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May 16, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-05-16

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Thegan Daily
_ NN \NBt )i, NI IC'I I( N\ St,; I) DA -Y Y 1, ig)oo


No. r6ยง..

Captain Dull's Men Defeat Ohio
98 1=2 to 55 1-2; Horner First
in All Weight Events.

----- ---- -

(Spial toThis5 tch5ian 6Dail.)
5. ii situ ss h c 1 1 -\icigi ; ;
track ts 1 its silts ii
in drzzing rai w ich i aiit tuls in-
c rsdto sisvs.sis Despite tseis sun
cit(ill- iht ; a ompi a i ' i 1r
tlid )hi1)ts lls i s t placepl sthoughini s
pott <rls Ind ( s e ondipti ace. Ii o
Ill kuc iciitits l cc is sttst the sltaursuof
th t~t I; hc w()II tsosofsiA iMsi ttc
11e loa tul a tiil h p~ ( VipI (cit. i Nt

Splendid Presentation of Ber-
li's -Faust" Forms Fitting
Clinmax to May Festival Series.
1 c'lo. s )" li11 t f li itt i it
c, h (is I(.fii te C liiit -t s i lth t r
ril t sii 5 c c st itc ( Bel i o ha
ciii , s ricll a 11it(1 iints lw st s irts-i tsc
its; (sor 1 i1 sd t to 1i;citis ii A l tis

Audiences Here Unsurrassed Among
College Towns in Appreciation.
'Thrurightotu itmyexperiecin t'play-
icsgcrtt clltgse ti tow uienrcet~s uIlhav
uthans ltiost- (iftlits seaitson s s y Festi-
v tsii s N rl s a s~iid rctlcricls<A.
Stick. lceticr siotfith homastorchestra,
after t istla s stc cers titniti ic ct-ttve itg.
ri-stilts t ittuitscal s-sictssiisti andttilei
Ilc cittlsistia pro - 1 isap l ttek
lstcil) s t he st it siofssssus .St--is it y:
Th wm-ks of the s chns u s wit s. ii t pit-
mit the Neat- wlstl iinyhp o e
\it Nil ii s deeply idtusdlii to(i
hut titStsnlistforissrin 5teini-

sl stsiis

i )i.

(Iitc \\ (u- iII I '1 ~'tl iii ts'mII
Ic cI p iII \c)),s-i it t sit (its
1'\ e~w l I l llc cc'1tII'\' cl 5-',wI i
th (tllt itit lifte irck adi h
I ite as ititit - as. IIth
si si)greet phe tci aI tas tC p
tiit iii Captain lt t i 5 osi thu iii ck
isis,111, i t it i s11 i] t e tsm Slit
() :57 t- ll \\'slits1
'I'icI uscmis iis :
2 -yadi I()\'I htr 5555--C its it
\\is1: issiciml ( l iscs ()c- S M
, stilt (irth.((sl imei t osuIts ;.s
\I Ic rII--I,(w;I- t 1) m) sl n
(-\isisis it sm~ O) ~it lWatt
sh)u ft u (is is 'si-- s---'
W01unt ]111(d(huut s tit .Isitu iii; I tula
) tittis3-;
lI\ist iii 1111 I)ll ) \\(I :W s
t 1 , e tit i xi - ci-m (N ) -titi rdsil
Nlout t lt sit-lO lii-f stth.il' ims-t i-tl
fo ies sit()) tsro-n Nit ttrslli( t-)
salt (ist I )N ied s o ir lst:ttIcc-- t for

