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May 01, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-05-01

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G. Wild Comlpally
Hav received a large line at
"aolens tor SPRING and SUM-
MER in (Me nium, Light, and Dark
Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian
Drab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and
We have the Blarney, Hudson,
Cumrrberland, Chester, Orient, Pel-
tra9n, Australia, Cynreic, Bullion,
Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish
Boating Tweed, and London Wors-
Please come early and have
your Suit reserved.
G. LI. Wild Coimpanly
311 Soulb Slate Street
Of Teniios applics
(ur Prices on Rackets
Prim - - $70
Sears - - $5.00
Longwood - $3.50
Spalding Gold Medal
Wre guaranstee our Rackets.
ETrmi1s BasjS
NsX ight & Ditson, and tioodrich

HT E MICHIGAN DAILY. 511011 .i-lhtNi
I -,-~IN Stcttl(8IS N -.I(i\

...r . -. ..

Ott,\ SI

1,l11'-+ ' AI IiN

a/< trcrictc irI

Iilcss i linact"
Iol v I I'. ciua.

:1t17 "iii
tIcD ra
j". l'0-0 l

W Silbuir 1r. F[li(
.. . . I'i s inr

jar~le K- IN at\ins- t vi-riO11Shafri
liii CccIA C "DIO S. ci
,I.1 1lS hitc, CcciiLatar


Coicsicofitthe Xlichiigovniisitu cc61t bi
onc sale ii ihe S coi cricict iiidtir gto-
day. tBgirirg IMonday, the aiisuit
wcill bev sold at Slalir's clic tShecctioii.
or_ Sitte strei.
Plecnty of copties hate liii ordlerd
boundritoisuppleti -n} deimandoeceptluair
unrced-cni'iteditonei. tIciicver, there 'is
ever crptrospetithat viam.itttclrrtvsiitt
echiatn Wuclvi itiiunr rrt inet loll to
buy- the tool t iicricictthe selve iin
abetic scciirecvpc iat any rce, at
trot urnic.
"Ncvcr befocrelhas tl~ ighrpic
boonacivedlsuch aipua r uces.
sad '. .Reiditlast unht. ivedc
mand fo theletheroidi \iciir'vi-
esllis s oldtem aiic s fist as ttcci,

1%i ccv i pi i it~
tor p i rtc ft
this secie. te. Li,
Conit oftcc th r e ct
liiire h' t tircecc ccc
wci, the ti cc r lcc i
lclri c S, i 11 c h ic
cici~rtiticsc l cOWtct>i
interecstingc.,ci i
c'rc I Sirsccci Ic

st- rI'lc cii
ccci lt, ciii;S
ticc, il
lcc1 si of i ii
, iii l i rt


i rt

tcc ir c NI c iiccxI\l ~c.} c ll,it 8 (i'-ccidii
ill SacrahiiCasaci cl vii tic [A ,it. tsstb
cc w11 icc 'itztoi, I_' ccci cc ic c.

arid supplies.
Therewrosy - cllot St-"
Rackot is a beauty-Other
leaders of tths strontg litre of
Rackets are tire 'Tht" the
- latipbitllcc and the "l-l'tiof
(told Wrciht."'
Everyone Guaranteed

ic ' will VWc have for youriset
ispct ccli W~iild l atn 1itsont'o comtr-
mcim ivMete litte of
-tilt; Tannie Rnrikte

IS 'ali<rI' 'oicr
lii lt = ii , i j
ii ii i
(_acc i . C

I1. ..:Silke-
.-c\5. i~a
V. T.liii c'c


I3oiliiic Normn It. H

Addcress:c MICHIGADArrY, Press Bldg.,
Mtayniard Street.
Manaitger's IHours:c i-2 p. Mi., 7-8 p. m.
laity, exiceptScundiay. Both phonies
c Sd it II i ScI' . S 5C. ioci.tN
ii c"-to iii i C cii I ciiingi t're
iic cii\. itc cictirri I c cliataii ll
'itcii had been1 iii i ilitc c to soun
- cu ciiinlccii ayi to theii andciii ic
cc tic tcti lgti there-is cani op-
)'r m il f r tie Cm icio-i't ic
i p cc c idii icit i cei'ati shoil tocc thelii
su e tlol th itii is ani oro-i za'ccictiiii
ct}c ii't'l orti c ic . \Slut should ot c
-i cIii llc i m itic iriiicicccci t ricn to
iii i t i ltii'ie I ii c iii hug 'ccii express'
tit it cii c iiks m t sli crlt: Or, ilfcnot
this.. \cii i 'cnot cannouncec'cthliiithei' Licri -
t it\ cili a ii h rr tit o ino s o
ccii c11() \ '-ii iccto dexpress tii ccci c lii ani
ii i ciii stitcH c Pi' c Cuncil fe a

