THE MICH-TGA14 fAtLY G. HI. Wild Comlpanly The Largest Stock in the (itv of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemien's Wear Everything requred for Suits. Overcoats, Fancy Vetings, and Troeuserings, and of high class fabrics and special Styles. Full Dress Suits a Speialty G. H. Wild Comlpally 31 South State Street STUDENTS' HEADQU ART ERS for Gym Suits Running Shoes Foot Ball Outfits ansi all kinds of Athletic ant Sporting Goots Tennis Golf Baseball Sweaters and Swetaer Vests, Ilcgastltiew her, special low prices Students' Bookstore Sheelhall & Co. A. G. Spalding & Bros. 'lie Laroet MnI~lla'ser isthe werld ofof i tlAiltiieSppl's Foot Bait. Basket Bait, te Skate, Hockey. Got, Gymnasum Apparatus. rspadin'. laH.aney tiilustraied talaog'e of alt spors. ii taise nse- -,os glgeiisons mailed( frees an- where. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Ness York Chicago tDetrit THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Idifr-AnCHER' F. RTCHEst. Business JManager-JoHN F. NWun. Texte..... Lee A Nbt'ite Athletics. ............. C. E. Eldridge Exchange ...... Robert Montsier Music.................Roy D. Welch Drama............Ramond Vissher Women's Editor... Louise Van Voorhis EDTn'OIAL steer C'iauncey' Bocher Leotarti C. Red Michetel Bf. McI ughs Fred r. Gaoding DonaseldtL . Kinniey Dana E. Jone Walter K. 'owers Lois Kraft nsT'roessstc Patti Greer Samuel H. Morris F,. (G. C. Weiliamas PFul tLeidy I lttaru'Haflil II. I. Armtrong Lowel J. art' D. A. Hinltckley BUSINESS STAFF Carl H. Adaim Harold . Golt Address: MCHIGnAN DAILY, Press Bldg.. Maynrd Street. Manager's Hours: 1-2 p. i., -8 p. M. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 'hi IAN. uC'l'()ilR to, eo. ''oniightttill occur tli ectntuifootall masscc imc'iig oithit'pfilenctt sesont, ilt it heel i-estevec ry fitsaif Micligaii cp potercrto tin rot ant attld his tite is the ecollect iion im. Tocm grainin iilithwa'of speakier adthusi c s as seecili iiiceetsi, tand it oily reminsiiforeit iis''tdetlcbodtiy to tie tscli t pati taigthis mhetcing the ct ccsit ithould te get'Satirdty leegolng tobelaehardtoe.\\'i leilswee kiteevsieycniditence i 1ou1r'testisto brnnterVectortote'leM\iclhigant, tee must no teorget ta th de roettig'frmi tell 'blea'hersisaineeelartitlemntttin 111 'teng ae'aptleleelook lie, \seems shotwt ttie' iees,.more thlanat anilthtle tietat wetaticwithtltthemt. Let itno ce sad ith tMicigit' menhiltc ittes \'ecatre ii reciptl eela e'communiiic- tein froiteDr. tFooe, efitlieUCitiaerini chutrch, cuggetinlg tat there le'a tatie ndiersitandiing etitettg tioe ehi ateed th eeutiieof '(lieServantithle hose i nci' tl Sunidaeye afiteon, tatterelii le te eeppilue.ceither duirig til ere- icrac Otitiereeltilhe cleese of it. H e ys "It eviewe ee the character of the dlay and111of theec uliat' cicmsltacs undte ishiich it is givent, Ibelie ee shotld fitdsilctec to ie bne t'reprecsint ee Ithle ligtiof sll itie fecs e car te' consteeraineed leeagree- eite Dr. Fote it isi. tiely remaork More than lot, wc joini with imilein icstggetioti aicllige eel'totealto efpecsct10see Sntdays Mayto lepass e'eeee th tor longti. Ltcsi COS ictNTetetee eti s~tIeiGii tra h layi' iiethetile respcitdit tc'diesereivieesiti ri tii ei and11 showii'iiii appriai'tionuby eathut- steady pra ctice'. becomeitic goteeticrasc fli sile'ce' itisteel oftihe' t'ie-honored icoutn tirytrttner,'' seid eene icFitezpeatricik ande otenrt it'iiale avd miceiniglessc 'iat ithecetinig eelthe ccsscoutrttiy cetuete elite if 'i.'iuiuitie. icel intheiiiym tropy r o omtileict tight. _____ ~Catie ineiull, Pre'-ientiii iceieicieantl .E0149-9 1 LiS W99111'1'4 NVF rracelMna eger Sayles also gate scoti \1) 'TICKETlS '1.1IS i'ARktalIs. fnillusiict'eaitg tis tealkeNir. Fitzpatrlicke At aieie'iing'Of itile '1o1)lit',ithldyes-' cileed tile' caeseoeelDull sitd Foe. if' tieel ii aftiernoon tie eilectinioftht':Michiga,eea ndtl tceel if Coel'l, it Io cls f eswstiCkeniout oeellf ield eeri'dlanytil'ueineiig tutn ti teeyen- eef teeliticleby ieacntitutioneel am itend-lteredl college'. hut by their consanprciiie- lent tHytile nw ulng ac tcnd-t-liceon e cle'eretss countrye -squadsic sc- dtle1111tie Nv titll nd etilentlylndinot on aceediedtin b eitng'clasediaemiling the finest licet, cithe o t e ingetoi' iel iminattie'toli-l-onudisitnce menin istle country.i' tis as m ch a p sibe fr m thesc ,'iieiiiapta in ul War'ed'e Itie' ee'e ee cimitclietitins.caefuint iitheir edietint led tell Ih lsel oratorl this iea isn t tithe care' in this liteeeease'c iofe''rampi lee eleceteedcI eeaes i eformtiie'ly..Ant 'e amn eetole noi tce'se atroul moattolie cenite hl ulionintegerdtoi lt Style%,til e'wcilyelrected ltrace'imena-e thi i: Theclssortorshllbegetr.cauine d te lehemen tee le e'tree'ily choenasa ees l of illeoratoriceel ceeticareftul inikeeiitg epstheir estueiesc.I Ie test coned byiei eetile' iltasc and arranegedeadehis ii'oipiioniito liat if Nit. Fitz- folby comitee cnchuig iflth' eetlricke, eelhe urged tile 'eti toedtee lrit dent, el crcieary ettand eoratoerie'aeltitle''thecit' ethletics if it ite'rfere'led w tie Heo ai ls."cistdiethouetghitha lieu otoe liii triearriscear c t'''tl ttlsnle le'tile'ce'. fiteatllitmaeenagcier lsoegee 1iirreport's. ileeletckiegat'e'furt'hle' ineefeormtelionlin tieinios or tecss ofe'' icer etteeltee r egardtoihthunsto be hel in tiheda bei maeeeon ieSaltredlie, (I ieiic''24, eandlfutu tre'. and utrgedtihec freen'iiit, eupon tie letion\ie e leeeele ion lhe flloinee'tg iwho1mttuhirechask iiupholintg NMicheigane's Salttleale. naeme in i tile' fuetutie' citoeld Call, to eele - - -'- eicstilt inllteir' ieeetice. 'eleI J111.99II 91I 1(19 i\ l 1' of theuneiversiywihodi ts ellii smiaeclec mi tct1of11he K ACeett A.l an tile'Y.WN' . h99',eaffirine chage :'M'uicitweill lefurnihed t by le Fichrs'rheta iSeceecetanl coli lgsogillbefetuesofthiten ieg. I iglhtire'fr'e'siien'icts ililihe'seredt. _9 tnote gtose tiltwil ilebe intile're ceuiig line', besidese ffiiitfcesif te eassocia'eione, still lee bers eccof tile' fts- tilty, inecludeineg Itue. kege'IL . tietiliof thei boardeeofi trusieescof thlasocaton and dens95 of 1t1he var1ills ,11 9'illns 9199,',\\"11UH,111 \G 91114119'191 At atnti chgIdiiyesterdayeeaftere- noon'eelbycthetsub-co, litteeft e iii leoittleiofithe' ieweblinegwer subite .ia'ndut apipoede' . 