THuE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. til,, IN tILL I lLS" ' J(lL I Is I CO01551 G. H. Wild Comfpally MERCHIANT TAILORS :a Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in /ltienium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian D~rab, Lrght Mole. Royal Gray, and Kings Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumrberland, Lhester, Orient, Pel- ham, Australia, Cymeric, Bullion, Federal, Emrpire, Raeburn, Irish Boating 'tweed, and London Woes- teds, Please come early and have your Suit reserved. G. H. Wild Comfpally 311 Sooth State Street Wre carrtea1comtplte.ling: ofT entniisiupplies Our Pii ices on Rackets Prim - - $70 Sears - - $5.00 Longwoodd - $3.50 Spalding Gold Medal We guarantee uur Rackets. Tennis Balls WVright & tDitson, tied (Goodrichi Sheelial & Co.- Students' Bookstore Porto Rican Canes tlt , iaciswilk ijw5stiok',ofit iveto ttititls, oit ,t ri. -iWood, pallis t Cs in teei' sic's: $1, $1 .30 and $2., tpust- paidI, t'egisicfcexota Adress ROOT & CM~DER Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424 Mt~anagiung Editor' (',tR.nEsc 1.Ft.srRtS(.i Businress Mansager loris F.Wurz.. The i I Ii's l it 'silisso WISidei- \',i'li 2ore. ( ( ;tll-si is irlI .c .i s -- i News... Newss(Asst.) . Athletics.. D erama...... 'flsirs.... RIs ranges... ....Feril 1. Goodn .. .N;ilhr I). 1F11 .....Jirhni 1'. Ket .loltis ..B11l l,sriiis Kr ii't kee dines K. ,'atkirn itIts orii uisha feth Chirles tGoodsiGCS. baserc Glts Isilifray--Foci, GsEt R. It I sinewind . Theii'syprig ssontests Ibetwseen tie imi 'ti'ei'liss's 'ite' ince' um'o~rei rogriess'. his custuot iiihiring ceinr egir lt indl icturesque cinitests, rthe iii sr'si'rnr'il r idnliighit skirmii'is'es, lii m s'e \lictiigsrr's urci'lass sterggle's faueini theinteircoliate iic i ut liree tuto-wr acosisristhre ItHironiis sseial ell hknow siruside sitAlisi Arbor and Iis first tbecoiiiguri gus Of asll these conrtesi.tsihiweier, tll(. 'reay racesiridilporslisill corstest mtis reqiretheco-op~e'rtion o fthit i. irec ssteni t 'd. lscevear ethefAthletic lioitinhssgenetrusty gesiits I the useof5 I'ery fieldt for these contests51 ir il inlrert'osrkeelp threfieldforlie ii toute. Bauirdl ie trust rise'the ut- mostrre tcsee5r'Itatrio inijurey is itlone' tos the assocsitionrt erescty~. ss)ig is ilhs gt,'expen otsse if removsiinsg theshe ieron rthichs isisers ithe' blechter.,th norseth s;rid souithstandis swill remisn icov creci. tfierriirii'shldirimaiske it a lie Ional mtterrtoiiarsist tire officiarlsis seeinig thasttlir co versitsg sisnot sirss as sa seatinri ea ut, foe if rent it is wssr'ts less. The wals oIsfs1the' iel rust i sir BIt t LtI,BUG f'l.AISIS SPH IN'X ANN') TIKI INt'l;I' Isthila ust soiatl stunt Ifit hisiea bothiteSthilts until'Irianigle sissies s' isetohavrts s ebsraill (game it W'it i mossres'Tsike itoday. This is toibeifls 1st 1 ticy asdinnritanila havrlitrei ckst backtoInn Arbosr ini the evening. The eniginieeig soiretyly eavies b\ trin t o o'cloec, ishilethIe Sphtrix; sil laethrci r'ruinssit I2':30 isswagonrs. i 1 I t Y C t 1 ' t- t t l I' lirsts {)ftl s f for t'skaItIIIIIIi, it isissis an sist v lols i ii Cli :1 l~es I ltshc . t1 Is ts r sit et sr isl us IIh tc h m it fiii he e e~issii iii S(., t'rei,,(ii i sit i liiher f r t e ii Ra l I11 , 1l l I 5 1 - sttt t 151-i -esk is tIeScilciA i. is'l ,14 sisisl ssi is s. r ilei :11 ;l it s:ii i't dd ss ac~its 5 li iili si f' It tile t o h( . lct sit . - I t ('ussr s :I nit c ) ~ lti ;lsr.E'ep);Eri 'v]) ic II {ff l andsi Itss I 5 it iie sillslafft s 5^is I We have for' outr tnspect on, Wtrihtandi itsoti's com-t plite litre of Tennis Rackets ansid supplies. 