T'HE MICHIGAN DAILY C. JORD CO* '11i[)ECORdATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE LAT ISV A\) MOIST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE ANI)STNS I IALV'w 1 I S, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISII: iS. ll;tlNhlS, (iiASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our speci-alty- is fine Decorating, such as Papzr-hanging Paint- ing, 61cc or in(I-exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsomuining, Fresco- ing, etc., ec. \V- employ outs skilled workmen and guarantee 0our x-ork. ( )cilsDelicvere~d to all parts of the city. BO0TH PHONE2S 23'7 203 E. Washlrugtona St. $1.00 At MAC K'S $1.00 $1.00) Iest Shirts ifl the City $1.00 [ }u t :: :it ud corkniiaiship in 0)1111 Sl'1IE AlJ dollar Sit, I -nwho wacot a good Shirt for $1.01. Thie lpat- ien-s i,-: n In hi whole Shirt shown the extraor- diijiyef( t IGHI. $1.00 MACK & CO. $1.00 UNIVERSITY NOTICES $ .lit s311st ~ c clt i ii s ela racy- cFiji atic r l>r11cc 1l : M r i i it (I:11 'c mcistr 1' Ml li rii at i o iiiiiiii i .i i mI s ctc ] 11 Iw, h -I ViI ,ro- ii i 1i o IGIA 'Y SER ICEAB LE Quat an bstinctive= ness ( psi . Feature dsigdhr line of lust recc. ivec nowhere else to be found in this city. = Al s ook to us for the latest. LI N di F PFEL &CON h(711t SA \ 1l:tb it -ic c<, dccc a -cc 1iv-(I c1 i liii i32() . Sirtc, ,u-c ,- G1,1NI i\ I' ,t P ic-i cii ticI - Ic r11 I PIU VT LIESSONS IN DANCING cm ch do!ii a icall a th Academy:: Off lco 312 Maynsard St. GRANGER'S I 1kw bine~ teatre O G Y62 B t cVt=TH PHOMES 480 ilirdavFridy-Saturday May 13 -14 15 Matxec Satu~rday, May 15 8P. M. Sharp, E~vnrsirxg CV f p N P. M. Sharp, Matinee No oenlnililhrigopening prelude "The Star of Bethlehem" Seat sate now open Puiccs: 50c, '1.00, $1.50, $2.00 No it. I laid side. No orders taken over the phone. Friay aPny Express A T'h.-iltccgWesterns Dr-ama. i-c t it clie t iftic cc t- it. L.l\ f r11,fe- i '' l - ii 10 kcki the IL;z j r Eiek possessing )servative, it IS - - -ordinat ry style "AT 1\1d~ t'1lc i ts, 11 c 1' t 1'i cccii- Pn \\-" Cl ) itYm l5cc i2," .. /4rrocuc (ff 25Qa par Cart c-'' Pic M/rc- 1 .t!i iSi Il~ -cc (> i i t 'ric't . I -'01 tr 1ci til l c 1)cc 1 i(iii - - c lii cc1 ill - ~ t a t I ca-.I _ Slthe 1iic), i\aitii Sct clt f M1OES BARBER SHOP" 705 Nort1h Univsitoy Av-e. 0. A.M OE. A, G. Spalding & Bros, Tli Ii i c icicci c iii iii i iciccic ii i ii ofi I ccc iii ciii c i d iii ii i lccicc ii icr Base Ball, Lawn .Tcenis, Basiket Bll, Golft, Tranckad Field Spocrts. Siicidiiiiic Ni-icsprin id Summer lh ccci lccciiii c om pletec c (iun-ion, 144 ii ncccii c toii lt'ciii dcicicic o--. iii iiiii .i of A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 2AcliWocdiwacrdi Ayc- Detit-cicic hli. AMBLANCE Be clPhon, 8,52R Home Phocn, 55 K. A. DOLMH & CO. Sucessrs ioi. 1l. ii arc cn Funeral Directors 2095S. 4t0Ave. Ann, Arbo,,15Mc. ahc a-: - . MAJESTIC Special Today 2:m30 V Av f-- VI I. L E Best Seals 1 Oc Children 5c Detroit United Lines On informiation to Divis-icnici piicin tendecit Allen, Ypsilanti, of the Dleiroit UnitediLIinns by officers oh Varsityc ir- ganizations of the nonemuent, bceyonic the capcacity of the regular servie,-of ano g~rolc of students io or trcccccAnn Arbhor extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. V7heGR AND 220-222 South Stats I' 0CBILLIARDS AND POOL 3cPer Hour IHOWELL & JOHNSON, Propi. M E.RYAN Maagers TeWSeason. Only !-eTwa for iJ'J 30s ii i 1 .VAN 17KLEEi I NWCREATION 25cB.L 300 East Waxhtcsgton St. I's reversible. Made with " Easy n cclcc Homecc Po'ticiic -c ii c ci ci cei1 'd i'Ik i-liding Space' and "Patented BESTLi h Lu c e (i-o 01 SLIet JG JJ 1WIU L Lok Front." 4-ply Quarter Sczs B / Iigt unhe Chinese Clop-Sey Restaurant cid c ciciLc n. lciicc~~ Confectionary made ici -tfcccg che cic '-cock c.ci-i iirlird L and Americ n i , i ah .1 Li y- Wrticcfir aticulars Sate exeriec ei- en' Vaii tLr < rn ~r icic t~iiiii 'cc ciccd i~ tcf~ni- n, oy cid ,/fr-sice Creanm thinccc -cici c - iiiccicii I ~ e 1erioy ate.(onnc $ 5t,50 Clt Ai c cc cii ccc AciA cc c r.THE T. J. CAIE CO 10 o15 .14 S. STATE Str1EET Roan. 45Rowland Bldg. DETROIT IUNITEDHIRT 4CILLRlCO~iMaken Tcn NY cc('c a cc i iiw °Phones 78 L 72$lue ALWAYS AHEAD) IN STYLES MJWRT E T L TI-I BEST OF EVERY THlING IN TAILORING