THI$ MICHIGAN DAILY INTERCLAS., SERIES OPENSrE;ltiENETT) am Llt~I1I1U~ Senior Lits, S.nnior Laws, and '10 Engineers Are, Successful. V. NiSchltzthiead t h te Niii' Bijoring stteis- food asslaboratory at De- tonerclass 'irtes heit] hunia tahoeemoniro tr t. t i iieta paeron "The Fed- \it r thinc senior tis, jno ni ees oral I airs anti Their Enforcement," lie- rhI d % and utuseiior lairs retuiriedstl iiiiics of foretheilr Prescott crub at their last regta- the first tite rittin the initial rontO1 T'oday ite freshi]its itt-rt the ciplh it-, iii iilli tnihti iiiROOMit203o tte s the frrshi eii-inerrs niet il(,stilt iuif Sitta i d, iiitratti i tseakn, C.'inttsittetitiiliThiiai. itrir ii nchri Thursdayitafternorn thte 'Tt engineers cmr~ rul- h~iii''of tiho iii e Nruns, i iTO is0I)sJITeciahTIiNG flpiititas i ll ' 011111% hcrr si . Eliety till-1 Sa urchfisld, nee. tli e irontut]u tesi P11i Nell ak('plae t i ii seatl:30I t'is & Co. EASnlURONoST.apiece;heimrkdup e ;pirom. neseialIil Clever, Snappy Suits for This Store has won ab- °" ' - solute leadership in high class Clothing by always showing the newest, cor- rect styles, and by giving :........... always the best value at /:::..: <.> the price. This year our stock excells all previous displays. lit, 0"The Best in the World for the M~oney." Sucssrto Suiect o.i 211 SOUTH MA&IN STREET TUTTLE;'S Ice ;rer asHfafanaSFlops Tit FAtlilt E's ASNONMECHANICS BANK MtAID;Alt irtON STREEilTS Capital}t ft S rptltuatanti Prnits$9.ff5 0 t i I itstins. 3 air cii 0 tpaidi o: ii itrIlepsits. iSafety tie- tosii i Iit Iii 0atitiupwards tl 1 i~re ' iSt: rsti tc. Vice-Ties IL A. 1'. i7' t' tutu . Assi,. Tile Aui rixr Savines Bank A tiecerte init;; i'isiness Iriaeeeted ct 1Hi<: C as, t". 'tjin i t en.; WST .it I~irrmanw is Pr it.: t / iii it. a es it Profsi1 , r . o ra Citi - a - 7