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May 06, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-05-06

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The MIichiganDal
.\NN AI ti, 51IM ICIAN, '1IIIRSDA , MAY 6, 1909.


' c>. 153.

Visitors Blow Up in Third Inning
and Varsity Cinches Contest-
Class Baseball Starts Today.
NI ih st-tint I~di t is i straight from
Mi. A. C sc satoningisathe A-
gns na aher op-iddgaime . W~ith
the exetilin oflith tirdti t iing, ti-ias
pae, ad eii naetin g that single
wing much har lirthan \V-IaSacttually
hese. idd V lfamers' erros
and stup id h skintht sssoit c
can s d s ixtle, v ressiiiii rg la ila
that M.A .haNa itn their half
of the samiisi-sing ndlnpattingtegm
Cano stNtach i stsliste ae tile shitisits i
the Nliset iii e liii- si-isat te isessistg it
the <tec I111gong i iia t lit iiiis
whil Sn ~astheseletion for sec-l
sitd ti ien lusacete t heii ii lii
atte bt i ,s e 55 sits I ti t hei
limeligh as str ~ it as is 1si1.Ts
ith~ntt , miscue itbe id s otrh tn
th isito s.isis ii isit i
karr ws dw sab selctignto pn

O~lsossiinledl last sis s iotud illiiconit
teibiutedi titso-bse islstint si t.i
wild itchuh ansssl toilent sis, stiitifol--
issisil iltrsieldNtMichits silstil
furitee ier.srr iskgtos ae i i
sctndittemt p sitosithesits ing.ii

IlI trisniiii If sit....
Bekn pci ...s.
hi l h . .. . . .
Sn w 2 . . .. . .
Giii ro h sit .......



t .

, ,
n. .
,; i
z c
o r
to a
t r
o >

Properties Are Made Ready for
Clowns and Acrobats-- Sale of,
Seats Is Brisk.
i t 'a t Sit s sh , istre to
thecirusreahed tiw n strdy tie
it \a1 o lt hei op in t t iiu si-rs
lwt1 (mistv 115511 iito i's i it sucess, btit
tsta itis nsucesssistsuld ihtthe gea-test
-sht h i ch si ts i-nhs ts its
titt. II am usly- titpsred tostartsn
t s i ui tsdisis rstilt Nas us w er
to l~vits ,t~ro atand tisti isis sissm y geti
c> ; teirsis sissisisach t its-essiis
iletks oul te igsg
is Aite an s i I I h Iwthiet
o dI 1,1y f 1 ctt5 sts, a tit agiat
o idt llions thei circuss grounisi oppoits
c, 1 'crv icl, 'Yo t films hali e ilts tt,555
isi co a lce ioim k stl 1siTe e a n um i
itrn ississ i th sse nivy i." ecrins-eato
sit ir t -i-t ilfthesiets- alsit gill
i rech font os to the l d frtnitsi
to the Im~ldi stinoit tiles-. til
tt ni > t i ere tillt hertiloas .-s ts

evser-thlisng possibile niilltie diliu byithle
msansagemsentl is see thas they- arset-til
taskess earnetCof. sEnosghi poliict etsesiill
its ill ustlnssasses-all lie timie istoasie
anyosie asafe plassaget- hroe -tl ititt
SAittNi};s VFAT 5TOiiNtIGHTs.
D is-ansessind hemitcesewsill bitoatilst
s-i liy the- juisoi meticsisli-astttei antii
at it d IiliVistastoniighti. Fesrris N.:'ithi
siill sitiat tilt-Beadlcifil t-establesits
btst ntess andtiftsctltsystilt rsp-nd
is tostns.
Underclassmen Draw Up New Rules
for Friday Night's Contes-t.
At ta jiteectinig of tiles-stltccas
La igit tcomms ites, untl us nertle
suptervision o f aSihtudtenit C: titit
its ssndseidedsitut t-e lass oftebd
ighst soulsili e- ehsanged . Tl la11
sil thfie lsisiIi iesl W it-ecntsts re
s-is-sisiill lit-fouighst is gigst-stmv

Ic(I z
'1 Ftcr lt
a tc
tlIc tw
t1Ic caI

"(;n ll, N)mc siWtkin slt
t>>t r hrctiew t~t lthi r ,s tIttItiua
It lthe a NN siWed nsisy
? ti,, rih l w pe i11 stiltst6to'clc
Mlln e-ld w ris li t erisiei
tpt n ar it( I~w its ii stilt
tit \ (\\ ~ tshel, :1sithesit titii
hos5 l(, is msd b s cc

