The Mkich igan Daily
No. 1G.
Vol,. XIX.
AL S RIM AGE lossesithas ben going none too nvell,
FINA S RI AG the (efenitve work of the line being
IS E COUR GING cidlji ;ieok. Reptorts fronm the
IS NCO RAGNG ampoftheeney, il heother lhatid,
treftull oftconfitdencee atttistrettgthent
lieheitelef ta thle Hitherneiantire readye
Varsity Shows Improvement in for the ibattlie of their lives .I ast Somet-
Last Hard Practice Before the tbta tewon front Frtnklit-whoever
tat may ite-iby the overweheltming settee
Notre Dame Game. of 64 to 0,-aci althtotughtetsrones
--of te stmotiteredi teamttis itt vertItit-
Iitraed"' ciiitttttt th titesity tit, aletheit -tatebof thitrsttmust itati
Wiedine-tsd ttttmi-week got w it titeitevtt of titewiinistttvtartettvevtti
ilt' s tespitel tttaLehtYotst tltv optpouetts itatdieettl1t1leitetter thant
t te e te aret orotttteahgut'chttt titvenstautovditonhtchtti
d i tiaon ytrdaint i tte i a rditt ftttttt te t -tuttru e ttitts
Th pacietttt iidettoci three sec- ttttvfoma iittote te auetstt
ci n ittatd-endedIwitetlth apdfttt triteltvrm ufndtisuteepoft inthnbue-
thog.Atrcaigthe laesrmityg tetottagittttilry ttomottitt
I tt it tncttee ltt> reetlttfttte cit tltt sthe times t. si idtt tite itt i scsit ngte
sitsc sitttettttitelitetiordetttt tie:ckthtesipp earetiiotetite Dfatve
sritletoitmakittidebuomi. f hr titcs squ dteatdttholtsttaye ersylllot:t ein
i th itsecontd ieleven ith iitetvengetante, reatitotttbl teai tt mbWit allthitthey
andlesitite mmcimevots sustittutittnts ttit ae fttllif cottfidecee tt h ielpssa
itrns if te eeries ity CochviTe et-listproied icitioes tot treacithetatet
zel, lieeiviesitys t toetcbeii itoppetditt v-r--nmiduence. Stoteli ts I sholdttt
Indiniabotittf ifteen-mminumttesiof Iay itse-totitsee stteht umnioutcoetimofitte
'Vost'smmtent hadtibittedthle'scerttitfoIriga-tttte Iosletitctely vet -suprisedif t
ap ir f titih mins. Aile-etlic- kicimn Ni 'nmmswere tttoialletitim itotevts
displayt, te-"lttiy--up" p iesonthiett itve As iyet nmuittim de iniute itas lieett an-
th emscittie defenisiv ie rkIleav oned to ithe ipersonnmmel oithie elevenm
i-d ittInue ait tstrtete-ti the scrutis i ttto tetesttlt of time nmue inidtut, t
kteiep itbll uttiteysucteein tCoacit uYotestwill of courise tire sentthe
se-ottttg. iihi-i'varsitye heldettiiteli aitt
iiit was atittt iftcect limiiu tes itt-fire tite-
secndtem iud urlivheutssive Pt-
dersu-oer thetvatsity luteeifotreaittotcit
titis titme- the varsiyliteproediies-ett
Miteeada-mainstme, anttheitsetitbs iwere
unable ito gaiIt wswtell aftermdatitl
