THE2 MICHIGAN DAILY SamBurcifici'sE Fine Tailoring1 Trade Can Delive The & a mCo o. AE 11i for [lt I .,: Ice Crea o das 338 Otxf '-steSr THE FAR SA ''ii hI 1 C.'VV ;.~ MAIN AND x;itI Capital $5011,0 0 11a5111 > 1 _50 i{?E Gerleoi s iI.rl on imes and ' av4. i;. i . iy i,'- The Ann Srboi 'i s flan{ A (Ic cirasI IsOw ilisricoso, a. F WV U STATE SAVfl( IAE l. 11t 0h In P ':: 5551. Ar i i D., , Pa . . W ade _1l' 1 r ) . I I.' (": 1 C rita II P an FIRST NATI('AL eA i'. aptl -wo oi'. I Slrils ndPot. -i}o Ilil MLi. II , grad ' ibert i I P CO Y TO .ECTURE FRIDAY Former Mich tan Man Will Relate F11perienc -s of Cycling Trip. 1 n l 1,v 1) is l 111 pr1ac-1 la i n hia ( id live l ec- turd 1on 1(y 15rg in Hrope,"11ext Fri- day 5 -iigat8ocok in 1 Sarah ICas- well 1i c11 11, 11.1111fe 111111111c chars~d for he leture 1111ch i 1un1e 'NP cl tee ofc inleIfr m 111-' K" v 11 a I" 111 '111111iwn ofl 1111p (U 1- + I; 11' N ta '1s. O te W '51 l ' 11 11 1 usia 11 11111 511' III I.C I'RV T 1J: G(N-'F S. Cider1t1e1111p11es ofthe Lssirs .is. Ifll cigi braInch 1 ofs thell II ills I c0511 hiltilltl o11111 ctrisclrsiVgllels,1.S. I1111111111 111 Iwllspak thi mi 'lII . 0o. .Mr. Hill il Iltreat f lthe met oslo "I ROM X ,'e ninerig- uild-t 810l; -. 511 I -Yoltl l 's C'I Tas" nolillI'bettC'r Imade- sPP itt tlls III sale t A1e111 Clte Y~sabised 1X5. I I ler's. Jewelry St1l-C 1f S.)hll St.11 eod-tf a I 11 11' '1111 II I l 1 1cod i te s '1111 Ils' 1 1111' 111 /I' ;111c!si Clever, Snappy Si sfo X4/ ,y s o This Storeha wo ab :-~ solute lead.ersip iii high classIlollingsbyalways . ;.. rect sls andby givinlg always t:ibs vlea .. :.:. the pric." . ais ea r our stock IxN , s allprevious m " The Des i iWorld NIc~ old1h: I ii , Il 1111111111 81's lr uci~ II 111;1' 'I 1I u ) 1 al uiIilsItI' a1ti 1 5 ii~ II.klt 1 IlS'1;)11 fotle iv1 211 8SOUTH I I Quality r Ask ihe Ctchethe irs t Rase- mnithle Fielders01111ny ofithe big college n1inea which miCke ' of Mitt ortCloierthey usef Nine timoes 0111of len theme,11 answer will be . " players o f tIhe A Aineri insiid NationailLeagties. 'ieRIts hIIaillisitelye I 1 L ikewise Reash Milttiil( S15 sIslyaainddiiA {idoit~ seis-ie ~e ecIs il bll the quality of Reaici Bise 1111Cciii Si ldoeov sp1; are bashedby The eG, iarantee The Reach Trade Mark guarantees perfect goods. Should defects appear, we will replace any articieabsiolutely withiout cosl (except Base Balls and Bals retaili7 under $1.0. Of Gel She Reach Official Bise Boil G ide Ior1009 10 cells atdeaidrs' or byemi . Ailsocwri'iei'or igo so e cIBase1Ba l iiaogt. loll - A. J1. REACH CO., 1727 TULIP ST.,PILARLPIIIA, PA. PRIVATE LE;SSONS INDAN,1N Aca demny Office 312 M aya oird St. C, 'ANGzEV"- CI ll l 1111' c }tpip ; It' hi' Iss I 11 ilH at \\'l' \I'iI qtrrc81 o ' .. C)A I1.11 1,11i J k t~la ; ii '111 111t it r1 ' 1 Cli s le1111 . 11 C' P1111'S 1'hll 11 11I. Is. (11111. .1 .11111t11 5'"111 imlC(girli 5" 11 11. 1 1 I 'c 111cIn . (1111 Irst(,ad o plain siipt~s. thetww ea~ii 's 'i si i rf ~tlrc atclry 111101 115111111r1pes iwith i 10' l us po wi n. he i hillI'uis' to1 0.11 l 01.011 fro. t i J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler s rr ' ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 .7 * ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 Ir y - 1 .(6salfwIl. ALARM CLOCKS $1.751,1FlyGa nte z stval Wateih Repe.e'ina Speciaty '1i' a~I' ll al t"3Ik1n w e ctI 11 1ets I~i Rowe' s L.,aundry Schoo of usicTHOMAS ROWE, Prop. I1 1 a:a°It326 N. Fifth Ave.. New Phone 057 Hell Phone 45c-SI 9ft ~ ~ LA I C I LIVEKY SEE V>cE MAKERS AND DESIGNERS 111111111115 esIin tractive equipilment ii OF COLLEGE JEWVELRY P<'III/ijjj1 1enICllSnJ i ay tne orHaler's JewT!elry Stol e - su 1115111e'Ij i ie(11'tin i 216 SOUTH I 'AIN STREET p ii 111111d illste iwhethers y11u1want to I Ill I'<