Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring O( The Sam urhfIeldt & Coo EAST IHURON ST. IT~xGON'> /Zotils A Clever, Snappy Suits for ~ ~ sfThis Store has won ab- solute leadership in high class Ltiothin by always - showing the newestcor- redt styles, and by giving always the best value at .~---~-- the price. a.I yeaon :j stock exc Vs all pre~vi ; ;,displays. 'f'l 1' , '"- l I¢ "[lie Best in the World for the Money." (lo to TU"TTLE'S for Not Lancohr toIceCramSodas Banana Flops 338 South State Street THlE FARMERIS AND WtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50,00 Surplus and Profits$90000 Cie-se-at lanking Business. 3 pert-ent paid on'ite and Savings Deptoits. Safety De- petit Doxes to erett i$2.t0tand apwards leK MF I es. WC tPVe es'sVee-Prey 13 Cashieri F.iT. I I sissoAsA-- The Ann Arbor Savings Bank - tsotn's $;,6,0) A (Ieneral Banking Buaineas Transacted O~r r)sERS:Chlas. E. lltiek. Pees.;XW. 1D. Harreiman,Vite Prles.: D1. J. . 1b. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. loothIs Jis. V. 1tShehan tWin,.Ars-sitd itr. V. C. Vaaghan la's, if. tWadetsE. F. Stilts Jhflaarere Jttt. lochl Ptttf. 11.S, 'isis t Hey W.lssoitas FIRST NATIONAL BANK lOt85:\ ttthti;)O, Ni1ii. Pres. N'ise-IS-es. Copital, Z2i100,i00. spt itpls andtProlist, 1J,+000. C clr~ig-Aiecl 4 av a ns Bank Commrercial aos:d S.v>Tns Cayr-. MIs. ad Liberty Streeats M siciii t I~r arrayitofSmit ion .5 ii il i ll tt 11 theporm tatsioc a 1cAa stithetrM na ih.'IeW t ittis',stll u tu i ttipets i i w u It tigi t sithe aza i m sitll cim icas , aittotisth s tctuw ilitissi it sit vit1 cIho Iate etisi Iti andti sis li ity stgt i llh h xr dc c tr an tertincd iii I c ato ths is iI l5 litterjits , ii utiti ii s all( iris- Nvtil w iles h icc sooii i~1 tilt) lit retdtu elinp ra syeIIh ii ler ill ti ppear illiai conicilit t u- ctr n te lt litc i st lie. of Itesit i llit eseni' - th 1 ,., -itttie n a y tigesItone-actII -i ei ld 1(l Sie e iopodist 1K ititoumssagte aitd 1lso iveii it (Ilce a. nt. t to i. ii. ?t in ititi a lit)ntutut. It d I 92ll, 1ti it" it-i liGoodin1 36ets) m itros = o an iim I -ll S. i30codt to mr gtrandfathterl tso lit its ill toyout ItlIcs jesselry. i t. eodltf ()M I- i n, Sas t I 's tltl Medalit -Is I -C ~ tt'rckt tilC iltiion l'ate at It I slt-i I lt-isi S (1 duclits ce i o Slit slit 1ios sily ser'vic'e you it-tiire. Ourctie(, at-i moderte whetherpyou wantt Ce ctchlilori-meet a Itraln. attiidatcd sis oi- iineial, ;;o shiiippiingi' taike a dite fiii plasure. Fred C. Heilinger li4 N. Slts Hel Iihour list-i loitti' Photii-1,5i 216 SLIl""-CAIN sIOL-ETr Large Collection Antiques- in Brass, Iran, Copper otd Chitaware stirsdi't dens. Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICHI. Adrxossion- Free. All are Insvited. i . a STUDIO- _... 319 East Huron Street