THE3 MICHIGAN DAILY - we show one thousand different fabrices (ti Ourstyles are as modest as a June brida, or as odariing as ani Africni hunts- Thaeextra 1paricuilai fellow awe just dote. on pleaising, we'll1 appreciate the vsiat more) if youire of the "hard to fit.'' J. KARL MALCOLM New I itney Theatre ROTH PHONIES 480 M lat~tnee y 1 arnd NIIht 1May 22 Charles Mliliam'htns Complete P oduction Ba iou0 IlBlosso ad Victor ierber,Autos ofMen. Modfit HEADED BY Walter Willis as "Con Kidder'" Neil McNeill as "Kid Conner" To.oth r withs Supporting Company of 60, Augumented Orchcstra, and the Famous Sextette of DUTVw"JmCH ~KIDDIES Prices Matinee: 25-50-75-$1.O0 Prices Night: :35-50-75-$1.00-$150 Seat sale opens T'hursday Morning UNIVERSITY NOTICES D1ressaa °i, of or a sbaI lra tice a I tarato, 7h" 1,00100 lit I llgtI O trf 01, cga I'l I -usd01C 0ntt 7 111fc, t1t1 A tpaa Nil aaom01 St.,or1c1 1) 1 1 -7a o-I 2 t. 111 011 S. Ing,(Ils 0,2 .3 ,11"I'-Go111ld isi ck oa l 1 with11 ;)e1 ar l t ila0. 1111 please111 01 111111 01 1111'(,(4-\\' Be11 11II . y[tis a111. -Ic ap r e l111 111i 1111 1111ear. 1,1m1001 St 0Rttri 111111 1r1[-, '0-l It Reward. 1. alld 41; i111 I' 1111 t 73. 62 I oxi They o yEx rs ]Friday con Ex rs A .Thvtlng ~Weste-" Dr-amsn. T HEAT '0B.IVUM an i Iitil it' 'l. i r1 ( cI 11 11 'ti) i'. ll,, l ala. 1 11 2 8 IIiI 11 00 cil1"l): 1)c tt 1. 1 , 11111.. 11 111i ht Sti',a , Ikha . a .Mat f 1111. -tat rect. 1h. (7ti ' 1 010 IaI ',I 1111,0 -CalIII Il c~arosoa ,Ii rclcrci at ulatc 111111i1l0iItl-a, I II(nwt ~h~le01 liIOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. A. G. Spalding & Bros. Bos Ball, Lawna Tennis, Basket tBall, Golf, Track and Field Sports. spintin,li Tradeil l-111k, ,l ifIp0111 11m1 1 - S 111111igl11l\cl11Spll MA''1 111111 1909 11Calalg100. c111111111111' 111 1 1 -1 4 I 111ges;1a11o0tlllo l"llu r l os 11opy A. G. SPALDING & BROS. I - Mo~~ia 1 . a 111. 1111111 AMBULANCE Bell Plione, 1y8, 2R 0111111'lions, 55 K. A. DOLPH & CO. Su000'aar olol'. t'. 11 1 ts Funeral 1Directors 209 S. 4th Ave. Ann Airbori'lili. '108 S. STATEI ST. Ow n Slake BEST BRIAR. PIPES PRICES Owl nlal1111. - - $1.75 to $500 Seconds - I- . 1 0t 150 (ilta l asl0'ip ORIGINALITY, SERVICEABLE Qduality, and Distinctive= ness of Style. Feature distinguish our line of Just received and nowhere else to be found in this city. Aiways look to us for the latest. LIN EN CH I T, APFEL & 00. " TRETONTwhile possessing the merit of' being conservative, it is nevertheless an out-ofthe-ordinary style Cluetre Peabody & C. Maers A Good Body and a Clear Brain Are Necessary In Both Athletics and Scholarship. Both are norms of exercise ; one bodily, one mental. In each case the waste matter must be built up and renewed. The most nourishing, strength- giv ing and easily di- gested food, is SHREDDED 1 WHOLE WHEAT It contains all the body - building ma- terial in the whole wheat, made digest- ibeby steam-cooking, r _.."/ redding and baking. It is found on the "training- table " of nearly every college and university in this country. "It's all in the Shreds. " THE SHREDDED WHEAT CO. Niagara Falls, N. Y. DETROIT UNITED LINES VAN KLEEKS Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and 300 Eaat Wao htndttun St. Limtetd Cars East Bound-8:05i a. lii.. 1:0 Light Lunches 1. il..ani40pa1.lill. Limited Cars West Bond-1:24 1. ill.. *1-a10 Confectionary p.1tn., 5:2141p. 1n1. and Lonal Cars East Bound-To Detrit )15 'a0a. Ilt., aad viyc o ur toir 145 a p' . 1n. T ' i' 0- Ice Cream lanti, 114510a. ll l half hll1011111. i., Phones 7$ L 78 hue Local Cars West Bound-511011a.11.. 7:115a. 01.,01111d' houslt1115'.am 220-222 Sooth State BILLIARDS AND POOL 30c Per Hour HOWELL & JOHINSON, Props. M. E. RYAN. Manager IIt'Ill' I'h111111:221 OiRIYttt aE uaaieGOOD MO E UFREChinese Chap-Suey Restaurant ls111Iilr~oIolIS laoyil' 1eciAt i a ,1 Lu cilof aill kl el-iyi - 11111 I II ifor a tieular~s. :Mte experiencel's- Cleiall'stl 1011 11111iIIIAnInIAiIII)r THE T. J. CAOE CO. 314 5. STATE S TR EET Room 45 Rowland Bldg. DETROIT ALWAYS AHIEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, FT. EO THEF BEST O 1F EVERY Tti INO IN'AILOINO