lbs-us sia
n madr o changes inioustinhe-sitsamushthis fromuthe' usiouus casses IeIihht
of atea silt e ut the betehr 1515accomuitemuro m e tomisuey trecc uuted 1mm
of thratler of Mondahsy." fromlie-su'ry simmo1hundr ee-itsluclluis. '
-- swil isceaes-this izes f this Curt
Themesill hrsa umetitg f the Girls' sosuseselam and tthise'ommu uite Iseie'
:r clutsofHiobart (;uid ths safternuonstatu suse efficienusandsumatsuisfactormy- us

fromn 4 to 6, ml the rersidhence oif Sitrs. canu he maccompltuishedm if thus chasnge
Henry D~ouuglas, i620 Ismsel avnueui. madoptedt. Anoithie suggestios mottfer
inl -__________a'jsinus atusthlure he mulladsisory' souls'
he All comumitteen excuruept ticet sellers We mueumers fromusth~semehuci hu
:e meet at Btarbosur gym tonight sit 7 p. I11. -smmmlitesh a yese's service su thurGCou
Treat. -I 1

tthtropifu. h.
Fountmain, ss..
Imathers. thu.
lilt, hi -... .
Olsonu, et...
uEumenotti. c....
Siow l he, ..1 -
Blhandingil ...

. . t. ii 0u. A..

-.. . 3 I0
-4. .





\Ihmlers fmtsc Ccletc Iu ucus soul
veral memub erssit thus I'reusehIsatulsty'
,dithebir wis w sill cssuaiuha~yrise
tc ishichliiunitakei a urip usoCChimuore T
she this ,sfernoon.sl The psetp illt
avs 'lea Cup .111at :1 aiig amd
ue oumocmspojmis at the hute ssill e
e-smure- f the trut. 1liii 5 5 oithis'
-Is-id t ioneiicfsthis smtsis
'thbis uv;Pilluwthie sisecmu tamiihasyrmic
tIe' giccum hy it'c Ccr'-hiesimleis time -
c m11mbessofiiits onisis zain.c
mit of this-Creeiehi isis-mt.ts iis meantslit
siases'n sumta l fetest hic hh usill .p
fulls I te Cshe- mustndthis- Frmeli faculty -
hecIlust uoppornwssiity is-ethicollegeyearse
ore Acts Secured for Encored Per-
-formance Monday Night.
Ilertm e' at es sfum eis-cumli summi
madii eh suit miisrsl stoe s iplre
ewiledtat thus WSitnuey isis Sitmussiy, yassy
resswislt hm' 5.5, , mith 75 mmeits
his 555151 ispts trogrmtinsil iithis-sr li
f sts is as folos:s
1. iisrlshostiueby temi a l
xills lift) lushnsumsthi stasgi. Ns u-mic
mist s-mcu'leisnjolkes y DoldKs h n.
_. hirsdm ia 5won5 us - Sisothsumossm
muss niluhumg act~.
: thus S1isiatstimes-C'onmcet ftm ii 1
susitcs C mmsicslsut bp C's-ighthon,
muhd e
Dr. l"ii Sits-hm, hblack i-i~(l cla
scit in iihiss famusibatnjsoitsisi in mmii
(s1°Tht'sy ItsIsus-. yliitimuhistlit
ttnlssinaline Isiis).
Tiecsht lforthis ToviiHIuses, wicihi
is a biiilsti ulln hseu's Dolm's It 'uss,
hIf rsi 1IIodPatrsn
IC -leuls 'dugsm limie i
the suet Cl:A1i\Vicehs.
111111 semsRlbmit oms.
Itce-rn ic 11misC tcetmii
Sill thu s isnnsimhiss prograsms are hemsd-
iti es' stnd sithif rish a pisli .5 c
.ai t ac andu s1111a ti-uf luisrn l.nth~t.
W~ithli , x siswiof this hasrace, the Whilii
nti'sssureIn5hmauema- - ecord mi-t ci iius
steremtsce c x-St ssIssismy eitiig.
1101 IF.S.CI I.I I SItiNS
11171.1.OFits NEl St- SAIEttu
Preuf. It. C'. Sadlem othsef11e-ngiuescrsg
dlepatm'ninent ttha scsisesitsigsunalhonor
ini tuat Iis plans sues 1be'insaccetdfume
t 111hi1l] f -tie ''Robut utoh the
nearuesitumot of thess-HIuisohn RfisetDay
tills. toirimselitwhen Neil SYsumhe amni
'thus'''Roibet Flmtonii whe'nuc-smmitd
is toi le' tie'iest ric e ot in muthec
issuelin. 'Thu s teameur is suietbeing ciom
pltedsi at sthe yrsueosfitthus NessYork
Shii1utsidig c'oumup5n51y.
oti ws 'made of is sin1paratfiiemodsel mu
thus-~a utank itIsih e li'sgi 1mm-igbid
smg toschielk ip estimatesu ohitresisence,
sttmthsthy. mmiii isses's-ikinisutliy-
in; r-sus s' sus: cism i~nsin ms'es.
CS=. a.finle fuse thuemr's msrhurth lm
ciis lub c illive guasd-ncinu
,l tit mmrgm, 'hursdasy, isy 2. O(lsy
about isty- girls msithe tlmussi'sto1mmt-
teuu)l tinsthuse lm tui'of this-gm partshsms
siherothet'dmasces'win- itt hteli,ilnt
pesrmui t ofnum-
\' .\t'>I)Tl,I5h" SE,2l' SAlE
Reservedt seas fus te e\auduevile
Shuossan tueMintsrels uill Its'ptlttedi
iio stale at\Vthr's, in)a.ii.EThuris

tdad. iceti, 35C$c, o.7c. I'sr-
'fonusance, ifuhutsiay'i',Siti 311 at the
-New Whaitney theater.

