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May 04, 1909 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-05-04

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Gler eaft
Ne/ ,

hM t; A Af4
-R5NTSF6O SHOW YARRIVEt13 i tt Sl lilci ctclIA tri i awl
Nexticms tescthttoooo
Preparations Cor Circus Are Nearing stut11 1awon
cCompletion-St. John in Charge. Ioutholith e lcprogrami coiethle twvo
1't I= tlt tocoer htil non itl ow best hittcofCuiture--the Pipe Sort0 atd
k,--( c~ te sderacs t 1lt c kntthe rcnow ned Psoenar," with a itew
r I deo w liil be11unl1oa 1e ttiy.t 1of verse s leared he Don IHaines.
.. '">1t 0 iii ( 11111( i itnil e erced D io c phec of Detroit, presents
r r ih 1 111 a d th i gs110 his I banjo sitl Ill act, 11111 1111' 51101
vvI1 I' Mc fr 1he h rss. I avoil1 ses wIitlh a slit, a buleiIsqu il I lb-
;t 3fk n-toEIroler i be rt 111 over 1the ) sea's I" 1111' 1 Idoie" T e title is "'ill'
1,1 and all ,c1 1 e illb i lled s u p. 111 I n-Il o1111111 ill Hinic I lilisell,
Inclii ilCiin lctn an th prpltnliI itl 111), Hinet~s. 110111s1isas followes:
with t1 1u fv t santdl dollais'Fler......... . . IlaoC ld 'tes
*1 11(41ttt orOe ai hsioe-ts ~ lrt5 ........... . . I_110111 Dowtsil
tti".kjr110........... obert1Toms
l~tI tl ImttIhoprducd ili\ittc ) t i il i ll be111 C 11 1 -cns l tillretad
It : at71111 1'111.1 lo, isuccessilatill' llot tll ..1
mirtci is tn It~ e io 5(1, te 11111 71
Mr1 . 01 1 rapt ill 1111 from 1 ills

Mi'en's atnd 1311's~Suiits ttevsiCer lefore)sottrCit ec
dsincinidi viduatlity elharacterC, fas11io11riiht Iattd
quality, stile varieties toietect i. t' 1 5(- cfi gd,
hats, elegant (11))sty les, hihteilt iI 111cs nx
Stets.on and tDeacott, tcrleladlets.
Manhattin i Silrt's, full I ii 5xl,ves t-sit 11(
Petrits int all shadeics.
t xraolrdl li5inay ip ly(I'I Ncc 'b ,<I''1 11dI fm-c 5

Of ot!eite Z'11

)_ I

TiNIARt i 010, A% ibibs~O
Genral1111 _ 'l'' <i11
Io.il'il e :.11, I 5 0 1Ite
Thle Anilro avisBn
ACiettl'iaUiinklnglltsll "I rteIrc'11.'
STATE 1 1 II . 11 '

1>1 t i 1''a r 5sso 11cicu
I IC II th t Imstlle 11101or itv
}.#1111110 11n, 11( 1'li g o e of
()( tl(, II)St n~al I IIand 11most
11(. m l be II t(),n 11 orrI
I r ail: tntl th en ire'l jil
I 1 sIri 111 -m 1 l11m
it f( Ih II nmi sill 1)v 1111
11{)Ils11 11 atn lahe
1 , ll a 111 1, hte5 im e
ee 1 .111Co 1111d 1 1111 , ha
I n 1 1 11 )\. I I\\ lle c t lls
x1). I1, 1, '1 ~ a til hle
I)"11" rtldwr, li-lcn ,"J1 111 11)
1 111'_"1o\0() .n11 o Ias Ill I
.. I~e ll 11 tonlnlitt11 1 1111 Ills
d'I 1t1W C, ll 1111 5 fI CII IIII 11t-
S ii sh I ') iii ". 1111cr
i'r't-' s 11 1' C~ i' 1the11 Ill'

I ills(SAlIiSRY biNTi'1-'l
51111 i st c ls'll c l s 'li li fi 11C)
ll' theti t1511wc 1111ntst heldinl X whelri.y1111lh
last ng t ih r 1?.\Sini' i ds sll '1111
ids() 11111111 11 1r511 '11111100victor)l ent
litc is C pek o till' stale of
i chga "A' 1kI ci 111111d in ltwtll
fo 11 1111 src e ill Ii 11 si II
ill hc' eco d inersate eac conest
( i1. a ng t, V t \c~ } vl

