- THL MICHIGAN DAILY I i ( I NGINIERlNG iOPENS Quarry's Prescriptions and Physicians' Supplies are our specialty Vit w ae n ot forgaotten 0o alii a choiee line of uiidries Bath Goods, Laboratory and Microscopical Supplies Quarry's Money Loaned On Wat Ich, iamocndi.Law Itooki oriihrxersonal iiproperty. Watces and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Officenatiresidenice 331 F Liberty St Ann Arbon. flors:8 toii110 a.m..I to l:30and 7to ALL1000100INEiiNFIDENTIAL JOSEPH C. WATTS JOLLY'S a-a-a Briar and South Arican Calabashx PIPES Imtportedad Doamestic Cigars Cigarettes and Toas PILLOWS and BANNERS AT Darling' &Malkeaux V. of M. B ARBER SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSK!. Prop. ItATh ii)(01Sx '1111i tSLI N TiBl, HOTi ANOI(101)11 ilii 11,51BATH icIBR . nG ASEIALiTY , .25 CEvoc1 322 S. State St.AnAbr ih Phone 3939 ,An ellMih UP COMME IRCiAl, iEILDS I Prof. C. S. Deisoiispoite iefiiritie Enineerinxgsocieiy laitiiigiii,o00"A Rexvieiwof ihe Eogixirerixig Profrssiinii "Engiiieerig," Prof.iDeisonxid.cisi thie conduinig of natiiral forces toith lses of mcix. The elevelopmienii of eni gYileerixg goes ixiiiand lcixinh dwihilie in elopixini of comeiiie. Tw liun- iii lied vearx ago iiiLioind iion iidid rcicaliy nobiixin e s ithiile coiiiiiiiarouiiilt beroise th eree re ino faciliiit iercom-i muxxncioini beixee niit xandi adjaceni t:ws 'fileiuiiitexiSicixes tiiiii one if ithe foremost natxifons oiiaccoxxxiiiof its resoures aiii of its faicilitixesfiii hlxciiig itiese resixies Thr ae moe ilex ifrairoadxinitieixUiieid Sicies toxdcy ilictfirer in ai ll ither cixunxtries comiiiiied. Withltisf develoipmenini iengineer- ing ihere caxnxle iio moxult:iliai ihe ex- giniering iirofexsiuoiiofferx oiie of thr wies vield s foer work knioxwn. Ply only regret is tainic icolleges itiey shoxiuld offer ulegrees scciias C.. aniiiM. Whly should itieyspciaxlize Whisx nxit lie degree of Eixgiiieer girein, let- (iug ihe stiudenti siecilie afiere le hoc beeiiouti ilie woirldIn aliie umedicl dleixctent:exidfi tley tire ilie degree iof D ocior if lbuigs Nix. They gixve a manx aidegreerof Dtoxr ofMhediiee aiiidInlifiisipecialize ini iiigx if lie ishs xi'.The troiiile is, mexi try tox xpe- ilize iooxsoonlini llhiirin he ofi eigineer- lil xwirk. S'i'.TRio SSUE S PRO IiNENT IN DE.If'CR.''IC CLUE) PROGR.'A] Tfle0Democriirc eclibxi liiiodaspe cilmeinig tonightin itxsillomsinxik - lis' hlli. T'flue oetinugililibe clled hroinllirtii7 :30..A sp endciasecters' pirolgramihcasIbeen irercigeid for lie exen- ing cixid the miietingil iilibe nmuachiiine natureixof ai big irlly. .\icvor llenduer- 111, lthiexicandxiae fo r iiiigresx fromi gresmraa, ownend wle xesento giviaxilkc onlie isxsuesx inisilffiht. ther xpecterxsiwho hiaie ibeenxpromi- nly assxoc iced wihiii feixc in thile satr ixghtliixii Ie lpresent:lto stcie itie ixinditions if ltiitcipaignu and toxxdi lx lithe issues thiatlarelilix~e proinilileint ii ti xiriiugle. 