THER MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Comfpany MERCHIANT TAILORS : Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Meniom, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole, Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Comberland, LChester, 0rtent, Pet- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, FederalEnmpire, Raeborn, Irish Boating 4Tweed, sod Landon Wors- teds. Please come early and have your Suit reserved. G. H. Wild Comipally 311 Soulb State Street SENIORS Order Yiour ViS i ti ng ITIIEi MICliIGiAN DAILY'.teatitutot ome o r'11 I' lse lh'I'Otlts- BusiinessMatiagetr beett Unproved'tlhatdlthetwhlo ca1s101takets Jortex F. Wuokz10. art. A 1few, t istrite, 1but1w1e0 Ilicol. ieryllw llar physcally tila IetoIt 01 )rII ti '.tttor thpsI:t', co tesbi ets's ...... .. .......Fred B. Gotoding « , ItI 00)0110 Nes's st.)....... .B. McI loglt tlrsP 111 111 11 'ttt l Ahtletics .......Wilbur It). Illiott1it'ti t Ithe propertIi to t 011n11it D)roa......... Jobsn'I. Ketnty 111111landItch lt the1 t' 'ottocl4)fOt lt'it :Mutsic ..........IHollis S. Baker 1 10011 .10 tt hS It st 0 cra tfchatttges..........Lottis Kraft -il ti s tN no1)t 11) , lassprt o ______ IVISITING A I ItIt:. .1 I1STI C. I I oI'cORIAt, oSeTFF. Jtttttso t. Wlatkints Cltarles Gootd ASStOIATEt Lee A White W~alter K. Towers Daits B. Joies Rtobert Dtini SattttelI-1t. iMlorris G., C. IWillsoti 1F. I,. Stttim Jr. Mohrrisott Stair. GS. S. lbast Fred Lasso It. A. Miket S. V. Dal P l rV. T. Conk tarry lr[ly otht hter toil tell sit) I l 11 free ichl;;:tll tipirll BUSINESS STAFFt Cutrl 11. (). Atdatt. C. A1. llowtait Nortatt It. Hil) Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.. Maynard Street. faiiager's Boors: I-Z p. en., 7-8 p. et daily, except Sunday. Both phone- 1.W1 ttcotso1101 osotG C AittI~o r.I - - Iotto - 01 1 1 tit) 'tmit cotttis year' wer' ti'c 01 0 Iftt) int etery stay- a'iitho1)11101'artt Script- - - $ 1.25 Irtettose.cttsomeded for thetc litr Block -$ 2.0 0,$2.5 0 ma't It ioc~icbtheyfere)handoled an tltc Old English - $3.00 '.itoVthrtoughot the otsts. Very'00 1 {00Cards trome Mate wttttaoctwttstanillcesini iita 0t1a11 V 7Sc tc t t t he it'btattlte'let list asin at the IM t fr i o n. 'Iltey Ibrill bckt Students' Bookstore hsnd lss days. IThcy lire atilt celct eas fgettig thendt' as Sh ha"& Co ma a 'utl iterectld) in teo' v " city a )tcwhol;teyimesroty int tl Porto Ricaannuies 11,11titteit, btilt is oaltimber otf tile ofttf hit st It (t tttilt ak itck0ttf nasytiv ottr clios'esiin a gret'0t ttiv'rsitt'. 'ite in Ih sitt e s;o' $1 , $1f .50 and $2., 10os t tit iititi o t tIdtpt)in tteir ptace tltt 1p 1)id e t 'o c .t t 11 1 Atdtress 11u11versity'. So they lire of tle gireatest ROU & 51DE to"lll tte oall ttf itsottn) itisi'regrettaiblet'oI Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424 u htw elfre ocmeto If lm rlm i to 11aimai' its't I lt \la lastial s t reain its Iop lit1 t~hit I tcc oct llt co e toth0 re tisation 1th tto c ra ta,(elo S oE 11ltt' gud f ~elobt,;lt'. a111 1111 Wlitth ttoext i f a 1ida 1O01' 0rgrn tIit I the11 adm1ir le Work1 Of Ilrt WIt I t ol ,vstrs wl a ( 11)r 1111111 lit es Sutreltoco"ith h co) ms np- in s \it II s list s ci raly 1 tic'fe itnl t I I lo(ret ti t lt 11itsic I() .1r1s0her ban t ote M lo al 1 s fe tre. 0 11t .1t tte te0c tttio o ih ell tt "t'tt it )0 ttttre ' totl ities il s hear IIt 1110 t s o li t l oo m cit.o .11' 11 11;i c' 11hich1 \\its n i deceths ea- 'e11111 til ot I01111 Ocr ttsl fitter 1111 Itt t o r t e.