0t is N's >
t ae Ii i I .: tz I}s
9"9 Al u~j
Coa ie61
S vYY 4t'i

tiI 3At ftI

t,11A d 1' c:, 111' t 11 ~unlsd.1 1 1 e l itIr~
:< ~lili 10 raerit /esa C
lp1.11ii 111 i l i I'&S.c ,I I 11 .11 ta1 e
(,'. S S 115 iAllS--lal pellrie
()n bt'cI~l'lllllt0 llillI at111 1 1111110 ii ci

Gillette Safety Iao
Glean shaving is part o p h
college man's gospel. It goes wt
the exercise and outdoor Ii _- with
good spirits and good heath
Five minutes a day spent with s d cI
Safety Razor keeps the fare sh ipshap5 ei'(s
soft and clear,
(Ifi1Et'111111. 'iI'l
1011iiitit 1 1111 111's id toi w fec i1
s r o t i I I s h i 1 ) 0 i O e V r j , i w . A 1 ) ))s l le , a i I I ' i )s h a v i t 1 1 I I t he11 I fI r .1 i' . i
1 '1 e '11 11'E: i barc ro s~o~ ; ~}1. ,=
savcrl01hs..llsalllm ' 136aVM, !
TheGiletf S re 11Uaori, 44)1Ihth


o xet 'S



l 1\1C1 11 C )II III 11 1115 i

'I), asiltII

To our friends and patrons 5V(' lre9 to anuonnce that AI V. W. Davis,
formerly with Rasch Y iCieslint, or Detroit, will
1* taloe I he o()sil:ion made Vacant by the death of 'Mr. Koch.
'dlr. 1) aV is lilts i.>ee'>> r onset ted With its for the past four years, hart of the time w artim, oil
our (,listoniers Irt Norther ii Alichrr;an. lie is a practical t ailor and cutter with wide experience
irr rhe" lw t trade and is eoirsidered all authority orr men's clothe's by those, who knot. llis
r hori'm-11 knowled e and trainin as a desi<-ner of men's clothes are at your corelrnand.
We 'oliciI a r.otttill nance of your value([ patrona ;e. Respectfully,
WAG N 1 R &- CO., importing,, Tailors, 303-305S. State Sr.

IL -- Z. z Z6, AIMM,

Sh oo(",ril 4'lll

J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler
1b~ H urry! ALARM CLOCKS $1.00
i ( sea forI~wALARM CLOCKS $1.75
Fusly Gulrantee
ire wrofRowe's Laundry
f M usic THOMAS ROWEI, Prop.
r 1 '. 326 N. Filth Ave.
NsewtPhiine457 Bell Pliant 45 -t.
apociI s itatctive1111qt'ililiiili OF COLLEGE JEWELRY
thth()fLli 's. cl is chibiii sttlleu ini'
< a iwl 01n. I~alianIy05'1'tieot Haler's Jewelry Stoi e
any 'yet i t i liu re, (Lt reli ei 216 5OC T11 'lAiN STREET
caet m, l e( lIa1tril.1asiteiid a iwedding
IC III telli go s tlhopinoS or 111'ak dilv' Large Collection Antiques in
ft~rIe Ist le' Brass, Iron, Copper aiid Chinaware
j hoe fraternity snd sorority houses aoli
F re C. eioigerMiss Florence S. Babbitt
Bl 1 'lxhtll 1t3,x1l1 Sai tt uh Iiliii150 iiYPSILANTI, MIClI.

closemeete ths
wltryeter thie,
thumb nor tem-per
!? ''-0for AM'.
sOneil, ieabody &' I'l.,'iTroy,'sNhi York

jC . Spalding& Bros,
l ctitt1 1 Is ict I I I I l
I l l tF'l1t'.tI :tIII ' I s C
300 East W615 lagtoas St.
Light Lunches
Confect lonary
Ice Cre,-am
Phones 78 L 7ZO tRue



East JHt -uron, k )froipr

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