The iily NO. 168. ANN AVK CiI Pt it- VOL. sIIX. ; UNl)AV, Pt 23, t-1909. MICHIGAN LOSES a >;ith l1i~t O~dt ll:))-1tt l'or IN FIRST INNING add h iigtills otilll1le' Comedy of Errors With Wet Balltatlooe odfr; ii ltth s'CO~l baciallmad i r t Stop) itd Olives Penn State Early Lead tlrttDine out t frt. 'arsge of Three Runs. anti "Stlly" walled, btt fll it was lit out t sootilsitIclloi ' t 500i't Pllihig'tit lost titi m siu Stat. Stu t o iistcondat ar t~a ippd atiithe clay, ititi l-the iicore of i t cilla he r.- pattn 19; II1 liii I--iel"} Povd i sef i1 h al ii o l l til, isi lit f1wtich ws 'i ithninhim ig ''l(icnes wsTlta rdtdti~ nyoei.nt u Putt n iii i i tiison''ico tot-hP er ii i' hind oce p le f,( e ,-Mli o rl im, d nis wil li rgi stre. rliiida otlftr nit)itth-itlt thrcclimt.t o ntintiledting h m i i i 1 t/ isn ] eti' tr l tc , Il n Ii1 uli n f . . . . . 1 _ l I i ll, t it .. . s tst ts o s - reetledi it-o ti ti''klloi T h t wo t uriii 1lirs11tilt lit liiIi. Sn il's rror is ttitss ho t ioe a l ted Its ri t 5nociii ."i . LC.. t.... t.. Y. sc r , a~ lirshwI ii itt l \Ii( la , I. . .. . . . . the I' t t in ii lit li L t tly i I ii \ ;.1. fli, A. I; If i i n t1hee foi t ha t ])lI ta tc e , e ... . . . . . 1 1 N l e il i t l t u ii tt ts l h te w' r Pits 1 .. .. .. .. PPr tilt \itt ltiti c tti tti fo nd si'cii ttil, lin I ...... .itt_ lio i tlcheirli i iwit ~t ough-ltfr" 7 i f il iul s t uci .. c iii' 1 cn\ ti h u ~ittuo h r c isuol totit piirs iatchil le\ n tc a ofte onedileril gl ingi icsigt'itsiitillsh w''s me ohi hell itu ititItttttii srthv ,it ig bllilbases Iil \licilitl i l itt ii Ietti_,i liii' ,, iii ilt' Sd iitit 'sill S1 unlit it toil iss' 'i tlys tohrtee i ttltl titt rtd hcii lii MAJON- Lit, I tGUI' uco.uos'l II, s\ liigasminct'iiillio s tiin uilt saeI tOf Atue:is I T lorst. 'lTis eci ti lhitssotoin liiir Pitch- Niw l - - --(amig -.c]lar -i itt, iathlitton o bththetutu tK-ln' tltNytus ale sscodt wosuit olt yitng uptti th 511, - tit MUSKEGON' INTERSC] New Records Set Two-Mile Event From Western P PI ttslot ;rst 's Is istitti0 c i c tk 1i1I l~ c 1 mh ill: l i 11-l/t sit lo til 1c , ItsduI 'tid- il g th -ie, ioevr adhld iiit th Ilto hsh ofi -asl spectcl-riace The i ut er otitas issisetaottlaitas the tilo tthe rcs, Cntili otf ltisko ittaksi- iii' iii-c ii tt ln lrm 1ei olilofisl ni u on t tthunitottheii Ito is 3aniibti g.ti Lout thitDotroilt runnetotosonwttstoii ise isasitndstasositherts Thin iidutal stats o ittIt it I scot- Kstitscae onsa olw olr I, n ino t;oSl il iifr M(sklm titit it1 I-,; W id mm .Ccntal. lo; je slit ii Park) fou th. i :1 - S.tu t i i 5ra ). i-w ottii i it ''i(1ii dc Pak) tiid (u r -e i111 ttt i (Mu i ti its i .f ., ,. t1 tl _ >>i ti, c rt2ii f ci lc' ( 11tt k :\t ati r t Ann .1r1)m i ( I;rt'aks old rcct lititiclrccl atld twc"iit (C ,11tral first : Ivttlc r (5ltclhy). third: Fo itti), tscon nrth. lrnrc - .23 2;. Two htltidred and twcntY % Craig WvIttra1), first ti ,m] 1. 'frond : Shaw c rt } I >rl. f aurth. ritTc _ : ) 3-- :\1,2r1« C I>c1 rit), second ; Gil fati cttc), third ; I Ic rderskrn fourth. T 111c l.df-mile rc];Iv I)ctroit l] n;i. scc 'ld : .1ntt Arh( iMs- sk ir5;- o w lci s1 C11 i)'-'' (\ aii , VARSITY LOSES IN TENNIS LOItNi ILL DEFEATS MICHtGAN TtRAn liBY SCONE OFP TO I iiI ll t i i -t i iS i I I c ttt ' ; fe -ilctoCil. it Ittlulis. Pillt \ootes a1(1 ii 11 io t. t it2 - i Irtt it RESIHMEN REACHI LONGED-FOR GOAL ith Appropriate Ceremonies, 1912 Men Burn Their Caps and Become Sophomores. Thiriscapt1burnedotIadiltheir tprid itf -~ ion ovr ntoary a toutsttandl ueu- ,rf te clss otl 1912filttut of toepy IHtlloitt last us-cnng. Wild switht tiltisiasiintitcheseritg mtaly, tey tilt 1-litup utnisteet Ito Stae iii theou sthtth le campiuss, reracig tccuso-ithy lhtilditeerleri the Shly s-aftr 7 o'cl, the setiors ill p andt goiwi, hetadedl lypthe ad, left tc Ocamtputs forthit scene of the cte- ratiu,,theothtter clsses following it sil. The reshmentwiuhitbrtoigt up is orear, iatdlof