THE MICHIGAN DAILY . H i. Wild Comipanly MERCHANTI TAILORS : Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER to (M~eniumn, Light, and Dark Art Leathser) Silver Drab, Grecian D~rab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and Kings Tan. We have the Blarney, Hodson, Coinberland, Chester, Orient, Pel- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating 'Tweed, and London Wars- teds. Please come early and have your Suit reserved. G. H. Wild Comfpally 311 Sooth Slate Street SENIO0R S Order Your Visiting Script - - - $ 1.25 Block - $2.00, $2.50 Old English - $3.00 100 Cards from Plate 75c ag the Students' Bookstore Sheethall & Co. Porto Rican Canes llig ot, odei st. i.kits titsks. sitnative \vi) s oango,.ssaii-hsoost. palts.ets.e it) t1 e sies; $1, $1.50Oand $2.,iiiic- i{-sit\ 5 tra ix Adtdress ROOT & CL3IDER Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424 Ti HE MVICHIG.A.N DAILY. tirsititttt thtes'staic te asa'iolii acl toarsettrsiito-thetile iee ss oftte seet .tiiiiigsii~Attc' oiand aIs telp ieig-aniiathletics, 0' cz.kl NE7:.I rvxx~r. sessathletes whotwoulssmiie1(1 tlssoot var- I soss a isei sits tmtaterial. JOHN 1'. VV UKZ Ness Lit i1si Fredt1?. (iostitig .sWiltbur 1). Elliott ... Johnt T. Keisiy I ..lottia S. Basker .....LouisKrastt Jamse s i t skiis stMorrisontiStiatrotti Ct s-es 5Gtotsit G.>S. Lastier ,\S' 1 5 iii ciiITiO . I A X\111ite Fred Lawitn ,ialtier K. 'tuors tH. A. Mikesell Dai sisF. Jonses S. XW. David Roberscitisitiss Paul Greer Same st 1ttIMtsrris V. 'T. Contklill G. C. is itsmi listsBirnsey 1." . 1 is. w j r. I srry illyaor BUSINESS STAFF c.A x1onii t Norca. 11ts Hill Addtress: MICHIGAN DAILYv, Prrss Bldg., MXtttt ard Street. Manaisger's louss t-2 p. at., 7-8 p. it. dalsiy, except Sunday. Both phones I itI isil ' si se- t ,t r~,Ism. ots :ssc~s. 'Nh ISn< th anualinstr schsticst itt h llits si nn i titu t suitt ssfuis m~la~m nt of th s in etsasi'-e, the v'mIct' 't e t ttnieit tlercit cili- lk Ins, x1(1 thi prti getss victor woud ri~g rcetlste eties htay:i thing n21l its he sttleto rn-thijsevent h "wk t12 ts itstatilt take it tr ly a l t () itte itlrests. Inii tic S ccis 1)1 ( ttt1 tnp l ito a 'msre rs d ligr itithe 1fu ture succets sis)f ts's I stit itdets oluoictoe nna itran (-,li nt tirs tal t el iththe.tis i iii sits. ii 'b plstilll tforce atM A '.seemti 1t4 is sitmiatiI s tiitt a ar e Inui- liiiof i t i s s sit it is iii iii itt onid-lt itee t an n h isrpresottsits. 'IIits titlt tlmit ()f igener'l interest Gene ratts'concededithi te mst s stes- st "senior sisgs' illthe hisitory ofi tis miv iiiit irthe evenis ofi thl atst ts( wees houd rov sl 1it tstiteatittit foii tivry' Isiasizoomi)mInitoi iigathe ci'n ts eseiior tbenschi t ighit. Niiotitil iswitt rthese affairs lne' ismotareal miteoris il i i shte at icst iatssini site imptressiononali wositsrarum tie e~ttoS s to s tists re sisme thiing sitout1 the it roupc oft meill ttitedit ll s itnd iu'gown issetiis's for iti' last fe ime leatogetther asining itichetrand olds collsge stil~gthIaitcmtiailust, l thritll s'very' meber of til it vtuu'cci c'. 'The 50011ntimakes totter XtMicia ntr of every sundcergra'uite wh oswitnses it. Ttieclssofot1909 0ca1niteavitsoset- ter e gacyito 'lthlie imistersits'that aire- sica of cltradcitiosiia ofthiscliatiaster. mIusic ana E'rama ITHEliNI 5I:SI. i sir Nlajs icl ic'e ts. iTicsitee's shalosi Wo lit at 'tssl ts i's'. 01)sit sit a e, si sity trico. is 'ta listar t the' ' tti ti <'it'' fewindioorsi s 1echesioftheiiicicus itdth s titsom 'ytilt litsapelc l Iindisios silts r's itt edls oris' s'ts' ctt Ro t'ers, stan i unu sualy ildet iloqtis's tl fo itows tit ati'diao u etwa 'its col- o'redittaid lit'" ti lit qusmii'hattlssthreiitoforeibeensitic11a11lii Ibts ontti Maiit'sticiliro1r111 lri ndi i t secued, hatbranh lofvocliss wold ce I Wesl come'iiti'it'' it ssin to ft' tt Ii' til ls.i dciit' gi'r~ liisl icto te ives ofithicli isl assit.iencei'tiliketaitrt isisromsic cleetit c ry osta.l'trprsIing. lhiirslic its is good theiriomdy isneindteir Com'elt.'and stlttsassrtiebbccl e h sil s