iiieic-thtu e sv-uiiMtittiC- ti)rtti i-is ternlmuit--
e ndthtlteittic-p e si-gioit, cit-tie itatief
itlii'du sitttttor broughttthetirt:s til
beter idvatgettstedithaitt Wett-ttl
nesday's tiim iin liii lhe ests-titeistil
prodticttili ve of ii(doom titloficorespon
in redctonsfro te cacets.c--cTiif
ietptp ttu e iistie y viti c s itte itieet
title t o Wteke t itttstelsatura ae ti
doutlifthtetiitl e5alst last thrivosuth
the ittiremiceum S a itttirite- anii etete if l
teiighthatishistical hs no iiti tetn
ablet t pteatte we ad a
hadcitite otinte sitt"bakepsittifn
ths e ar.t nllIfs v i s onit itt heei t oi
glantoti-ill wtit ivst-p tsilifhatsitesillte
tethe cetoet i iientthse itbtteewosrt
svi1ic aPeaduwylmbtettaus Nfthr eue-
taity.itiWeatkis wis ouittienthirmltt
fullht, tttitets tt t atlotitd trite rofcth
pate i tepte liettx tet etts i
Weitdetihthe testibtirtingttleeceofneoea
iety cy thaes. o hermann
galws 1fte.arity stedrule fortise
iesterttill e-eti, ninleachue isllia-
culy storhae fotetidetaesifshyetwishatt
teeotudCoteiYot rete sint
Ctet edetiofcaree.,finofthe cnnt-
aneists co'hrsiylnhaeiterlhndi
ftull.itP'tityulerettisthisttre oatthlete
strongest.ctfrotttssiile, butiaittherie is
somtte dtititttisto the abitittfse veral t
oif lie priospeetivevasitiy playis tog
iti tit i ttttga e witi lt tl rann
atethe etl t heditt i iihard tpeite
eixicttgetthfwth varc-lt illstaceitthi
stat r. 1tsttet tettie te it-t
t ite ian i ,ttr foit ottalls elet eits ti lltte -ctt
ot:imeastugntsfanlier.iiA.itti t i i lof
theutrintutuof the athuleti sso
sitintwasstheduedi utito eiheldthee-
tedy tbstiutiaciuu ntprset
bieniserrbteoeo te i rtectoristes-
tutubte attio.reguaitaeeinte pacet
theeaestheatinyfsie.ittitf- ultiu
Ol thritee n-as sitaseut were olii utu
tut Fisesrrfeldttystu xeliaafeutunsoton.i
They wrethesiiormisutu iegimmersm
eanditheeruno egitesmumtime elmmi
werei he lyoien e smwiholiihiveafulltyeam
huskTy tanm s-ereomg it asbct mNoslt
of teumrtlie wasthetikci nhguhanfit
andmpases reulmiiiathu- mmisitandilshoily
sixagrtue exep ohisem. Thmtiie-juiru
enineeuse iot odt ilteca
pioeesipfoirithemuthid sccehie time.m
S~itle, othsvsityptiidlioyUuuies-
ont,'a'ndWieoanagnadm eerlote
Tusyxen weresiutfisttueey.mIdml ieer
maoneralo leanthwillaheawaelgibledaTh.
Alniosinters sho nic io ee-. Olyi
s or sivnClfii.emeoru nth9ir -Ia.
urfin, of Detroit, Will Shout1
Some-Spirit to be Aroused1
for Notre Dame Game.
Fuumoc 6 5 toi7:45
Phace-Unitvsits htll.
Levict N iA. Maconaldh.
Nel -hadc-snJue Keley
Spafet J. 0.- \inv, hlyuldsci.
