I~~RMIC 4AN DAILY H.MAJOReaCo. a k:A IITIiC IDECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH a!AI:S1 A,:t) MOST UP-TO4=)ATE WALL PAPER, PLATE SI g IN :_ f1(ES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS 1SH; 0RSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. is U' is fine Duecoratiangsuacha as Pap~r-haaagiag Pajuat- esi ixteriori Wall-tintiaag, Kalsoaining, Fresco- 'ant :.ploy only skilled workmenaandiclguaraaatee _114HPH 14-NES 237 203 E. Washl.~tonr St. $1. 00 At MACK'S $1.00 $1i (10O1Best Shirts in the City $1.0O 1.00 MACK& CO. $1.00 f' - It i cp rlt hait.51i Ittilit IlsIitics o ii ii iiig; g i c ii' 'f cll its c a 'cc 1itt il 5 before5 the c' slitsttsr p) tt tattil, tlcofth c olg-h shait.i ctotlt s its.(Ii-alM t , t il i ts l i itiit tt. 5 5 5555 Ittist(itei H acc rd u .5lc *'it1s1 II. ICutom Ilttc' i ttc' tsr r '94 ltil h rsaefr I ic u Vi ' ra t ts ll'acsc'lo ttii s to iludinloatcl. lt' O itn jdlii mi g it irroa ltht tat lt ust r cil fall in t'ine t. gl' i h s c t UIHGMNIVRSITYNOICES LINDE Al ttnd 's1. ttt 1ris's' leci al t en- S sir stiy rw e Its l e..Thll con.stilcts aaar s ra. tI~ a) iriatin am ,Icn om)i t 'llle te H od gae, al c>v1)g the t .s A . D %Gatc to ush lown nd down k 5crs 1 il.Ht, 1\ )l l ,ts' r i Ikil 1). il ,sillpract ce'.S . A .it DA s r h H lii a;~al rcit t> NALIIY, SERVICEABLE ality, and Distinctive= ss of Style. Featu re -tinguish our line of Ld ECKEAR -eived and nowhere else to be found in Always look to us for the latest. OSH 101, APFEL &C0. Y : PKIVATE LESSONS IN DANCING Academy Office 312 Mayrnard St. GRANGER'S -1I . ..__ Fl ewzo~ine th atr BOTH PHON4ES 480 t.ltupr a-Fridy-Saturday May 13-14 15 ti v e S t r a , M y I T A I N 8 P. M1. Sharp, Eve i ns ~ 2 P. M. Sharp. Matinsee a, s Os tlaited during opening prelude "Thre Star of Bethlehem" .a ale opens Monday Morning, 10 O'clock, May 10 l iccs: 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 No Seats laid aside. No ords rs taken over the phone. rTH EA T 0K ITUTM tCH3ANGE OF DAILY~J Always a PROGRAM ZA ~ Douzble Show '~ DETROIT UNITED LINES AJE ST IC Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and DOPE Jackson arias 'WEEK® Jos, anjld Myra Dowling Limited Caral Easat Bound .d is..:1:05 Limted Cars West Bound--1)'2 a t~.scs.'N NEXT WEEK 1.tt.5:4p t OCIAS. MASON & co. Local Cars East Bound 'ass ht is' t. :45 a it.. attd vve t tttoa t so1:5I.t. 'I 'os, I la tl Scia t a dh l ott scritctatstt't. mi. Thea, W eek of 17 as !:5a i., 1i:30tti5. m . 1:5 .iit..to WITiINGION ZOVAV ES Local Cars West Bound st14a. t.. 1' 221)-222 Set). State BILLIARDS AND POOL 30C Per Hour BellPhoe, 95, 21R bonePhon, 'Q8 ML PH & CO. I t. s~la ScIsc' 5i iPopular for Two for TWO SEASONS :y 25c. Imtated in shape, boa the " Pat- entsed Lash ironta" which avoids collar sprceading, can he had only in ion ollars UNITED 5S15IRT i COLLAR CO.,(Makes ,Trsay.N.Y. IIAOES BARBER SHOP 700 NorthUive'rsity Ave. 0. A. MOE. 'its's tit lts Isi i 1\Sitis I: . t sississit iroesrsad stu ins t sll Isisegldoedcale'orchIardsslfit Xissi Vallcis~ ta t 'hs s a igi- isis 5propsititut said iiill affordst-si siti tsitn sissi itaslsh s lilw fori is' nc \ cti 55n 5'' sitctis 5 . 'Iir t~r t\cisittss m tter1, isti. loss' i I lise's lists willbiecsatisfied.si d c's ciidci' Sinrs,'its S. NlsaiStco 'IIINN I S C)){)I )S-liii Ser ''l i'tc. 55 and'ill in li oli M da \\'ciglst & I i 5Chmiosip' n Godihlm it lls. Si i is &Co. The Auitlin lot' aress, itssbul I. .51.'siit s treests ci ni sait cs su its5( sicei i is d situ tll the tis'itsl itsa ce 'ailt