THE MICHIGAN DAILY TFHL ARTISTIC DEICORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH 1: A"IhSI ANI) MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE XNI) STVf.IN SHELVES, P4HOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VA BSII,[RUSHIES, ULASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our speonltv is ine Decorating, ouch as Papzr-hanrging Paint- in, iteoran11(1exteior0) Wall-tinting, Kalsotmining, Fresco- to oh et., \Vc W employ only skilled workmen and goarantee our11 0ork. Goods Delivereod to all parts of the city. RBOTH P HOMES 237 203 E. Washimtngua St. Y00 At MAC K'S $1.00 $1.00 Best Shirts in the City $1.00 C'{ ut fLb ic 11 1d m nsipl int01;'1'. bl I 1: (011, ola l r X ii aipodto enwhowan a oodShit fr1.0 0.115 The Pat- soiat :~f oom d. ad te w oleShit shows the strao14) 1,.00 MACK & CO. $1.00 I PIVATE LESSONS IN DANCING ca 111l 11o b acal l h Ac.- de y ffl icm 312 Mayrvard St. GRANGER'S I I New itney heatre 13OTH PHONES 480 a Y, MMay 22 wind Night Charles lDil lingham's Complete Production .. ; INN I wy Y lS V)1)B1 0t.L hr0 M1 1M~i1 --° HEADED BY Wa < < ills asCon idder" Neil McNeill as "Kid Conner" Together with Supportinag Company of 60, Augomented Orchestra, and the Famous Sextette of VTCHKIDDIES Price s ' M3atinee: 25-50-75-$1.OO PriesNigt:35-50-75-$1.OO-$150 -Seat sale opens "Thursday Morning UNIVERSITY NOTICES I - -11 1119 411 gl) \feeli) 5 01 te glee dclubat 7 ii lod toilgt llin) 1o0001 A7,L' 0017 11(1Ball Small. :Alpha Nn i)(00 hog 1011,))at7:3! p. 11., 1nstea(1o1 Slrday 100001)0) i'Il of offticers. Ioos. LOST-1O)11 \'ednowlao aftcrno11 05, Ia te coompos, . ) la 1si pin10setLei11h1 pailt tor its 01r)) 111to:A71,101 . \.1(-A, ,,12 5.Stole t. 1 \11))le sS. G reliablle, tperetfittng 1R0111110Sol111 (Oxfotrdsthis sring, 701)u0c1n (01tI1em at lPrields tSo Store. 7We lave 111011 inl taut ltbnhlin, tanoand)gray alf, out), 0 110 111s1 r11111r stles 110111. 'Ito Ikid ()ll) ''0\\'.\"8 7/lIPS. \\ .1. Tlett, (ff . T111% ('I1tit 1201 'a 1hng'. Il O~~l tl, Il i011-) t'che10)lk Bred.7 Colleg f o t kit' b )(e l l (nI I( all h lt s E10)1e.,g a e [()t (Is I' tl i rnelylin.-.IndentiW. Welto 42 iuaw'nnd 1oa ra. Br 1,dg1nrt1.1), ( "n0 an ate Wna.1' atoes Siiat ml n i tl unc1 'aIsa hesIt Coi xonftioa nry ni~ aaktur~ 0end ia Ito ce Cit;p~ream o lt P HEON ENAL BOZECO.,e JOL LYE'S 30 aost.WshiAto St. Big t BunhB B 0ESST AE T BRIAR PIPES PRICES Own stake - - $1.75 Ia $5.0 Sens - - - $1.00 to$,50 MOE'S BARBER SHOP 706 Nrt Unvrity Ave. . A. MOE. A. G. Spalding & Bros. hle Iarnestllialnaa(taxerin.1thel(world of Implements ((und Uniforms f(r Base Ball, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, olfi aT~ak O1and 011(ield Sports,1 Sp-Ois ' Te-ak ad imldwSata.uur chase is a 0um011(1110f qulty. Spalding's Net Srpin~gand ume 14.09 tCatalogue. ecntplete edhtion, 144 pages; almaut1000 itlus) trtons (Copy mailed t any a~ddress on re0001t(1 