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May 06, 1909 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1909-05-06

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* haeT yef GERMAN S HOOLS BOOSTED dnI1,,I isaeifrblbiuc.
______________________________ Prof. Tilley T gils of Strange Custom to1w p --th- r,- anssfoarnewacstayar.
* in Foreign Universities..

TI E II 'T . er


Gillette Safety
New Process Blades

Money Loaned
tOn Wattles, Diamondes, LawBoeks,.
lr otheenal propet'y.
Watches and IJetweiry repaired.
Bargairns in Watches & Diamonds
Office atrersidence's'331 E. Liberty St
Ant Arber.
[fours: 8Ste 11:30a.a a.. tI to0ad7to
Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits$SSSOO0
Geneallluslim Busnsess. 3perent paid
en Titme and Savings IDepoasits. Safety lDe-
pesiecoes in east at $200 and upwards
It. 1,Csne lenes. W0a. ScreENs. Vice-Prey
HI. A. 1([I. t sa anClatita'cI". T. SONYtE, Ast.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
1 - tn e k'ln0('00t0es
A Uenersal akng BusnesasTransacted
sReeaCmsnClaus. E. I itscatk. Pees.; W. D.
H~arimans, Vise lees.: 1. .J. Feitz. Casier
W. J.lBotha Jno.a. hneehanc
Wan. Aeanolal li. V. C. Vauaghan
Taus. IfI. Waade T:. I-'. Msills
Joanslaslase-' la. antisc
'east. iS.CIalharat haey W. Doauglas
Cihristiann 'at ease anaF. immnsseeraan
;: :AssN NanaBts, 1aIIa1.
It.1t. KINNE,. IA ltltlSOtN eol'Ill
Pres Vica-les.
n. a . .s hiks' 'C 'is er.
Cupital, inatt0. Surplua and Pitstn,000lill.
G IiiiIa'I Arnei-i ditdi a n k
Cot mee-cias..1 maad
Care. Mmt-Im and Liber-ty Streemts

"There saethrlees-reasnsssaa aia r ts tan t lJIC lidI, AWhS MaORN
staiv ersitie's holdI art-n sna .*i llta'- tthea III ' IIOF 'LASNI hi YIF
wsorld," s'il iaai rf laMoris 1I. lilley t a ____
tesaoud lectssaltt 'assantalnlctrta a ns ~et ye, r f teo
h1t Itpa suiversnityalifl Wednedayllieda t ste gneralospiitsi altu-a t
nrfnt sFcrsta theIi t equipmet i Ista rs t ' Ian tt f snal Imnn ni~is aSn er
staessfctsecontl redot ofsI tu htn s attains ins sassllnss-aHils scen ssi a id
atost of tinsproa s sora s i s n saa ostInsist it is aclass nsaIi 'ah tisai a fttenon,
toins trc a~i n s t a 'm hi Instil a:dot a dal 5solatill, a uthorii zedsi the lil lil
an k. naas If a fl iral iece al tidseiiedtioa
Proti I ill at sattn edsti tIn las act'' atthe' a aartai ns'roosas at a o
I ip i- ists sall: sss tiaas c lrdI, isa Is tlc r tebo y't te saion.
peronl sepein cesan dnatal sltsitatilta r. ssas ohl a r ivedn a t thae
'_Mssiofltte sw rk s Crid o y nie ls lf edah l asn -
letues.'sid Prf ilian 'a"Whin a ! 1mm-n elain)att w s to h v
Oloeso ntral he st Ieis t a -lls satlsa al th isfesoasas ' -sot lit
thir feea oan attins floori as as as a at ta1,ofthIs acup dails ean whesn lhss ilnssitsr-
si's-lass'' e lsiso spoke ofltilitcustom 5555
of lduellingt betsa ralt n .tss asnddemo_
crtc lai ife I I. ~Ill115 1 h 1111 lI- l I' l aV
ihs last lecturle sson t st nsari swilheit ToI'll Ii i 1 1111 is iii I C'IaRS
sirten liscstiss 'aim itawhll 1t)r.Jains
snail siltaIlanlectionassf1tattn as sill

