THE MICHfGA~4 flAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine TailoringeTrd Trd Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclhfiekl &aC Co." EAST HURON ST. JOLLY'S B-B-B Briar and South African Calabash PIPES Imported and Domestic Cigars Cigarettes and Tobaccos PILLOWS and BANNERS AT Darling & Malleaux V. of M. B AKBEK SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prnp. 110)T A\t) (, OLD) 11)0 cit tt'I'tI 3225S. State St. AnAbrMcli Phone 354 Bell n Abr TyVAN KLEEK'S. For ICE CREAM 300 East Warhiete,, St. Phones 78 L 78 Bli sRI' GALEI1rY RICEIVYES I O AT-iLid)''ssmall fold Nwatchi, ear SEVEN ANTIQUE PANINTINGS IUivteity hlosptital. Retard if re- tur___ nled to Nunrses' H-ome. _6-tf 'lTe ritptortratits fromnthie SLewis collectioni t whiischwerlterly iip~lacdottNOTlICE. exhilbitioni in the univestrity it tlrt lr tare ben attracting nmuch uttentin in Any personi at tersons possessitng ink- tiviersity art circles, . LstW.ider, the staintedinitgers, itnk-Ibiottedl stationery, or Cittodian,lias beentimakittsatsttty(Is aticper-heated temtpers. ott anti after Sat- these seet portratits, att Indhshettcttto tttday, Oct. t7, 1908, xwill taveteii- lie paitinitgs dlatinig as fart hrc as theseve to censsire for tot htaving putr- setettectitry. s Though itsttetii cittietiaiReel Ottarf Inik Pentcil for lie lie Lets icaitaloguetisreiuntwos at ofis tiiceit contsitleratiiontofninitetyeiglht spiecific trtissitis almt i posttsibies.centsi, itCalkinsi'tdrug stoic, wtre totverify te-artitortie lie iSaC/lztra0s.,foutinsisetcssale is still cots- \Vietietior nosise ic trs a c resauten- ttiinig. 12-17 serattnofstlet is mposti~tionteich- 1renicit flanntel shitrs-jsttwhiat yost ir~tte. sidtheusC terial uptoniiswhi ichte liiavectsenlosinitg for. iHenry & Coi. if pictures s ittod. (Oie if iihesCe traits teisio t usis Cail at Root's MusicHiouse atid hear ciansit ttlsittia violtu iiit.T e rs~s wouliidtetmssiccfromssCohanits& PHarris' tiits- iniaeaperiodtoe1 16 0-s6o, ociti- treli. cod-14 ni alratiser tsit FEtglisi.Thrisrxicri- ________________ tiis ihsite s of thelsiie srth We hasveldoise expert scatchtreptair- msaters if ithaisperiod.i lie porrirsti is tug sissee i858. I- aliers Jewcelry Store, pinteldi uitn iwoid pnsti3 0 btIts40256 S. XiintSt. carl-if Attottr issaiditoset Si politrStait of (EN Gls PbLAYING CARDS-the 'rtgttst. titke of Suisisx I Tirfoliiowss25icciii kindsifor T_ censis, at Brownrt's ii.ntat ion si is pa1ird onte sitedi:si rusg Shuire, t1o0I]. Liberty St. earl-22 AF ,A S_ ]1 CoWe sacve said to your grattdfaiher NP N SI 11 Itodsto so utr fatiter, so let ns sell to you. ThitasT . R ar taetsas i thoe siaiiisitcii1858. 1-alier's jewelry of te ait iist, iirle,1i3 5ishitso Sire, 216 S. MaiSt. eod-tf hete diate fcxecusisonthe irtirise.____ ______ Ints e sieconrr intiiit rtieiiirobably iigitn ISRZO\'NS DRt 5iifj' p 120 Fast tir. snit is of te ubcsiject tund i ae. ,I urns Si.-te place iii ie sutrr of ~ sler iarrsts nsr iisiSiii ii tting your tmoneyis woirit. (ed-22 \iir''.rsA hiori, cailed Ii iott si 'Nli uts a pro itiliii uts sstirpain'ertsandtwhilecItutuu s lit suito sot tsoke tier ie rtr ri t e certainimarksitoSe iii I siR \N Ii\V I:IlTt(cigrirs, youtare is1 n.ii otiii i( gis tig *iiiur tociretiboika square oni epl'riicase. Frt sti eiict s 'Iteeiunt deal. bsiu ltsm at tBrowni's is-g ies of te tie dici fatmtuy (.: st-Stisre. eosi-22 sic d seicr itundCiisi ic N eicnt_____________ ll. R1:SENAL ANTISE;PTIC TOOT'I A fourth sirstri ii f omini POSVDER-a it;rsls for '25 centis. If te Muinityle,,) r i iiithihwiteircatif-ivnatic tire, itysutwsill inot5 le likely furs. staysi tlkes , itiih lice5trimuts-i rsystsanter tutu. To lie sail only tingis. ITiheitmitser paittdcion te bick at rlns iDrug Stats, 520 East bib- if tse cnvs iiis s IaiisSetttirsia(i i Per- yS.ed2 htotter portraistit is of aNXssssitaiandutu T'YPE WRITING AND TYPE- childisituSaint Joihn, i sSi i id rspintedr WRITERS-We still sell yost a type- by Iake ti icure aCirs beerntmutcht isriter, renti yoiutastyplewiere or di r esitired.or tsiririi'ng for yau. Jolliffe & S'r i themotili lititifti55portrit ZCiNiasiri31 S. Strste Si. coil-if ofi tercollrction is whatsiis pably ail-l________ at itrtit if souls sit. Site is a Frech iilicrs conc. :Nskrfurr ial younig swomasintlti i tundgreenitrolic,,5dist it (sills ge Ists, if 1. houlinig itshelistnis ts palm islecrf ttanid________a_ large spiterifswssdsitits, ler irish- list yorat siupsttplies atnd toilet ar alyreesenestig aslit eeiof a ct-isis. iice at Cushintg' s phtarmiacy. if PIANOS FOR RUNTP-A choice liii JOE bENiHARD ofthceihe r rde pisnos for reist ott tuERCHIANT iTALOR erisy termse 'uingti fr(ee fur te year. 'PEtAIRING AND PRESSING C RHot's N iii stiloe rcisi-if o2(x) E. Washington St. k f e.. e 7 1L L JV J s t- .QQ _ ia. al r- . i 1 WARRANTED FOR ONE QUARTER YEAR PHOENiX sox Silk Finish 3 pair for $1.00 rye frai A WHOLE PAIR FOR EVERY HOLEY PAIR STAEBLER &WDERTH WCOOVR. WALK-VER HOES and OXFORDS NEW FALL STOCK NOW COMPLETE Our Specialty : College Shoes for College Men and Women TRADE MARK RIO US PAI Off 6E0 1 KEIIRWMPAhl SEE WINDOWS fur Rluisise Styles in Fuall an itn terOxfsords in French Cal iiCats Moos~eatnd Ox- BlnodI Cotrus-an Leathers. Ptricres, $3.50, $4.00 $5.00 and $6.00. Outr\VWsler-Proof Camtpus Borots titequialed at atny price. WALK-OVER SHOE COI 115 5. Main St. Iv i I erei10arsC ofret eavo3.00 5i ayt~iocqur 10 hr ic tnhasihlHl nin rostin abr iihisch, he ionlyTe W tb Rarl r pca OFFERS FOR 1 908-1909Thomashrchestra Opiieg.ces) heoanedwsins(tatlyvie),Pc a Mot~th rg- lyif ret ,Keysanel ded i de, tHerbdefrtuntd e rs na A LIS OF TN SPEKERS F WORD-WID FAME oilir Stastto etannuncedforseS Guildu. HON. CHRLEMANE TOWE SCHOO OF.MUICA326NitJAeee JONtIT HELerntuenscnaser.eibratureisioaowdAosicetciaet. Neiotn 5u7Beh.h550 SPi tleAoatretx esA ete an lh e Hrb WterspatnBagage H ITO.TW N BOURKESCOCKWRAN-IDEFss: hinrStas.toEe anhn on s e a ah tui sa cpati Rowea1e'S LStre J I EM . DABELDChJt.eBanEW-ERnse ie ts-br on betl e ataT OAcR W ,PrpiaNcHRL M N EiO E S H O F M SI C 32altrNitFifth AJe er JOHN HAYSC H AMMO D UOtristedoe tinsrs,3. irlcm iso l dttktelerst.Ne2.00.net57sn Bit l PhoNeST 57E L BROSDNBNJKCR A IRA DE___WHEELER_ WoAeac TrukGlaeotritsKEaaS ANsD__DESIGNERS__ andS.McCLBEUCh neCo BSell eeauraan tastp-tir, h picOitFieCOLLEction ELR WILAnL Y A RS NCieeFnyDseAmeaPLnhso f5 Cr enLareBAniqusge HON. W . BriREersCareN requndssiEvintanthefirsa-lsss rorsHa le ssJCeweryat Sh t re Da . Ro beonaandsCompaygoftPlayersForecrrouaetotandgfrmxptsies, __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ _.a.nd pes&Br cOa. bfr 'lct t5,atr1 'lc JO N H Y A M N p Suaroedo S t-e ne n S 15. Stat jW~(h' iiiido eSt $20'16OUH nSRE Tickets f or Al te N mbr .pric$2.0wFunerbeDirctorsntMissFlorenerS.eabbit 209d54thABoL A n el hneb~, 88iPch 5 frmSent.LANTtarsthMprcewilb STUD T-0 319 Last Huron Street