THE MICHIGAN DAILY ITHE MICHIGAN DAILY.'';!% ~ot talkrcsnd(eals f-t-t I- i t h ath « t(Io>>°1sh ud b G. H. Wild Comfpanly MERCHANT PALLORS Have received a large line ot woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Mtoenium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and Kings Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumsberland, Chester, Orient, Pel- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boattng Tweed, and Londnn Wars- teds. Please come early and have your Suit reserved. 0. H. Wild Comupany 311 South State Street 'TNNI S %V.Carryat otttplett.litre I t - sSupplies Or C Price on Rackets Prim - - $70 Sears - - $5.00 Longwood - $3.50 and Spalding Gold Medal We guarantee our Rackets. Teniis Balls WXri-gh t tosior ad (loodrichs Sileehlall & Co. Students' Bookstore Porto Rican Canes I iitigh1 ti3a -lkitog - sic ks iof nativ ,bto n-t tittti halmi('Ac., in 1,11("e(, $1, $1.50 and $2., 1 to pit:. 8( --t extta Addtess ROOT & CIRIDER Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424 Ljt ti ta~rt. I-. a N ews . . .. . .. . . : tle ti . . .. . . l hral it- . . . . . .. Mic......... Jaoto- lt.LWatkins Jist IK.Jones BRwt II i- Sa i c S. M r i . Jol i '1' lKen .11 Il IiS i c~ Morrisoit lfr Fre tot-tt toti Pa-ti ooe V oiii itt I ti titttt bytta i -any ier itt tiltetit 1an1 Iig est han i ii~es i ud .pae itotgthat i t ial. to t j l~ ircstitstli esisten tl i rntfo ( ttr tilt avoit ft he ititiand ii 1 i t is, ii ts it rst a , ta ed it t j rom)tcs fr n velides a d u tiitg circues i Wli itt heacotilln prae it Consiit tit turcet i ay lilte hzc i in ic tiv o th ii iitttitiitt e- lilti i il iipogrssin i tti t it and 1 achie such hings, ii aItorcit wit h i ulcu t rthtt it itr ttt filthe tulvt-itl sit iiii. iii its ucces ae il(, nio o itrs iand c it iilte . The Dotitobe it tilupt h t twt h ieaing ALUMNUS CRITICISES GIRLS Makes Appeal For Recognition of Custom of Wearing Robes. (Th dii t ilt"iii ittiltIet lito ist itsiliiiii for s t- titt-i t t.t-t- s l tlcctrti t ict iii us . t . iiiii iOIttoj t ouiiildt-noitianieditorittl-on the-tilt n iavthe sir swoti etitottiap-pear.n toeilt The cutom ishi t ittanot sto icit :its sihoittdshegldtoietht top01andegoii 1 torn thtug ttut t il tii tttre t, Isis do e i 11 0 i1no t -est ies. Ats0 iit lol~g as lch lt hasnt sen it o least ihavesom 1.1ense ttfth etrnl fit - neso-hng.TdyI noteditti. dit-otil itt onthist. tlit By all BUSINESS STAFF C.A 1)II ttitit NormatttniI1.111 Addtress: MIHIGitAN iDAttLYPress Bldg., Mlayttard Street. ManagersIHottrs:-1-2 1pttt., 7-8 p. Ilt. laity. excetit Susnday. Both phottt plan to, ciittiatctt ii iea -stnti tiiii tt i) u itt mea aidepaturittii inliti t i hc l I l; 11111 oititi()f ltt(- ii-. lit-i itriti itIttW ichti lcei il teprs toi li ilet i , ll a i ltletict wti ktoI a plie wit s;me lilet iithteientirett it ti;i' ~lt it e1 haiW ir c it. aliYt itfautlt in tist reit ect.i i tl the 111 11 1 (t aici pan s l- il i 1 ,I i i s _ r t t i i I TENNIS We have for your inspect ott WBttgl actid i )tstttts comt ple1e litte of Tennis Rackets antI supplies. Thte new ".S'uttlon Stttr" Racket is a beauty-Othter leaders of this srottg lite of Rackets are the "ho"the "Camostpbell" andilthe ItItd and igtih." Everyone Guaranteed WAH7R'S University Bookstore Tink ofiia KODAK Al L thou - isand Secotttt FRESH SUPPLIES ittsstostbos I ttake I:YTIA St/I- 111 ,i'S -(sttte rite a t ottesi- LY NDO N 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. BAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 EAS f LIBERTY STRET Senior-Notice tilt .ii if s i s/tiiglIt . _)w.; -t S tei - e si ltcs /-te to ties/i 14,'m. Arnold liEWEsLERt 220 S. Mita5S. t lit tilt-d s h al se ilto titittitit i t l (tO llls li]t- Shitpt. ius St. ai 1t1- u-ti tion i i~G' tot i itkilthitsl t iit lit. 11ct lticittdi.fut 1ymnt0asn ein lit l t- i-eitlietit ihe(q mrt n fr th it- i) I t itttt o t pit edti ti lilihe I)ii t foret- -Etrau ti/e jI- intS it m r itnrt-samepriO~icea il](lis till tttii it .t-s (11.1ChSILVI S LIS. IL - i. heiomtly(oc 5. 110110 St. til sr.S. T rtt Ihut t c- Z w kit i. hit State _, he- tci-ilit-i it iltlittlt- ligrteithe la(il of he ropr elthisitsil Wichshiil ck Ild tl it-wit diid1m-ilas Unittl afe (n m l II 0111 er it ta tm iitittiilt. It Itslan ic~t iieged, and.i-tilt r t i.d fat th t Ittrlssct )ety s i te l till tti t }illedtt--i 11111 lai tn it the iltxp itse tof t- li-t to It haca hi the- ti-al-tilti l it r 1itin te il4er I 11 If ItI -I 111-iihav liur o ttica oi tiotte at Ilallc-ili ou i tiill bes tlisieti. I Iai itr' Ot t-tt-io Stot-. 2I6 S. AlinusSt.eott SI IOFS R1"P.A111F1) 1TONJ PI'I,1 -- __ ancl first-rl css at P111'I1rltl's Shoo HAS11,111AU,- Slipplic; o Al kill(k ;11 i rc S. M ai>> St. -c()(9 Cu slIiI 's, tl DEUTSCHER VE REIN DK.. JACOB WJILL LMCTVRE ON "Swiss IUniversities" 8:000 P. M. TV ESDAY, MAY 11 SARAH CASWELL ANGELL HALL I 1. peridl. oicigantspitstfobiattd soins, itt Here t antditueoiistiso seitissoat tiaits-'s -- Jlryio-Stotre, 2ti-iS. AfaistSt. i--id-if &O Iliitis' a-tlt I1t Will ite ti-tt . 5-7 Toe ttnntAr\oroPress, Prstbildiittg, \lustar tit tetd fssrsistst tsmetintg. st-st its sitgut allti-e litte its lstsce soil 16 S P.R I M-G Mb HATS HATS HATS CAPS CAPS K ? , ,ua >'' Spring Suiits are now on display. Always~ the right thing at the right WADHAMS Admxission Fre.. 'CO. All are Iimvited. 121 Washington F. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack Props. rhon 5D