THlE MICHIGAN DAILY It I 510 Itat)ATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITI N 'I A) 11)5' 1P=TO=DATE WALL PAPER, PLAT A~t 'st N 'illINLSPht 'O RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OIL 'NPI'ttN lt( 'ilS,(it-ASS WINDOW SHIADES, ETC., ETC -e I i I -corating, such as Pap:r-hanging Pain, is ii I -i or) Wall-tinting, Kalsomnining, Fresc< ci V ,-iipioy only skilled workmen and guarante 100 ( ( l ) lvryd to alt parts of the city. BOT IIIO .S237 203 E. Washing~ton 81 O10 $10 0. 5 4 At MACK'S $1.04 .y :Beslrt Shirts in the City $1.00 a loo wat a rood Shirt for $1.011. The pal i. athte whote Shirt shows the extram ii'u1a tIlG O T, MACK & Co. $1.04 LESSONS IN DANCING r }n i ol ' .ool 1 and t r sr a ito uic 7ft~ 12 Mayrsard St. GRANGER' UNIVERSITY NOTICES -" tis ateri~si. l t 1: t. The i re ilhactc r )ftc=ativeo i t oi l-s f-h1(erl11ra 1a11ti A tll na es )f eni ak1 g;1 he1u111f tcans i1 lc ostd n he 11rou ( 111 m utl 1)n In (a ds ''l i 11a a1. Il 1 0 Ii\V. iA . A. hasa chec 1room It \ l il atile11n11 heke ter for.!,I\ceit san rtc . NN i ~t lili 11 5is Ii tcl o trni o ll ORIGINALITY, SERVICEABLE Quality and Distinctive= ness of Style. Feature distinguish our line of CAPS, SHIRTS anvd NECKWEAR Just received and nowhere else to be found in this city. Always look to us for the latest. LINDENSONMIOT, APFEL & CO, '6"T17REMONTh9while possessing tim merit of being conservative, it is nevertheless an out-of-the-ordinary style A RRow COLLARS TEMONTi 150 each 2[for 25 0 Arrow Cuffs 25 0a par Cluerr Peabody & Co. Mayers I C ~lbtflc*2 bcatr4 OTIPHONES 480 lhp d :Pt lrd -Saturday May 13-14 1 S 9 R ee atizi-day, May 15 8 P. M. Sharp. Evenings " ' -2 P. M. Sharp. Madnae N~l I . 0 - , eaitg prelude "The Star of Bethlehem' Nj a _ _ . :., ' ' s._ ' , , - _. , ,. I 'Seat saie now open c$1.00, $1.50, $2.00 ilait aside. No orders taken over the phone. _____________________________________ ilS(lill Sllii of ;ii111 1-.lsa Co-a Cott A Twlorl E xpressm A .3~ Sil Ii ,"-lli ilt of10 1 Tom SI tK I VI Mas tacrri tfc _____ _____ Detroit United Lines VMUAN K LEEK'S 7. KE On informaionr to Doivision Superin 30 Esat Waahr.5toro. St. tendtent Allen, Ytsilarnti, of the tDetroit 1. Teti ~ ~ An ArE F. tat73 - P. . Cnited Lines b}7 o ticers of Varsity or- at7319Pt. gaol/scions of tire lrovelOnlnt, beyond Confectionary - 25c Oils capacity (of the reglatar service, of and -- 13c I(ty 110001 of , trrdents to or from Ann C Cea A0.rtaor extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. Phones 78 L 78 lue 2511-22 sts ~ N DR. A. DOLPH & CO. 220=222a Sout StateSt BILLIARDS AND POOL 20 .4rFuneral Directors + 20 .4hAve. Ace Arbrr Mrch JOLLY'S HOWELL & JOHSON. Props. M. E. RYAN, Manager ST t'' * A A MOEVS BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. .1' .- ~ A, G. Spalding & Bros ~I E I~ I~ I 1The araestranfat trersrrr tie wold Popular for Two for ofl ai.eaets ant iftormis for TWO 'SEASONS 25cK. I i. R .. .."., . Ft. .1 I.W ___________________________________________________________ we Mlie IImittedmnishpedbtith "Pa-pe,1,bTrckthe Fild Part- Ito ic ~'- 1) tI ,1";aatw BEST Iented Lock Front" which avoids sdi~ar Trado-lrtlr 0110 I/ctit 151- t cR; YltGOOD MOI~NEY PIPES collar spreading, can be had only in SadiisNeSra nt1/nil Ch pS z etu a tt- S0Ltr A( .ro .1%,9~ C OS ataogute, complete editions g'eligth bstU.S nst~r pl poges, asto t 2000 rtlustratrors Copry 11 I .1 il 11y 1 ~ 11111 - ishtOel-Trrtlr ctd t\lrat i 1110t1 to -lco B.75 m e to ion rsdes on~ Srecept &B o. 4ki1 ii n, Write 11111 l~y 150 for Iarteaulars. Statte 05tenclle- PRICES request. .,nl"r.Seeontrr - - - $1.00 to 5 A.__ as . SPdwrdADe. Deeo B iRS I ii sOil 11111 ~lI AiIIIITHE T. J. CAKE CO. 01atosPr 14S STT SRETRoom 45 Rowlad Bldg. DETROIT UNITED___________ ttSHi$IRT 4 COLLARCO.t..Maia,kr,N.Y. I ALWAYS AHEAD LN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY THlING IN TAILORING