THE MICI{IfIAN4 DAILY GHI. Wild Comipanly ! MERCHANT TAILORS : iHave received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Mttenium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian iDrab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and Kings Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumoberland, Chester, Orient, Pet- horn, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Wors- teds Pilease come early and have your Suit reserved. ITHE MICHIGAN DAILY. tttftsstotna ltstt tart-1ow less irestttoit. _ lSutreo ly, techigair sotfindtlcolent. (0 .11 tOO~tO~ bctwrthyIopptttt5onts wse 0st oanars are- llcr~ia razEditor atighoas thterot. soiwithoutst hdl Ct OtOOO~t HLt~tttsto,, atirs sitlh tutdesirabtle-sncools:. aontSif 13 ottotto'Wtlnto', sot, ttte sceduoleandtolthe oeas ot iolet Io- F. t j .awlls-Iletcuetrtiled ratoher tanet o e- -00cr agTsutch tttnortt oe inidtlstas I ardthes witna yestterday, Too resent ui j a ni ito o l i1- tl[-. I fStoo l'lt 0 o- altHt-or . Ilosonc......... lao s .)Waskiocs Chl arks Cto c n) insult is bu tstttt hu sitoland sf wto uor 1~s ) tt t-t .N. 1 Mct ughlnloottlo tles- its. tIN nlnco . WIilbu lttr I. Elliott tekn fathltte tesdtemst a tot ore - lskytoloffe sch prot o attt ieoo lht ctt t hemnntttttt lont r 00 t Hllits aIIker cooslooroisattittes inoevitabole-. .I coots Krafit t e o t a , lh- is TtFF.linchiganstunivtotsity tmats well iteOto, w ol a ap1 h d t.nA a the ttratiso s otintrl this eatot yt camusttttstt il an f talent. -Ie a crl irolo Sotvills, r-{ h r ,vl n a Icue EDI R. cayevnoe ing. ncottp ledasostabtlen es tool I ato« c to oshihnl cot ontly rvesetdctIcdIoecidedo Id itts t ha ot sotheelto lt )ict 11,A i keoltlo oncin blility toth110 por t of students busoo tlste er M W ( Itolst ssl -ts o . lW.n I i sDavitdo I coo a keel)ot stso ites t Iin h etr ls f rn sn" hy wt l PautGrer tram titits a~n Os 0101 Loof to t ( t scet toill lot' 1-tic 11 iet;.t £rt tt - I\\ictCI DlstsI"- J()socs k lwt fIrs ; a0u. 1 1.-ci ccc. JO Jr, VFF I ti TENNIS We hove for your inspect- ross, tl qt(rtoal liton' o mit- plete hoseeraf Tennis Rackets atnd sutpplies. CTe onw --StttASttt )-oo Rankct is a beauty-Othser leasoen of tis tlerontg lise of Rankets are the 'Peatt the - (ototttsial00 aundthe lae rdtnss Everyone Guaranteed WAH R9S University Bookstore Ti k o fI KODA K G.H. Wild CompanlyI 311 South State Street TENNIS. GOO0 DS WI easrya o mpleat linet ofTeInnssistupliles Our l'"o ices on Rackets Prim - - $7.00 Sears ' _ $5.00 Longwood - $3.50 and Spalding Gold Medal ogr e guarantee iiur Rackets- Teriis Balls NV right A&iDitson, and (iioodrich OUSINESS STAFF C OA I i ccc-cc Nosrmsano H. Itilt Aodsress: c tnioN DILYo, Press Bldg.. Mayntard Street. ;Mna~o~gers ourst 1-2 p. ot., 78 P. no. daily, except Sunday. Both phoites : lt- ' >f t O - 1-'. t-i. coos solo-sot- -ik ~ mo tws-sos-s benosto prc- tk11 1ot ll-s foo sev ral 1c 1110t c)olts vk r th y is sohe tot sooty it. f ol]Il s to tird tsl 00s os w ld tet tookoccsitn to sug sto los loe os Ill-, ositiol ttl \tsill oOwavoo tertss Itel pi-m lke ttack o Ilsod temmtos Fmiltai, oftheMIC11- le tstoots icc-dc toa