cotrsetos its greatest ubrini lue. Thinhe of mtarchx wa -Il i'losslighe ithro i r. Whletthe sissosroachedi the hltlosw they foutitd is' gtot-stn1iralreadsuy butritng. Aftert'clossss hdtaisket their liesont-oeast sopte oil the holtow, ms PWattkins, mtaser tof coretoiies, ooklcargs.tof thuts affair Tomt 1Carty itmuteduttoihle imptroisedihplatform tspokeltofii"Ctap Nigtl fromtt a Seun-- o's Standpin tt" lit tuldtfiesl-- tout thusut"tu0toey twe tssno sittthe endl ,thprid itt sluiciad tioilte ,ltiltof toteratio" ho charms f \tiu tAbrl hicssh helisnirs mutst Hav tlteitsucssostswere felitgly cfrco. ltatti provttiiahle was All -contmitsa s wltt1as a sit, whettn he die itoeresito asot Gattgot's miny esven- s-intg's Ile ethsismntof it- great audienceitt brk tut contiutally th-spuoerteigcotiiuttllyintterrtipt-- iIIycomnsior apauts. Cliii Is :V.I lis tso si anouce aoeo' titlst ppuplato tunuii the -nirrn tiu uu" eli-atotlit t Itet-ttptel a I hntin of olegeospirit 'College sprt, ie ad isiarfie. The mo ityu saciic.ustftr yourusitvietsity the greaotsr twill lityoutr rwsrd. 'foil itill sii ucceed tcaseou ittkstools tmtbe- caueyn ac Iodloktin g trlhae- P. :IiAbbott iPt tichigatsiirit fro a-t smiwtit d i fileront victwpoint. Ile phitced utur otance tontuitthe out- itauth maitttfos ttiss f srtnthlandid uti.A ic a s imasiltfor a istger Uio tuuciults tand fo asit ie it- ierst i s campstutius affairs ott the part of the us i . PrfP ikr wo spoe last, was "itrit1tewitgeat ettuisast. "St- deniut ttits"ht sad should not he sntot u s trsrooke publtic hostility. :[ touevtat iatn apipeal to th good sese sand shitiaslrp- of the sutdents is all that ititoc5sary tt irevut trouhle. The sitiznosftte.i tosate of Micigatn are behtind ul 1in all te uenterpises tat tukeltorftsmumatnliiss .,id aru agaist all thas ttutases fits disorder or rtwdyistt." Betwesoot htusitechets, te bstndt played theuoo usansuig, anttiul Stlivanltell iithe yel.Afterltherotramuwslcomt- p ilted, thto freshmienc circled the greti trtsig thitir cp ito the blaze, suisd tmrchedmifromttieuthotlow,"safe muw intoessphtoimre class' C(u)t Pt VN~CKi,3INT'TICKTS tIMiI'CD tN NUM ER In hicscomuntttfiiieilimitidilcahacity of Uniss'ssity' insl, thu Scntae Cotnil htas teeni mfooted tot iass sa rsoutiot limting thoe numibor of tickets wshih any seior cotahisti for tie gratduaing exerises to tut. Ntot ouly is the nuttbser ths limiled, bmtt nttne t all will be gvet uless thio applicats satisfy te sec- tar stttey arc for the use of their ititiotlisto relatives. As sooi as the miay Ite obtasinict front the seuretaries of the varimous tdepartmtentts. lcr_ ri -' I(' th suiti i it s) tl '-h tilt li lglit v-- ,wr ktrcand s it-as I7 Wd u ht liimit ltio- c r l tl l- ls-li i titus sissuitisi hiin ths- niis- ital Pitu Pou st m0) thrill i' l l cx;Ic twit titus hi hiit 1,1c tuui c althus ittush itt tr i it ii hi tch suaIts1mut ardtsh' tiMudl fir st liplt ll>. illivu, Grand kthus Is sitearly~ tep ytitus sitthus c 'aksiall- iliusIt(,,tre GOLDEN LOOKS OVER FIELD SAYS MICIGAN HAS PLST ATHILETIt FIELD IN AMENICA. "Poiim (lll rinr fth- P State t m msm-u-Iinspectd Ferr A-li t riiu dav it tusmiths ih Dieto ji palitricit suitnn Stte Phsi 1 l oldeni allt tuaueititeiliunspec uting te mM ield al tvr ih out iths e auits t ihh pl-ns'forth. ti-i-ve -insteIehumahit salutahlt hits I frottm itt itspslushonm of ber cl. It usis undub dlhi th e is atl ti.filt i tet m't s -Wer itse t i n6 sum 5- an - 'ic ar uais hut rP Varstitythums stt s lyt ios li utsohulriuitldsits thr ursitcas sta th ile t 1 i eP tituitSe . () rr- Olh'-Mic-igaIsthmI litt ermiif's iltis fori i mume liu i tht es tan h s miy theusil mnivsityniAmteticammu '1 ,nm i eldmmm atsuinn ;Statis ltoil tl- cot-i sttm ulti. .1he i b sb llcn andtlm limit poA illhe Ilt 1ad -I ted W- ,vatrp M o iiiy te- ts II bot - e14 t 1_lt i d l ay o this Ce tal W ii) the lsitithuit let k i nls cllcter th us lu l f i h m 1'a 11 itt ial l im tad lead ih mt" limi- - 1lLIHey.