SEMI-FINAL GAMES CLOSE S E. Lits arid Laws Battle to Tie; Medics Lose to Engineers. Aftcr battling thitrteninntitttns. aida, the senior laiw-.andx its were torceeu EE to stolp ibydarknae-strtithte tscore tre I 1 Jll GIANT gall. Campbtiielileorthte its tstuckoutt sevetee iiriuq11, aitdii-Rogetrs Nvast tarIi bhn with a retortell eevett. ity titelit tttncdterotr route. Iilth ie illht tteits t hixchexi ttt iitstatttiat- maeerosfr at Race xof runsi. ii t- treeci iwittM tes tpttingt jthlemt'Ll in tite leati. Tite litle tite gtie u titlesicere retireudli itloe tth lree or- AT Quarry's Money Loaned Oan Wattct, iam oxnis.LaxwiBooks Watche- and letelry rep-aired, Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Offie trsittance 331E.Libr ty Si Ann Arbor Hoaur tt:i8 to 1:0ait ito:0adto JOSEPH C. WATTS THlE FAllMERSRAND MEICHIANICS DANK MAIN AND) HURON STREETS Capital $10,000 Sunput and Profits $90000 GeaneralitBaingtt sinitess. 3pereentipaid onTimet anid Savingxsliepoesita. Safety Die- C f:. I I c t 4 h l I1 I (lee-, fTrhenoe Sentitir Laws. lttrneli. 211... 4 rosokier, c.. Steioritt,t '% iegi . .. . . . . \xi~e 21) ... )irnzl.. \Iinc . 1 ... iii~gh 2).. O ti [ I i I 6i 2 [1 3 c 6i 0 3 4 3 0 0 T 20 0 6 io 1 3 io c .3 0 0 1 4 2 47 3 19 39131 AB Ri H t 3Io2lc o TI loi I 1 . ,, O 2 I O 1 () (} 1 ?it 2 41 O i 1) . 1C 4() ,I 0 39 I i.1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fetlltr.t- 2 17 . .. .. . it 0 1 3 1 2 I~ic~erhuser 3h... t1 00100 ii3 Cooeutt ......... 4 it 0i0 it 0 Vbuttp........ 4 Ii0 ci 3 1 Sallfortdlci..... 4 t0 0 1 1 lDititiher tI.. ....4 l1 130 0 33 7 7 24 io 8 itlnO . ..11 ..1 ... ... 5 2 2 3 1 2 lTMtiil .... ... ... 4 2 1 1 0 0 t e. ..... ..... .... 5 O ii 1 1I 1O Reedril ..... .... 4 1 2 b' 0 1 Cox . .. .. .. .. .. 4 0i ti 7 1 0 Coirnell ........ 310 00 00 Lre6............ ... 3 0 0 2 0 T 36 6 5 24 5 7 hitilict......3 2o0o0o0o0oIo t-6 t iner ci..... 1 0 t 0 1 3 it I -7 Summritites: To- lxii i, Gammtont, Reedler, Fellers. Sttcrifice liii--Kelnier. Shtol tbae--..ilurlesite. lbasex itthlts -OffCoxoley 3,ittf Vettle3' S.FStrct ll-Reedier. Umtpie-FItontain. I,: 1)1 ItO-- Ni list, tie litre a perfect cliteer foruit- leathers ittlaltck andt griay i-makethe l et itit ittrter ttaninext. itielieldit 611111'Stice,.tito 6.1\aiitii. Sit. iocr ar .ti Wonduiuers, Ifbag's. 1sl -tie Ati len'st.Clotthe-, Sio[), hini Si. Shill SllI N1(3 RS. Getx-ourxciingtpcaristt li t i discomit -lvl if rdered iteltipaty lots efor } ulc xx[oSxthiiStilec 10116\IS 11CI )1-Pi, Settrs, racets ii gur tge ourilahketst ("()odriich I ls Im ilt. ShtteixantL&Co., xxltiiie NMexicanix hliicontt Carnte at olilirie lxiii. 68t1 C 11A NS661li N MiS--(et tstec iailpices x i ti ii cixi ulie s, a 't shixi;'t. 4011 Ladiu n lx xtickw tiefor e hn Nlenux IClothlet Sitop, NIhiillSi. il8it THE EST Jivstentt yoar% n-aeaak..okyournbstat alltlmas. SPRING _WEAR Men's andi Boy's Shits never before so attractive, dlistincetioni,- intdiiduality eltarneher, fashion right and qunality, stint iariaetics ttonieet the most exacting do- titan ci. Halts, eilegintagtg0stle;In, lbrightest qutalites, Kinox, Stetson andilBc arcurti lemxiers. 'ManutaniSlit slull line Globves, Dets and Pen ts ittatilt Ii ntri cxliimxx x litplayn()f'Neckwe an anid fancyeyst. It. I'CaMan-. Prtes. Wt. tC. ST-at tat.Vice-Pres The Ann Arbor Savings Bank C li