THR MICHIGAN DAILY *MAJORe&C0 t ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH a t~i AND) MOST UP-TO=DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE I) sIl SHIELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS 175.151i, IBRUSHES, (GLASS WINDOW SHADES, LTC., ETC. lii specialty is fine Decoratinxg, such as Pap:r-haiigiig P'aint- iterid siind exterior)a Wall-titing, Kalscsiiin Fresco- tc.ti 'We empilloy only skilled workimicitaindgtiaraintee x k. Goods Decliseredtito all pa rtsi of the city. THPHONES 237 203 E. Wash rsgtorx St. '0 At MAC K'S $1.00 $1.00 Best Shirts in the City $1.00 lt farc atd xoikmsOichip in dolSilair, Iii :; ' ;pelto11e1whoiiwant a ,gsxd Shit fo' 1i 0.T he pat- irt ad refinedand thexxxwhoto':shirst siow'.this'sti aor 's.ode'to axe themi.I G1 HT. UNIVERSITY NOTICES A ll xxoIx xi 1,3i0 1 ix iuii.uioi hi p'}- 1t t cix II ill fixl xxo iii I xx f-war steam, koh ( "i . Iili llis. Pt ills iiiillii lii . C. S. "s cxiii5iiiii lmeit the members oftl.std n o iceifit ceii l tll" F xiii ii isxsignd' Ithswok hol ORIGINALITY, SERVICEABLE Qduality, and Distinctive= ness of Style. Feature distinguish our line of CAPS, SHIRWTS anxd NECKWEAR Just received and nowhere else to be found in this city. Always look to us for the latest. LINDENSCHMIDI, APFEL & 00, MACK & CO. $1.00 IVATE LESSONS IN DANCING l ii ii ,1,i fli Iat iit x'it ~i , il liitii- r h taflwi)111; A $sN7my ffice 312 Maynsard St. GRANGER'S BOTH PHONE&S 480 tudyFriday-Saturday Mlay 13-14 15 Matiaxee Satiryday, May 15 A8IN P. M.Sxacp, ve~ I ildduring opening prelude ''The Star of lietiehem'' Si il'opens Monday Morning, 10 DO'clc, fMay 1(}0 ) . K: 50c, $1.00 $1.50, $2.00 Io Sats laid aside. No orders taken over the phone. t ,13NE OF VA Always a jdO MZF. AZJDouvbleShow C, F s hs spi'sf, xxxIxCarxxi. c xix 'iii iiic's slix ,S m( a etir buckkintar and r~} Car x ith ;t irlixisxi rl d . l rc I i :C xr i iiC'lrr(C )) -o n S . lxi isils AatBiLLANCEx neil Phon, 98, 21R WAN'\ ililll C'T 1, PiY1Jir5 It) xxxiit ti)Ic x resml..\ppl ZooiS K. A. DOLPH & CO. 5utsilo().ssMi.iMa1rli II Funeral Directors ;c1 ii 1ii iii mx is'. (iii slixxi'i'iisi.i'204 S. 4th Ave. << '. \iiiiit ixxiiiS. t' xix ei its Avexii" ( Arin Arboxr, Misti The Season Onlyl Two for NEW CREATION 25C. It's rersibic. Made'a ii "Easy tie-slidiag Space " anid"Patened Ladsk1Front."4-payx Quartser Sizes ion ollars UNITED ISIRCO LLA ('.,tMik )Troxc 5 MOE'S BARBER SHOP 7015 North University Av. O. A.MOE. xi ua till list 7' S I I' f , x11 k,11 till xii I1Si N , xc iiiS lxxiii lc°t llts lc i .tl JOLLY'S Own Slake HEST nRIAK PIPES t N>> WO - $175to $5.010 s'clld xlii-i $1.0 toe$l.511 Subconsciousness In Clothes' li s i laili xxof itih iinking, ii x's x's 7~ xiii ' . 1 A ' 'lxixix in i '1C tllj0 tIx iii luiii x l"i"t(,ssii vi ic- ini.; c ii xx i li' xxxii' h ls'i nk-isii ing a s lx beenii i di''c'ly 'auise'dby thes sixc t1 storedl upoinisainewi ira itis do-rten ofmsclneacoto Thinking Men he Public p nw Vudeville Show peni'ng at the o d NT ght is the Great- Btll ver Brought r Detroit United Lines O. inIxiis lxiforati i vi i ii5sion li 'xxxiii A11 li Yiiisiti, ofithe''Dletrit i'nxli tiix~si xx sllos'sof xiIs-tills xor ganizialiii oii theii lliii e iiilii'i'iiii'i thei cii t-,yl of the ii ti'i r xlIii i'itli. iof axiy clxxxiiiof-trad 'Iiixxs toxxx(& xi'roii sAnn tciixie extra ears and extra service will be promptly supplied. txxi'ii+'xiii x Iii i ,'~ a4 ,c lixi(~lixii ixixx'x' liii' t'is x'ti'- xiii iNeir,'xit'iiiot.n '1his a x'ilssoils _ 220..222 South1 Stale H0ELL 10 30C Per Hour HNSON, Props. M. Ei. RYAN, Maoager slits iii ii isis nown as tlix Paris (Garter Thei'maser"sxisree liiixxl i s'xxsl xiiis'liiiiiohfcxxixyiweare ici shxxa lililily isbck g'iisrart'ii. ii ciii'rxout- fite tk ' fth''escelect''hei's suri' to havei'aiss(u'artsr li(ii";' xIse ou11 'aks and1 117 l si I li tw'e't ive l iBents fox' thei' lissri'ii'Ix'si iltiy, or fifth 'eats Isir si se taxi'editiiin in iilk. Ploris (.axx 'is aaxmiixde strictly ini acrdxancewith thlx'e rovenstruths of ''Viii' Thoughthx," ''Naixx'xl ,dlxx'- tIol sal ii xii0 te z ii lo 11t iii I ii Company 208 Center Avetue Chicago, 111. It' .. lls"1 i ''x'iii~lte urix s~I GOOD MONEY Chinese Chop-_SueyRestaurant n;( ills il,th h.OI.S ist u ix I Liii i ct alll d. EItr' p 'ilsi ',rlxx i lrix'i sl's Sixili' x's xis ii'iiiiiii ixxl'sil'as'xx ii'ia'i, t x'i'4-ri i'1siliilsail,'xi. lxi11mi iiiiiA iiArbor. THE T. J. CAIE CO. 314 5 STATE STRIE2ET Roes. 45 Rowland Bldg. DETROIT 'ililigi i' (ilfats" { ictisi xx sit ) 'i'I'"iyihi \1 i(()lliS Piro, Scas. (111 ialex' l lenis' C( lis ShiopN 'ixia in lo' xliic~. andixi lin~g'i iGoldil Ielcxs ti. his.f 5 i kcli iWe -guxraltee xliii' rixckes. -.- --i-- -i-i. c g . & I iitol al u'i'iiiiiton liip, an lxot s 11 liicils ill liveredi. Lullsge' o dr111 il xiich lxx ~II'11 s i 'lcelxxiii& CoI.. Sxrcx'xcrs, _83c; gxt at. 10,1oxig s 115cr C xi \i)FS-11Phoue ii.I K. P1(5th, 4S3- ______11_ 'xxxrtiiux Inissix i rl I exixixi' s. -I) ii Coleia'nixui cloxt. cxs 1111' college lxii'- - ____ stleiis s(m '. ' ie t .lien's ltes i~c exeic a C hii ( ili nCxx i -liie xat S hip, )Alaini Si.' _u Is 'o lie Inn.ii' Pti __._. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWAID, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY TH11ING IN TAILORING