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May 05, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-05-05

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e ichigan Daily

%71 VI
Farmers' Batting Hlas Improved;
Close Contest Promised This
Afternoon; Barr to Pitch
Farh IIIth 's i \l I_ C it i t 1

A\\N A I3( JRf, MICffIQAN, \VEID\ ISDAY. M, NAY. , i909.

it v

il(is ti1ciit Sit tt1 SENIOR SWIN GOUT
tte a e nthed it het.U 5 econdi
ttsno totUlt. letnI tbakai ENCIRCLES CAMPUS
atint roipoUrttilt III se5tt 115 this tutult
hat treinoohrSittiulit whet President Angell's Last Swing-
iii It lglt mlihe ld. nThetracteamtt
U U Vii mmii i ti i~lt t, out Address Given; Over 800
ished tnt'21]datnd Seniors in Cap and Gown.
intcrco~l iali at faniand omes tti
1 it itu t tit ii t hll cap and go~tti Utiiommittee, antdilint'-
t <itc T'ai n iit tric n d Cati p- 1 h n tti it m i etti
t~t' hiitcsofth t rilts en 1a l lit class, of m' et ht hI tttiin il d seniorint u
th nt(?co h ittfeent t mint a n d it ii i n marci i h in itt it veit rsity'
its trtin larittli(lpni. the sris s preceitdinths wingtlioti
iii trt it=. l icc tc "t o i thesi tgrea i ttes fr nt m restittititt hu t othii i pe~n
k11o Ii t t ntm iri n h 4 oga ''o-11et :\. ;itleyftin htn
i <C'.Iyad\c t "h aebt f at in L.nI liiomilland t k 'indl
m~n rapidimprovcm it in tnithitoksca ftehn rmPeietA gl
lh- l~- isane ent. wig o he sli rs stel ttlt elstol i t eniiI
itV thi lt ' t prom isto heii ti "gan iod la " ill everis in lii
iilf; i\(1{,1 fng t on . K ck ier ritit m t i mmiii mm spoknin asyftlt
(}tilt' t\tit niratinc, and lthin
Iftego i io tu ttkidrit
ii iit iW? m-acticciandlilitorknng

1, Atlllclli

r' liigalua tito 1kope in T'en Juniors
tUnder 'F'ppan Oak Today.
il~c5 iiits cir t i li ie thers
ti\ hies, \ ill he a til l ip , an
} c t t« the ar i t l i n IV (
±l~c r; tl , \c I w il b..h t ilt li,
1 1 fl:l r I 3e mmld l i i i it's
licli :lllla IWW c(I. has I t11t )it i

tin -;pcdn hte i l ynoits i behalf.t
Fater and iio iters nlho ihave iprac
!Ntv safly pssed tilltue y il ychar
in hhuh nih yar f lin t oisi
\i, aedfr o itsp r o ti n eh-
ho i t h tmeiwhoihave chriisle it n itdly
ther isiwho t:ire it w h s in the
flsh th t etj i tlith sso heartilt
PMticp t it it i t u:sen eo t
rea siuiiane
it herto i ae cnasi lc
under uturofin )our Iri odu fttin eI

teinIthereireitanyiwhosrtiink f'ron
thm and itto S lathiemnofitiltnithersiin
Buttitm wh n n sswliiifroium ititdiltyio i tt t
ofi naeedst it plaini dtyswsich lt
ough toiii assumeini td wihsnlb
mitsisnhai'ge elsnesnsnlf-reslict it
the esput lifiiothestttiiadirenssiit
and tatu mivedinblit espctaltilt e
iluc is hleededniniso1 e goditi us'
muo havei li rci isiutiit n ecessii'ittl tin i
trio ic Idedunit i th Sitho I miIi iti i
itin dangermm ofi haini t Irne i sc
itt-i rot hii-'tiis el a i lity andtiretlt i '
R ti whne iniesif dematn'hi ut
tci~ .o ist acit n , t is tijt il ni-ttl i
wt cam o w ihimpai onIti ditii ii li
h inthemnliepifindsi h~i t tiltthe heatt i
and 'the'iN s of hos abut im. ii
To ii Iti Itctoi1wmt Ii ii til I
itc tio iln itinu o go .T her i si greaitint f
itrnc i nmill in t ut'e api tyt go
Wealko oic tin lii Imve gra
illte ftos colege nit ce t wi i -Cr
twnho nr tfor tint tssiii l' il
heapetlyiineveri grownmit pril
sincegradution if ideed theymhll
tltsreinoraied.The iisenit whois Ihanv,
S tlt tithe oce iott i miii powlit t he"
on _ ' iiad ita i o ut mm s hv ittl ~ n
luit' lit rtcen in life. iStivei toi i -
itlrt f f kowegeRf c \l \ I to
asinttea 'ls-pgo iion, ii tst pi t iiry Iust inli
Itunigei ntbs t andrdsi ltn ll )ynnw o ylfirsadrsa
.winei pi. itif hplot 1 anit purit situoh',
tt'uinmouritt bli s t iNeal s, \ ilitim
tt lnietonlinirtithe t insTry tittlrin l
it mirhet moodsI (IRcnif som
rurn t SeRVainPaSndXIS-niinF

3 lIn frottinit lUiit'iy I ftall.

r-t Sm ith I'will.
i h'. hacl. tt Sc'C;