requlest. A. G. SPALDING $ BROS. '54 Woodward Arve. Detroi,,01101). jORIGINALITY, SERVICEABLE Qduality, and Distinctive= ness of Style. Feature distinguish our line of CAPS, SHIRTS and NECKWEAR Just received and nowhere else to be found in this city. Always look to us for the latest. U NDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & CO. " T REMONT~while possessing the merit of being conservative, it is nevertheless an out-ofthe-ordinary style ARRW COLLARS TfEMONT. I51%ach 2fr25¢ farrow Cuffs 25 apair Cuet Peabody & Co. Maleres First Basemen's Mitts Used by slc o us111(8ptlaerstSas Chanctle, Davis,"onesy,atnzelI uoe (.lvlse atooll1 leadin~gtmajot sod 1min o eaguetbasemlen. Also) worn bflythe. notted college play err. Firtst lBasemnen'sit (tstwee torigntedt by ts-they hate otattamed their supremacy over all endes t o imui- Isle thetts. Their quality sndotiOlit are abso(lotely gua)rneed. Fetnrcr-PatcetoLcigD~~evie, LaersfThontmb, Deep Poceet,,StIap eandBckle atIWrist. Leaher Laig The, Rem i.Guarantee The Reah Trade Mark garatees pereet gods. Shald de- tects appear we will replace ay article abslately witht cst taAon e n(ecep Base Balls and Bats retailig ander $1.00. 5 (1 0ent t dafer u-ORBO--al 08(00 .i ,) iten M~ . I1 REACH CO., 1727 Tulip St., Phila., Pa. - IWILL PAY YOU A SALARY "CAPI T lL DURING YOUR VACATION. lf ouwton (111)111011)1 .1(1 th17 1111100 . Bl oloelocyou 0 110 ,10(1 10r(1) llit~itg l itre tinc(l0 hl'l( doi1g,1001.0 0. 1(tIl (110,1 i l i , t11111011011 ts<}ll)) REVERSIBLE ~Two for ilk v( lI i11l]l, I ioQ pee ent Extra Wear 25C. 151 Wab (1./N. 1 gin;,, Leo ! Made with "Easy Tie W0Il~o( Ae . Cbi')((( Slide" space and "Pat- 4 AIULACE Rell Phne, 98,2R ented Lock Front." Homne Phone, 98 j QUARTER SIZES. R. A. DOLPH & CO. Ono 0. Su "es4sto (((0. 5.1.ar1 n jo Funeral , Directors 209 S. 4th Awn. Ann Arbor, Mich. - . _ ... , d J'' 1t4 t 10 1111plac togthe plato'111(0you all krtOsw-wsthlialways a d1,1(1ka 11(11o', of a clear t ri ets', hy'Jove 1 EATORI U Change ot Program Daily I Detroit United Lines On.infoal nt)) o 1114(1Do (sill) So inl .A ct t tnctl ItnhYpsila110ti, of (lie letioit l_-i to Itcdkikshbyofficers of Varsity 01- A J S I r18il 010 ions (IftheltOlell., beyond m~itIS the; c11ai t olie oegoular service, of including 0111 .. I ((I oftt(leItsto toryefrom Ann 20 At lot extra cars and extra service T NGO ZVAE will be promptly supplied. the__G20UAVE 0 A N D BILLIARDS AND POOL 0c Per Hour HOWELL & JOHNSON, Propo. M. E. RYAN. Manager Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant male in)stiliogn th est 1.s. His toey puts1 (00(0t ' (l lo(,,e ( 1 t Y ( (('Iops. ((0(1(01l 00i twlill ~it l! l(7ds. 1(015- Sle oer par(ticlars0. Stair: 111001115- .'; sIlot oi1 1 A ro ol,. THE T. J. CAIE CO. 314 S. STATE STREET Room 45 Rowland Bldg. DETROIT ALWAYS AHEAD) IN STYLES ILAD THE ATL R THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING