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May 16, 1909 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1909-05-16

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0,;picts Reverently and Faith-
fully the Historical Times of
the Messiah On Earth.
K1i 1w & irinittin nietacniar pio-
inn, ti-hint has n ethne h ci tin cn
dosm l' f two t niltsi s inn tic
noj te ni in rmkab tiprodution
wi t i ic t i ta- istfa iiar t
ni pi~ttlink ifn NnwVoknn ia
cIr Ii - act ketat iti- ii-nct advanci h i t
I kwnnn ic dwcilidiithertoliP ii- n
1aIt Ii 1 prttnt dt i mes W Ci ii totti i -
h ir,bu it niir akoucs ame ro
cLrii. Ntic iililt aThe plnt c"i1ic
itt-t a re igiou i so i i lltiii- l<
Of n huit i teresii t sei ntit herii t o-i
iiyte the idrama in t-iio holdti ii- en
lin nf tpic.tiiiti iitti

The Variows Spring; Activities of
Easttern and Western Colleg-
inits Include Novel List.
1A t 1 N II the A itts t- ' ilttr
"I if l w i111) I
C t~':l' t '1 ', t 1' ll' ti -I-'tl 1it1C 1 i.


)1(\\ t e c - Ihi i') f ii
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ii li l-m t e ' ItP 1 1 f id
ilf Iwo -e a I --lldl
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;tl :cs i)i i i i iiii1 c
fm-I iit s ) n)\ t t h i h
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ii - i il ii- i-t-l t i

i- ill i 1
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d 1w

hay icy, lcii
ii ' Nittii
he IWCik iii-
Itt-~c~~ti ii
ati ii tr~
- tii O-ii t
atiYalc- iii
nu~t t -- ii

tll i l1r I{i l Iii 11 d/ 1iii it I li Ii.
F arnmal D~edication of i'lichigan's
New lDental IBuilding Brings
'Three D)ays Cermony.
Ni itc - as fti ii - i t i c 111111I
t - ~l t i t ',1' t i111ti t-h fit iill t ii - iid it
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lli~s s i 1] f '1" f 1cit ii t 111 I
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llsn k- ti i-ilmr~tttit lic N oi
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pr it~r P- i. I li-c-
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T l-' ill he

Wi " it . cI-o

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11 \ 21, orll I ItIl t l li-itt1iOw
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-11-cs ii i<t Vlillt it1 111 It it
I it lt C:l it lid I C I i th tl Iin II ;IIi
\ii-- 1 i\t' t iCill t - il--lli ilt
on Tuesdav, lune 22.
St.l 2 .110 litir-- I 1- O 1 i k'll


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t t}isll the ziitisI
fc;t!tu'e stIllIt,
ll tll t;tt cl I3ttilt
"r }r.
<tr 1}<"itl"
i tll sctiitW

cyiides l'pti oin n thisn Citititin sit ain t
edi tittintitttin of I tiin ittilitCh er
ig Tuere are ai,0i tiet iof Ciii toi
these panoramas.Tic-ittCit eric- niiicicc-
the race. theist tienWas titliii~icnd
tiofetix lttncfhtsmbelowithenleelo
the fti-i lits,-Diing the toutinar -c
-tn tof t illplayt i s sub-s ta-I e isi cooli-
ercdiititglyifitti nplatfrmnsutun
haitdinn butieu-licir ad cs
nstptrate ttic Iichicitwliiitutsveninitchest
Nv tatideipr ait orechcoisi.fTheseltc

w tl ii i- ii t u(tc Amm m - to its ii- N
it rii- c a nt iii as I& it--I i
it-i Ncl ik frY l . snii-. ii ii or
Mi I a.\\eltic I )ltc( j)
!)l it It1 vvwiuf)r ilki 1 - tc ilaa ft111wiho -(11V t it)
l ii. \ i - Ill . tl tlss. ilt~w
Il." hal rt~lic' ( iii a it-d it il
;itis It - t' i C ) tilt I i- kal" as
-t Iin t to ,) l -th l (.Ili n it- it
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T hh cla s is )\ ic r\\hch ii l -itt )11
iial )II a) i il t a l' W INIt
1)1,t til t o 'a c rl ct)i s th
iii uu ci tcniilc c il! !2 \cn s, l ld
itP i iiitice iliti iii i c rclt ai
tis tin toi iThe icitn lt -tilt- « ilt

C -c n r1111c1I1 r.W 1. an (iei
sct.; tctrrr°, Ii)r. J NNW . ltitittian
Od i" n : \ rc's ike. A. 1. 1-
tilt ir J J o is: d inl y,1)I.
C. i li ilt . I~ \I.IiarI liJ.lit
14, 1(I~r tuck~ : lrnccliitr nlay i1)r
i~tc1ct cr \v~i, I~r. 1 .It ii i-i- in
I'-,try oia itt N ii.eiltc th
Nri g w w . i t ii'. 1,i I J N lltriliw
't dum,- r t &MilWS
Ni lii icr t. Iir.. lI?. lii- d

fjlt _Nm liii liM t l-iIici li - iftioIS i ii i-tliltt nitit-tmti. Ifto"to

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