The Michi n Daily kN A )\II C'llx iEll(\IA N I 8l)\ .\Y fY ,ixgo VOL. XIX. No. 1 57. TEAM COACHED FOR SYRACUSE GAMES Varsity's heavy Hitters and Clever Fielders Must Learn to Run Bases-Class Games. Mlichigans ii S 1 (01(00hsell teaImxn retu1ed(ronith011le awfiil beting11ad- niinisiered to the N ote Dmex 011111 flli of "pep" for th three dcax's ii l lxxxa einccgi"the iggregai~iolrepre- sei'ing Syacui. le Srseci croixdi isrpiiiieid to1have1aiee emiiithe, '111 hav bli gbe lx 111( ii idlgi n i iil thei \_ iTe parmoics xix'erxx'lexxth(le lhoa Mos inxaexry rggedilgamexi Atx' 'hi tixie afterxth~e tirsim irxg xdil ihie11(1(1 (olls napipear idagerous. Thelicoe(c Prixrxixcs.... 2 1 j 2 3 2 2-1; -loxicoeoixs..... 2 0 0 0 0 -2 Biateries-llarbeaxxxandiiJonex; hise MceCannxianixl cir CIRCUS SURPLUS REDUCED Reports Indicate That (treater Shows Will Clear Expenses. -ccordiiing iti ani unoffiil estimat,( daythexreaerhximosf the Mihiiign Unxi ox(crc xxiiie l ((((ie xsucxcss that'he(frxtiiu c ecixieed to idct Divxing to(le faciithat fcxxf(le oi! sa dig hills lxxive 1ccii (ii'c d, ,-eii uffiial reporti clhe madeixfioiresei'e. (1(ays. ji ng ((xii xiii presentl(( out lo ,tcUlxx i i oxi x( Ici ju s abou ccci donors p((ii (xlix Lm xxx 'such lof x Circu 1 iC lit e mlxxiii th t cx xi iiise x (lix ilhor ei'iiiixi 'xi leavng te vudevlleshowxxo( 0 is thue p lie's efor cxeiii i iii Such'x do't:: ootiseemito hati.h\i (lie hhcasOe, fr(l i fte~area othxte a e~fteinoon la Locl Sieners AerfPreparcedI'to up. pornyi+ ttha ed Solisct. st is a ie'farx'oe gratli yin igi. '1 7 ibustl's Liii xtoiia xapcit 171xamissl s b(le' ng ''xx red tou he o th(lx' e geatchrll' iii xi iii I xi oVixo llitle has''bIeni'heardxabolie lii toa'ighldgreofexcexllce.'xi hIsfsfor nixihigelsexxhis yher'sxliii 0 its xxze, I conrin silixix hre hul of i. .hfterxretie i llst ightx'' l Staidoey exptrexedlhi msxclfxaslcix x\v( the re ixhea iiisals ixiwithteochxriiin c ii ii ce'i fori' iliiile oxixbxsebllii . t wthlltrak o in ccc cxix xxici man (). Aciv iad pssciateix xx (xciihi card aiii ce iiit iio ix be xi disin uisab e andas liii' l Ix (cc' ars ma n t ) whichhdce heel li i xli iel (ole Jixi nlxx i l} all, hasii 11 Il ixi x as ii xlfor lxx nei dels T i lxxwic s 1 "lxit-DINNER COMMITTEE NAMEI he xlI IIIvI f Preparations Begun' for Banquet t0 President' o'n lay 28. htit ei a i ilii'\ x i th i lllxxx'xhuxi x' ce ua'pitiediian(i al-m nSi tnal t)Th I t'ilciie upo n ter w ,te' chh o'xii llcgx le t a lxxniii itit ;,r r conle i c (aing the r(ixi i r ciii1l ix . .1 ah fth w r tn e d(tlite rp)rin . xRcr lisi( ( cithxee \\.11o hadxxixxxxsxxx' tat ive sekr r m te vi ou onxniitt( i a Ircd li it1 ll is'. sne kai w l w e r ti 1(1lien liti lS ii ciui ' lxx i l ix lxxx x hipch x w iieh xxiii a all thei I-fmns that.wxxxc \ II I iltI g ()f t itionlli tc il ) hexxx l~satisu la\,i :t c h las ti e olne II:' tWednesday-, lid xliiI'' Isllt I Lah: ia iio ttite Ic lat iii xx t thr Mi n ().ix Isbee ccx 'tely I).ieti. lii )nlxte il e is ixilil lxiic W ite rnesit it cell , Iixr ' Itsiic(( JI ((liii xihe f oxard l x n l xx ir a liii'xitii' II(,x Inl It( a - 1 xxiii Jean ete c is J. heodo UNION NOMINEES ARE ACTIVE MEN Abbott, Kelley and Watkins Are Presidential Candidates; Elec- tion Will Be Held May 29. Jatmes K hN tiuxixJosiepliltI. ielee xxni h. J.Ahbxoxttihave x C lxxxlxxxmiifatedl -for tile office if ipresienti 01 le mih- gull Lixiilfo heiyear 'xo1901-t. Thie eleeti xinwil hexhelx Saxuiiiax,.flay '21. -Nil mxemhiercs f le Un ioxteixiare rexgisteredciareixelxigi'lexto viii. 1The nomxiees fir te tile xiicxi les cxfolow: For lie raxrx'x-x em'umcie'xiChlitles Jaxme;. CreslxxNhWiltia 1. I1'lxxxii C hesterx]I. KiddiM 11.hi Sclix lx hs,( Icn LxiiiCrpenterJ . Xiii For iiiii departmetsrxx lice-peidentmixii --Walltier F. I oz LProfessoritCx L 1,ivn Tnix ll.c -hpinted s o.tihl 13 N It oard.iii Accordxing-i tom lthieeiixxucsituton aneeitonixuor morei'acti members fthei xi tiet ~ (foranu r allxof.xthe l ih'eex lixted 'ii, b omt'.iling(I'a Ilitifite prsosis nointeihitherecrinlhg si'cretlr' anxii by piosutig xxx bii hingi il''xlxhick- i ,ts signe(Iixi yx(lth e eihtx iso x i-xtt dayxoi'heamorlxxiti 111true lxl- ileast threei'clnsiii xieiii( plces i thoi Lio mxiclxxii xixse'. sLU'Li. )R''LIIL .L\'ls hh''ii llllDli. lhLSTi'OLFi Dl. Nhhl1il. Wo'.rk il01thie blronze csttue of irei-- lid tingel, whtih i t he gixux i t heixciuerin- hb- Rege-tilll, hils be ifneicc . K . . F. litrtie' cemlp- 1(11 Mxiiiwas ' l cex' di- tolidolxtheiistorkli ariit''l'tiinhm-hi-hbxxi'lasvl ucu-haixs bee btsymaingximohilhbastco f thei Ne-mi'Sui-ickitxh hixm tday andxxich willi serie'as his xmodeli iilainhe ii Sir. Bitterx'is uone ofiftil esmcci qitillee tme-iinxxtie'coixtrtoi lxdo thex work, I lici fis aeintox lrminenicec at t htmlC- decorative xwork rIececiixxxmuci Ilcte- tin. lii lidi muxichi of(lie ideortivee scultuinatx thilie St. Iotils exposti, an mxxi fu mlechargexoi the scheecoxf (elpuin}ii't tie IPan-A meicani i x- posxii tin. Thei lxxxrelifuwhichis xtoxi le' mdel'of 111esxientx-Aigell xwi lxelife size, anii wor t l xi imeuin oxxiti iimeiaitely on1 Six lxiittes arrval inNext'York LxC ite imodelc 1ofi IresieniAnigel whi i ichexiii owiprepain1g obiateiis tutu neccisxxixyof iflx' the.lie f'igure pes- Pu.RcOxFxux'. s ilxxro a cxut'c. S T e lasses i tie lwdueatmntrhi , Mlodai~y cxiiigralitlte'ilProf. Jeroxume LC. fatheir. 'The iuparenits of the yiugser rceSir. andii3.1r. i-irmanixxiKierl. 