\O h ' (f il ,tcooooo't Ic p tlic t Icast1 ninty11 0 ltCntitc fetival su110 r1s111it d~i 11 de- 100111111lfat 11011t il 1amlirs.1il 00)11 it ' ycttt ei)' ft't ' t ls.des 'ec:md tt's 00111)1 ott'lsift heo) rtis'011111' S ic' tto 0'Ittheo.laJoocl & illsst loimn. Slate- street. val t13\lyFcti-cod and 111 it I w~~n a ,ca 'inits '''erait~ 'Itt 1 01 ill on) t', )h 1:s ncotPrss t." Tholy0p "io Ititc"1tilg i \ltos tiploo tlly,; o alt ilcl 0 t e its p0q111ar d rn h t'al'l i olotits. i ss el' ie tract,1 c lo O id tt, It l '0 11 , a e e ' - -l i s of thc smloll va dev'oeh aft +) mae Merc I ' N", II 171c783 E111<;IS lc '111c 11110aii t to~i~is CARDS 'Vott twill teed them ssoon- IDitit Pitt off otderintg them ttttil the ltast mtomtent. Order Now andtci wossill tsirety get thtemt ont ltme. $1245 for oo cards with plate-All work gttarateedl WAH R'S University Bookstore l{);I' 11 Ti'.'l 1 1111)11 I 1l( 11', I' to 1)1.1 l (111 L 7 1011.1 ctc 0 111 "ott)s (\(;tv anid Secoitd Hal & froI $1.00to $100.0.II It , 11 1 ),' 'ptTc t 1 tl 1 I ' l t 'r t ~t171t 1 t i i~t~ -. ob.lott ItitFRESH SUPPLIES C dc;i ' I. I' _. c l-ct1c 1l:0e~ w 1 m k l, T I in l., to' too I \i11* C, li l I'll" \'1' to) riclite as It '' I'' cl LYNDON tl: i l lclt1 ' 1' t 1i' '< 79NORITH tUNIVERSITY AVIE. Strtt '.\~II it l to,:)______________ 'pi> to). 1 ',, t\BATLEY & EDMUNDS S 's110 111 II I Ii1 0 1 21lEASF LIBERTY .-TREEIT t1( 1 rtc0t,10 I' t1 el1.' _ _l___;;tare,__ __ _ I WILL PAY YOUA SALARY SciorA~oti ce DURING YOUR VACATION , 01 ttt'c ico5' lioi,(lite 190911 If y'0oiu titan t '1011arn - sl tot lSt e) Ito etoot olttcl f to lterie eithri' overedt''l. ''u 1 tt It 111c1 1" lit tloto oet' 1910 iirk 11 ' . N INI.liN, 111111 1070 t; 'in. Armold 11Wabsl tAe . ('C ' tgto tEWELERi220 S. Main St. I 11111}( 'tir7'. 1 1t' f}1. tt,< ~ ac r:cl i ;c ,>, h < t 1a 1c t. >>;ost Office Suop-lies, Direct from the Manufacturer to Consumer In order to introduce our line, for a short time only we quote following prices on high grade goods: 100 Sheets A No. I Carbon Paper $1.19 500 Sheets A No. I Carbon Paper - - - $4.79Anwegt812x 1o81=x13inbuprlorlak 3 Nigh Grade Typewriter Ribbons $,0 2 IDo'z. High (trade Typewrifer Ribbons - $7.00 'io any machine, in prple, Siue or black, copy or record. Above quotations for delivery throughout United States. Factory Rebuilt Typewriters OLIVER, No. 3 lodel, $25 to $35 SMITH PREMIER, No. 2, $25 to $34 REMINGTON, No. 6 and 7, $22 to $36 Underwood and L. C. Smith at reduced prices. All Tyre- writers sold by us guaranteed for one year. NATIONAL TYPEWRITER SUPPLY HOUSE SOUTH BEND, INDIANA ~1 S G l.T HT CAPS CAPS rSpriing sk.its are Iow on. display. Aiway > c Cright . ir 'at the zright time. .'s 121 Washington . The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack Props. Pli ole5