TIIK MICHIGAN b1AILY sie 'e how one thousandl differenit fab rices ultraisinart ever y one. Oiii styles are as miodest as a Junie bride, or as dar ing as ain Africain hunts- a n.i't The extra particulaii fellow wae just dote on pheasing, we'll ippireiate the. s visit iiore if yon're of thei" hard to fi.'" J. KARL MALCOLM NwWhitney T'heatre BOTH PHONES 480 UNIVERSITY NOTICES Secreiary (arl Siiiillspeak ii.at .MClillaii Hall ioniightiit i ) ii. 'The aanual iavvii c of liie Aifichl:iil 1 vot ill be uhiTdilCUniversityv11xii M1ay 291.11il IIa. iii. P-p sc n i 1119stv1 h nd c1iii I viiiiv i i on \.UCiviersiyolvai .Rtunt 4178l3 J. it R(\ 99d 1ho Use Oldi ?eglish floor iiais Boii phoneiis 237. C. IT. Major & Co.icod-if ('Ti IOl 0119 M1en ii and iiin: See ciiopaoiisi ail ha-vucumfort.1"ai ma ean sc:50a. r,,. T 705 North University Ave. Locat Cars West Bound- -);45 a. in., .:1a a. O. A. MOE. na.. andiiviver ohtuiuatuoii1i1i)ji.00 220-222 Soutth State BILLIARDS AND POOL 30C Per Hour" HOWELL & JOHNSON, Props. M. E. RYAN, Manager Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant nale I irt lin<; tI I e lt ilali 111u1 ChineseFre iyIDishieslieaks and Chiopis. liii i biu; first lass foInd1iis :ll iliiitliiiiil Reei l iiii cii '1 orito1 1wanted. Clieaestitcniirka 1Aenl Arboi.THE T. J.CAIE CO. 314 S. STATE STREET Room 45 Rowltand Bldg. DETROIT aiiiiii Stysi il iisali'atii (livi ' Clioihas Shovp. 9ailu Si. 18i f Position Open frtoo Positthreetyoui in of good address as5 map sales- mient for the suniiier mntths. Silas [armer & Company Dept. B. 29 Monroe Ave. Detroit, Mich. I WILL PAY YOU A SALARY DURING YOUR VACATION Ifyeu anat to earn'aaaueither daring your vacationu orduirligllilv spare tulle at sahool, daing specal woirk, write toe today baefoi'eyour ter- ritoiy is covered. Yoil can devotielis mchlori'as littli' 1 iflIto lii ll prpoitioni as yea wish. 151 Wab'ail Ave. Chicago1 A. O.SPALD NG & BROS. The Salin areutlari'a iiri i 1 Trade-Mark o'OFFICIALE QUIP= MENT toraltathteti 440-tNii sportsandepasimes. a W in sttle' ie S0o Psaa . yue. ul at of-ol Qnati Vy. ifltael. ltitt 't A. G. SPALDING (it.BROlS. 234 Wooadwnard Ar., Detroit 1000 Ways to Get Rich BOOF $2.00 Bok tor Only15 Cents g i wani tstona e it tu 0, aly. Thuis; alook aill ti theiivirho.iaar lya orh aokan event ing t show forntiieai' i liaiai ittiamuhpoo.i Oeig tet tiia t hav e adri' inn; h iit a u v~~ei ai" a bie tnu'ia ti l lill 1.t ne'tlaa'tutili'e'iutv etluiua taphll 1aig a'i' exp.'u'h~lae ',aaeo in u t Boioli a E CE litle a bor l w im a a'a ia N''gl 'i eie a b' ii i' tyay the yoe eaia l t t lete, lii 'ta rt any bynail, mang Sathtaha i ~ev iii,ean~11 edily A Good Body and a Clear Brain Are Necessary In Both Athletics and Scholarship. Both are forms of exercise ; one bodily, one mental. In each ease the waste matter nm-ist be built up and renewed. The most nourishing, strength- idgiving and easily di- gested food, is S HREDDED a WHOLE WHEAT It contains all the body - building ma- terial in 'the whole wheat, made digest- ible by steam-cooking, _."f shredding and baking. It is found on the " training - table " of nearly every college and university in this coutry. "It's all in the Shreds." THE SHREDDED WHEAT CO. Niagara Falls, N. Y. there. z.. .._... .. _ .. .. ALWAYS AHEiAD IN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY THlING IN TAIK.ORI.NO