The Mihlgan Daily \N \>R1()R, MICHIGA\, SATURDAY, MAAY .22,r1909. No. 167. VOL. XiX. EASTERN TEAM thm whleo fll i P0411 ioslC ONCERTS PLEASE IS HERE TODAY r; 1) ~l~' l>l m; g1(iti r>r 1 LARGE AIJDIENI - - 1 n 2 . 1 e Wnun b t ip e ts, . l t ith ytied"11f'r'irsi Strong Penn State Players Meet'111i i Standing Room Only on Cam Varsity on Diamond; Blanding il 11 the 111 ii0 "'r throw. 4 at Concerts Given by vary on Slab for Michigan. B~lk-nsmodasrpti1-a and and the Musical Clt With the co. ep~tiono f he Notre 11hej ir sar°nc mlc ;o oa ith the Lest of isprin g weather; Dalle -'tiketo. 0 1 1110 June114 an ;,the teri hnesoo.' hehlnc r invtion 001 lititrodtneed bysthe band o ot i th peo.l tat'01teathis aftter- Ill-ie' IShw',1hei 11a 11e1ler '11111'lus Fidaiight, was a ~mpoie oh h etoeta csaolii )atflfrbtv ucs.Mr hi ~v hisw ow 1111he seen i(m the ca iwel t i 0- 1fet1foced o ten 10 imse,11111 o dntsoownspolethindIwo iitisngl st1rol o 1 ' tcals a V t 111111 Carlisle, 1111101 t Cent1r1l1 h 1111 1ts ti11-1on 111 1111111ron (if thei ,a111 hii 111111111 T ch, lnd srow171 n the or11111 pti' i i n th111 Ill 111 and 011111 to 111 o'111 clock1101, 111en1the vatrsity iiain 0l1-, ll as a ote B ow e m l ill11e1si tl 11 111111 I ll hl 0 11 p1 1ce0 s hgili its 01111ert, 1 "Pi0ate asithesoe f; t 4 p1111 11 t heto 11120,Wil ; t 0li r. T eectellent 01111 an e t o lltr inig.111 1hat11040 xtud hll (fIth'ii popu1111laranill el ica ie ces Iletl 1u u lo e h r e ll<- n 1e 11 o 01iil1'tr 111 'super ' i m n t e h r ls nllr a d h-t e e thuiasitic Ililt \t s h r~r e)ul. itit .11 1 1111110111 1 111:;,re111 l~t n c ick the 111111110 jo1111ined ill 1 000111l rrI {rn i helat m , t efil 111t111 ih ,eer lese 11(m 1 d tiellu1111 atitiellaost. th w r)hc l~l ta il the itsl 1 itlll) I;~ i 11 11111111111 1111 11' 11111 11111de "tl.-t((tl attl rih t illc l~ e l \Ii 0 100,8 -t ~t\ tile 1111111made an10 e11 cg llent1 J 1. l ,oti illt tit crit' 0111110< 1 ; oll, sanihettI 11 I I iill i sut a0110 al ill ; 1111t l.('",i 1"t''1: 1iS 11 lc'C''it tol. 1i I I 11 1c too 00 KiOHLER IS STAR OF MEET L~ansinig High Athlete Scores Fifteen Points in Weight Events. BttOri(,'of 0us0s intt he1 dilloo ot mil tI .1. r, 1 4T. of Laning, Ill h itan"inotteit eal ati thi end1f(t0 Kr1K'scw o Y o he tweofth all s(Ill Qu o 1 idtela rs 1111(11 Ithr fa-ore ith 111.l gt10 tila d i i t i itltt titio t at oAl te trak eettid te hnso school'si t ar110 h hae l w s easily s titg it lt 170 fe t inches I wiiithitti 0 1 0 o't i I Ilu t : I"')r)i s 114010 ik -CWc: im :,0 . - V ''01 is r C toior) r'1I''00 fi " I" I t1d Zuc ( \ n .r or ),told f inuIl". iii;-11 - I ccf t 2 . I 001 d(int 0 tO ' ot hler- sootIii.n til) I rmItti ).