'Sr. Kieerly clas traduatile-il le r i104. c hile Srs. lKleerlisltaildaup-ter cxl te laxs' professor. D)1f'.J i' C)(1JN' .SUBS&CRIBERS3 -Iflldx'fntmxtfstumcribers to 'Tix .lficfi7anilDIaily .shioulfxfcallf et file office x-xdxfsetftle their xaccoulntfsbe- fio'' iMay 1'. Office hounrse, I fo -un; .,7:30 fto 8:30 P. xin. dailyi. ion miill continllfo-e xar- -y f)r c rp rtin , hl i1 1wi eiihxxiiil h li l h TWO TEAMS WILL CONTES'I ix eec.Light anodHeavy Men From Undet '11(0. 1taken xfromlie ieuemti Classes Meet Friday. >if ouitd atihi ulhlc te ig t o v tei luT e hI ii lextiexl i llx e e x \xiii to xxih limite ol:ardca tnd (t_ tedt fte mannualroe x l prvd o aI limnnitee iompoxsed ofxin or lg.anizinug tliur lurcsoe x iff I'.cue: It( i xxri' . tile iciattiltof te c(Ixis b i e x eiecdin ii e-c'tiii fotbl ta i(r aebl,'sthicsueoghme iorteug-of-warux'xndure- the ci iititx ';t i T'i c m ite ill ((xiii huans fr e' ach xx cl sl illc- ,whih th co ilte i ii ix iii iwipe e o ah t uth e ct il e fu h time closie ofithue Ixlast fo tbxll ce-ixux (lxxtosu willx chii elih miexxir iia lxxxiutsidtes Thr tetsill lie lxix changice in thexper.x' xxxi he' chanedx'fori te seond pull, bi soimuxilIof lime hoard of irectors except ltic liheru'ti-ts.o 'Ilme - ti eitxeght( limp that ltetoffice oxiiinauncexilseictaryille\ill coutopoxxii (xiixint, andcthexhe'xxxiie. hue mxerge'idx ii tathfIrecoxrdinxg xe-twoxpxinilts.x hit 3 o'clock Fritylifter- me xxxi underluxtile ii xxi'xl xe ceary. it- xxhet xmiofthe twoxciasses xxiii listl as xthie lxxixoeticSexs ((lxxow(illed meein xxfrottof ULiiielxity1lx11an itiltneiesonlthis ei invlvs xroftxxxx ilmachtothimeritchere'xiilie cxxx- leci l ch'rxi' hAiter' 'u10e1'tus d ixscuss i lxxest xxiii silt t 1 ;.1 13(1 lte coummitxthe x uinal ly eciedle xl ixxix itg tc 'cokterivl iitiix t osli txxiu texxc xhe .uxc ti iutx l- l -I w llmetfor ithe lxx'figxlt. ihe lot x s)she xx.mi l the utse(of 11boiii ortime et ix miutes'conflictxiloccuxr m- iresn ccit vt sxi '(xiii(ie'g-iattthelsxmi- e eelectri ihtiSleepy1m'1 lhollowx. annl eii tiuons. I his ttts ix xiii d coutole poxxitforx'tile 4 luuixxxx'ii(i~i lliii xxaxiiiryofthe mo e iu'iiiii team i traxlt ci 'xi' hcleh tim'e cmmittie' .- Three ltea xsiof mmxxii e me-it ii lxxs dlecidedx Ixtoecommi(end: c iuopetex imenxxIth eyraesx whichate r.Tincorporal'(le tieon, at someii'futxure xiched(tiledxifor io o'citedkx(lxxxirxxaixxmrix timh ofi thme Ahtileasscxiioni. i(.T opi nt s w 5 xiilhbe xscoredl lxvthe 2.Croutes e'xxxtnttewhcheixiili clssx imm 1(two if tiii thircc iaces. aad"As" ie-aealxxii footehiall. 1(1(1 ixiely afte r limee cnusioniiiof 3. le'i'es Il lexil Isecxrettry lxidi re- ite ri-i-y r -esxwhitch xwiii behue ld tott coreltiig sce~rillxsituglc office---tihatxithe terry filcd tracxcithe pishixlxiiconi- of secrta ry. lstxilxii begini onlSouth IFerrs-fildx. 4. Grdtmeeicetor tas 1(0 v-oie inTh1ex xxinnxer if the inch till stuitimlii fillixug xvac'uxncies xi xerxtof diteectots. scre'u ' te of itte sex t uxos ible pounts.