I ttsI Isti t
Isisisitissit tilltcmsIsIcit (ii,
Rohisol ( ) ), scold : l )Ii


Syracuse Contest Called Ott
count of Wet (irounid:
Pon-t- the si 5 d ilc hs e
p irtven te a ch(i-ti its- it
cl t (t si stthe t C( nd ,clstt i-
-ptits- Satuirdayt. A-N ;Cie(us-s (1si
su s ti ad flloswcdI thes- ti
ce-i itt jousitl(n-is etcd
H iteer, hi s p- siws f
ts- si-assiti ti--lt-( shit tltisi t,
- riiisc iii its i ci th(i raintsI)
ap ss- is e iii 5 ll5 , ; isisi lis
aho ut all ihsiur, sia it stiltatiI
(n(1tisssisisil-sit~sii i wi i i
th s sts ah rd i te r
tha il(' alv w sis(1ff.
Itisoslteami sits oll its lt
herof\-ttic "a stirs ii sit Stciss w(
disaptitt atsisic i rlit hit
ith usecn-.Vl )ftesei
therbslrsil y crc iii
(i (is sit ited ys )si t ais ndi
if titsvisitorcs ballito
sthtfif th stp situ i u he
,heti-ittis-tioftthsi (Isis it
Nicietgs to'5plu wayifr

tii'd t > ciic iis, itis
A cc till frsh es
11ihis (5 ;end titiit ii s las I
l It )tt with tl" 1'1111( tl Osl sictcd ptisii 1
Its it11 lits5 hiss ('tis ndctr1fNi
i 1j1 It l(;1dsitsc (it.'slits
lAN ic i sc~ i t its citrb,",tithi
'r (.,I 1. ;" ,
(sit i i t ), sit l N f t lklt 1
',;) Is") tisi\tis t isl
ti)i 5 55555iig sng it hrl(
((iss(isiminst tic
11 al 11:lc t s Nithac m reta
f~l ~ti. m1rss()lills-r itst p -tslt
.).t~o~led t) hc irstel i tu it) iltsi
ill it ic s c l)1e isitt"11s s t( its-
N t r.I lil ~Issiwosws
Ii i lt s5)) ti t r i ts soi-tu ii Solitst
:11d t utu uMr.T own silt t gt (lii
bc~11i1 d th Ithe wi tit wlst 5 il agair
L' 5 is 1isnu csit NN it l illth

Ii t ietus (its itic s (sih lits tu psi
_ r~l Arbr asia mu icalcetrisal
sit (ituslt istutu Its itas ai athein
I.is-1ttlurtistcithrspoitnisid :l"s-ris
IS the sixii th oseticcii fe sstisvalsit
iii stirs it siotIsisrstsemsrbl oe
isorcditt toiotenit i sl e5-, it 55s inc
tins-ieitsplce foruit isisss-s ii ossisi'111c
sths Choisril 5. s worksun is eclet
sitPof Stanleiy is assmusicianssusndes
\41oe drecton t is a .ple sre it
F estivities Over, Town Settles D~own
Until iuterscholastic'Meet.
NWiili-ss~ssss itthtrofthliiiMaysi- tsi-
- d viitrs sle ights lidei- Ifi Anns r-
(5555 ssri ing fstivitiess is sItsI the ebbi.
() -k 11w te h tels twill litse intoi
thi u imi iiipeacef555l s ia d t-e
st iissitueitisars iiss ogr hlitoitop
toi takei on passsetigsrs.
(Niulslstheswinups ti vr aswek ags
t sisfluxs itf uvisitrciseg niMothesci
and fasiturs, sssterss weterts
am suis ogluis the ssurrouingit(151tiuntry sitsd
its silts titintisoi ist d ttitch glmps lift
senstrs ini theiir as and ;uts;Iowns.5
Ih lII I is usIsircus bruht ai scrowd-
(If sitsrsysitker-silts tujoinedl siththslu
grsitendssinsg sts'sPtaltdiuasisembcitlt-
its sefit-i gsts' ei-rain ts he s o pits ai l s .
WnN tt thes ivasl begarinWneitsdayip
its-cvrs suit onsly frosuitsMicigsan,
lit lftitO(lio, Ilins and sNews uYrls,
Ilthe hstselsais dhomelsts f theit(owstni.
" ei-I Isis trunnu i ii fo r t il-it-s, lusr-
sitsedu (suitsonlfor visitors.
OvIs ivsishunsrlidtaliuntistsom(t-
sidien s l utal deartmnt ji sit intsedicall-i
tions stesremonsies iof thesir sliw buildling
whcl lus ere1 conutedi- y IPre'-ssidesntu
lInterclaiss st ruggleisiswhilen tisIturauct-
sill ius- iestival atitendtisIs, bo1h
sirklistitom Npsilatissul (uscarlotadsuls tut he
lIii sipt tu tirseisofste Syraicussbasse-
(sill tis misi s t s ight, sawsc alsos sts usia-
jori ity sitheicisitoirs lcsi-ng. Once
surets tn uANtbiirIti lintheli simp~ls'
lIscs ssutil(usesinterschoulstsic meest nst
Sastsutayisludsinsg scatpit, tutuuses
nitswusits'.ry -

