THE MICHIGAN bAILY G. H. Wild 'Comfpally MERCHANT 1'AltOPS : Have received a large tine of woolens foe SPRTING assd SUM- MER in iMesiain, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver D~rab, (;recian Drab, Light Mole, Roryal Gray, red Kings Tan. We have the Btlarney, Huon r, Cumbhertond, Chester, Orient, Pet- hans, Australia, Cyricr, Bullion, Pederal, Empire, Raebsrrn, Irish Boating 'rweedorrnd Lononors- teds, Please come early and have your Suit reservedt G. H. Wild Coipally 311 Snuth Stale Street ''lE ThIIC III I IGLI. I S1 CI 111", 'I il"t' Ill III' NI Iv,'i CI,\I a. 1 lIPnt' C 1 l . ci'srce.I e i c til 3 :30, the srts C\1111, jut o ss's tti' 7,, 51551 ictc';ught rcis cc ion cth i s ta r c, c'7rsernrri at Ireh c rc n r'irkrbo r ot5,1 osc si. ssr itic tr Io ,r'' m ofitsri I F \I va I 1 I N.\t / .sea's rwell .- ertte s ic 1 r'I~thcls rtries midt iit Fl ii fit i t r rticrthlthIe rnfsr' sisrclrts. T' lc stal exhiit, w!"Ichit s t" siciiri ,slcUlvcsty 1I' sc(wr of' hec fletlt andcr5501 irrsrt ,csicir'ieersrc S'ernio r romrcr ll deparrtmrrent s till hed ill Anns r bot'tr', is csi t's'sis's sitlis ' s' srantthe1set osrsrss ec h s~c h Fred II:,. Goodscintt st' rssir I cirss;r tr 'ts c r s ' ci "rtis ' 'St)s '1'11111'stirs N I.Nell t he na~ ton l i rr'ttsplas tc t 'scsc i i s tiarc O1 c'-1tttade tsr 1oftI i .. . . . . I l :.' I) I issh It l srorter s h ea, l~ tth tu t tl cthe svao, ityisbairdg toslayiss' It{ . .,. . t 1ur it', P lIs t t rc ts tr 11 cc c cst ' '5 It'0 ccc '' sit c s'lsct cc 1 cc cc ossirt its , thit sin:; il be th I'' i FeatPiuttcct I, re s ccc fsrthe exhib itsare'intheln nit .i~iiu vr ;rrn cl 1 1Is . P Bakcoet rislays of t ar' sets ti stir s i llg cs nd c omhisthe Ian t isiiss ie't witht itttc crisoesserctiocn lrso adyI ; m'css scsccrc t is troe s r p rvet theirt't 555 ictccito.1Av1. ifselrrrstv ensod u 141,wl bc i: t fstnr o ihc ampus.c M( tc r ri tl Shar e rm lUtssiritaftrts c Iss c 1iss A i iace : if t e rtlutoirs ;"ZitPNIt N iI)il CR1=51 '11,5 aid i t -ctot ato" ,ci cci s P tc s P c Ic m' i. Iis fPt. -C( c "'o 's as"g' (non' ire h"itoer made't) ccc I s;ic it cr- c'Ilsitlit Phopi, NMain St. INStf II N\ihIt,l, Sninili'rcciofnllikins a st i'tsirttit s'. tf Rent1 ai itltiSlfor 555o'cnoti pr inN I r tits sic WN' m'akisaCsipicisltyli nf nduplicatting lessin our' optisstcals'epar'tmenrt. Ilt 'to - s eleIr PSte,2 16 S. INiai P t. roil Ulies Direct from the Manufacturer to Consumer In order tro introduce our line, for a short time only wre luote follotwing prices on high grade goods: 10 ShesAN.ICro Pae500 Sheets A No. I Carbon Paper=$49 $1.19 Any weight y 1=2 xi i or 0 1=2 x1, i bute, pu nirpl rbak 3_High Grade Typewriter Ribbons $,0 t'oz ,ig r ae"y e rtrRbo s = :7.0r any imachtineo,in purple, tblue or btact, copy nr record. Above quotations for deliverlitrroughout United States. Factory Rebul Typecwriters OLIVER, No. 3 fModel, $25 to $35 SMITH PREMIER, No. 2, $25 to $34 REMINGTON, No. 6 and 7, $22 to $36 Underwood and L. C. Smith at reduced prices. All Tyre= writers sold by us guaranteed for one year. NATIONAL TYPEWRITER SUPPLY HROUSE 'SOUTH BEND, INDIANA I oo"i'i s otins isC'i alosotre s Ime's.1 o"t tt'isloilrtitiliii i/!/0!/ tie's i1'niOc tint Smshirtsoroldn ct:; usalc sitANl- Xii'im. A rn old lclsCl~lc hp M it St. tf E EL R2201 iS t ain Si. HATS HATS HATS CAPS CAPS - Sprin~g Suits are now ork display.,, aAlways he right thin ' at the right time. .0 ,' WAHM & CoU. r 21Wsnton Te Randall Studio, Ran dalP& Pack p rops.11WsigoE. Phone 598 6