MscxiUnivii mxty 'Ranitand eumui htmu
Onue f mie stongest romere ulctti-
ersiyfiaspmoucnerd, ex-Senactr Jumes
I. lut iiif Dmtroiliil xfpekiat itie
pasmeeting tonit.M r.uc Ni Nim15mtie
ell eowmutt -ifchicgtic ivote s, uas
;eu muoche talie while icolleege ad
ns presencee t ameei" urmeaslife andu
.uhftutsti t . Iliii iOls uill hlk ott
A Cmitimeali 'ittittntm-mmhsiingm-tie
thlieticemriisut-fouhttie uioversty-oss
'met. AssxitatiCutaces Redeneum mmnd
I eeel itillhe otuthie pforam.iu
Ti c ommitein ccvmuavmrige of thc me-
ing hopue s utt hitimeusoc so iioftec
icfun-e C ucmeecity Ifalli myse pacleel
ito lice tdoom s i itetuiastitrootes
ih miithie utfatring Nte Dame to-
morro miin the ti mportaneteamxe oi
the se-soni c-iemystueth iitieutuver-
iyis itexpietdtoiube fieet to10acouse
tile xsp iit mhic itluf boot tie Wolter-
cccvs toisuites. firhetmeetng"us o hum
diht-ituti cyifs thcitercliv-sti tfheis
an ohitheflitciganic"andiN orDanti
tutus w i f re-vnt
mmii sidtes. lie itacdiia mii fle hianjoj
club il it ppii arf f orit ttu te fiiltt e timi
yearan ucl ticum-'iltutu ehueptIvii intg a ii
It Iisfipromisti hatithiietmeeuteimum'wil
fitse iiimtcy t 7 4,so tint ii e w il
ie robbeuvf ifis tumy. Inthuiix is
lth objue Itinf tieme emmtnguand aii usi
detsirmeuiesedf t cuntibute toit.i
fT-e commitmtire- u in c-itannouncsmtt
noci lde titfl i lluhbhe petuitu~te in lthlieu
'111E6SERIVAN IN TfEill 11SI91
lice- disiruibu iio ikts fr tic
eCmptlimmetayler mitutumanccc itt'Tim
Servantciniitlie I-louusehs lie cm- c
pletd, tll f lie setshisnmug benal
lottieditite facultyatshmi ie mebesshu
lihi orgaiztionutts ainttutt eviornuisl
Thetbosuic uer f time themr t o
lit oiner teuacommodaeeifvtee tn- tho
dfesire tolatendmutfle ipeformancume, ti
N4i iniganimt cafeixliisere humueisen
frusuom 1o:30 mum in.ethrugu mie uooi hor
Untutu m iemb iersmauy teteradan-tuageo
tie exrxyteesieeuandire emuitel -
Timeciurtu sill rise- promtily at
15151 NI/ii ,Sbf''RA'I'16CUP
A non-tpartismu cli toibooetmumthe it
iuuiui- tf LwI n u mn-mltsite dent
emtmera hm tca idae foIvuernsite ofuMisc0hie
'u-its c eenhurga ue-nui lihemenueit
liii iemrfecting tie uranization wu iii
mld ti mciTuesay eseiting-t 730 i
Nihols hialli
Iismxtie ipi usy f it mem ehic
cle mmciiemeut heming NMfe Hemsautin ro oetmedrn h e
itusxieels t tuturexta mumass teetit
it1 studentsix
Nl stuetsuixof whtri etcr psltcl fait
mmi inmtefesed i sbomiusn ffeumass at
piat-itre urged t tetheist hme et
mum 4 fueluls utisbe ui o wayaffilil
eud with thur Bryanuteib, lint this de4
motfmtsnitutthorsupporters of floen
tionamel leadiertire lbarred.
