L i HWild Coffpall ,. 't I A' I 'LORS . 0 c rived a large line ior SPRING and SU1% M2 V s eofoor, Light, and Da e.o jo'ro Siver Drab, Greci, I)it tr aole. Royal Gray, a We hosehaBlarney, Hudso lan-d, (hester, Orient, P A.ssie lia, Cymnric, Bullic I oo.Empire, Raeburn, Ir 13oai;,o,.Tweed, arid London Wo eds. 6lse coine early and have yorSuit reserved. G. H. Wild Comipan 311ISouth State Street T149 MtIC 4IGAN DAILY______ THE MICHIGAN DAILY." FOURTH PLACE TO M'KAY 1 cl.,_, i1m~,of the Maning hd(to13 1 Michigan's Representative Speaks a 1.I 1 ; i 1 0 s I' L ori j in Contest at Urbana. '> tty<, 1 n, 1 . t. 'adr. J. 1?. 10forh laein th'10 oth erO raito i ca'l K '- o' - Jun gnFc0contest ri ryl'ii' ii 11 nrigrh trioiths c 'i 1 ; A I) 01 1I;' ( of '"~<'1 --ii0 oll'i tii . 0 10(112 tf\ I ()11 I- o . . . . t 11redI; 1. Goodti" K slo e oli i rk t(°Kriis 00Ass. 1 .... . 1 . M C I 0als 'J rlr c' ,,; ]OI A l ;,,Ii o'las io n t)riod ,n ilr mali .. .. . .. t.. on 1). tti - i i o> li.11 i X.i O o . t .. I.}oat-w rntroi S haoShin 1inI 'el- 1lii .011 i'a. hardti ii I I nd o se110 tlro ii I . e 1ptescit sabet u}cC\ fib C iirk t Good G, S. 101101 to utio 01 ioo lot0it \'iiii stroll, vtioci ASSol 01.010 ai'ORii. >cf1100 11111 ot 1cred it lfor his peri soent1 itthols 'iiiooiiineingo 'indllit i'iii' Lee .0 00 title Fred Loia 1)1ton vot. t 1110n1d11sincr ad m rodreil li- is l. Water K. Toswero It. A. Mihesellt 'o~it .0 ('111111 ISMIIi~t~ as -- D ia 1 2 1110 2, V.Dart "it 111 1110Hint 1101111he 0010 1C 1 tlnlcol e il 1Wri i0"ii 1100100i~el fii i 12 itirt D Ju loGre11 roci ebts in h \ r(i Iitrca h i' ivvaucil)_olca t y:15 F'.UIF,1. Stuuiuu.Jr, CHEMICS FORM FRIATERINITY BUSINESS STAFF Phi Lamda Upsilon Etsablishes Ho- Ul 0'. 0. If loilil N oriotau It.111 liltate t ihia .You Carn't nay whether or not a guisve is economical - Will]rsthe MiitoalsCheulical Roes. Bld. 00 Ci l'llitill its worn out. iTry tire lAdroies ICIGANrs 1 t .i,Y7essBlp.. 0,t 0ltil1tDtrS ga I ~ i tllliti - Or ",icesrun packet-. Sears - - $5.00 oti ood - $3.50 caand Sp alding Gold Medal Ve -irrarutnleor p'ackets. Terni:s IBalls i. . g Ul'ii itu , at. d toodrichi daily. except Sunday. Btoth phony- H; NII 00i'. 01.0s'ro.grNot.eDa, shwe iolthit ii 101 ittso h aibii thti cla111 imedi 111 1111 itt b.Tli Cth101110 squad i oltur Iand Otherr tti- p r o o f o t h c l i . 0 ] 1 lA r i l 0tee 0 1 1 0 1 . edl tli rilioiiiof 1this itisireiYes- iedythe ioppir tiunityr iliiiind Sul- adsi i intgc ofi't. Newsii oftril e0 '5 ii lii Ili I iilili OQ sii. 