The Mkichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, AMIC IGANV SATURDAY, OCTOBER z7, 1908 No. i1"7. vot,. XIX. SC U Z IN L N UP; Frank Ayres and Morrison Shafroth will contend for the championship. H~flQT DQ UAD PII res w on the right to play Shafroth by UUOOSIERS ~ J~I vesrday. Thomipsont played a lpretty - gamei, placing aecurately and returning New Men Greatly Strengthen man seemnglyni imotsstile shots, but Varsty'sDefese-Yst Cn-\ytes Serv ice an(d strokes held iin in Varsty Defns Yostry Con ood steal. The sets were, 6-4, it-to, fidet ofVictry 'ntl 6-4, aitd as the scote indihcatis seee hottly contestedl Thomapsona deserves ittoil 5r,'i C t I siteg"eat credit ifor tlaig Ayr es so closely, ichigan Notire 1)me att s Ay res wa s eonnedeti ait excellent oles...... l" t ....13rhik ehttiee tori tn ltts stat tto the fials Cas......... F....sEdards hiandils, ad he ttt s ased t to wiin l~nan..... 'tat ......Paitne the touritamtent. Shafroth, hosweser, lass Schutlz......C...... N\itller ptlayetd a iagnifieent game dutritg the Crmakr.. 1.G ..........K Ielley onanintt haiang dipsedl of hoth 17nboo......R.. ....imrtickteh idiul andt Aintesoiniistrithlt sets. isttanc..... Ifh t Vi no.W0dThe f inal mai tch shldt prose to tie close, \\asionil... Q.B.., I . 11insmilto t. anil iteresting" to wa tehi Dogls ..... . I. .Dwtyer Iii lie secndn c lass tottamttent Ateedice Is ..It ....Rite] Thiomipsn showeitd ni to bsetter e tat 1)aisn..... .F .....Vatiihani ilg an sNon hits wa inato the fital bs Gaine 55rt, 3 .m Isis lee idefeating Badeli 6-T, 4-,6T 1 1i Hogln. PitoI nli . are. Siar atc was te i ctiiltise titi tio, atid almost bucek, Cotrnell. I aetd tile lKilptick, every g'ate in lie lat set wet iitat deuiie. W\iseo in. headi liiiismant Eldter, Pennt Stte. Timeoi avs,,mnts Ntre Datiti is here, ad te firstbi footatll gamae ifthle season, so tar as tMichig'anaisilotleaiis a- h iand. Thli Caoic arivd itu a tarbr vser- Ia teroo til verit the ician Ce- to atd itedilately do e ltathelas foot- baltg ln eant to Ferrfielet fioa a ittactie and1l at t conion id -Ithey ierefttl o alitr gmallmt an l lhath lws satife tor' lalot -te p it laer toa iei herslt taty. itas'- i th Vlltg a l lt i h,"btw hae as tt elen mand toteittao sitd 1111' lcem1'amlI taieal Ilte feelig otf glottlil that1 tas ovesr- spea te ~iip5 for te pist fews lays teS partiallymdispelledl yesterday \\]eli as aitntunced 'thiat Captlaini Schiat, I tatistt andaa Ci'iiaiit'ei wrould proabslyle lit the ilsarisaty laint toay1 forthe ii rst ims thi'is saon Ietan yet it ist certaIsin 11haaat Schultand tavtison111 weill het allowed11 tat play bti iiheat lie anueda'15 hiis proabl lieu laa ast nto a Coc list wa so ;anlillill ali t tea est prset t i at ame tlas tails'nas' itstt 11 these i~ t ai the tilt, Sthne chttacils Ill a Wolvetit a itory ha ve t inr as wondetflldwt Scthutll fia-tgue lit th a isits ftw'iil ioa sistenittyains5 toat'llow, the toa Isasole, ulsthaytur th t111rlsaick oni t flse tatlos of lttataj t i lie ski eaittl houtat twill tof courlse se1rtiosly Ianiciap thl as' srity in lie Itacfeldi lthoitagh Davisotn, with ata atraiflls mra te e terc tat e:s job, trill probblyll Io fally at gatodl is-tik tas1 Vilainls, bti thte litter' te's'c sits swtatedi tat lie, waIhichl teill liavei to suffer