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April 29, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-04-29

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GH.Wild Comlpally
Have received a large line of
ei' elens for SPRING and SUM-
M'ER iont tMenium, Light, and Dark
Ar-i Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian
Drab, Light Mole. Rnyal Gray, and
We have the Blarney, Hudson,
LCumberland, Chester, Orient, Pet-
has"r, Australia, Cymric, Bullion,
F'ede!ral, Empire, Raeburn, Irish
3fialsogTweed, and London Wors-
tPlease corni early and have
your Suit reserved.
6. rHr Wild Compna
311 South State Street
it l ctrii t (IpleistttssII(
I s'' 1ttsssSupplies
Our Priets on Rackets
Primn - - $70
Sears - - $5.00
Lonrgwod - $3.50
Spalding Gold Medal
We guarantee our Rackets.
Te riis Balls
W right 6k Dtsoin, and (inodricli
ticehan &Co.
Students' Bookstore
Porto Rican Canes
l fi_ t I w a sissy tis of a t ili
I-o(.",oaeispalmsee teL
ii hrkis;-$1, $1.50and $2.,pst-
pi. '14(" siXt .1 Addrs-s-
Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424

THE MICHIGAN DAILY. !ii t atsI ynaihose, litc l- at
tIetic ssl e keptoniaiiuglier ptane-.
lleseee~eei~ hells -ains ichliligaiiman woitii swant
toe atlietlhat ise hae- s'troyrailsd-in i
sal \e a -~. ,,Feseiss t+:. this matter of traussati co isios
fase. Earns crI-iscener e ticeaic wsi--sthe tact cof
is I- F e. e:r z cetrinsg eor tier Nirlsigassteams. Ap-
sear rulthe til ensitss hois le asin tier
gransdtand 1forgest liatthe tiea hc
was cia enit f~irn st home-gae -;s tea
Nc, ...... .....F c Fe' i. Goi ng lis .i ch iiigcsii eais -o u er ltem aid thest it
Nh-s t\.ss.)i ... .. Mcitlighlialesten-sedithe sesn sithu irmak
liiitis .. .. . .....1 ilies 31. Elliotts ailte recrdei. 'The tireeit h wo l
cc. . . .lie N Kisei cosidieriitse-lf its-sees hestsneetedssitfi
AIleuii ...... ....l'itlis S. IBakler e-t thsrough a ictrioues nineis-
e:: ee s ....eeee.. .. l.. -ei af I cis itlisst ciasigni of a ce ris e v
cci se . thouighitlisaills ifi tie lessee s of i a
Ia s I tillii- ) sisies 3silritli Pro issi es n is 1mirth. liii cciinli.
s C, KS;.s.aslier Ys ilie ti licisi teamisi, re-lre se-itii us
volutarsisily asduithoi uet siilsteiitieii rises
5 c cc' tr ieors. ii'iiietiliii wo tiesu e i i no, game c535555' f tie
lx , \ bit e tredIit.,iii seaslnus-c- sisiascro iid-wrappieiiii ;t
WalteriK. I oi i .s L . ltikel r rlti-etilice siles
Leesn I,. j mcs S. W. Davsidt fhhtrsisesree (Ioe

redy i s;h t c i w )i I5 l
tear mai t heteesi e la } l
sgigssieos lassoft a\ l
ci it \\crc isi ti t --- mew,,1 ik
stuets-i T i I' Th \ <.)II
usual a111,1 l. ssi iIsti 'u
andi li th ctt u (d -I cw r
su 55.5..
I I :Ci'-1 (1),, G . II A '

ii 5 iit

F e II sits se


C11 ci.ii Il . . i La~crwill
'sililess cIICtiiGAN DILYss, Press Bldg.,
Messiges's HL1i-s : 1z 2 1115., 7-8 p. m.
daciily, ecepst Sundtay. Bath phones
l: (ii. te ell ii -Co.Cits l~,<
'1i - ; iy i <1dS rn '0 (WI M il su, ('cis (ee lwe llsr st al-
ci 't e 1( c. i les- e c)il -ll lli tiol
i el" I- e d bi eel1 cr m if (e
s I (1 oi lml il1" itles ti er siliil
I '<( ii l a ,s sethellst jlisil its -
hal () 1c c<sillinly cihe silsi-
ai a a ho'sti Tillie illiil ers eeo
b{ts"I .11 i s5c a l jset lisle on
;t ll slice iti(, f r shee i l liale o sil
=)h~~stsI' V~s Io s fse e s clilie s a
e litlirii(, istr w c ellsme es o
Tisa selle sissio w coes and
ofind pii ees s isiest lackig
e 5"r ellcr ined, ciCi llie s s muchii" tilsa


