THE MICRidAN DAILY S1 iTH I G. H. Wild Comfpanly ::aMERCHl-ANT TAILORS : Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Meniom, Lighf, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole, Royal Gray, and Kings Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumbserland, Chester, Orient, Pet- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Wars- teds. Please come early and have your Suit reserved. G ,H Wild Comupally 311 South State Street 1 SENIO0RS Order Your Visiting *®CaUmrds.. 'is fli :11-4 B MICR MAN DAILY. 1Nilttisictt ett~ei ii thess 1 ttli i o sot o ccrts bithe - sit ad llsssess;ien~ attdisissiicalslubs teas sdispelliedciIt ies flwaeCant) 3rama Ci zxcKI. ~iitcsso*e ted assd stpilaueshul et nin IciVIisN Btese j Pss 4iages sptt siosn for thsese organzossst'eso take AJESOTIC THEATER. Jots i. to zthq place. these sholic cussespy in i- Y ris thetevr goers tiec sanis versits ieto 1be truly ttuniecrstit sti-lissess n ie-Veigh is familia rosessig certs, ikti hIte senior' sisstrm' s imari nnttet irsetl metit prodsiuctiossis the .l:rtssi E. Gooding event si tse stimstellationst()f a itst 'sieesi Ie gcsts t-~l ie he o n slisssr. .. M.13 IC Eliott . . .At hs. t.thez~nd ofteepitt oa 1. Kisy sato 555thr siris etewic s S u mnstecet. ISe s hik) e 1eit thii e s t s ti sss h at od stg tt Jtetstisseicsalleth sitsn sti e'tt. I ess t l c i i n\etsvau eviel e ndths t i st . ii.... . oiiis S. tdaker tttt 1eeii ltes i st ee i ttt ie it te cc iesisr ci sia lteoee psr seseti e .lette.. ......1o is Kraf etepts leer a handsitstaind, isesMien t e t t 5 Ntic. es~it eeiltfers's -il a steveoA, 'i~:. bildtin feritttts tiese opp timtetie~s it sites. acingi.tsc e i st abv f 5pcells O rder Now K. Wassitskin s rrisonetSihafrosthItis ffletrid sten isltdel iites s'cc r ottti c]ti 5 i mttc-c ies. eAs tsose 'tris hle eentttt anid yottwill sutrely get tltem 14Caoc . S. 1lateler etettetts, ndthe t stissic bsei isi ldsetee ithesis such1 comp555ti 5e iis s tr Savse on time. Ix ice ~ tsetti e 5tdvantgs'etof itt"s vclli prttscsits tttttretost e e isn l tspe A.tct't,5, tlttt't' thteye reect tiedy anii capp.edttl b>'tt tt I it fartee s looks aste t e co ene d.tee NN hisis Freed Lao t heoite io ne of tthecir contcert in ts of mot e'g teatee wil lhee c ta of rK. 'loweeres H. A. Mikesell Unsiversity Hail. Ci ci sindWlltiesstearsmusicaec$1I2 1E. Jone's S. W alde - rs scsi iave (e ofts the smoeeststr- for too cards with plate--All listlessi Patti rer 1 cii ,me be sf itl'as o 1ciat. ti aueisltle siaee A work gtuarantceed. cl11i. Nmitse Vc. 'I. 'onktltin 1912, ntstie st it lie ul- l e el .'tm- t crk i se eeplaye~is st tat Willso lciion Birtey leers etf te uivere s i ly e t ils u t1 c eis cotes Shi , cc . 1ilas'ry ilyser asitu riiselatiis o o r eda t dy crl.h s te sis ic _ sta e ctsu setter \seis''ich i est m e c.t c is f 5''e icng t estit're'pr5e'sentative o BOUSINESS STAFFW A Carl11i ()i da. Ic >slciet. ih slii)AS'1 'l'N 5 1?I1 IN ii l r'\I\N icli see assn Normeasn it. Hil. uu~e i1. i:flii.~ ~uetn: ('I' :' 1 N II T NN l N I I is it' tete -______ ste'i,, ctes ofsetscce ieKo5treaes ill University Bookstore _ss: M IGtia A ttAIY, Press Bldg., Niesies ssi "tel cc tis 'c st tetsecs" scs1ceerese, esIct 'lm es a d g et f te ''at . neetn n ntutva d te iard Strret. imassters' cliiib eni icyee c h tog ni ts se'S ct ci cii ibeta ec elic te uu lsa Icr's Hoors : -2 p. i., 7-8 p. Il-tn. lee h s uits s outi nget1 andess" teel 1 cl ase tead. el i lit 5 155tt(5 announcettstet it ec tc' y esxcet SuntdaY. Both Phones NN'itisitr e La.Saie tiesay.sit) ivte epeilc tra5mtee ts sill b iei< t thIaea o ,atramrmfodi,:ly o clc i ehoerss f l A R M U sr Aite ees' rborcese tle forttensat isttst f ,' aiin dy. A s, iii 1regular Isu ies .titet ct' t-t 5' 5 il lAtts t.i'ttit DLI I L In .ter. ris r' 111-1 maie s i,ll Isb 'e Fe'tt \N'ednc sdaye tanld ice A5 Water C. A. eAdere. Nletisi 1 .I Script - - - Block - $2.00, Old English - $1.25 $2.50 $3.00 S i. ilF SN.ATNI FSN tlA. tsc 1 t2:I Is 5 '51.5 111 le5.'. \Nsssr.s . cc e nl et t i 4tle ettee ;L1 'cc c m ite sye ttcc stet's u l. rot r sscittr'ccdeand' itte iel btsset t c'! rtn I i ste ettft'is charactert isi10 tgiti.: 'sdtc Ich ha s t al ess .t N'eist t t iise rl'lY, the au lal Icetei s tf i li :' t Iirn )I~icl- Wil asete e , an''ttssi t whch shltl rcive e s iouiseco:"' sut cii testiteit iereli e te e ao ftel it Ycrwhc loi est 55555 fortei i it cc setteiseities itt est [II c c l ec ts c lcc Nilis hould t 1 ice t'5 55 sitIti V l t If thest adi date test h ee'o resoute ttpta sNid e ss sins-,netostis (ic t ci e ci e5 " his chi s es I n''"lst fo tl t s ery i otan1e5 tof te issues tlc~hed o etyplittica smthodisse me its a tt lt cit''eel s tc judeittrtom this ~ llt()f ,siW itsr inthe lie'sort's moe.Duliste e s-t noosae silinig 'tid lssats' i tg- s 'reel cf"Il tie patron'a'ge' cofsthesats tel stieteel aptteis fori'anit nsuallys platabl deii'r sit te C lito s i s Alier te esit it", NNItel issettett asto smsert n'ti enmeii it ttls oftsi its clubi ilusted hyiit'wi s senam'. The venig Cl setwtlhcifomlclan- s'isssr. 'h'i t s stte ssisse : ''Cle'gisits e ss distests " 1ilansse Isi istct ''lssimssissi's.'' JohneC . Hills: '' \iseie ildise'ss,' N 'atsmse i.'e'nnss': ''.'Cllegs .51rests.' Sidiney iissi5'y:t "'ige r Cr' it- tee'. lss i. 1 t' l insts'OurtP'epaain S. Ai Pac.'re. .S4\'lIOS.--C'sliinge cards shseseiilbee crdere aiu5 tee'. NN'rk'nsh ip awstis tics fises; 'ices ee's' l' rtest. el- lifl'c & /c'e'asi' S. ;isse'Si. Istf Lots of people never worry about style, just buy FOWNES GLOVES I and hit it right. j~.Is iellt \alic h Eo '. 36-eod 11100 lards from P late 75c at the Studentst Bookstosre Sileelan & Co. Porto Rican Canes H -hwwa sinsti sit Reoet ative tettetie seetttgc. xis steelos(i, ialie ek.' ic isc)c ee es:$1, yl .50 and $2,Itohe- paicI, icilst Soi~xrseAdesstlcc ROOT & Ci lDER Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424 Ii steeltile yoterseptical ti ork slot itI sflier'esec.ts exvill be satisied. iI-l lee's Jestelry Store. 2t6 S. Mait St. e ne af- od Ctlegiiti clotes'sler cestein ets- t ies. hisery,.locler sirthe elrimlig styles sets sae Aeis nii's ' l fiscise .p ci'a is ese. se ie .s ra , or a e a Sliest's Shop, Nlciss Si. l5sf C'iltes Shops, iMainSt S. fl iBiseball spplsies eel ('issiiti's. sli f lesils sel Ice Nll & Scs' Mstic s Ies I' iss' t .101 'lesseerie55.'stie Sessi litils. R .it f ice Suo plies Direct from the Manufacturer to Consumer In order to introduce our line, for a short time only we quote following prices on high grade goods: 100 Sheets A No. I Carbon Paper $1.19 500 Sheets A No. 1 Carbon Paper - $4.79 Any weiht 8 t12 x 1tor8t12 x ,in blute, puirpleorblack. 3 High Grade Typewriter Ribbons $100 2 D~oz. High Grade Typewriter Ribbons = $7.00 Fraymcie nprlbu rbak oyo eod :Above quotations for delivery throughout United States. Factory Rebuilt Typewriters OLIV ER, No. 3 nlodel, $25 to $35 SMITH PREMIER, No. 2, $25 to $34 REMINGTON, No. 6 and 7, $22 to $36 Underwood and L. C. Smith at reduced prices. All Type. writers sold by us guaranteed for one year. 'NATIONAL TYPEWRITER SUPPLY HOUSE SOUTH BEND, INDIANA Ever Noticed Our;Windaws? If not, you will niake it i pount t do so lieeinext time yost are itn ouirnighborhccod It wilpay you, w know.;aD Here's a pictnre of onear; of the WALK OVER shoes in our witndow. Conte andtI a_. see how nunch better tie< shoe looks thou the pictnre.1 $3.50, $4.00 Woman's Out Metal Caif lucnher'Tie, Pomp tlodel $5.00 Pricer= a =$3.0 BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock ini Micitigatn Second-Hand Law Books Law aid Medical Dictiottaries Qutiz Books, etc. Conmplete line New atne Sec- onid-htand. Old looks takentinlitExchtange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Siecond Floor Tel. 761 Senior Notice 'f.4(11 )iii's 015sisp I/see llti Stivse Oi e~tesled ho /s-avr attdfie testis'. Th-ic'r 3.1. .1) iii pt'acsd. Ie s/e ilts / ier 1,910 ott/ s/tel/is. Wi7n. Arnold JEWELERI 220 5. Stain Si. iTwo New r Brownie Rodaks No. 3 Special -R. R. Lerus aad 1lxlb Sh'.ttes - $11.00 No. 34A Post Card Six.. $10.00 8 Differcnut Browunles ?aor-i.ndows $1.00 to $11.00 E. 13. CALKINS DRUGGIST 324 South State Street I WALK-OVER SHOECOPN Ann Arbor, Mich. CO PN 1 K I A I 121 Washington t. The Randall Studio, Randall,& Pack Props. rhot c598