:1 ''

M'aes ansI Boy's SuitSts enertt I sa lti an ave
distintuioni, indivicdualitys ciairan-in, a .'-ai' i. a n dIt
duality, sure varieies is to et tlis- t ia 'ills.de-
Hlatselegantag tog stylts, bittjiitlitc s, ii as
Stetson ancd Be-ac-on, cutr leadiers.
Mbanhattant Shirts, fitl]line ma ( It n 'c1t sai
Perrins in all shades.
Extraosrdlinlary dislllnant FNa ii: an a a a I a 'a c-is


POfF. Cii Ai laS 1O1I P't AYSi
111il'C. 11 0T 'I'llTilD,.a si 'iLi
Int a sknetchitofl Presidet a ie 31
till 'atgnil, insthat ''il- rt'' Innr' hknt
iaaarf. Chlets IL. Cooley t- aes onalstat

eshia li s i tn~ca n
de oraythroughsai eductati lt
It ci Iaactr in Dr :fn 1,th
deaints s :5 in s a t h ani - a
whcas ce nsi nstant'ort prat
th Ins is a 'id of15 is tn ior a
asn 5 all Insinia lats1)1at assut as a1
tinsita n w's1aa es t. W i i 'a saneta
al atso h1is ass ltt-it tut u -sal ist I lk a
stanino lseep5rus oftai asan ssrtn
i-in' sti sof a rn'siaailasaa ass a


t iearn Il isa' I eecl'sns'itr t sari'ss slla
ii laetis a'ftrnonat14 o'cilckins
ins tat 'nivaernsityiasll . Notices cah
lass t t'r'sa'ncas'oatdiet' 551all s onf ill
ah secn s . 'The'ostiettns l sasswill e
.ia-tn-alaaatake'oftiti astaacsa' n stit'con-
55 atCtnei-as tn'n ti an' tilts instil next
NIAh\ i'-'i1sf l'iat IS 'aN
Iass. anti Stan 'snarl, (' its'.
car. Statssim-lcndutinse classe's in
atO,\ assa ls ttslsiltute'nf Ah
aso alas's'omthea' sctato ar nnssis
,t1y. 1,1,)) he \-t he a ail Ian li ra v-ll
:tiardtha ismad ."[H it Bstonis
a at a;-ics theatarecinien i asofs
aaaas a itiias aI is lsa
l' hdcidert salleasprofesinal
'as i'i n%% Ileas mlydb h
a anI asl -Ii sass cihota fNs ew-ls'oatk.
as' afieria 0 -i\ 'asilna St iide
a-adc~ t pat ise. ar ~ts~n -
a lcs i A c a-t iattn's h lc
'a' , aia l fit. hilt


',ASNa''Ai CL ('IlS P'I S- I
SI:Ii'SllS ' aill A 'a ll 1 iS
Po. I ham rna, ins pai" cf th
-saasn s fthfesins ul s chr ei, sald
niltas l te ills a ot yt h as
r''ecet'l i ll an e act accouittinataoldi nt sa ta
staini an thlisa' snt t ss Ierad
howve r,s t ha e l' tit inslay rn'senaily- ''5555
b ile l st ocsietyh snta i e n sus ss sa ndta
tha liet' lancesta a for th h 'a
tn-o1( beiti a sansthis' rofis il.
'liesa' let-Fr'~ants' i tA lashd
-C sf n -as" Itl asnits cif th( -c
statt n sunusallnyalsat ilns saoflts'
n is- at a 'lnl' t'tlt ta nin t ave ' e-n
ts ll, sto Iw sicht hein'saaieaty' tlikets itave

