iiEMICHlIGAN blAtt Sam BurchificId's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfied Q Co 10O6 &iCo . EAST HURON ST. TVUTT LE'S for -Hoit luches Ice Cream iSodlas BaanaFlops 338 Sousth State Street THE11 FARMEIRS AND MECUHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREE~TS Capital $50000 Surplus and Profits$90,0OO G eneatlBanking Biess. 3 per cent paid on Time andl Savings DIeposits. Safety De- post Boxes to erent at $2.00 and upwards K. E. (eeI's. W. C. Pruss-tes. Vice-Pres If. A. ttiJA S , ssetasi c F. IT. STOWE. Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ca'pitsl I -x'50,000 S urpOclus $ 250.000 A Generaenk sing Business Transasted UtCess'etu ("Chts. C. ltcct'ttt. lres.; V.. D. Haimantt. Vice Pres.: Al. J. Felts. Casier STATE SAVINGS BANK tWin. Arnold Dtr. V. C. Vaughsan Tast. IH. Wt e .P i lls11 JohnsssIfaaer .no.Koc tesf. I. S. Cs luts lleylW. Ilcectas, Chitits s lart i n stt n I P.s C immser a FIRST NATIONAL BANK ttKINNst'. tlAllllt0N eSt)1li- Irs-. 'tses--Press. S.t tW . t-ItH N, uCashisue. Cpal.l s-,00.eSrplus~1andPoits jd,0 Se .v~niss Ciii. Masin. ardi Luber-ty Streets SYRACUSE LOSES FlIRST GA' lEliE SliE 1Il:S (Ctiuuctes otsPiee.1 muinsedito suakselsutayef it. 'i ts chtt the 1IichigesscastinusSteinth irews'swidle anld allowed Fesuntains a lute outbas, wisile the 'Wolveriune' sinsatke seas unsaisle tost lt"Sial'"ut atuth lsteit bathsers' strikeosut csloitsd1_ thetidaV fit Michit-uu. flueesste : -1l'asd sssssssss: St's tihiropoditst aii lmt c-s cmfisrt. IiFac ~'iasa-sitnd stt''-. () ts 2 a. Itl., 5 tI I . 11enl wotrk cit-ns loutsby'ip spstituteut. 151lt ;r No.s 8(TlsJ. \Iis 1,. 1. Dloe}, 02u 1",t I I sets St. -s-si list itlsslit sldeliseedi . Cltdir~ Inn. t10lt11 lsonsst -'s 1i , sstti1078 bluets. \V;'I4 stI ls Sta-t- st Illst- C'lssi(t SitsA 'ltSt. sitf 'LICllI 'uus . s.t Slullivanu. cf...... 2 Lsslhrssl, If....... Funtainiss.. lit 2. Lssthers,.31is....... 0 Hill, 11).............. 4 0 Oilsons rf............. 4 i-stse'ithsl ..C...... 4 1 Ss'tsw. P ........ 4 t iilassiug, ...is .. 4 3a i Strscuse.cA1;,'. s ikliss1).......... 4 0 i lu ssi t ...C f.... 3 Scusly, It)....... 41 i Iaskiuss, sit. sit....0e 'Mskier, if ......4 0 IRsaclslu. ccs.....4 t0 >1 . . . . . . itue. f......4.. 55 Stli a l . . . . . . 4 tt Steit. 1.... ..........4 0~ E(. 1 l I I t T T ,L O 54 l 14 :\. O () f - 1 O O () -} Clever, Snappy Suits for. y '- This Store has won ab- solute leadership in high .class Clothing by always <{:> showing the newest, cor- ~ir rect styles, and by giving always the best value at .1..the price. This ya u stock excells all previous displays. It c "The Best in the World I for the Money." Jfi1iuertk 211 SOVTH MAINY STREET -7 Tt 7 1[rI' litiit'it, 04 S( i 1)c l p cs I II I II(' c llid (- i)\ -itnd l is I sit1 isSt-its St.. is o ty a- llls-ispis ,till fri. ti- lo t lito lit 6i-i -'fic ii 555 I's Col t hu igh shi HI s ix ax. isi iitns237l . 1. Majolis 65W& co-t'fli MO sit's' s andap1osi Mw- an 150 i [c l itus. Mlls. 36' co We hav ss ioldi tos i-gets, fillies And t liyour itt1 ii.solet Its sell to you5 ".th is A 138. 1iller-s Jcssis' 'isis'- 10 s Isis St. estit ME S irasctlce.. 5 e s 1 0 ci 0 ii0 it0it iliclii als... . . . 