Those who havsit ees lilies- sel udents
ill tieis- lust rus rciii'catth
cli e isisss rkiit sels Ibutresells sects i
Iiistie'activities ofeel fist -car stu-
detrito ethesesofel Iis or-lier cuass. Sucs
cesinisecuriiing ,a Ifootinge'in llyliles
thes Ivarios ac-tivitiesiof theccamp s as
I~lesses liii heel testsillltsies sitis- ani
thecendeof tie seester'si'sings lice ssi
too reartsheiadlie's Hale. Tm fe'
stuensts, upolenieste'riseg5 ith estirsit,
irpelygaless -thu5eir wockcandisoiresd
ily sll a c im to 5 the de ssiie() es' ) -
icy a1 ''amus nos etabte.'' u('ss seslis
peetedt this ill easterne ic-iostandi
thei fiactihas adedstin ii u th ii i sli 555-
men posseasi s li mrcs rene
shisitul cittilae icissi els iii
resist. Atipresents tiesre is little sir see
rectlClass siriet icthiesterar deart
'menst. IWs'iieii issues seeamit. isi cisill
dent iarecomeilled toI cdirectitheelsen-
emyie-ssetirits illtie lieseefclisIC-
tieities inistead fet cc " bl iciner
tel-slic I' fiels-ll, tie.es 5-Dill t stimu
ltes- greatee nteretint eirclss,
wich set illtlasat tissie'' less es ic -slls-ye
\\il ~cIs' mrisses''lt ii si'iiiiiii '' tier
sissies ofliihe rite, its imeiten
hirsiee I semis, ipersinlejuicliousi, if
sect essjessi. 11sest sssel isis-liesissie
yearse asndlebeel aleetlmisntasin eir
efel loesincig eeltie'e cllege ti-sr. liey
are' comelede Is t ies tests ii llsehoe
eef re-c--s wichstileyleavie lainrlyseed.
J()hnsl_). Joesc, ire-stieteeltie-uoi
tawclssceappoeintest the memb'iiiers ocithle
istc cieoslsl commiiitteeilast csese.AIV.
1-. Spaueldingsansdel],ester Lther tiis c-
-set the' eis'liislt tiam.e Thtiraset:
sire C. I. ek and N. S. NI'irtlir.
issst eelfswealerstoteeienseeswsho
ll et e t-vo elaeslsses . IeboutI sice

ee Oce t iself excis it t
() hiii e i .'I
Nls l'.ilit, I S\ii- Ii~
setll te a s :l- te ii it N I
N~ . I Tait cc. See i
1.1111 sirelth-1111. ]'1
l~c tIti'-
'lii- l et() sll tee -ta )-1
'tetie xas 1 1)II it ,ii
-ce iii i lic t lwith s il
sh i ici ()f Sla I 1
lesseesu t 111)wh l-i -iiho
ncss 1r i -il i l
t~c( Iclas c li ll -I Nl
ini 11 its, c (Is-si t l 'is.
sis el-s iceas ciii is 111
leee-sis ',}-(fc lass l'5 1
nl' a )~ i-il'I ' i11
iae i.' r t ie-'last fall
s-lll s i 1 1\ , is. I it v
ie~s ' i i clii -r "
I" sit le s nl1)it'
ttSit<)s. I.te


NW I eIenhae sfo r urinspect-
Ilets liste it
Tennis Rackets
and supples. /ee le
S Ras eti si a eutyit-Othier
islets eoI this strnc itiete fe
Racisets ace tehe ss rt the
is hu' t lrbf assetthe 1te'c
I it eji
Everyone Guar anteed
University Bookstore
C. [. DAIIIB11tt
I e I N's s l c n li schigstie
lc ics i / eliu 1 etiol II~
O my I i:s et
('alctd 1 111cL 1 ekes =see c''set cse -
e cidIFloorTel. 761
Sc fior Notice
S/ 'Ii ill ee t (',l !/sl s 'ee/,
s icl i4s

je Barbier
de Seville
Reserved Seats
4 to 6 Today arid Tomorrow


sillt WI L tjR 220 A S1.f5 Main0{ St.



4ffx AL Aram AM
4OL-1 -aj


Sprung Suits are to or display.
Always the rih' #thiim at the right
time. c


& Co.


12 as~goni.The Randall Studio, Randall &g Pack Pros

Phonfe 591

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