Sale Begins at 9 O'clock; Ticket
Office on Campus; 1,400 Seats
Reserved for Each Show.
t is n ri i ii iit dsinsc of tit o
tf ii t iis ic cs h re \-I
i ila r ill.I ani- i l ni i e t,.(
lay . his is clsi:icc to pr y ii t' intt ii
Fim-tcn h itred tic«^f i t heye
it m ml- l a t ; cisnae
Til ik ts fo ttill i~il s ow Wnt
ik it cksi l a ysctdy a
X intl tutu( k t ilt itrit fo il thsuy
ii i" cfr c ' ll aline
fi t oii wlsfi e tiiil.;h itl -

and a
and a:
"m rk
b waI
r1 rt
t() lu1
fill tt
W \E
to ual
!q au
All C
r cal ;
ami C
his v
hill a
log t
111 a
t 1w 1
the r,
to ar
1 h

all i 11
,. : t

:illair, it

t ii c irc s il u ,t I)(- A lit
e ;rl'en itly'1 l Ca )ot s1C3?ii iliats
siao i ia ti )pld ithithmaii rlsii
:)uract, tfe hol- soe ill sulyi
1 ,tots 'ill not i all o tthe tsIn
IYmu tl+ IC'';tin Salnummum ml t its
ro I. Dr._\Itt' ac {)h t If-t the
ot)(I w~wi it ol iic to t IliitII
in tit S~ r.s)(\ it s ii tsil l
c itterc iiit I 'miami' hl%cmii wal-
uNhmlMIiittttmms tu ti i ~ ittl
he h lii naimsul-d o it th
tent t o'l()Ck 1a iifigt thenu
wil mgil it' atmrahof narimtig'
ctin e fiirs tet I li' 'iu i iiio n ' in t'S io
mcinum' tin rucati nastopenslt'iht he.011
1 i~ts 1 <I nty l a i'n' thimii
snit1 mmii tultu atl'1 t' mi t he'm mp
displa . ofi ni th Crusades.iii L iilier

I t

1c jtint m m tilt ii,.iO
lc i hun Iii , Ik t~ lc
I miii mm11,;
ifcl: lhinm ri s
Im'htS t)I'ji7

mmiii liii its1mmmiii liii litus i.tit.
d ml I~ Vl' mii's )11ii thitii att mumaretoiii i tttcI tut
hui>1 ic~g;m , s m ut()themum it- rlm i fetl ts iyurtean ei s ,ti fromli
st f 1rs , g oo in th n i~rsty ~c tin i t ndii fit-uit yiuilriiitlttititis
it l~> :11~c th p~le o te wgwnn I a ii>nlis mts becm euinits 111new l toue
It 1,1 tc crn o t~ I~l~al Unon thecetreoi n ewti initretistiimake
N~s r~dl~rdan ~lar ~dn~lygrat nvv iends, iti tahimaus to iinfltuuenitmlu
11 IN' i tinvebn'l sctlin' i mi btis al -'pr w ys tosibet hm tos
,lxict w~~~~~i hc ;ie at hn o dm ntae i
flhi m ;Wul t Wthin rmmhi it tt be a force mandmil
tilJn_ m m i t fotltrceiit'
IIsh 1t'rtt'oao isa lsnntest thuO tim-mituld be i't tiist ntsi ncre
.,cdlc' :, "l'te l ist-, ;Jusic te i-i tomnssip mmiii iti nih frt iun isltta h inheS
mitiit itiit tto)u Ir cn ls u titit vasus tnummimthat.in hmii ts nd prium p-un
Sums' m cm~tl u st re mitii i us f m i re um i i midi)u mmii muo n n im'timp mustniths who
Iniaa.'I Pn ti-ai thi' wemu realgminm n'tin ,mmtint hntnimbothui thmp
---- \l-m __im mdstmand henslf limpet wfic i veslu
1.iii iji ~s>>,0_A11.:T I; mmtER. iiittmts nin tt ith theset quaitiesiiC
l -mtt'a pituimi sn tim \ n t mmiis n tmtn nimutuntetto, ll g u'nitsim-
limit nt mmiiI I itt ulnumnnslip mutt oute
hh f11 h N -,of iesI 1 i c mmmiiig if iiiis( er uthe s ti n hnomt, mlpy
haumremugnt es iP i nlii t I ii i iitt iuesstatnlet fterIur
'mliii' ii I ',j eisii t oi ii nhm t ttp mm ml ttl o d
ii S i iii Si Jhh;lnte smithese utieiim s ay be notuoney

l(' ii ' init

il xin-. catper mmmii l t-u' y

13< l:e
O I tit'1', t

in t] '-t'5i ttti tmLI 1i it to ('-
tou oItilti IImiii in ml ii n tik't
1111 Insepttw icme uit tlimit

'3inn it, tIS
timl mit-

drfl hurst- hIinimuim execte i' igcum -
tirlT 's. Thi rcnarapl loscui diibhi
iliu muclilic iiguitstit fit ormmi hemmi
foth"Al-merhtmedSmpluse inii tubanI
dance. Prof.Alinhah is tuaminedI
tumltn;141isi ic (ily train d li Sint
the mmum ghmandmProfsunlitiintlisuthenmy li
assisted iiyhis htll fientuud. he i
Abov in llmittdo tnt fopgtlltuempret
hul mti maidnsho seibavll li bstnhe
whit mutee mt M Wsld:rlien

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