alrdnly. ]iIit thofals c1hoitseln ftta todaly's gamte w lay'ers '1d sitadentis stall Ihuse an op~por- titt see fou11 mentuh irare thor- tglly searsedal the Ils'amte, aiid froms his paointh atf sveti if fto nto oilier, the gam silll be aucss. Ralpht Hnoig- ad fPrinc eton, wel1 knaowni throtugh- mul lie coutrattts tant of the btest offi- ciatls in this butsiness, trill hire echarge of lie game, 'tetig' 'ts referee, whlile the othear ptioanas swall lie hield by tn les tiersotaages Ithat Stairiatk, of Corntell, Kilpiatriek, taf Witsconisin, aintl Elder, of Ptenni Stae hegm will btegin tiromtly 'it '2:30 antid there trill lie no retsert'ed seats, ev erything gaing at gen- taul admnissiontatt thle treguart price, fifty renlts. 'lyNtrit 'ORneaNsl"N'r EN1DS inDAY. 'The alniatal fill letatit tournament trill lie cotnelutded this morning at 9 mclocek ont the tvarsity courts, whet- Slaymiaker ad''hompaatson weill prabt'lyl prove to tie at excellent:in.a ly maktler latewtnsai'is a tch111tra thets a hiandtily, tad 11 ttapsat isplayingiI" gooid fot.a stwis iltdieatealbylit'tameoIs aiglaist Ayrs i the lseifials ofItlas first clas andi s51cint lalss 1t1o1rnailieits, adthela stdents art' 1111 welcoetttet wtne11s1wlat shiotildi lteabotasissfast tis as11 1'IMi bteenatyda hereItais' yar 'iles-frish litlieldtirasin iitilfot- hall wtorkota of the seaontyserali asfternaaoon, ltentiy'ime'ni turnaintg ott Regular pte eswtill stlart Slotill It fea 110011 oil SothlFerryfiteld, adititis explectedl that fotiathlletes it-all lae 011 eleced fair aotrher steels. FOI'tS'l' FIRES ENI)ANI;ER 1;N(=I SEERPS' SC'11IER CAMPI Foiest fies lit ragilt I till in thei 'ppeattp enio lustliiir 'at hemin ters- isto oliaroas~py, ai l~tat Coiolep sesturayitaftrnoon.t "5'e were ini tele'ph~one coriaa iaaatcitna tia thsole of tatr mac th1111n1tlo11111-' ,btilIt la' etthenst nsai." ''"A t oit the treii w alit tail lie aaai- versity inroper ilty.mittrf.hutnslas aight. "Whiere-iiit t isnwNe doat Ikhittwt Presienit 'Agell'11111seittall mem-1 las'otf till faciupty ittti-el ingtll- a1 visit ta thelaws cmpieu 111itre compe15lledi tgive C itti ir ait oni aciut of tafhla firs-s. hais expclaes thtittheytillta1-'a later' tihenatnti iitll has contsttillred tfo estishiing I atooittalistititnatiltise grtatis if tile stili is stilttills CEIRIS'I'IAN ASSOCIATIlON Presidetit Aingell headedite rcceirutag lite lattell-litipraivetdttlie otie tfthe msost suaccessfatl if tihe atataial ineetittgs of theCliialiittssoitioni,twhichi sas gil-enlalst iaht at Netwblerry H-ail. Coffee 1111dIVafetrsowcrc serredi. Fiscser'S orchsestrsfaritishaedititiaic duiring the erening."' NewbietrryHfll twalpsicketd Io its itmioit capaCiiltty,'iaidistomebttody tSuth, a"'asgymatsiumofor text vear" Accirdent iiutmbier too happened yet- Sterdiay a the new i emorial hoilding. 