THE AGA IL Y Sam Burchficld's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchified &Co. EAST HURON ST. 00o to TUTTLE'S tor o Pt Lusnches Ice Creamn Sodas ts nana Flaps 338 South State Street THE1 FARMEtRS AND M[CHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Catpital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $90,000 Geseral Banking Busioesso. 3 perceont paid ons Time and Saving. IDoposits. Safety Do- posits Boxos to root 1at $1.00 and upwards It. (sore, troes. W. C. STeVerrs. Vico-Pros H. A. WILt' ts. Stt.totito 1F. '.SOtWE, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank C Rteostoo rces0$0,000) 0o'to :).t A Ofeneral Banking Business Transacnted O rricnos: Chtas. E. Hiscock, Pres_; W. t. Haorrimn. ,Vico Pros.:I1..J. Frito. Cashiior STATE SAVINGS BANK W. I. Booths too. V. Oh' tar, Wo. Arnotld Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tas. It. Wado E F. 1Mills ,John tiataror too. Koch trtof.lH. S. Csrlrt Hoery W.IDouglas Cthrstian Matrtin lDant F.Zimrmornt FIRST NATIONAL BANK OrF'ANN ARORi.MICHi. E. . IiNNF., ISARlIlSt)N 0So!1E Pros. ieot .o S. 1V. LARNlSON, shie'ro Capital, 100,000. Surplus and Pros.$610,000. (ernilanl.meicanSaviIIs Bank Connrnmeral .:mo~nd Savig SHOWS OPEN WITH PARADEI Blaring Bands 3ond Woozy Wizards Enliven (treat Spectacle. WVith the ospecial ttoioutied camitpus police squaton0 the gallop, the UI.'toti circostpraile come oip the trail frsot thte sow egroititts in otep witItebtir- itng trumptlets of the' oarsity 1und. Malrshatled tb' Charleso,Johnti Ir. paosseil thirough telin hes o ecatr sile 1ofthe camtputs, alo1g Libierty'to .\lointtreet, ittdl 'roundthle10l'oopiion H1urnostreet. hctote 1'thellrounds. 1fleo. Mariie, ini her frer lojee riltitl s1111 of smioeid teatrl, anitrtinil itotnse,dcaughlt till eyes.,otiytl o 1ble eclipsed u y hole fetching0 .li itt.dfeven tCapturd to oos\elt thefaI. nesses of A\f rieot, a erdlof eleiplan ts the slide fort'life'. 111101 1more1'fortuna te members o heafl ot'tkiot,11101-- OI altimittaItitlers, wtere Cartried I IItoll C 000's wi11 tttl't 1denbar. The skyward1.1 c 111)111 lofte giratfo's' comtmlent111 V 0sa1111,01elttug'estionforR1101' g's lionI ug otdio.Fltoss' iehesare r'01erft)'')) thetonlooers. 'ITo' '))hit-tdgsard in a1 10111110J'spread.a feel- o',11 11"d'tc1owo'ys ferol IllRoky ' 1 t)1110 , 't'illed') 10111h fsit ooters.t 5 1 'Il id1111s1ta1gcthrt'lledthelit o otoo .1 1cim x 1111 ani-HI IN te1r ;1 llg1 ti olt tth o' III lilt)1, 111,III) l 0 OtiodIs )it0000'birlwe111110at 11)1)1) II lng lte0n Ded's place. reit ved111the 051 colat11'e 'itl thr ut'hthe le.I o 11 e The 111u'adersIl hotly pursu'1'edltby he 0' e;.,cl1 L 1 0)t?'. , 7 11 ) . Ya' 2: _ Iolv C-oSi 1, "1)01)'o I ovo r 1. UNIVERSITY NOTICEIS 1'1c~s a o are t So 0 1' l t it 1)11)'')) t l~l c: joIrc-I t tt c 1()t-, 1 i ts ' IcoO i , 0.wi1 )1-110 t t1's 1111 o01'r1for'fotttt'titt \r (I- oe ,_s to 11101r " t t cr , r >: _l c~l ntrst a d tis 0 s 1 on is n1 licpl(l. Te cl a the price. This year our stock excells all previous ° displays. ollog aTlie Best in the World v I for the Money." Jfc uertk but 't+ so " I: t tl Itor I w, tt'' o h lo 211 SOUTH MAIN S TREET fIt 1'11ff ' ),1 'f-hif , l ' rooslt oiI o'lr itfooooU oo'o'o otltIoI ~. l I rrr, 1il 'rr I.tro i t o te 'iflo/It .,looaoir , f '"t r/o If . of 1) f 111f ' ! c OPENING . ..Monday ight :- I ))s 1 .1)1 Iz 'ordc t o' 11I tt) eclI> yers and Hlerman. 1 '0011)011071. 1 1.111)07 ", t 10 .11,G: )101 001'F 00't t1' r>r '.t t' T~lw'.l 'o, olil sooloo,to '''oto t O1)ldsol loo -I't \ Noto 'tol tot)t ZEckK off a ridGordon Ott Harry Gordon i . ~ ~ Chas. Mason, X Co. ithingtom Zouaves 20 _ E1xpea-t Soldiers---20 cale 1t t n 1 g too tlt Os n is comI 1 oft *r fa ce e-oitcdof ('1w ea ing r le is'a foiial ts .0 111atich 01011 7 il. iAtrotk- p0 11101' . of 51,1)0 to\\lit .1 nc nlol is tosoll 1K p lll toll') h.'lt l r ll l 1 11 : 1.1~ll \ 71,tit S1t110 1r 1010 '1llI, SM W1 >ON, Im, 17C t'1115 101 Guaatieei M y Festival Watolh Repe'Ariles SETSTHEeASHINlty Rowe's Laund ry CO0LLARS School of Music THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 01,ssss sdst. 326 N. 'Ftfth Ave. (LY OUR. LIVERY SERKVIEr MAI(ERS AInD DESIGNE1S that of a irstcla'ys private stal le. Its O OLG JWLY- i < 1vasety it far oxeeods thatoflaydli va51 te t( esabismet sCll 00 it an10 11111'for HlasJwelry Stol C THIS IS IT NOW t- ilysrvice ou reuire. O ur)1charges 216 houTti 'lAIN S1tOEEt1t 1 arenmodooate whsetheou stswant to c atels or moot a trasi, attond a woddsog , o- 2c 1 ' or loonerdl. go shoppig ortake aslitvet'Large Collection Antiques iin Jvs. fortt plesure1'. Brass, Iron, Copper anti Chinaware 0 It'l t t h iCo.0 For fratornity und teos'nity lhoutes ed f Sltktsz, eo. , L'ea stusdont dens. -.FrdI'I HeniUr A 1111 010 Miss Florence S. Babbitt 114N. State YPSILANTI, MICH). Boll Phone11M11901 Homte tPlotse10 A, G. Spalding & Bros. I } 11 11111111 It Is 11111 t 1 in thltsoloo tise allO~, Lawsn Tenis , Bskhot tBalt, Ulfst, "ratck and Field SpatS. toac ll'., Nell Spr iglad001100 e 1ma' 0id 05u ttttl ddeson II ci t o f A. G. SPALDING & BROS. :2:4 oo dward vu-IIt, Detrtooit. Mioh. VAN KLEEK'S 300 Eaat W &nhlesrgtaso, St. Light Lunches Confectionary and Ice Cream Phones 78 L 78 itie STUDiO- oa 319 East Huron Street