w 'ith'iat 1msi alsttt hat sur-i pass s'pst i ilar sitits.ciill it b taim'entsteir approsaischiiadee cteai ecit. diettltisIskeen lscli xin wsir ls RA'sp e'nd it liptnity vi llbes affoi d- ed'onitt i it ti 0u ciaf to tots heari 1.1 vesuity is alls iithe toccals i t''li t he Tsraduas itii l rec ' iiitalfMs Maud Carri'i tmoEt o Rapi's'cwhosfo thsi (atwo Cai sanbe n tillpi fl, ' Stie.nwick ft.he.ScholoNti.Th (a) .X rustts ......... .... itkl soet Ito) laotscte . . tisi ti tVt.t:XttN hESt I JURISTS tItc'ttOlEi iBY \iWOOLSAiCK Id stet 1 cmembrsilwte sre tkitoit11 ts' jttis li'law ionr'rysoieit. XWoo- iak n ttoedtalistsitssial bntqet ofith isc aietlt iiiasiit. i.Those' inii1ed Cn title oe halt ofte projted'is'l iii riip sits rist a-to, Iri' the flslisittit:cAXJ'XAbbott, '09: II. L it'rktstto9t V.C. i isont, ittl- hamist'it: C.. I i shut '09: C. B. israttiti'tiltW, .iAii itcii'o: J. H-. Frices ' 'isi S. T. lToampsotut JK. Wa t~ kiinsls. sitatlltfIichsis igaadiCs. Weishi of1the ilaesiitt h oincast WA1111 I-Alsecond-hani ca no'. ie if lJitil. (oct771 LO1 ST--Pairtomobsiistile glasssSa.St 'tritit. h"iiittr tplease liee 51t<021E.. iX'tsltir15r15.orica01111 9.-. i-Riswar. LOSiT'i-At sr nerSeety IHollow, cap' mtighttwo dbsitvrtealstooisiandstisw111 S. iitiysrit. ctRectrdgien. 6ot "Youngs'cI ' s"-none bteler cde- spitgs[ siteItsalc a t 'lleun'Cothies Shop, s.Miss t. 8it Irisvst essonis its chem'isist. A1r. Klist 210Glen ice. li-t DANXCE FROG~ReX uiS. indtbt it itct ments'th~le 'right'' kid-- wi It prtmtlyifurnireds. ' lie ocrs a c stsis'mpleteinetoffraerityls'dies ad tel- llide &n Zetaskti, S. Sate dstt.13eod u list-5clss t Prldsi's Soie St's'. s oS l it St. 5 -o Coig ut sile. (.)f tites lt -a tg rcc dutin t1 ' ' ' Srs.' 120 R,. Liberti St29Ciii i)ucs tlistsstitg, stltcsis et ttemt Its lii o 'sShoeutoSi.lie Ichive tem its In bucskclinstst taangry calswit ts't' be tiltbbr silesiiade.Ts he kinidt listak n caice ils aoslt- us soo l d $i.oo. Ilo lisadwiches odelvered. College ist. Roils phssneis-a08FLsitd 1075 blo. S1?-iliES.-caliac sciss soustl e the it st p ilts m ic iitilts st. Jol-siit l'it & Xcvidi .tl S. Sate 1St. lit Colltsgisisn itclot's fori'cilge ilts prinstsiesonsitasle t Alin's Cothesc Shots. 'intiSt. it cisalisig's. 40ii tNckwl'iealie hotsiery iloes tr the Cl'oites Shot, IMaini S. i8ti VISITING CARDS You will ieed them s001n- Don't put off ordering them until the last moment. Order Now and yon will surely get theta ott time. $1.25 for too cards with plate-All work guaranteed. WAHFR'S University Bookstore Think ioi a KODAK iisce las All Styles (Newi and Secotiss 1-aus) fritmi$1.00 tSo ht00 .00 FRESH SUPPLIES Ilioieitoter 1 take i1ltA 51/ FPRTNT'S(soe pie as other's.) LYNDON 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. A~IL IB&ERTYNSTE sporting 3GOODS Senior Notice 'lb se-ti l's wishblu the Itu09 Steivire elsei'jiectedto leve oreestnow, pice'$.50N ci eli- taed. 117'e tlsosinoiike 1t910 stud shiel . Win. Arnold JEWELER 220 S. Mi St. Il fice Suopliesi Direct from the Manufacturer to Consumer In order to introduce our line, for a short time only we quote following prices on high grade goods: 100 Sheets A No. 1 Carbon Paper $1.19 500O Sheets A No. 1 Carbon Paper =-= $4.79 Aywih = 1o = 3 nbuprl rbak 3 High Grade Typewriter Ribbons $10 2 tDoz. High tirade Typewriter Ribbons = $7.00 10 t'or anyamachinue, in.puirple, bite or black,copy or recordt. Above quotations for delivery throughout United States. Factory Rebuilt Typewriters OLIVER, No. 3 n~odel, $25 to $35 SMITH PREMIER, No. 2, $25 to $34 REMINGTON, No. 6 and 7, $22 to $36 Underwood and L. C. Smith at reduced prices. All Type= writers sold by us guaranteed for one year. NATIONAL TYPEWRITER SUPPLY HOUSE SOUTH BEND, INDIANA ''-stditill"''peatic m' ussic flrst' letsc Swe'a.tees, 63c;I great. it sates iss . Seissis sets' mSis's XIisis' I iusse. if HI-SPPRI1Ni 44 HATS HATS HATS CAPS CAPS Spring Swits are now on~ display. Always the right thin~g at the right AMS &Co. WADH "II U 121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack. Props. Plioue Sol