Michigamnua B raves Hold Their
AnnuaI Spring Initiation--Big
Crowd Witnesses Ceremony.


i i<t

NlIch~n ... l o atso 5o -
tuln lilts I T\\oi s is - m I
-sits Nlissis if tilt ? t/s i ltriti atltn
itsei sis l l n, ittit, iNi s
h; i-ssslt ii Nslit-- Sm . ninttl st--n he
By H r ,I Iln igi; cc-o
3, IT Busch it (O 0ri-sit ~ f
Bli n tst ffiit Pt is- ,otBlsl
l'ists s- :3o.l i rc--tts i inss lists


sit .t
sits iis. Sisal list


s-s. sits-

IIIC ' :12'(ItI l thti'
ttc d ill a circle
their f;tIIIOLIs
'I'llc it tlw chiefs
i111s i I I '2 V 2: Hill-
Ik time: Iimi lred
. cl thtr2uh the
225 tc7 the triI>aI
11 Illc' IIIysto1.1(IS
sic ( the ev ellt.
12'7 Iw)',t 1}ict22r-
'12 the threaten


stilsriket I i 55555 lrn >r
scs toll itsi-iit - sit ii- i
lii )I)c I Isct- sit re- placstdt I v
ii"c is it ete . ts f
lte sslar ws cs sit-i.is- pdtt
hits-i.n te sireeini ns ihis-
hi s e I i sltsirstsie.ls
N. c \IC. n, : I. \. C
pith rs is- so r ti itg-it
i t list htn s i g) t htit
slit I r li i i ; n ro t
aiti sithst rslt i is i n
Iis to iiit Iii it sicll an st
iht. ilt hta at n

t sim tlt ny f isis-ne(lass l ise-Is it ttIII hit played
111i ii ttiiit 111C it l t hl i-stste iii }ald(["nce
>) i ii~ istdn 1 d~ rne)s \ iussii titheisis i~r
sittsiltr lita('nofihiesecI li tnIs 1555l
stilt- l h ustItil ill)<r x1s pl--si t esi sti ts i-i sut
desp it Il ii i iit it h ' IIe S :( l-tnlti i t a c p ( I -1,S
titlist til t()ibe < sost i t)st interesisstig ( lts (,
tittistitistssitsisll lil tests ii it 1wstills it
sssed n suitt tutuknish.
bsisd ii [H i;.teinsces ist rasig hih ihs t-
ndo belst Niss intitist N~ -tiii-rsst- 1ts-s ttssisi
Wela c r - \is- -t spil t he l-iiisit g meiiill t e n
1 s srssfare( sssstsi iand I ss1 h(i I- o~t s
lis-st sn- itsII tit st ilts c; s its itith
[)ite stssl l it- ii , W i esd<-- I i t ti -2
sit- tutu sttiigtabe th re t ill
at Pts()",.ieLeger.
sit tisal sith
istole Nibut
Till t il ts ssssssssi tililt it sisits si t \
is do i-ss),-M. iil c-s-its seclitd stsltilsitorv 5 2.h
C~sitti it eiit l it se si0Vr lutist- its-s-s, ll(
I ils t ,I'estileis inathepc1its(([tsso
is7 fne, 0 al oi tkt-sill-i- iii-20,lVes
a s o11 c1)e ii : W M C - P 10, P r d a 2, Y ali 2

cr~as and ai ias sthrssghl a ei e
f m nit W a \\ ii stilt startl ste
isis ,hc sl t s et(ses m su t
rcN -O tinn l tslav e stiltstirs-s-s sit
sitim h s bre spsssiiltogits-- ar
Win.linttl~ arealsit e of beis
- - Nssltn te onts prae
1 cIt w h n nsholiws mI tteiven
sctc tillseIht(i),N it onth e sits
ctrl'.ta d its t stti t t s iihit-
is Ia . [ ikt slitlst Iosndssia
;clod hnc A pcplc it isissiifosithe
itn n iit thecalcsiltd tadl
11isiy.Ills tfo ee uitsedtticket--