11ff &KfRfiore, 3314 S. Sicie. ,17 11eset fglaxss i fxxxxrtsof itycu. lMiii ifholiiec 237. C. II. .\lcjir & Cii. eiii-tf Caii at Root's 11ush ic ire and1111 x lie nieix two-stepx tollege 'Yell. 11 A l'lf.\ N L',ANDlADiiLtPhi1I IiSCUSS PRE SEQN' iSSUES In oivn irogrami of geinexil iiiteresi will lie iresxeiiteid fyithe Alphxa Nuho- iiighti. The question for idebxciexiiilbe: "Rexslived, tdill'atk isxuesvecuireid li commiercilpcper are preferable 10oitioxe 'ectireil liv lond. Thuisiitie saell queionlmoexviiielxiilibeidebatledi liy ihe varxitx debacting em Jcnucry 15. Avcl solo liy J. G.Ecice xwiiilibe a feituire of tie Adelpium eeting lixnighit. \ielilers xwiiilibe xalledl onifor imi- preomptu sipeeches 011 ihe Iiigiiaii 1 cc- uionil. The quiexiiiniforidebacie xiiilibe: ciicole, itiailSeinatxr Forake's ric- tion wiith tihielv xita ilrdOil companii~y, as ideiiiunleid byip Mr.. Hearst, xiii jxsii- ficable." Throutghout school days, collegie days, business or professional career the Conklin Peenxvilnseve you faihfully and make wriing a pleasuire. Youiidon't havelvi coax it or foss wih it 10 get it to xvrite. Because of fins won- derful feeid principle, ink respondn instantly at the The College firot stroke cod oxaintixs an even, steady flow to Standard, the taxi dot. Another gre'at advantage of ownlug a CONKLIN'S FLLIGPEN --you're never witho~ut ink. Nixmocher wrhere you may he-xe youxr room, lvvciure hli, xt the ios't office, telegraph office or hlln, or on the trill-all y11u lxxvelio do wheo your Conklin Pen buegixns to run dry is txo dip it in any ink- wvell, prexo the Crescevt-'iii r xxxiiiyoiur pen instantly fills itself coil is ready lto xriie. Thle ,sxine siniple movement also clexins it. No nixssy droppxer-nxo spilling of ink-no interrvuption lto your trax i f1thoug xht. Haxnidsonme catalog direct from the manuxxxfxvturers,'PTle Cixel in Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldg., 'Psiedii,lxiii, oxi request. Said in Ann Arbor by Gee. Wahe's Two Boo0k Stores anid Sheehan & Campany. I IF 1" I ntercoiiegiate Notes. Flililixi, cxxx il Pexioxyx fixixll teamxi, hasixjustiretuirnxedtilxiliege ,aind hasi bemvi dleclarxedinxeligilile. Wfilliamx Jexnninxgxs iBryan, Jri. s xax I cndidate for ltxe presidiexncy if ithe sophomuoxur e class ofithe Utiversityxii Nebircatxa.He is deipendiing xxxi the xxx- hull' s vxoix 10 pullimxthroixiugh. Theii wealtiest studxentl atitle lUniver- sity ofi 'iaxsliigxixxis a H-ixnduxswho is xting xi elecriiaxl exngixeinxg. Inx xxd- lxx ltto is iwealllih e lxaixaliixt of royl iacestourx withxi a iedigree ive thouandiearlonguh. NOTICE. Any pelrsonixorv peroxs posesixg iiik- stIre in lxgerx, Iitk-bxltedi stationery, or xsuper-heetemp exlxrs, 0n and after Sal- urdlax,fOci. 17, iloll, owill hare lieni selvexslto cenisure foirlniii havixgipur- chasiedl a Redi DwavrffIxk Ptenxcil for lie xxxxxxxiidevxx coxiiderationx if iniety-eight