No. >7.
'oastmaster Ilacflonald .Limits
All But President Angell to
Five-Minute Talks.
Wi'I tassts imited is fue nminutes its
nt thi s ix o'clocktbanuaheteto10Pres-
mimI Cugihi, truismaynighti, is shedued
u mloe :30 p. mu. :Athought fie
hem-std reseedsotse tickets uers ex-
hangeidestsIeriiy, as tie gyumiasitu
ill seatit miIleist o, plennty uf room
mus i Issue fusssily- inuber is asiured
f il( tie ts relsb-usetsght eoreT'huurs-
Ih«ts"oaist swhich siltte sarklingu
mus wt a5 scells shiningtukwith brevity,
mvllIeumarman~sgcd. S. . tae~osu-
hdiot iisili slerin l Itchit file the o-
mim, turhsiiss CC"ters the MCea-
lo risIsBlitus,"I mgu uM. Cheek,
to m D mcrausy" Crisnu't Shafroth,
io "ichign, a inl's AlmassMater"
'afiksmih (h); Sichigans ad
Isc Siest" 1 Lus 1,. Sone, 'nw;
CutrlssScummmlii Vseits" JosephimE.
elley 'soe; "Sitichiganutoisthe Unier-
-uimutuust-Girt,''Ruh And Cmuesotn, '0
ual f as'intie,"Tm ECarty, 'o91; "Our
'eiduent," PloiydI Olds. President
Cn mug s' ttip roimsemI trestponmd. StMusie
inill L(,- inteplai~tedihby thus'gle andshman-
tsli shims.
CsAssueirsof thus memeorale oc-
sinus,,amnomabl'snutesuensie prgams
mss beeninpurpasrd.uh.'lseuover of gray
ist 6iiistim, udecle-ed-ge ater, s emh-
illstd inlinte uwaviersit sial in gld.
:) hu his ides ofintthin isser the Ilatest
liiigap ogfiit stPrIesiden ht A gell, wh-ib
ss tsaken jusituCwminweeks ago, wilt be
hi-ittcd he i ctue s 1doneminsellspia,
andt t'the npogrmk is 15tstftuly pitd
iue int k. Two feevi s t 1f usuieand
usc al-ti rtiuuibb nvuasreqiuirdto e
limeahofte programhus, whih are
hiei imsustriingsu" tingssit tie sort eer'
Lit Department Alters lies for
Passing Con Examinatios.
Chueteis especuiallysill be peasd s
mucusbit of legislationm by the aduiinis-
ratieubordt hftthe literary depart-
cmi C.cording is the ew ruing, can-
iusrescueiditsJunue mumrin summer
it mum Siilugust mayle renovoed only
ittesupplmentry held for the pu-
lise, either st the tiue of etrtane ex-
uni ~iulinsmu Sedmtsemb , or out the first
Friday smit Saturday after Christumas
''hisut, enmuihig exaumiatfon for
his removhila of condeititns beore the
opeinmsg of inlie oismius seson, will e
'itaild cwihu delight Iy athete ite
iterry' deatmet, auh.slthoughu wshen it
vas mde the suleitetlioin of the a-
itly-ins to umecguate tumd t oein trt
ie hiherosirregular dtses oe exaii-
W~ithmthis cusiiuuttisifo studtent
conduuiionsed inus ebruatry' cominugthin first
ridtsy 'mustSsaturdaty- aftee lbs spring
ecess mumeiitely foloinhg, atane-
ismessiug factose is introuuceed into st-
lentC tribsulatsions, wsub esuecial reference
toirscus thlnhetes.
Dranmk Loydh Wight, a promiet
architectsit Chicago, will give a letue

iocietin umhesswest lectmurehalt of the
hy sics bsuildiung, hhursday evening at
S 'clck usshns His suject still be "Out of
anu Carchitect's Wiorkshop." It will be
sil interestling discomurie on the nsew,
douumesticahidlconmunercial architecture oh
ibis country. Nsa admiission wilt be

Hererts, -21..
Jascobls, ef-...
rye, c -.....
Franic e, 0its-..
Richarsostsil,5. -
1K. Cotmpttoni. et.
titisie. 3t...
\V' Compiltn1 f I. .

3-C 5
4 0
3 0
4 0
3 0

9 27 12
173O A
] ot

311 0 5 27 15
Siihiian. o ... 0 0 o1r0o2 0 11-
Wousute..... 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-
'Two-base hit--Ithase. 'Three-base hit
-Sulivan, Euzenumoth, thhauuuing. hDoublh
hlays-I-till ( unuassised) Richards
us Frye toinFrane; K. Comutious to Blt
se5 itl I-lereret. lit by hpitced itball-
Sullieiva. lsses on balls-Off Bhauudhs5
us; off Shtzut.. Sacrifice hits-Fouu
tutu, Frpe. Stoleus bases-Olinu, Frautc
2, 1Herberet. Struck sut-By Blatudin4
b:hy' Shsslule, 7. Passed Iall-Etue
roth. Siild pich-Shonstz. Time r
game-a' 2hours. umphie-t'tesunmem.
[;S'peialh to 'Te Dilfy.]
Clbionu, -Mieb., Mtuy o5.-Thne lhhic
cehge tbaseball teamsitodaty sdefeatedut I
CDn Pauutuniersity leans, 7 to 6, aft-
an excitnug contest of eleven innings.

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