rume f'Irunthetic iiciti . We hiv plce
bosin therStatie siree oki trscf t i a O3 r
beides wha ct islet o f th1crgol~ lbse
liii silk bicin-s 'Thee wllbe n
a S ile rhilci opealiii c
oftc'r'ccltct liStu'rti macil, tteu reh - T 'si c ic S ccii ii l t c ii -t i
cccii gymr rcasseics c ll stun bicc deti ll "ils cct. (ti lra
wa'cter spocrti. \SS tcrit ey ii s«'ccc r onii uciii l r ti
ccci, cric' ccci cliii ii Say, cutl c c 1ir~ li t illib i ~ it
,ct-if iiteron t 7(cck 11cc (iris''ccci
icHocccC iii' iticticisithe'i staff
hs cinv ticn is prii cc to be ii ;tc .1i
it ccitt cc iiiareccrcinihisttcc ii 1
-itI tl~l sNaidI Io'o11(1 iic-ci ducct
SS'1i1.1. Sli fIIIlit Iv(S(ILlSit iii i
S? l k PN II'S 11(1,1 ccc11x1c 1nc;itic iccoci i1 tillici

tthit D
cil~ l, 'it-c



N Slieelhanl & Co.I
Students' Bookstocre
Porto Rican Canes
i. c'c ricic iwalkii-stick ofcclaivic
W i H ii, critictic, iiu''-cciic, ti cii, c'ic',,
in tiee si/c-cc $1, $1.50 and $2., post.
piir-itry 8c-extra AIiitss
Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424

thcui 'ii ii i' is ci
th i ei7 tlhi-
tcr'. SS-e iti:gi it
thc% c i i d -cc- th cis

SI ltilc efore
spct c lpp r ityfic
iccth 1 c( ocritt 11 thacti
il n ii-'ey thinki it
it c c-ic- it i ni ii lii


thei Seioiriengrinrc' banquerrtit itic ''n]-
lit hohtiIintetroitFint ight.i iwcai
thec la'rgestic' lat'ss 1banquti i c\iii hli n i
that ciii.
it. N 11avcc ci acliiia i )s cc src utc'.
ih cll ig tatsitcri tc ties5ocdel
lii I". Cooley; ti"ioostcrs," I1.11 it t
SSWhicewngotgy,"F.i). ich ". S.
Irincrptriationit for t'igiitt'i'i 5 L1
-ctric; lull ies o cci W HSS mIt
Its iat Iirs, IPit 01 )1cc -peincrrg
C' t' t he pciii lii nrisc ofi" theifendci'
tornament, hldccliiricay inatrician
thril tltmclitehin ts- Sitheinalstii
Wi erc'ctctr~yher mSns t tiihlii sints
cwirll'rtakettirtSri'e d liic ticndaycc Sus
Scatrf cc~iii r acdis shoesi tci rMcrrisci
tichlfed 220 itris .tcc Wari shivicingo trt.c
ucci cc ropIc mccc ine n dcccttI ccclicall., ci


ictt-i lii

llt< ,e121 University Bookstore
ls Ilt11 BOOKSu
] Sit ''c
ictrcsoltuc.in Michgat
i( it ci ScndHma L w Bok
stttLBooks etc
tc cccl itro\pete itre ewOuchS-
i 11uu1Ixra td
Sic La rt ctck ino ;l tic itn
it spc~1,i L aw t ic dcr1 dicta r- ictvn rick'
atlili-c s QuIizs, o s ec
St.c Wo-fCmlt ineNAr nd S
O~c SOL la~ 2205 Mxx SI

I.- I

Slit'111;[11 icc luuc fobs , cand
cut-eliySc ccc, c2iiS. Strit
ccii' ticcu tl irca-- c iaic I,
1,11 rt c li St.
I~cc-t cia'-. cf rl
T,'Sncrii-S Intl" Girl , -
(litititiic t -c i i ('1[11cc
Colieinn.S C iiIii
11 11:;1t1c cc l ,iti S t i>
Gocricci. lnii tlt S~

(it, Sti s'I IS St S Ct specil prcesc
II ic-ci ha c li cgcpp ic'i, ccl(a t ttiuiu's., til
S! frt irlits icr' itric 'fm -scl cia t A
cl i i - hesSir01), MciiiSt. sri


108 Lit.
Will deliver a lectuxre on
8.00 P. M.
Friday, May 7







v lj fi .

Spring Szits are now on~ display.
Alwaiy-o the rI'Mh thirva at thec right



121 Washington t. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack Pros

Phage 549

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