THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0. II. Wild Comfpally MERCHIANT "TAILORS : Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (lieenium, Light, and Dark Art Loather) Silver Drab, Grecian fDrabr Light Mole. Royal Gray, and Kings Tan. We have the Blarney, Hndson, Cumberland, Lhester. Orient, Pel- hami, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and Lnndon Wors- teds. 'lease come early and have your Suit reserved. !TH E MICIG AlN DAI LY'. 't se-in featressis e sssc i iate tinier- -____-t is t oon great. 'fThe' niti s strensg. hiii. iwereit isies'sdNiIIm atiusin Ur omipoentpowritinistiossitbie it ot:NCE T".F] Erst u. istat its recent ittemtitlstulsd(apisrac Busistess motto er fotly. It its presesn t t sit i f evelop- -1tt-INF. XVURomrtants.erisc ostiteat tan far. l~cueteactin ofithe Itmhsiit Cousins en srregard tiitss-sirsits mn setss . .........Fresi h. Essn i s ia w-ssill estabslishisatprecedsefit, tihe NtwsAs st.)...... ...ICB.le~ili sire stinsshu beweghdciiiulY \tisitics .......X\'tfh}I. fEllioitt 'Thinre isst0-' ii si~tshnii' ers fDrams........s....Joists ''. senti sntirefsstirftree. Noistic ohecapu Mimic.........I Holli's S.fBakerstill tienittire sine of trie bns othnii ie SExchangs...........Louis Krstuivrtynrhaismebsaee- EDIOtIAit.STiAsF. tilesd tosomun e res gisissi issfr-t eSr Jameis K. XWatkitns Mlorrison Shsafrothrvtres. Thie porinat issute siss whther is Charles (GoodlG. S. lasher is 'tistatsallowii-orgaiins ttselect ther, itissutireeartots IG. H. Wild Compally 31i Sooth State Street ODS WXe e. is v 'scompetelie s (d stisu-pplifes fOr 1''s teenon lpackets Prim - - $70 Sears - - $5.00 Longwood - $3.50 and Spalding Gold Medal V e gurantle otr p-ackets. Tennis Balls Wriight & Dlitsoin, ai.d Gjoodrich Silelall & Co. Students' Booksotre Porto Rican Canes 1i<, is is sitlk i g 'tit c ii fntivse wo d- sirattt--c . a,.n-is inod, patit etc. i ot h tieos ires;.$, s t.5and $2., front- -aid r- is r'nt 'se extastt Address ROOT & QM~DER Mayague Porto Rico Box 424 ASSOtCITE ED'ITSORcS. Lee A XWhite itred Lawtos W~alter K. 'loners if. A. Nlikesell Dana E. Jonres S. XV. Davidi Robierti I iiP aiul(Greer Smuel Hi i. \Morris XV. 'l. Conklins i". i:. -fSaw, Jr. }liatms- iiser BUSINESS STAFF C'itll1 . C - irism. C. A. Insostait No1rmtair1. if.Ill Addfress: MICHIGAN Baits., Press Bldg.. Mayttard Street. Mntager's IHours: 1-2 p. Itt., 7-8 P. Ils saily, exceirt Suntday. Both phone-n CirUFs sues. nit lit l o t lr eilirge sI~tr--Is. i its t-ttst et i tiu Irlis eistiissIl i re .sut than ein tir sollegesuccessits ice1wttist suit s: its cit reur s Sat-ti1 i t usiirday i's ex"ibi- tohdiapiped by prcvitian r : iii 55.ttt bad weatherslit e thesissitrith ofthsist~ stattemt. tils ictUtion pullii edssi' outabot c\ c onthetpectimairyisites and ahead i othcl- co iraos. uc lit st' i ot h fstl iei isttsko iup eedent-l edsenrmiisisssiuetoithe sic-nsioffsicire', estiti tt esal acstualptire antts -Ntig bterthisrti tosirrt iaatd risea sair b iilsisignrs esssad e'si.sits' aloni tis cd