'Aiugost Waittet, a worhunusiin the eat- pioy of Koch briothers, fell twenty-five 'feel wite cairryttng a torifitll of tricks. is head ltruicka steel gierder lyitig ott rte ist floorcasitg severe. injuries. Falintg p1les lstrcktile mnand it it itiouttthlimt lie is injuredtinitertially. Tietwas tsketn a1 once Intot(getieral hospitli OUNCIL NOT IN FAC- ULTY CONFIDENCE kuthority of Student Council InL Student Affairs Unusd-Rush' Night an Example. m Setea qerieast he.eehenamcircuatiung iond111 this acamus recentily, occasiotede py tievtoned oiutcomes of lie aitnualy iuh s to jutit what1 postioum the Si- eit Coutncil 15istthodinnitt vtatersityC ctvtc thser.Oe tf themem- ets f tie C ounctil sias ittereedt yestedaythe sbs 1cC of the coloqay epretenttie stmdet lioay to tie fac-t Lill n toaclt1as te tdirect otntectioa etsen Iaclet ail stdents Ih lieaItelthiatie an tatitis entits-t aisseud frontateotlege fotstioatgaity r meiaeal d ithtic azing, cii" dsthaut leitn Hu tchintlswarntediitie stitdents tf te site deplatenttoIIrfrin 11frosm sartk- in, itt this'rush a't'alili-ias tetdedIo pall hs Countacil itt 5acli atpoiton.Thla Iis boahatl ote tisausiaintir eiitsiauspimces, all. fi0111llithatt coumtl e gtthed, hasat te smnct in atd hackingtlof the hitstils Hliaiethesqueshtionputt itsone1 oft thi stut ipaominentcut utdtergauatles inscl,"Halit-this Coutttlsanyitpreal athortitsle a hke sit-itge of putteliissu- tlet afftatrsIs at lives to thits purpose ol is cre uatn-ioiait-s a intk etseels Situ ad alictistnd epesenctiihits fsirtier t thishlate? fiatsomthalasCounilmtenmwhenutiseet l ta'ghutt ail cnifrontedaieethmthistues- dtan amtttedth iiathe Coutnciit-s in that ataneuhtuis postioun of buetng dee- gtedl cranuncltuihotssuct as Lie regu'atio o~uma f stutaentinttutihonuts, et urhenia'I tiotis stutonarits155s int lerieuttedl t atel ttits 0owth resposi- blty.'s'has cassstas paesettedto haia ,f a fresha laiw si-maeatCinato te rhus, ansmtim-ultu earmamttethup tie faculy, hld oni till 11amiiiu1115ath aumiedly anerCouniel suptervsistn.thlititiiala was ait thi sasume tuselale to udittmissal fromuthisi deimatmentif lie Itaraicimaed in this Iusih. '15oudthe (Countciae satu siles anathe mmaleu It-ll? Thei Studsenti C ouclsenumorgnizied three t'ears 'ugotswas ciet ed to fil i wont iniv umerst life Sice timt time itshensuetjiect tolote diseussiton ta anytt-orgaiaisonm ounthis c ampus. SI thus hsegininglof aufsother year a ntulintieeltsateakeued illit atd muanytiuires ate tade at to whteiiis t hu etihel Itomuathe studet'uts Iepre- settivs.e S-lre Ithan ontithtits fllthe ituesioha eetatheatdi"s theusn 11- cil alilt'?" MU11ICASi STUDENTIS N'i)N14L1' CLASSES Thitsopp~ortutay offered o comine stusvtn the Schooal of Music wills liter- ry wsorkIhas tdraset n iy t AnneitAror. Sintsc ceit lass beenu gileat ittthe lier- ry deciartett for workc uone in tie Schosol OfMs'iscletheumbler of sudenmts iwto talesavatage of thimi offer at contantlyip ncressed. At presett oe- lhimito the lmiusucal studeumts are alo regist eel1i1tieeaniversiy. Reiotrs frmthtt ie School of Music proumise a prosperots year. "'o (lae the registrsaonm exceedi tat of a t year up tell per centir aid Secreary Sink, "ad pupis entertig tie second semeter shomulidibrimstie total tip o 450" Each yea has rouught a higher clas of mtsi- calls11111 thus school now icludes nany whou itass suiueduulithiler cotserva- tories. Rehtearsals of time Chuoral Unionm hare cetommetnced. Anp' old menmhers whto wish to retain their places are reqtuested ho appear at the next regutlar reheartal Tuesuday night. Excellent mthaerial hat shoswnamp aniu a well-balaneed-.echorot it expected. I-PAGE ISSUE OF DAItY FO)10SLINIS'Y- Tomaorrows morasling 'The Dilyuh-sill tegii tie pubhlicaiont sf a i-page Suit- lay edition. Abmout a yer stomah Daiy atenmped a fourpage' sppllemaet tl owing to adiffcuties isaumutthilt- rt tue tume wa fareeto hudisconuiuae . 