matsi,atlCClinxs' drag store, wihere Sxit irlis. foixiitaiinxeix sale is still coxn- lixilixg1 2-17 Prixir l axixel shirts-jiixi oxwhxtiyou lxave bxeexi lookixig for. H-einry & Co. If Frex chliicoxix cxrne. Ask for trial ii tCollege liii. tif E eltxyouerbath supplies axxdtoilxi at- ticesatCusiixlig's phxarxmacv. if JlOE LENIHARD AVERCIIANI'TAILOR 1R;'P MlRI NfiG AND PRESSING' 21o1)CE. Wainlgtoxn Si. Reule - Colill-FiegeL CON 200.202 SOUTH M~AIN STREET f\We make a sixecxalty of vcatering to tihe'waxxts of college men iwhlxdxanxxdxxithatsxxmetixng xin clothes called style, it is lirithat lfeatxtat I, Adler & Co. ustomx'Tailoried Siiixtxlxnd Oxvercoats have the reputatiooixif beinig the inst ill Axxerica. W~erarry a coxmplete lixic if AlaxhxattaxxClixris, Silver Collarsx anid op-lo-elite N'c'kwvea. Everything in Furnishings for College Men TothBrushes T hWe replace any tooth brush costing 25c or over it it sheds its bristles E. E. CALKINS, Druggist, 324 South State !Street $4.AL0AMaCLOCS5$100 weatALARM4CLOCKS $1.50 Std ns e TuE A s cain Choral Union aind May [estivalAAMCOK 1s. 10 Star Concrts $3.00 Single Concert $1.00 ALRM CLOCKSa$1.75 7 Sembaich, Hxamlin, Bronstein, arilowitseh, Thin loncaivys'Te Wratch Rseaa [t Ig a Spoatalt OFFERS FOR 1 908-1~909 Thomas Ochestra (0 pieces), The Choral U'nion (00 voucs)veip Cii c ra Alln, fogi etKeysDaniel Reddoe, Heret Witherspoon,an A LIST OF TEN SPEAKERS OF WORLD-WIDE FAME: other Staro to e announced. Rowe's Laundry JUSTICE DAVID J. BREWER Tickets on sale at THOMAS ROaWE, Prop. HON. CHARLEMANGE TOWER SCHOOL O F M UVS IC 320 N. Fith Ave. JOHN MITCHELL Or student canvassers Liberal conxxisionalowed to ticket selles New phocne 457 Bell Phone 45- PRESIDENT BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER WIKN O MAKERS AND DESIGNERS S. S. McCLURE WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON Chinese Chop-Sey Restaurant OF COLLEGE JEWELRY HON W BO RE CCKANChinese Fanxy Dshs, Ameran Lunches f Carriage and Baggage ID .TRELladies adgentlemen. For each Cople to cd rox atis, Haler'sJe lr Ste DA~M.TARBELL Chixinse and Japanese Bri-a-ra. before 12olok $151,sler 12 ociuiixJwer 3 JOHN HAYS HAMMOND upstairs, one dor S. Ilstofls,, 314 S. Stae St. $2.00 21 OUT11 'lAIN STRET BRNK OR AAIAFor each Trash tcor froimidcor, le ___________________ BARO KOORO AKAIRAprice will e 25 Cents. I cariedi to and AMBULANCE Bell Phone, 9, 2R or from lp-stairs, the price will e Drivhoe 9 5 esaerqirdt cieies Large Collection Antiques in Drivrs re equredto ollct ash Brass, re, Caper ad Chinaware Donald Robertson and Company of Players R.ADOP &c. for carrigeandbafgaeesevine. 'rfaenu idcrrt oue n Suxcesuxs toiO. M tartix WALKER'S LIVERIY student dens. Tickets for All the Numbers . . $2.00 H ROBINSON & ° Addos 1 FnrlDirectors W. w H. STARK iuiii FnrlWATTLES' LIVERY. Miss Florence S. Babbitt 209S. 4th Ave. Ann ArbOr, Mih. YPSILANTI, MICH. STUDO- yr'LtrTt, .rir- 319- Last, Huron Street