THE MICHIGAN DAILY go Shave Ihyselt We ioffer t famou Gillette Safety onmn tis a'd osizes. 5.5000up "s YoitikeIt. New Process Blades AT Quarry's Money Loaned OsnOWatches, Diamosd, Law Books, orsoher personalI property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331 E0. Liberty St Ass Arbor. flouors: 8to 11:301 a. n.. I to 4:30 and 7 to S p.. ALL ROSINESS CONFIDENTIAL JOSEPH C. WATTS THE FrARMEtRS AND MECHlANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREEITS Capital $10,000 Surplus sod Prfits$90,000 General Banking Business. 3 per cent paid o Timeo and Savnngs Deposits. Safety Be- posit Bosxes to rent at x.00 and upwards It. Kuster. 5Preos. W. 0. STEVENS. Vice-Pres If. A. Casi s hi bet F. T.P'eOWE, Atst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitali Stock 50,)00) Surpiss250,000 litourcs0$0 60' , 000P A Geerral Banking Busions Transated OFrICnERS:Choas. E. loascoch, Pres.; W. 1). iHarrinman. Vice Fret.: M. J. Frito. Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. .t. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan. Wme. Arnolid Dr. V. C. Vaughsan las. H. Wade E. 1e. Miiis John Hdaarer Jno. K~och 'cot. 1. S. Carhart Henry W.lDougias Christian Matrtino Dan F. Z/immernman FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN AnnOn, MICH. 6: 1.IisINNi(, ilAttItOiN 5(31,1 ires. Vice-Pres. S . .Atti(OiON, Cashoier. Capitai, $1i0,000. Suepios atnolProtst, $60,000. ClenniapAwe ica vin s ln Coenmoxrciusi axsd Ss V11rgs Cor. Malio grid Liberty streeft, F.ACULTY M::3MBEIIS RESIGN \\r\"'i li Sir 'iiei-liter,"710 tutu, _,, hay- s, ii a, grls. \pply-\lhitiiey Dr. Angell to be Styled President it!",starelow-,, IltOIstlavlo .a. Itl. Emeritus. Onse of she irst ionsof te hor, 1()1:lZI I 'l''-rho fraernostietyorelb of rcelns yestei cly siio ciii g wasto ~sletd t listosClsiiets ehange the title sof Presisdenit(igel from chancellor isotoreosideit oemeits Thc formser offer wa so chlssgedts o si precsident cemeritsus itein c driite e til the presidenti's toistiessas Ihe mex ptressedl a preferetce for thtsitsi le, 'sit owish tatlchangelie scceipteodtse offer of tie rcgentso ands soill remoaino ino Anns Arbor. No asisoiswso stakenosyithest bsoardo in repard lo chtotosingos lis ne- P'rof. I.11..s(nhrlt handedttinol hisli resignsationits-asheadloif te depasritient of physics., wiici s asscceytetils-yte boardl. 'Tie title of losfessoremeseriits wasoconooferredl iponbuss.soan itsheiwas recommsetndedto1thue ('arisegpie founda-i tion fisnsofor retiringpirofessorse. Prof. Carhart is the firoft1.'tsersiiv of ichei- 1i-011insstrsuor 1t ot'ereferredi to use Carnegieipensoioii list. Thse ioardl votedthtuu two s ets of 111015nspresesstedlfor resmsolio ls t'eoldi cemsilcal laotiolory lie ssibmitiesi is use deipartmoentiof siirehitecei tsos unify 'stoo preset iat tne xltitletigosf use ibosard. 'The ecompilete cost 1f remodstellingo jisnt too exceed $i.Poo.) 'Ihe resigntionliof 1looltit fRevs asosuplerinieteeti of bilis andsoo geriond s, too sta efet July5I, wso ox s ctsei. 'lThomais 1H. ''l ts-so su1 so iiis etonnieciedtithitsle contr'ctiono w ots of lie Annss.\:Arosriroad, waisa- psoiniedl io takie :Sir. Reevso place tt s salsoryof $iobco. ir. Risottowil 5coin tisue io setass si~stat ta aar $oico. Ge'obrgetCaunfie-ldlf. toil it 1000ooS p IFoitedl too il11teile o ug r II. Sos-itsasles-tires' insadialtyss lawisi 'Ie leresigtioliil of .T, its a acctedti. isle.Ruits- ontins si 0001initoo te inosuraesoo b'usintess. I.ID iou tot iassohIi isplaes instsrucstorintooccoutt ir g. C. 1'. Coutsinss o-sit i lintuc- loot ins Ft'encihforitho ceolngo.eatol i tkethoe extrasortoolf bIs' f Lvi 'The resigntil otsof \ssi. 11000 J.11. Tihoiimiastwat s-eensss ived an tets csi Proif. IlThomtas goeo iso SI otlt\001000 lhe soul act asts' luad ofthlisepsit-i -moenti oifrh'etric. 