Gillette Satrety :
Clean shaving is=partol the
college mans gospel. It ge with
the exercise and outdoor lif- it
good spirits and good health
Five minutes a day spend withi f , G iete
Safety Razor keeps the face shipshape. 'f 0 sin-s i
soft and clear.'
'The Gillette Saafa'l 1 I isa ta s 55 1 ' 5
C'ollege' main. I '1ibat 'sI its1111ass-
'The (dIL ,-i'is k indtrta Ine
smaootathestshiavring edge tttr c( itsc(LAi) 'at
self a clean, natisfying. usane ', itl)at- a i
tough heard and s-ranier si a.
TIhe ftllLIK .'l i' i 15is iastasaia - t(C}))Jas, {
saver cal time ansi sissayala' 1;Slat -a, an a p
Theesno arar lint' alo as I - I'l"" aO )I1
the work sol the. 1111. i-. -a
TIhe Gillette Safety Irazinsol 1}rti
everywthere .h sanan aa nss - a
iz-ed globa.
Standardi set s-atill
4 a





To our friendCs and pal'tro s eehnt nonethtM.(.I.Dvs
sits list' asss itatit inswntlasts tintS1an liii' ala-ettroitisall
Sra tatvitsIasss ha tWon ' ita- aks i ts ftan li astslOu'snnaa-tacas paIt at'eti ama'watiinaio
ouarascustints 5 in isass laa a licait Helitstnatprtica t'Ilailoar ands -sat -a'rtwiths aides'xenraaaia'ai-e
Atth tis eltst tae n isasalasa'aasit'tn'a I ans atin'ty ona sis-a's clssthaes by thoasatao n owassa. Ill s
thoou hitnans knw ledeti andtt. i'aintig usa' tdeisi 'neol t' a' s littssar's-altaiaur s'is a nd.stt
1nt', s ileta (natAtiam, 4 youa aluedniatnpialPn ageass. llrnlaenaislla,
itAG iNER. &,5 01., Imprtlsnn aa'eiloes, 3035-35sS. Stat.


You Mug
11*Yoe tis I-oo
may F
i -ai a sitl Ilitn
School 4

/ ,
. _ ;1
: , . i
' . -.,, -" mom ' ..

J. Lr CHAPMAN, Jeweler
it H u ry 1ALARM CLOCKS $1.00
~t H rry!ALARM CLOCKS $1.50
resc"N'e sca fortheALARM CLOCKS $1.75 ThE 1 u
as aitlly Giuarantaeed
'estival Wa~tct R0.plern¢ a5po~rty A
at I-a tn siaaansaii ISETS THE FASHION lI,
Rowe's Laundry COLLARS
of M usi1c THOMAS ROWE, Prop.
a 'a. 326 N. Fifth Arm. -
Naleaahone157 Bali Phoane4at-I, OLYM PIC
aipraah~nit Atdele ciiiaa at OF COLLEGE JEWELRY"'--.-- - -- a
that of a frst-tiaes priateitt'le. Is nr
aarietyitlfat enceedds th atofan l irst sate
(salshet alienn at anyhils' lastH al leC'SJewelry StloreaTHIS IS IT NOW
any seavcty eaaquieara Ouliiicila-ga's 216 SOLID 'IAiN STREE'T
are moderate nhether yotu wanlte ac ah
catch ot meet a trainattend at sedmin" -
erfae-igo shoepping orna-iks-a dirie Large Collection Antiques inl '
tsar plirasuare. Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware t'ineltIattaiy&-Co.
late fraternity und sorority honses atld MaersTestN.Y.
F red C. Heillinger Amdt51student dens.
MisFlorence S. Babbitt
Biell 1'lanae ti! i aesm IoI aclesaoe i5nsYPSILANTI, MICHt.

AtG-. vpAldi11 &Bros,
t a t5o
laae Sxl- I J--sas 'nts I ant ISall,
m I a-a aca acilo o
A. G. SPAL ~N '& BROS.
300 Cuast W.5n ta~ otxSau .St.
Light ILtInChCS
Ice Cream
Phones 78 L 78 lotu


pro East Iluron


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