1 1 Stillri t lust se ii t - i us sit . ;stlen 1itsc-s t 'i ui ts n 4. lis t 1st us isue Isitce-livn4 I k.I'ts liiieB1nsiel-e I Sil isis 1 2. Left 55n luss's--11icis'iti' '..5 vra c:se, it. S'-~issi t u itIv.Stc11 sititleu. 'W id pic -Ilaisissi C 551o. 1 sI11)itrc -I icsitsuitres. lttil.'ttice (51.11TOlVN (ANOES. SilldipstaitifussCalw"Caisit' siiossi' is WII. Tciiltii. (604 S. fistices Sit. 1211 Blseba-lusl isupliet ifii llindi a etsinssli. 45tf -A I IIII I,:iN illill" liii-bit o mus scal Coe' dyi. Slit-itmusi'c sit'msit sale siat scisccriec & Soits'i, sut0 S. lit str e . 1lit f Neckwear,'sit si-iss-u livst' fo itse Clthes Shuop,main Si. Istu ( r .it, I ; } is ti " i > > i i l. I_'a i un3 '5 Fielders' Mitts anV Gloves Used exclsiviely isy the World's Champions, alto by ihe Amiericaon Leagule Chamlpions. This faci alonte is sro01 of ihc esperior-ity of Reach Bse Balil(Goodsi. Reach Fielders' Mitte and Glosves he/l the bus/Ifilst- thaa's because of ihe exira sleeis hollow. Eery Mitt and (Glove felit tuseanl d. The Rea , K Guarantee Thec leach Trade Nlark guarantees perfect U gos.cSlhould defcts appear,.we wfll replaceir any article absolutely wfthont coat (except B/ase .Flsc arnd Sate retaflfngui ndcr $ieoo. ) 't I-ReascIs Cfficial Base Ball (Guide fee 1909, BRAD, ucompe tith lls auinuls , ceschsedules, tables if as ecu5-s, ecordslit c. 4011 illuctrationss, including LAes/Cy 1108IWcrlid's S i- h 1c. sst dealers sr by asail. qV Te1909 Reaschs lase hail (atalogue-FREE A. I1. EACH CO., 1727 'tulip SI., Philadelphia, Pa. ., ,, .s " ,, r t y, : l l , l // ' I. , t f ' ' l, .- , jH j p tj ())t 5 5,, c afii s,.;'- lii1i c L Ct l Its ~c rIt r7 is Ills-i t}1,. .Mints St. SituP , PRIVATE LESSONS IN DANCING Tl I ol o )ni n P i es:1d lt, Its ;t ra C 51u' (a hebo Itlb aat ie Ac-ademny Office 312 Maynrusrd St. GRANGES. We are still making a good many two piece suits in plain and fancy weaves of Blue Serge C as well as in Fancy Suitings, a the popular priceQ All garments ut and made in our own shops. 3WAGNER & CO., Importing Tailors State St. You Mug I Pyu wa it Io May F Theoa -tll l5imieius School. c M1ayts r j , J, .--- i : _°; ... t 1 f"y,. ,' J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler lit Hurry!1 ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 rerered sat fo theALARM CLUCKS $1.75 Fatly Guatranteed 'estival Watch Rap2%in a Speiatoy umbercf u selilt sas t t s-ll Rowe's Lau nd ry Df Music THOMAS RO WE, Prop. andl Pt. 326 N. FiftA-s-. News Flunt 4571 Bell Phosnes5 ,dci OUR LIVERY SERVICE MAKERS AIDW DESIGNERS alproaches in attractive eqitnn OF COLLEGE JEWELRY thsat of a lirst-caw privaste statleis. Ill variety it far exceeds thatutf any prliatet establishment. Call on it any tune lust Hal ler's Jewelry Stol C any sees-isc you require. Outt- dlasi 216 SOF'IB f IAIN STREET are moderate whlethes- you wailt to catch us-meet a train, attetd a wedding- or- funeral, go shopping us- take a srirt' Large Collection Antiques in four pleassure. Brass, Is-tn, Copper and Chinaware F-os- fraternsity snd ssoority hostes tnd Fred C. Heiriinger sitrs~ tutdent dens. 114 . Sate issFlorence S. Babbitt s-ell Phon~e:13;3 Homute Phsone 1551 YPSLAT, MI , r DEUTSCHER DR. W. E WILL LKCTVRE "GCerman S'oc VYE REIN5 ILY 17 %(GELL HALL, I1 are Invited. 8:000 P. M MONDAY, MA SARAH CASWELU AP Adi-fsssion Free. Al STUDIO- 319 lEast Huron Street