'Theivitil 1 n ductedthe c rem0iiil is. "l rIinylii tromp i i tiiondp "i o ll of1 hig schol- 01111110d l~i i t d 11 im tiii'rai itio' nilll)n' ore br anc esofrIrt apidi c em str"111 ',r 1 itr "'(,so'' ioi, i ooi iro.ih s tillvechapte1;1t1111' ir l In eastrn rort etens iii'c x vritis. O wti ti tiro ''he high trcqirc 10a ia tnr0Osminr andsecii ayrshhosute 111les11op ptic a rlly ex rluded1fromoiiitii stuir-- a111rs'rdit h l~ ln pon00 distinct i Oiiii Ii 00 tub itnen to i hi 1 lii tha tilcarte 1ha0 been1 granted the department here.i4111iii ii 1ar i n1151its afais arc Po f. W. A 1;11iii I t LOVES air., iil i tterO ii .io M al at _ ll ll I(tIt ;t. 111110 0 t - ? Xt a Sl C t ' IIt 0 ' I tl f C c S. 1 u" li I t Cz ?t i 'It t f1111 ISt. t. I Thye 121 '0 Stituticro "1 all i>l; f I J i I TENNIS WXe hasve for our ittspet oil, li 1"ilrt atw l isir' 0011 111011 lie of Tennis Rackets Thelo ,1io x utnl iir1 Racke Ito s a beauty-Othr leadei". of thrios srogrinre of Rackets, arc then.Pit"uithe - ' Liiupteit .'tnil the "11111 i uan u II. tigt Everyone Guaranteed WAURD'S University Bookstore C. [. ARIB[LI BOOKS Lawy Medical Denial 1La1gest StoickU in ii ogan Second-lined Law Boks Law arod Meictal D~itiouriels Cotlte ltite Newxx'andolSc- ondrrilrtd. Old ooks tokenilit Exchantge' C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TAI B STREET Second Fler Tel. 71 Senior Noice A/ill11 xcif. ihogtePw oore'/ ror if -cS? .Urr "'in. Arnold 1idak .2 Filiishillg Prompt Delivej y Good Work Lowest Prices E. E. CALKINS DRUGGIST, 324 South state Street ins s , aill d ' sut onsii in lotv 10esigns,10.at 1 'itlor's 16i S. 01a11115t. eoid-tf li or Press, tPresobuildinrg, 'et, fiuriin is 0111111' thing al ic limii ' i i c an it-it-' Bookstore m 'i rees, VieraiIe -" j o lnt~ i f, itht 11 ap1.. Rel t'lln to f Po rto Rican Canes. Ii 01 ii lcl Soy O.rohtiS. . iii oolu l .101 1111et.. <11 011 2 t.?-..(ouit scat ftroMay les $1 , t..'>4and $2., 111101 l, ___e Car,('4 rig, ol 'l i i'sia .(I(1tr'oeo ot02 0sp01 ec'r ia01l pri ROOT & CI'MDER ,, "h1 111 s tpic , t Clshi r's. Mapgnee, Porto Rico Box 424 DR.. JACOBH WILL LKcTNYRE ON "Siss Unive'rsitiies" 8:000 P. M. TUESDAY, MAY. II SARAH CASWELL ANGELL HALL Admission Free. All are Insvlted. d J" S- fit & W ALKHOVS ER A SHE I N THESE DAYS of near milk, almost meat, anid not quite leather, you're not always sure of what you are getting for your money. You may get quality and you may not. So far as shoes are concerned yo can do away wtth all uncertainty, by buying WALK-OVERS. re' There isn't and there .never was any un- certainty a bout their style or comfort or quality, if you have °.T worn thenm you know L TanTwo Eyelet Tie Price $5.C00 $3.50, $14.00, $5.00 I WALK-OVER BSOTSHOP; 11Uot ~ti tz i 121 WsIngon u. The Randall Studio, Randall.& Pack Props. Pu 9