co l str havisci e situ- et-iris illie' t lies' sc-sit utii . it selr it tcsttli is) fi dut sit mmfren~sirtyis we atribut-achr, tisits-. XXiico stisies ansdrsietstir stel cesse t I i r r- a.e test.oXisc'now eiiisalltiig aoiedisthe 51siso i I i c i 1 t s z l 1 t i l c l l 1 i aprIeeiateth55'et'nfstiu hicfulsisbun to resiuttlt uless tihciristier ofins tigia fia5 U)t'5 anlytt ma.rlii ofite isti ctio i sitii ts 'itsorm s trut std sst ilbyts lst i dififerentititganttios T met-h luttiseidiilts, iii isoaIsisofcson- lios-lih v ee-sa i iss s il neto ti _suits ern' at te rIs pfti's niigt'' athetiicis. wilte bitic-s. Sutre-ly feseboa rs aree is gropescr bodslciies t ardiisigiaiof till l-A, fsony trough iithe aits- As tire slit. blits' is commi~ton]is- sit' cetedsthe 51a thletic 5color, it sol o ,Iiisen iof the athleicboardlisi eurd wi ]as. he ad p ins of unitrus it's osutfotitaty isi'nia shoutldlnstrbte iolerteds isithossut the approvsi's f slte prp luthritis In til Ce ite aew ih ihas prompiftediitfissditscur ssin, te sli s'ss its cossisassre' lie'd iin t'weate rests.Tw 'sutsimt 'se'ssiacrs-n'sedsssso-s sthats lie' casislys mistanis for's isone'. It is scal Ovosthait the' inisignias is in oo taiste'andith osiusi l i e ' nti il-s. WX'hat se-c-iistisIle e' i losguical 'saysout f sthfri i icute'is forithSitu'eit Ci uncsil t ol isstten ifcesteipresentseltionsie'Is t rn ssth e q sti onl l ver o t e o a liii'sagita11it in i sttle' ts 'it's c o ap rca i oftt'es' andi At' l-iu its f irs's sIt i cis reya-us itertist iicl, stigle str istatisim. Itii's a- tutter' of seerifrestindiidalsco nssidersationti XX can sir r tlily seeissdi lie artirs a thfir t a ind see-atnd yarssesue'classe- itn eoatuselatig ProfessrrI nssiss fin on iris latest ihotnr. .At rie' sameit'tills Svc agree mwirh"Jeres, ltte le wit'! lo k it. excelilenit dciist isis seers. 'sill 1384-L.. is-li photite. 537 nut liiitinswtll. or tire welfareiof, otrier iirg'sitatlns. ft still nttasie's- tsehri tll'tioter ot MlIusic anZ Tramua WXiisitheahtustrsnsetter that'n ayfire- titus sitiluseatrh'snsats itrie \Majesic thilesi-'s b ill al-ttss srestatr-sntire-plea- rer steeke'r whoss attenss.alter teeo is 'isofis1'tsa'sily por eienet.'tlisitis, th i\sis s sit ess sca fefighftll}- S a'seeresail fit-egeirerlvas-ssi vlife 'itt-slt',ife 1playlet,''lT'e Ontion 'trust," issins ert fi stst. Its sigrsiiie'art sriuccless-avinn RichtIatira'iter's excel- leitly r'ealistic I srts'tte-ofiauu pe sugss.. Goirdolists siesbtrfeet-a, andl.after a suite str. redleemiedsimiiself its'sorte s'ie'''etr executrs ir ssed n stssdir'gls' tess feasiofst ontet snise.. -Fscff andssi (bariit ste-re' <"00dot ils i le-e'sse if their mical scsi lfit afisostints use of' itheir >f t'he ima esreur. lie -'s .atidf list sul, n as pantoimess ents isledsf la i letes .I fee--inst' har'nizstle' s'ell ithii sun p ir i's ansacsetibstie '5t's tortliuitt Ofi sit--uiartentissu. fItStnllts sitsls fin- te ites-siI fee-s litters rusutwish tesettr f thueorinartilt or mitls fh' is [Ifiili wiIfahec ia