'le' an D'onaldsonic, theiDeroitcleeariet. lThCec 'Mr. Pendilieon, if lDetritadtDt. 'Vauighan.ipasedeecu'poneeetih'lelnc'ete cy still lie're'fe'r'ed'itoiithe' boardttioftre'gentsc wih isi tomet n eextweek. Thle'cm mitee oulint, hoeverci, scityestceri- sleet whtltil'esnte of' iitile' de''rattionii ist be'. Caill it hoot'c ilcic Stoeet's' .'ear thelew twoste l Co("liege Neil, (eli FOR 14 h'29l''woi-eiiiiiifreontcuice vecatedl by jI in iateel, 9 Si. .'bTaer St. fi-2t Intercollegiate Notes. coreinililtiteiwoeteetwheichet sill la lee tie'degeeof batcheelor o f iii iee ANlthouiighl tPreid'ent Jot'sdateof lel'eee Staneford'eifavorsc ieeelieeg ltteuneiversity te graduaetec hooettl, th c'uieesdap proeec e liminationtuuof tih'eIeetlowr Aeccoreding tseesecientuueCleertS.8'11111, of L~ceb'anoneue eiversitey, Oiothtle'ills uuece if theel institionfii, -inees'it wasti ecstabliciedul iift'-twoe ars at tgeo, hlets-c sultiediiin ttousndieldinltgs. Itit a edca itionael schooli~, andDrI he.1111, whothalstron'tsg feith initlee scyte, sas, '''e. believe thatutfis''seeu et ill list maieeatlIcestaithundede''' ft' insiiitiuioni, whiehiscqit'esaflishn elie, hetsc hece coeuected feteits tmoire thatisa hatlf cell Isletof eistencetitnte' liricilile's lasidelowneceselyits foeunere, Al- fredl I helittohe. helt eesandwichesdlie'reel. Celege 11111)tlephes. eif Niotdernusceven-roomushouse teesKinig'- Icy steet, compifletly'fusrnisedi, intste of condsitiont. Busch Agentc, 120 N. 411s Ace. tf FOR IRh9N-lthegatesuite adsn gler1t00111sate214 '. uugellc. 14-6 Remuembuier teewiee'creestioni ilcas is teriginatlewithe, teandesldely bl'yue, Hncuy &Ceo. i2-if STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS For Law, Medical and all University Text Books New and Second-Hand Drafting Instruments and Engineering Supplies. at special prices Stationery antI Bltsk Books. Ask to see our Solid Gold Fotuntain Pen for $.oo. Call and e conincecd that 0ur store is the bes lafcee to trade in the ct. WAH R's University Bookstore LYNDON 719 North University Avenue Photographer Kodaks Cameras Photo Supplies Amateur Developing, Printing, Enlarging. Banners and Pennants at lower prices than elsewhere. BAILEY & EDMUNDS !rportin O ooao 121 EAST LIBERTY STREET OPIICA[ WORK iN I lt uii 111211ey e l te hab t scion in!eet eel, nlet ert ell et-e' We Test Eyes We tGrtnd Lesese Oair Werk tGuaranted ARNOLD'S Jewelry Store Bhese gtiaransteed $i.oo pens intshie city lusi receiedlausnew'shifmnlt of Clii- at Cunilg's phairmsacy. tf cii shirts. Henry & Co. ta-If Law, Medical, Dental, Literary and Engineering BOO 0KS NEW AND SECOND HAND ENGINEERING INSTRUMENTS and supplies. We carry the must cuinplete line in the city. Special demonstration of the MOORE'S NON-LEAKABLE FOUNTAIN PEN AT '(HE UNIVERSITY SUPPLY STORE Formerly the Co-op Store 310 South State Strect r I Thte MUTO" Over- coat is absolntely orig- inal and thse process of constructing it is pro. tected by patent, as shownt in the illustra- tion, it is two coats its one-the first as a dressy street coat-thse second as an Anto-Driving or stornm coat. WADHAMS & CO. 121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall & PackProps. Phone 598