ASraedi Te iy eseda, ° UNION'S NEW OPERA
studtenu'hts ae eenmuofsihciamii"exitlleu
frmthie uniemrstxylimtit te ~0) htKr . rno okotelN. ifis ii
115inl luti o I eksumt Nii Wech's Contribution Wins High
seent emittawatytyffom thcsc uier sty Pas ryust
Brtongwstsregiseredfasta cirlisx-yerstu- Pris-Trot o be Held
dentinmumtie liendeparftmenmt tu dhduing Soon
thin pei n aritu y hbin mg apfrf itted1 i
revi sgnabight Ol tutu blti tee. iiFlii fIns great 'miilHal Ntevens, whenmt
thits offensmixewhu re sed andi miiiedu askfedi abiut he ulcuwmmopuferam uhihsis tin
int Jiutce iotys ciiit. hum mg itwix ecie sleu y lie Unios iis year
haxiedf before miscauhihties o ile law liiI'Tetmusciuagea:iprovementu
depatm senthanmmmiixmmssedi fronm te iii mr fs-tes flu-topnineig cous
Regaig-t thm ue mattieIDhitmHIutcheiins itPis ufopinint cus eprnessii in spek-
si:"Nit Bitong wsat awfattu fromit ing ofi Riy tWNel mu-tvnew hupera whih
tie mmiiiemrsty fo-vo-tingm eaccrmialihas leetntaccepedfforumtits years pd-
trin nc uxs of tl ice nih iiiori luezini" uctehnt M , thu nits is-nubd outhlie
lie famummiy preefes tihe its ixe t aa'cuitt lic ee ctionlmtogherwit-hi
toi expulsion.ut -tim\hitt ting tinill notipi'fsis tnluuey-ad ciiNot adebWilu-
retnin tommmthisunmixrsiiy."fed1. hciietoruii oife Aumnus
Tieresult, howeve, apufuerst eTc-i lticeiwasmixaisde yesterday
tie saume sihetertie onelu-vinciori the aftnoon.tBeidsue selectming lionmusonica
inter he iued. wartiubicttleu y iy We, Iis po1
CLASSES PROFPIT N-' tIt tin cbeilinettenccorut his plot is nose in
OF FRFS1i-uSOPhi POTERS lb-ifsN ofmakcinic.FDonixl Haines ad
l svca ioter ac torincg u~uoitI
Foer floe first tlitt nmuye-rs bita
ion of "graft" in tie sale ciifresh-soph tinuhits tuitghmlicmtumulsofthel lo ou
posesbas beenteffeced"Tieschume ot mmcvreu eiso eor en
uvworkedbwithuout a itic," siduld, acii itiei iNlmt Wec mlsoue
cairmmanm ofitie rottmmite e nd eachelnugh" tmulsinefortinlie etire obera,it
class siill iprobiaby reeivet tin ti 35 hein corpoatit edcli th iitnisiihme rod ib
fhuerits sharem im e iunulis invummuceuu rmiu o
Nearlyeveniny- dealeexpressednfhin t-io.Tecmitei eann a
uurssb f im ile cdofnu, mii ncr et ccilurt cir"judm al uhimacteiasumitted
anm iii li noitiftli t(e ctibmltutrs ax tc
obljetinsoere - raisehdec intituhetsntng hunhth
ove o tt tinsl absss s icsually cfcnal ndeims tin st ly.mmooil i
ito tunlsix tim eight udiffeenttleso rse itsle sdlihe ihh
poterhvexvaippeared, limithlie newmvii- f
loio hoist f theuicr effect mu i nrethcini" hctuhe u ts tint ilt intuaidt1 cmo e d Timen
s nmbe t for.'Thee rehma ad ad ee tinpifdins cmini tnspfraniebex
0 on lesohmotin empmos len fee ism head-ci uthat usedliein "if c i lt ndincom e in ta
S Of inlie fineshmuantoxsterlie ne tnchin i tecclisicos elii ftrou mtm my exeli
niled 191" nubsy iou tsseviiinlie ictherts- uu ciin ne iei hsuusnse
Tit s i reinluby tie auitorinineudIposnteri, e mt
us as it was dtin i-mby 1EchatntainfIeshman.ii Ihei uope i ra ill inuirbs fune rouce
mimid us usthur stn menemrllyt postnd. fie tin inlet: ofii h e rntit14 'fryoutsx in