&o (o h i el . ), otte I ot (1U(10 r \r~i) lg r \i UNION CIRCUS DID NOT PAY Adverse Weather Conditions Cause Circus Loss of $300. I "Ills ire nowI'oinin forliithei'Ills o oil (lif te C'iilont's greatier slilis. oil to. faio etoi~ her t 11ithcii ( ii hii poilcd 'the ile 1110r circus 115,1a Iii 01(0 'tCI'0 uiiy 11r1om 11(11l b i rof111 s1 oilsioiodefea1111 ll hu i lureii tiiuos'ke ieipeliiiiii n not bk. blam d It il b t ,, hi\ gto(1(1the force osof itoo '111111(1 it ii1(11 11 ti iilitti11down 1'ithe ent.lhut is r e i}> he 1ruutty perfiormance11'*. I~.icesIoniily- .11ii is piti only (>IIrhot, loon thieir CCC 'TheIr'1ce'iill it'be ve 1; introifuc1111 in that it i oll cnd il isoryielid.Iio.''e.'one' 100111iitetad q thisiitact:, 1111,1 hg 1a rare of oh in w to1 to o'foi stis aci wllhet. hits 1111(1eC'sindl a cl iip, r('1if (giut n1 c'1 1 io'i It=.c 111:111 1titho ingi 0 il woill also recesive this' itihlsni.. I uout wtishtinto 1110111hss'lues1(1'0ot hielotitgh 111111ub 'm11111' his Ione11s toHahta lfserIProf . 1hcnry to. Carhtart 1(411 (1001 t 1( 01(0 1 (i's t (.01 ''. ii g ,f theto ii. , 1111'tsill w(si ;lilt l udedittti his list phsici s cturs' toilii trot: III drlilo Ilt t Ii >>. 0s (,cnd; su tcs' I whourallt'r it larri'ved 111 fi'on iiithe o oetingitneer elass Fri' nimon- hods. - __ .''- 1110, ito gatse to the clalss ot short fare - 0 wssllf talC.. N S, ice.I; - fi' C 1 1': 1 ff1 1 .111"I am ti t 1 retirinig fromithe tittis'oo i . httatr hrt1 : Ko l1 R 'C I , ti ,1)1' NC CUc ity' becatuse I.i thk I tt too uuol," saltt C ni g i rt: Itc (:\ sk a ), Priif. Carhrt. '"I-has's'rits's'00 believe(' 1 1 01011spcr(1 i ' , t1100rl:l i d M s. arliltt wesre. Itoe ini fsls'rismt. Slicet.r'aiii grouitatit t 'otto ) urh. iac -70 f tho sof Sertary 00Jatmes 11. Wlade, itirty-soeen' soers ligoi I ihave beel inhst iite t '0 c ''lI 1oti Iteord). hil res'idett' AngIetll, ittil aliotiftyi t' -t eachl' i nuig, sswit this' Ooeeftioi if a tsuwo I li-1 um : arcit Shchy ,A 000 lir o te fac'le ftoFriday' tfteritoocn. yea'lt eav10100of abhsencs', a'dI-ti neethd C III ti ur TnEusr Cci~~r alte. who* histsiff-y testntly00re-'vacattioni. I haveo' anne atitoi triptoh tid o (ist: hat (Atn r ~ 1r tred oh m th11 tieii (fo al, 010 rfeOsntedf fftrlo ssitht a1n 1111ld tllsagiti oftmitt Ihtot ow 01 ( enta},dtohi 4 'of 1 w it 'Ia totii" 1111-1as tokentiof toe andtl eohstht 110' hlookitig fiirwa'rdto itii 'estee('0mh o f'n t he ii I'itity. wtlha groat dilo f ii Ilb sOutt. fet ic es iIto. po. 1111 1 f 1Solid Silier., imottitedl t'lR titi i s o t11 ea1syo to gis'e' ti 111 bra 3up:Jhsn A)Abro iI ow flittthebit t 11r0( s itgratved'la0110(00here, lifter I 111100busn1heres' s 'oo~it ho. I hiwi 'itheiiinhs' ition 11 , 11fames 110111'ry l"ta elo'n(1g. 1 hiltes'reaisoni ti -lit it ou11111 f Silwt ( enrl , hrd: I i fo.1 to. itO 01111 irer\o fit liCtheU iversity of smtiteiofthe i' 1111 alo t''ve stieil 1(1 ak , o rh itance((t o fat lhi it to' iii sii lt.e'affec1 ti ate10roitern- tititfso ime. I hope' 1 sf1a111h11e1110 sonii t -2 Ito. o mid of o ((r(nce iof 111(1(100111' friendstl lay 21, to lie f~tl isfy1111 'tdt l Iwishi y(o1 ith Al thie fild Ictsn0tfthe i 1111 ywt heorevus e irs theis toi- e00007success thallt0111ou 11couldtisi fur (Contiand on IPagn a. ofM "yiourselves:' NOTICE SENIORS. JUNIORS, SOPHMORES, FRESHMEN ONLY 100 MICHIG~ANENSIANS LEFT It will be imrpossible to obt~ai s n .nntixal a.fter these sold.