'lie present inunosaion sa im e a- ure of a comprotmiseatd bin111g lii- foreseents otaclesliestixpage Sundayhu editionm till cotiueu thirouaghoutamth11am CAMPUCS tPERIOICsSS SOON 1TOff1O1TOIPRESS IThe faut isseue of tie elumtnusmors this ye-lar ilitsetut mashtIseel.Ser-n ty 55WiftetdSitass f tie SAmaruassn- iao mahethils anunacemnster dat afternoon.Ati Smontg otiertlit atigs hie isse wi l coitalisethesofRr getnt Osbornerail'sdeSect camp Smihanda sum rtice b imp s'1lus rIehnmce RkeI o ThimstaNwsitAhiletc IFel"T1hllama wil also be an accusout ofinlu hits'cas ants catmpuat IBogardhus 1111 firtsi ses u fthe at wisRetiel twl appeathetimelst weiCCn umNovmbeamritta A. tnubet of intmerestiartils-shmust' heesu puepateudforthis'amnmg themumome by hisn its l~liamnPRogersuf tie Cii- cunntuuual sc shool nna"Ihi tReovery of '1otnep Pail UdetIu'Slsh t'of tsaw.'', a151 onte by Chalu-res Suuumet Cancp,intl Inditsnmapolis out"ThaTrhe at '1Msakig Potter vs-s Stale Rights"Imurm articles deaittg switcontinauanctn an ttsagemeti of fraodulenth drecos of cotpotiostii, situ oiler siecal ases triltapeatde "Notes and Commntemts" aul tir--fise recenttihmportantl aecsion s wll he note autuder "Decisiouns" A. ists 1(epartmntI has een addeed n tie furmfautft oisal induex of curretirlegal htsiamiceecoerung all recent twritig-. Febiruary' i is theumsuasl rate farthe aippearance of tie eninee igim n annutalaithiseehnic smith S C Wig-- gise thisears edaibis esetunhg to get it oipres-s out tist.mArtclshav beena pr onmised ubhutPuam. C I.hie marsla out ElecicuTr action," II C I utchims. of Newt Sork ona"Subay CnsmutIrim- tionu,"ahd hyF A.SaSgerf Chlisago, on the St Cair tunneluash.1Pirt Huton.t fle ueituhc aton till proallcontiin -ll about astue or en uartcits hutlhue witilthlie begnntuig of wortr: ontthe oiler ipulicatutmnse thus'1Michga esisaita ediatrs havestartedsin Ilgs mes ing foe le senioranuualii lucdaahullp- thiey are askitg eeryblony suwit lyamp-u istic abiity', a eiuunilf hutmsorr01phto graphic heat, thut muli ntpatilerrsuts' at the .iciigatetsisuu utiue ii thur Press bmuidig, imtumediuatey, uandinhuman shama Chrnistumuas tde.o in auuats el f irei- mtusshae eetsplan-ined ifir tie ammal Insteadl of the seniorat icureum s lbeing prittedlits half-outs hraterfisuegneted emts will he usnd. Tie fronttsitece sil probalyip te a stel photoagraiure, andtnhe inig itill itobasblyhbef stft sheep eather. A meetinga( oi1the editial associates si-ll behueIedin htie n-irha- tre. SOPI I GIRLS PREPARI F Ff30P11SHIAS SPREADL Deatn Jordan's second nanuaul csss re- ceptionm tatsei yesternday afternoon art Barbour gymnnasium. Mr. Johnam (. -Reed assisted Mrs. Jordan i receising. 