THE MICHIGAN DA IL Y THE G. I Wild Comfpally _.__..._.._e MERCHANT TAILORS : i MICHIGAN DAILY. \tXsi iist 1)-l; ,,ts cs ai rcs cr. e us cmIi Ist ?s < ii iipt tt()i Itfi oi ss S dia a o'ic oi l li mto sirilc ct ()f li" i srn at ii s el";,li h Iiiir l li 3l ic 5, 5t ' l' 5li l l 12.''t\Iri ; 5 'ti t ist1ss 1~s' . o ti TENNIS We hove for your inspect- ott, VYt'g/st aisel ElDtseons'c plete lute of Tennis Rackets and supplies. The new " 'utnton iSts'" Rockn t is a beouty-Othser leoders of this stronsg litne of Rockets are the "Pint" the ' Coampbell" and te'"Way-d'u nun, 'tiqht." Everyone Guaranteed WAllH R'S University Bookstore ~it nitf a KODAK I'l" II s s iS iid '''iia \ith the ;t's'ssioal cleIsis ats thei pub- Q iiictkv g iinx rac c theis l l )iii,. ciii lsi' j i "O ' ''di iii, 'ii iic~rt D) s'5. 'is.. cv l 5 " t t ii isis sc I is_ 5" s itll ii ~ l~is' d srt +. il l WALK-OVER "::17F7 SH )ES C ER C LE F RANK COI S HIRAM S. COD Y '08 Lit. Will deliver a lectxare oni "CYCLING IN EUROPE" 8.00 P. M. Friday, May 7 SARAH CASWELL ANiGELL HALL ti11 Steles (Nt ondsccnct }f rm fit m $1.0 is t oi t 4iiis,5100.00.i FRESH SUPPLIES isis's.. ii's i sake 1,:N'iIA "SI/iEPtINTiS (,ane truceas LYNDON 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. IBAILEY & EDMUNDS 55portin4 Gooao 121 EASI' LIBERTY STREET Senior Notice ill -w'1es s r vis nisd ther /sr /IB Sl'i'/s i us se 5 ese o l eavesss' We unir tt' ,I'ser'1910' f,r'. is JEWELER 220 S. Main St. Kodak.. Fillishiug Frompt Delivery Good Work Lowest Prices E. F. CALKINS DRUGGIST 324 South State Street IN THESE DAYS of near milk, almost meat, and not quite leather, you're not always sure of what you are getting for your money. You may get quality and you may not. So far as shoes are concerned, you can do away with all uncertainty, by buying WALK-OVERS. J: There isn't and there never 'was any un- A'certainty a bout their style or comfort or o. '.: .quality. If you have TanI wo Eayelet Tie $3.50, $4t00, $5.00 Price $5.til WALK-OVER. BOOT ZSI-LOP 1 115 Sooth l~ain Stred 121 WashIngton The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack Props. Pbooe 5918