THE MICHIGAN DAILY __________________ FRIARS HOLD AN INITIATION -\cel \rIf ts all o)f flb Save Thyself itl~li bra i r itol. 'nict 5itot'ft St. h _____________ Pope Receives New Brother; to 11 l' llrna t ieti verslit y n SUp Senior vrtYoia brrnd 1 it'1 fat('11 Ph1 . We ofer te faous suseeteF as ihIl t mls Afiter one teaer of a rather in cti i tI fcntct of a ittit'. ic all iof entitititit tttit ilndi ta1111 liOUiI°ItCe nus t i iht" kind-- THEBE S i I New Prncpcc RIadp~s AT ,Quarry's Money Loaned or thr prsnalprpetay. Watachs aand Jreelry oepaired. Baregafin= fn Watches & Diamonds Oticetonatestidencte t3t E. Lherty St AntitArbotr. itOSIOP" C. WATTS THE FARiMERIS AND MEICHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREOETS C lta i :0,1700ittt Strplus and Profits $90,000 Genereattanking iBasiness. 3 peercent paid oime alnd tav aitiis Dteposits. Safety De- nasi taoes inocoils at $.00 and apwards It. [Center, ten. W. C. STEVES, Vice-Pres The Ann Arbor Savings Bank C' tItit 111;. e, I, l ii n initt 20,0 00 A Geeral Banking Businesns Tranacted OicinEmim'iu Cia .tIiscockt,P'ens.;W. 0. Haitiraai. Vitce Pres.: 11t. J. Perta.Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W,. J. Bito th . V. Shieetian Win. Arniiti Dti. V. C. Vaaghan tis. t11,iWadtetE. C.:Oitta JonItcrrJita. Kchi PoI . t. .t. i'ari ti enry W. Douglas FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pres.Vice-Pes. a.W. CtAtNttalN, tanshier. Capital. 8 *10,00i. SarplutondOProfitt60n,000. Cormmxe-ciss1 anid Sa.vlrags electedlti to mmehsIli iip 'her,'tiivt of thlin wiisocaeleihratoil it, tie lt i Fridlay aitern111110ith11"m1 initiation1 o il Sitite strict, 'n fimi m ot-lti ii t iii iestilve ioard. (fin Claynof 1last ineir tim' aophooe socsem. tiet iead liiiwa ihad, bythe tin.iv tersity Stntc Thres for tis ntis stateil ttnb thi liii I that tn goodi tail cimenfrom11thei or gamnitioali id accordingyitt asd cltired a nu11staci. Siiiee thtlimttle Fiarstinluuhay bem ortiiaenor less iiinr restraint.1 5 iii iiial sichteit straithias beienIremovedi te sino ii i rsumits 1placeiiiai coilegomirgnizoaitinitiiiiiiiiiti ne11W. \liclin 's olititi ots (ii.IItC lItI'SIOKIIION1 1 nr i'. etotiai , oiiooii ti cal deprtment and Ptf.tA\il. 1111. ed by ii or'. inot's i ill sf143. lli - 1( 11t elects tll ly fo ol t in. li 'tomlteot' list ofi' ttse' elictediti foliioiw": te UitedlStatos;Lunis C.iFitter,o the 'itit i e iii i.titttiti s iltilshin-tiii 1).iC.:i-atstoTi yloi ogertsiuti detof Ai mmican Cheiimia liisoit ,oriaitofn\Nmul iiissoy C:Alis Cart-i ifelitiRoiceillerist ituteisii orti :i ediical Coum iuiveityiiaif NewiitiiYork11 toli ict' ClaeneVaghnita tkill he il l po tlii misui CWe tires' atret t3O sil ii i simnsofte1s y iii ies pmhae ee1witn fo, ls aciki that t i the ihtl ti'' fin l iii ifo tire . M i tn.ilsieoin'tQl stile t' .11 Kit, it ' 0 Suit's, liii S. \tini street.48 ii lliotsandticitesdeliveedi. College 11.Bthlt phltons1078-1, iandl 178 tlu CChwt~ s t',i, St to nO.0 o c1111' Wit.eri& t, Stat Me f in ii syle tilts aCoil titti aClthe tilt, MinSt. 107 ne n t 1 atheC Ctiei aneS n SPRING WEA10, Mer's atnd Boy's Suits toeveto before so 'otto cii It dlistintotiotn, itdividibty choaracter, fashioot ri glit and ojttiity, store varieties to mteet the mosts exastingp tec toand. Its, elegatog 90 styles, brightlest ofoaifiesKntoix, Stetsnoatndfloercct, rorleaders. Mtimlioti Shirts, fooll ine Gloves, Pit s l ,f Pettilts itt ill slitaies. Exirutitdiotat Ndisplay if Neckwear 'motHfaticy Nrest REULE, CONLIN, & FIE NEW POCKET EDITION-- GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR The college man's outfit is not + complete without the Pocket Edition- Gillette. Compact-will slip easily into the waistcoat pocket--as handsomely finished as a piece of jewelry. It is made on a time-tested Gillette princople- bout is a Gillette improvement-neater -more work- manlike. T en wCI 11'T jistels wodi raosfrany inn o ati nita a i iti'h, a tsfaimtrysa e,. o5mm a itg not moning. 'Thi' bladese oree yiii' Pocket sedition--Hiandleoand hbldeImostrili lv at Ir ihetviiy goid jplated in ('noes ofl~gold, silver, nikloti, Itll k mta-l11ami or'iiembossedi-,v ith a diozen iiNI' CC . i.T 1-1 I ( Ilt i i' t tt' ''i t ii cat S. l Hal-ntc 1 t, 1tf Ctltl t in uplar plit cclon itlihos- itr- \\ t i r C ., Stute Si. ;-02(s ' )dih ti s ub lii' Sheeihanii&Psi., sitiotto lii Ch1 imiioll'Catmeits fi# f ('I. ',!PlCcIs irt. C sit's'i'i t Pa"still iii hi ii t111 C for 111cll. 5t. :>,'st Cl tilts Stmttj , Ku. "Clii SHOES $4.00 Sign of ihe big white shoe. WAGNER & CO. STATE STREET and $5.00 TAN OXFORDS It School 4 totaytt r ...ati J I y t i t 'b f ._ t .. Y J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewr ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Fatty Onacatueed ®f M usf kWatch Re.afrega Specialty Rowe's Laundry T"OMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Ave. New Pthose 450 Bell Phase 4a;".C OUR LIVERY SERVICE MAKERS AND DESIGNERS apiproahes ini attr"activaeiequipmienmt OF COLLEGE JEWELRY that of afirst-ciass private stat I. n iu____ v'ariety it fasr'exceds ihatoof any pivisatm al ~ Stole est'ablishmnt.('sf1ontit any ti tm foutrller C~ ally ser'eio'eyou o'equoir'e-. Ouram agi's 265.1 'AIsiR are modoeitat eawhethiariyoutwanot to 26SUH1NSRE catch or' meet atrino, attenid a windtg or fitner'al, go shtoppinig'or' take a dive Large Collection Antiques in four plesuroe. Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware For'foate'rnity at oilraority housoes,'and Fred C. Heillinger stAtttains 114 . 4ate issFlorence S. Babbitt triOItioti ~ . S'tt'itiilt e iiYPSILANTI, MICHI. DR.. W. E 131 WILL LECTURE4 VYE R E I N K ON -C. kY 17 4GELL HALL iI are Insvlted. "German Soc 8:00 P. M MONDAY, MA SARAH CASWCUU AP Admrisslons Fo-as. Ali STUDI(0- ya j9 East !Huron Street