1lThetnesv" StittStr" Racket is a beauty---Outer leaderso of Ilio lrontiInre of Rickets ate tiePre ri'' the "C(ipbell'' andti e Mte h'dri Everyone Guaranteed WAHR'S University Bookstore tliiKODAK ii 4 FOR 1"A I'll F'\V F'LL DI li t t J T t lis t( i 'r sislt A 1-ci\\il ( I s l c lii s elc als rI 'sireevd tse it risers aterM i w s() sN is' .issis b('11 aray s h,,ite lich iii 1 irliscfl T e caill pan ii() tilt s fii r an i olr alsi ixi ithcil t (fi 'imi l ifi' s I \her. l i lIt \s m () sills'veryitfm-t ilel si tit()5''iiiiI til the t mm -Mid n rs ncitig sja - cis 55555's ithe ''irak () ii ii ,,,S d S it te' i It '5e5' 1 's 1 1 Isll l iiin ftere s i t1-s cl hrn, h \ eivl WIL PAY Yt hOU a s ALARY:-c uRa iGlayOUR VAeCAX1hT1INcse is IIII1c i i t f lls 15)" ~ 1 ii sl" i1 i thei \t ' tI l I it i t)I'1,1 5t ' _M a \ 111? f,? s tl't ill t l)1 T~ ' is s t\J i iol c ': ii 1l 1rtl~l~. t II c\ i ; t t i i ° l t l i Is" rl vit. i t rs 51 i)s te ,\'ill lt's tc i'sir ;pit tosst'i' _.1ti 1s ci, ilts ilt Si. siod Sto i-C, 21 t ti FRESH SUPPLIES i It triers. ir t ttiaki'tf l 'st/ill '1 il's f saint' trice as 719 NORTHI UNIVERSITY AVE. B AILEY & EDMUNDS 121 EAS C LIBERTY STREET Senior Notice I// sor tutu wishingrr the/1/it 0,(%rt titzii liiie rrtjri s/ee l eave115. Ur i/isef s r r ire $'a.. , erit t/1 iii i "tunis lii" ( o11 -gal'e a t iri' 5C Office Suoplies Direct from the Manufacturer to Consumer In order toi introduce our line, for a short time only we quote following prices on high grade goods: 100 Sheets A No. I Carbon Paper $1 9 5010 Sheets A No. l Carbon Paper.-. $4.79 $i( Any weigitnti 1®2 x i or 8 1-2 x 3, i bloc, purple or black. 3 High Grade Typewriter Ribbons $10 2 D~oz. High Girade Typewriter Ribbons - $7.00 Fraymcie nprlbu rbak oyo eod Above quotationls for delivery throughout United States. Factory Rebuilt Typewriters OLIVER, No. 3 [lodel, $25 to $35 SMITH PREMIER, No. 2, $25 to $34 REMINGTON, No. 6- and 7, $22 to $36 Underwood and L. C. Smith at reduced prices. All Tyre- writers sold by us guaranteed for one year. NATIONAL- TYPEWRITER SUPPLY HOUSE SOUTHI BEND, INDIANA I If situ %vanttCo rern aerslr's i'll lse 1 during ig o 555' vasctilt r riling your1 tot list spiret's'Citroat s.'iittdoi ngspites wotre,5w'rite Im' e tday bIrse'ourites \enk Siti csei'r'd. 'Youi iasntdeo te s ins ini 555 muchrrelri' sliti' ull C M e syto n rss esis lt's eel Atl. W . lNiFit. Nunn970smart Ci I51 Wabash Ace., Cliii ot Iii I liihe op ic l ' pa i il It. 1 ;11 1-( Is, '6I S. el iss Si. Coil Is 5,, 5 ii 1n ,:l ,s I A Wm~x. Arnold JEWElLERf221) S. Man St. F." SX1P HATS HATS HATS CA PS CAPS .w... . Sprit ' Evaits av-e mow on display. Always the right tf-iz at the right WADIM c CoU. 121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack Props. Phse 598