, l

ills ssIts situtein iitie mddest to
sifthe stlbt- igtI sisiswip l t list-snl
tiltse hstilR cet (litensttail-
se its theyis silt be risserved its-see-
-isis her b ingtwtysecntsiosuitsn
TVrs lsiltatsesill ite ston-
with brcks sinf sit tests, iand sesla
tiltmsit s-( si erve s esats sitd they
lr iutd i s te exact iisidlls ofthe
ii tinitttt t-siandsbttnse h solessars
tin ilttnior te purpsitofadlvertisinig
te dillsrt ilsssde sos osithlistcircuss.
Th egene sit wichisIthese carssn
er mg t ilo s tse msin nsesit-te-
sire 55 is teisist i aisi uni t toti is oomsi
sh ics intshitfaIulty19were is
itt siteniamong thei 55115husastilt rooters5
fo h tn ' Gr-ssier itlSows. Strnsge
hi ayth ms po sir esanrd sitli thesi
lis;haea s t aitihe lisas-slie
Chidren tsast-eitretintents fon the
iwrsmit t sit a inthests iig 1ten sit: haslf
price.1Tlissi ut isisdn htt-elhildretns
ma stieahncet-oitseetheiiishiowi ait

lI" k 1 ist- lts I, I tit<) III(N is- ( ,i s t its
ii~l is s-s)I I t i-str is s t l~tcu t hi
1 l st i t
.1) d.s o 1t1 s c HELP TO RAISE THE TENT
- Circus Comnmittee Asks Students to
Participate in ITent Raisin;.
Sq aIo ( ld I i r "'I tyi ll. ilsImll ' ol ii-
11i1; i c fill ln msitil t o i Isecite
list- ieldl is 55o1o yard s l" a d > ied t a ca 1i c inrai tit;; y iih
vardeul us is thesuth iit bagstllIlls still itss
piled, sil e cete r iil uistitstlliterae f csits itt nt s of tiii th circu 11111lihe
olueeoe -hns slbl hue sims s to51 each ussi e s u l rnt henn s -ingasuit h
Tun clausss i - smi e dv dilu Nliselts s t sist; )f te i' tlt: w l e i
refe-ree givsn the in gnasl eac-Isisdte stilt ilets :It ins 1) tuts -ru e stilsslt1 itu re-
tnyt-oi gut its own bisags toits g a, lo pot 'I 'col inh)st ito5 canottiu
-issum-isny- ofits oItlu elttit i s itn a - iiiattat llccalhe o sstistnce
lTecotsn thihsucomes Nlat 4, to heircut~ls tulitittis, t I.lry- othuer
usill bengirt at 7 uo'ssclck iin stwill hunt 2-aim r.tit t hese i~gOf tse l it- te i sill
m ten. lime hmuss siill nstt tsd a e lsie~hc tm . Is iss s-siXts--i-s
cred "detad"untillsteCl signliii htstrl nrd stens-will Iit-
ems, itmiltlbag sbehssite goal linte silt itt l- s s llil( tstritili tilt Of
cunt.si lT-e sectirnumg oi anis cs nenssssss he1 lt , aitt . sli ot ast ec5u lt
tun il11countuithesssile lss-itwo ists ile scircus put tils ii stilt
thuts iiill store otu form eactit fitt hletir_
ownss brousghuti thisitegol.ils i det 1O\(NT 1- i (hi
getinsg time iggest scure seins thle ctutu OP -' I ii l XDI ' IIvACF
test. NMl contestasitu isit aslenstis
shos.sI nten itouel h no
By mu m smug lst-ese chanmges mui usis-stseit t suitsisess siu iets -I- i to ld sa lr e
by li t h cuh lasses liat the ight stillbe pron o th lle On Irda aic
missi lo iser andilmmmor e itinsg. Itill 'atius- itshi -itc a:me bs il-c ingit
tentom i preet gre-st i-uuiesi ntail i in isits hr -r h is 5a5a sillstertlii
ani onse ipsr ciiof t-e tiehuh amith makese m asl t theUno cfe Ihe ibttii sn
tinsg mores nt-iueretn g fonr suithis si- \sill Isliso tutu-sll uso lsitss iitusi-l ith
Ietnits ail spectt s.iNiai I u its it


at sitasI liii
see-r Nelisos
' silimsan
1 t0 centier.

lie ttde-sistudessis isis iuusis
i itto61. m. tĀ«ipaticitiptent ilel ssill-s
if lheist-tugcircusstata te iosa
fi(ntilitIs. (suicvt iedui ng-te
uht-iuiitandtshtagau svihc
iss-trs-ttIii Icusssi lst thecrus s

I i- - -


Big Vaudeville General Circus
Reserve Seat SaleI Reserved Seat Sale
New'Whitney Theatre ]Front-- of University Hall



" 1
+rir rrt r. rrrr rirrrrrr


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