r-mpttoobl ok5the o- o theC II~, t lok d S cthoctl)t he sot toont ftoits "The I scoot soot ischon ' th 0000 Ocls tstst fo S lfrrer Itsill c'" iustly iwt-soh oc 5t g . corast whc hsbenacod - secipro- of rdtastce-sasitpaistkin-w~orkc.sci Mihgnmxesi- cwrcsto t o 1. Il t oto-5-tw t-hich t s ean ic-nsitcoo taitsns gisn sactiepts -inthesldteve1opt-1 tio d osio t1. I te s ocsa e titoet coo oots c 10sosnitaughst wich-ss-tsotld beo kptswel plot, ctison stol sleoltssssoo.Thost is, itne situactio00n0isirsOt andliterary sisocs its toc lots-asfsottwichltheC- somedyclub at Iestoveroto loodinOsom00e- of tispre- si~cos, -sloctitons. oot- shcould ttheso ld10 classi totse l os 0011 toots-sitoo nsoslor t j tfntctof ptsent odca- w-itc-rs oot of todayt.totsa s it lac oos h niest m lu soottccs the le-gaces of tpast vatt ~tt i ort i cc the - e t t it WO t to otlto i c croo- tonl I li nt.' willcr F cr .1 with the 101 0 0t)r is si ;W lit t il he a %\-ill His olt a cw n ll lc IIIt heI - t il toco 'i)to-bnill i i1 hoot as I. the n -l erg c n t ( 0f toe II k Imeit -cio s eezsr c e It voulike to wear y our cr sloe lotsingcuprotsfor P In ams FOW S tilsoAgellosocl coors studt o h soot i s ooccioc 111 tktort I-S)1scootsI stol GL~OVES tnn to son thtohIis subiscrOitint is 1en gloves log, swear Cre.Srl- -vl dsrst They wear longer. makthoc- Iis gift thoroucsghly-ers- a- lite b- too hil oo001 i cn o s- e lonet t t-crcs;lt actve l ispomt ott co-tprto1 Seehani & Co. itI e ltc.sot-itos Students' Booksore -1 ni hrc hec-lies0 itSeemrosstoo Its, Porto Rican Canes tt ' lihi i t eam buto 00 000wtitste i-o li h -is so s a kio st of n atve t ito tsIOc m 0s 0000 t or i si 1octse ilt tieir cots- 00000 r, -5 00. 500 - so lt slots 0 ll to t oss- Ct000OtOO. fltn c ot i >ttO - t'2;fit xt ra00, A n ROOT &:t itER s r o rolrossos sscsirol tt Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424 CR!CLE FRAN COIS HIRAM S. '08 Li#. Will deliver a lectuzre on "CYCLING IN EUVROPE" 8.00 P. M. F'riday, May 7 SARAH CASWIELL ANGELLU HALL r ;, : f tK WAK OER \1 lesls lss towand Seondsoo 11i 1 sod n $oots tot 0i too hO0t 1 0 FRESH SUPPLIES 00 00 IT INT stok ie \t aos LYNDON 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. IBAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 EAS f LIBERTY STREET Senior Notice . 111 os o o-os o ici s op in lst 9(Itt W clt ( to o ct00 /on $2. -sa so Win.Arnold JEOWEILEIO 220 5. Main St. Kodak"... Finishing Pronmpt Delivery Good Work Lowest Prices E. 13.. CALKINS DRUGGIST 324 South State Street IN THESE DAYS of near milk, almost meat, and not quite leather, you're not always sure of what you are getting for your money. You may get quality and you may not. So far as shoes are concerned, yout can do away with all uncertainty, by buying .4 W ALK-OVER S. There isn't and there never was any un- certainty about their style or comfort or quality. If you have ::;.: worn the ns you know 6 TanTwo Eyelet Tie Price $5.0t0 $3.50, O4.aib, $5.00 WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP~ 115 Snuth Main Streit 0 ti I I I l w i 121 Washington [. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phase 4IC8