'Ike hosiness affair of tie cass of 'it were briefly tdiseussed ath a committile o take charge of the anial feshmuma spread tes appointenas flhlhows: Vera Polaski Grace Bllu, Grace Jones, Mmr- iota Walker Adele Burnuhamai, Ruduy Ee- mistertBeulat VWhitey, Ada Diteh, Hielent Jaynue, Feda 'Morse, iMiliccuat Karr, Annie Wilson, Ina Pox, Glsadys Pierson, Marion Prais, Pleetra tamh, - Louise Htolland. Miss Dietezsias aip- Spoinated to look after thte sophoumore girls' subscription for the new athletic field. Refreshnments and d~uhanig closedi the affair. ITCHIGAN SPIRIT ROUSED FOR GAM~ -We'll Win," Said Murfin, "But Win or Lose We Cheer Our Team." Esverybtaetheiit faiths inithe arsity quth mlarhmiii teloohaed tat hilt veins, felt hus imier hals tnlaugh enUniversity Hul rsus ndmmaedulalst tauht to the mot vgru Mitchia'y--sle-intlhere hum hrt.dedl insttiuatonmas sgivenm o te senttlthustlcauiencmueiby tie appear- mneofte ammeteraggregationm from Saire Daute.Theyp fullipappreciaed haril' thi am pat1 dmimumaeiately 'In- matsi sutith "!,o .'." Under ham heamasashitptof 3 aoe.illy tieMici- gan roterslesho e mttil hulotw." 1.mAss:Madonal introduitced Floyd Oldthe otlwhomse sriksing blowssdrove mamals"T h Footblall Situaion." J. O.Si\Mrta, f Dtiteh ~e pncuipal sham ofI the estithaag helietpe- slt at ir. '1maci's ws-inis erch sar- limiit - ham-havolattmge arge f aternat- Steo manmm ps for persnmual gala. I's aim famma tommloi tugs ererpy tanytill 'Turkey rlalm bm has'hste'rudauI thasite ielfor mmmii mt' 'hum'ri-iea'lardufIriasnl Mihi- gamni paymer s is tmlhe oalisuppohrut of thb s-mtre saumalt mat e.n No grNat nster re-- tani ttwe thisetiret ceng section risetp in ti pproba1111ttin allthe pla'" Si rG s'miia idatthhis'tahal teaum ian nte mamayh "'1 sts sornutgimiahinte" but '11 ihigsa'svamasupyIfiotbllahiteaam.Mr. '11rmin cs edss his situarks by wishing lime' teama hmickintam lime thIis after- noon The)pmtforMat finhlat folow- edaimad hwtwll has hadiicovereduhii Sftur it a .mof \L"pll an a "loco- ushkc am h ath Notrem ue peo- tl it -m p mandtakehhnmuticetutu'hie ad strucmup Mil lte ichn IFmals-a-.''Right eei u h m to e sill thatthehbad wa eyalithu sthe it uautionanamulits mu11sitcIfamed11tailsoiliss oethttusiasm titbae th at jotutubtuumadne is it ahpearance alI I a imassmeig ral snchak tall situaco u tleofetores atritgnermityel-l sit "We wsantuore. tChit's'ccesis asuedama Whlen Coachmlach-et-onflthis-visitosnswas aprahim-ith asti tat hae-sias higlyp h-mss-hdt-aim1 tu ithsmassthng'anatalthat tlma sirt muas omet lids ti hatarcuhtus. Ilimt none f thI lme vistoras tritalnsay that thainr' Itas ttmreshairi pe iesonimtian muts shtowmnuat thimb'ntenth ala ass metaing whticha sms hesdhut'NoSmte Diame ias 'hgtt. '11111wereseilly iplese-dlat th aetse '? IN.D. selas gien hay theS-ichiagarooters. lie sid that wras the Iikintl thinuhua ut pronoted trinte aurcollegiaute spirit of tie right Te sitatioin is just as Mr. Mrfin statueatit. "We sswasttobaasholurtaecritics thast, wuin o01ltes Sithian mspirit is suit-sups if thukdt h albat chees Yost's mesonEvemama.1s an wuans ts to he on hamdmtoay with hla is yell nud tiedeter- mhhinatu at attn it 'iWe're going to wfill l CS NSh~i '11 1H~IhRlPICTUR0ES TAiKEN Repiulians wctre tut us futl force at the-rmrallyipllst uniht.J OiMufin, who cheereduontutu othu- bauulliteamsahr Unier- sip-yIHal wsu se aker of the even- hig lie udevorteudhisatimematrly to a brnief reviewr f Jushge Tft's position out thitu ncion qtlustion. 'i'he eser present phtographe was mut li-ttud 'authsht tie deotees of the 'grstan hl aty"so the enuibe col- Isect-dtiha sseries of 'haft: claus pictures froummothercoremleges. IAt rtse mneat maccling it is expected hthast Senator-arBevrnidlge will speak.