Second-Year Men Defeat Fresh-
men by Score of 5 to 2 in In-
teresting Underclass Battles.
iti t sits li et it ,yccr'i h
'lit emct, h oh moe ,
t siest byi i a5( heal 5 s cllu of ; toi 2
suitfesm n see bl o i o l
lth se rionlests wsl its nit mibits pat i i
Ti e sits st re ,o S~w a
mois- g. (is With Conwal, ' sitan
sacit s ole i i s its i f its 5 e csa 111
men osi t heuc ]tti 1i ss-ii- i s it ifty i i
coul sill isisli m. rol h" s"p o
tuor s % r hs rc ih cs, fl
fcsre istnbingsuitsn shndplac thiii
oll thisentirets tance
upon t ithsesthid rcthe(itittsit liii t
tscl f ith la ofh pitds ht
ist th u arsh as ie ie .oh
Bol 5(5l g ble It caits oififiI ty ar
thich(il w sictu -i thusitcs-li i c
Iii race si ttodi ;t i lit f(lii ~f t
listnd ijuits ek its ariiior
shut tid-rsht atu~h th suu l o-
55555 usands s-utuchuh suit its put11)s su it hft
l tt- andu-us-sth res- i iis-ti to
5555 st homoret t ct i css ist olTi
disally i ofi attempts tillnchorth e halltt
uisist-l hpwisisig s ad nunhers of -theu
tiutititininiiciu l i t hesusihssd h
ict ny defiius th satis s-itsn 5dsBolding
sissyed I) r ithes hsuitssuthesit nd
its thib th i s ii tursh tn ts y sasusius
suitsorits windt hey cott (uh av score
list earir sandith sreatecrlufseuc csssss
sTlls flstiigoali'5wasuit (55s uit (5 151
this scond tiningafer tel 5ii-c
pla. f er 'hs cni de t of thus
stret h, t he fesh en tllo ed itsh is
stafiinstse tslst hisand shunt t i iills
respetively5. O te ef svetitithis
ousttetsophomorts utsits hr _f
Tit layt 1stppedShrtlybefriii
wtutu t h sai l gsit sh uhree yaritd; ofsui
shispom rs'gol
/efe/eeiSchulzNwas UI/rc oIsi/l/(
ill hotdignha/uul mbecandbagapnt /lo
I/us/us cuss Doys toss/cfotingt o his
ti/efiromit1beea/h f/i suling ftcs-
frui'sheol/owedttOf/s houarsnakue
danc us 3 S te 8stree p, io u/i//Nap-

st>s iti
but-ut hi


it (is-slisiit -llush deuts- ) lcs
thuosstileii i-k ofI~alsci-t, sut-

9 sit i ---(t11eSstui is arcitect-s iaid
Ari~st. hliusissstd IsrsuitshSutwoitk iofi
msansy artists.
1 slis itscr slts (irotiphli t 7 150.

$410H5 re now on saleat the State Street Book Stores. The sale has been larger than was antcipated and he
{ILloner.emaining i supplyo usiessisngevery Arlimited.lg. nnThoseMih.who-- haveingnotly yetry imied.Thoedwo bookst etshoulddboonotoul delayeay buyingo45

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