'I' bs toaridauthotirized'ii e i osngtoss f o thue souse o l plantisirxieeihhmgn io thseuirsit'rjy, tio se giris' -llolctoc iteld oiher'e it 00 H he fliedifsits drsis. ing~ rioomitit an iiexpen'~set' toloesxicei-i $050. The isordl soojousrnedooi Itilit 0Jots . complete slos coososo it, modoerns totevers' paicularoithusl txoblockss of situ sits. AddoressA.1B..,1Dsil' offiee. .5- 1,V 's't'51 sh-tf loiwats til lxii ithsis ii.springp so ll(Yetc-itheis It 1'oocl hs Susie Sitor's WePhialiiecthesi l l sto lou 'sn, tilt's' d t ay cotl wi. t bes.toruberssoes m'doe,.oTheiok(ind0 II (NCR IROGH AIMS. Antool i o'ltt oseotoos slit' ''ighot''sitd- till i'1000000otitlursrsesi. ' ca ~rry- a0 c omlc lisis-of frstieitys-dies oanc sealis. Tlsliffe & '/eoeasi, S. Siaie street. IJ eos ali lot thpoular lain olorcs isinhs- ie.(Wagonter & Co.i ttle Si. 59-6' Siits al lDins, hilts, Ispoookitss, ino it -soil cmcxsi it'designs, atIiifialier''sI JewtlrySitore, cii6S. Alatin Si. ed-tf Fr l rso'ie-'-l rsst K(h ill)-op ph" s .a5l Ittsdltis, l Iriestemear.sty~e.os r "mk. look your est at oil l t-ms SPRING WEAR iMeno's anid Boy's Sttits never before so attraiive,- dl'istiti, individuality character, fashion right ansdt diualiiy, sure varieties to meet the msnoo exactinig de- matnd. Ifats, elegant 1gog styles, brightest qu~alites, IKnsox, Stetson and Beacons,cite leaders. Manlhattan SlitIs, ftull line Gloves, Detis ands Perrmts in all shades. Eixtraordlinary display rof NeckoA-ear sand fancy Vest. REL,'OLI,&FIEGE';. The college man's outfit is not Gillette. Compact-will slip easily into the waistcoat pocket--as handsomely finished as a piece of jewelry. It is made on a time-tested Gillette principal- but is a Gillette improvement-neater -more work- manlike. 'iT-e sets'I1,1.i-T11'''i s the lasot wordo ini razoislet or 0000 III LI)iois t-,t is 1I k, sat isfacitioryslie'-anitwaso too iit liotosl. Locikt dt itou IIssoils' and Illn&150o 38t t (tti ol eS'xis-mli('l111ll 'to('so it1 ('I1-\ SS 'i-I-l "VMS Cwts-Ipec11iaori'es toot los-los1 tltl iii'plS, ast('1ttlilsi's ltf s1' rlo 11000 -c0s <101 10' 0' 5-a sitlloil onet' 1101tssandcwichoes sdelio-er etd. Collept-c fad;.itIesw~ otto. 100111phones -y-10 stoolsasd l itloi-. (11110 s iis it ist (hell' 4 S HOES WACNER & CO. $4.00 and $5.00 TAN OXFORDS Sign o the big white shoe. J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler D EV T88C11E R. V ER EINr You M st Hu ry IALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 Ifp yo st ososervedset f orthettALARM CLOCKS $1.75 R.. W. E" Flly Guarnteed M ay Festival wtch Repo~frlng o speaflly 'hark'it stti limIt Oto0nutmbetroft ts tit tsea s lo t T O A R W 0 Prp. Rowe's Laundry School of Music HMLAOWPrp Al1ayIt ad Sb 326 N. Fifth Ave. Neon hooe 457 Bell Phone 471. WILL LECTVRE ON OUR LIVERY S3ERVICE MAKERS AND DESIGNERS approaches ins attractive etuipment OF COLLEGE JEWELRY German So i ism11 ' --- that of a first-class priesate stat It. lo ___ne r a retit ar eCeesatlony rcHatllrsJwlySoc "bsib 0/ . - 1estsalishmtent- ('allont it any ttue foe ale ' ew ly tl an y service yotu require. (Stire-so 216 SOUTH lAIN S REET 8:00 P.M. Iare moderate whether yost want toP.M i catch or meet at trainsattend a wedding - M N A ,M Y1 or funeral, go shoppitog or take a drive Large Collection Antiques in M N AM Y1 f__1 lon pleasure. Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware tor frternity sd sorority hotses ottd SARAH CASW ELL ANGELL HAILL Fred C, I81Il[1g8' sdent dens. -Miss Florence S. Babbitt A dmission~ Free. All are Invited. 114 . SateYPSILANTI, MICH. Beit. Phuete lOP bH tte Psot50 STJJD10- C d... 319 East..fluron Street