isgemesal1satinsfacmt i milihis ya' % civntecs wl ehl e
tviiigies grom us fo ein nliesingt-'haitin~ iit tl u t i u ii tn
t. n vne utu bonsu idue'chis finsers wil ilie titmetswilibefienilerinTl hemfutfe uea
it isue net yar. A pemannt littl w es inlline scumv lte in fo e luntin:
nbis tiin nuuu onee is ttfm iinu f mthei seit- tn mi lwh t-i tleth tutuon ft
virantin miiiif sucelt cominttteelisistp ~~ts wl ebgn
tin shedxuub mm it il he gitten mpin e teinioi-t Thimnksg-iving lie toferaiis hin
tohtinte i ssueini tle iiof tutotlersing rounel leforie Cita e
lime slethlis smenritwee ai tle ibeow
to gvecoportncuity lfor a toudltrit
to uue iuf Itlmniu i I'he c linn unmitiofi thco uuummite tutu
ouadoptedultie same lanium Yptint ni asu i n veihtie ofiinplay itu 1
mum mittAn n nrbor sotses, eer, tutuf licea tmcd i h er ftr. I
otali sties scll mumouunt'o umvem leutendcmerstod Ithintcctiloeritti s ti e nt he
f thouusaitnsel 'fiet dsts oh p culiitg, the p tinat l imiecino fmlNir t Neen
a d mimid titssitu ot st or liie s utu cii and iii luli hilet hinie suport of 13
' ing, aug ood prit ltwtnill slnile I t lfo iner i etm u iv Nium
ifelsst iesite tri ingttic-'elii fote lie ntire sin'
toitf I letinutuvi 14 pendcing thle Iefni
AiNOTHFR NtUD1)' NT i-N sIxS eection mloftes
he COLUUEGE FROMNI bibSTN __________
tt TamnYenem esiudenti oiiChianmKiangu- iigf~ FIO US
ofsmChsuinmregistered incitie lieaye-inIIS LARESNT YET 1HER
o buxrtmemtfof lionumniesiy yestercubes
hfm F mnng ispeciabizuing munmdein "ifItesuhiabeumerinof the seni
r ang~uages, hkingac ouse laingtos" cantidatiesfcuminadiin tmskeip up thou
mumN h uhgmen -in Taingnemmit ft cit eviviiris lihe inrad iicting class nexf Jt
conumntryferoms Japatmn tx-unme -fnha t bee itWill ftc tillet in the mmlithistory of tI
studuyng smne i9o.ucume inshiy si egis etraeHaleyst
ho Fle Chinmese suident is ia reresenta ifday Tfelitsmmenmsentoto ibeodi
tiveof hisgovernmentx:and says thatthi ownfounitli w mmxhie erolmsen t
n-C in iliomen undrued ifshim- mmmlixeua is tli tlt umn fiinthit finst smest
o-detstoAmria o ete or nie inlst y mr, mlt.exees it by tea
h- ides every yer.Acordnfcg io NI. nstu ueuts atinei~striing every do:
ng Tngthee ar no twnty-ix hinse C sni tunae nchekinguip their et
ml 'amig ibene ire oteinn mil sin C Bits ithmiimth~negistur, huminsue agaim
lie guirs sftuyingn muici
_______________________ altiy pssible cmisakes NMr.FHal
PRF.n f5 11NISN)NWIUUL I NCR lpressedihimslifipiasewteih th w
ndlO Nf'NICR TOINiIGHT hem necivsystemichms wvorkebutut
'x fT emom eningmetig of-te 1Emmeet- ITct scfupportrs ct tie Uiersiti
ng iing sucmefy swillbehueldinIhis eenemingi mlisult lhie- orgeniedub inrephlie
eiety alieemIb mmm eesit-inus' int Rnommcin limi
lbh 309, mnewsengineerinmg bsuuiming PrmuC
sin S. Denisono xwill debutven tie ades ns N0) IC f
Fo Te sociey bplanx aim activyer. Nein
inns beets secturedbto adudess thin society. inrncllindt oilall b urumuhiees. lnmbi
a- The conmphleelist swill hue' anunced utsndi sthore wet' nethenihuip ftickets oho
hater. ;fdoorkeepe)-f-n, n-mu inmgtentmhmes