rhe NMichigan Da \\'5, XRPIIIS l 1 --------N---- IN I --- X--l--I----it - VOL. AXn. NI .146. WOOSTER LOSES TO WOLVERINES Michigan Runs Up Score of 5to I Against the Visitors in First Home Game of Season. Thoiis Xse lrt'ii's's tii' t at til ~ e' could 1)aN soil, 1all i liil lct 1 111 'I'mlcd he au~by Woste is isia team,.ilbut Io e of tilhits countig st itt 56 Cli, S~cCwd inin st~rle 1'ta l fir 1 iii t;tie hid al it w, l l initI 11111< iI II(' (ii tl 11i1o s a d Ca - t11act i th alli (I'ii 'iti'il ol thi Mascrs li o-e st()1d. Ilri o nende 1t111 liiisuit ltbtil illi'hi i t e tat "-'C io-O Mien h"N g t a ;Iul~e at he b t it bil), u'thrs r i lIs emitu1 to 1his lkn lindsenlst th ft tt it 11 -r1 ililot to il .,l is ihr' - itggc11111 i lso su 511111rrer cr Ise iond t lt hii co l i 11115,;Indtt ilti Iat rit t l i . 1 l-hc is lt1 if )Iom i lt9 sco e als tr ti te m i l i ldcri uiadettil greSt tiltikiluforunio11f spee Im hadtroh ici lowiuxili the 1:ate attie rilhts litte. IIliwa lktedl (w]\theelmr, but eve'ry netitoiftiose prvdsdfir "\ooteiir, lihe lici angit at tlit rigt momeinit.t Michian utae '" unglest ni 111 illostc lithe il b111 he1''i1 s ine r 111111111 in that tnier Il t ili it L 111 111151 sstheis- l ilush c, hie h lite ho-%isieiseemetoi f itl gi ilts "hl .c cute1 os1fo1h1ropo neinits,Dunf . 2 I ed gr t app iu 1 itd w ic sole ialY c ace th.\lclliit t 'sb f coig n t imi 11Th cr Lathersri ....Ii . 1 I() 4?71014 \acoisi rfii ii I I I itu I o 0 situua rs usli ta.. I 0t0his 1 -0 tttii i 1 ull '4i 11111 \ is S ttt...-..... 0 l1tIu t X i I t l 0 1 1111 agre-Meehtisg-T~hrsd oay lt 'ilasl. utSsltillitlisIat li'Slit acsti , I Ii' XttsDrench. tlen baits - t l ii lie y S itti ; Iii s ltt l y - it i ll lt' tsti l lii asitc I itsClmIII l ll tto i lrct imsletl-ls GLASS 111BASBLL'ISNARTSI C tlatGoul Chsen'IterlassMn fraes-ifetin i Thursday. ltirsli fit.ifs ill to itr ofi Mt.sstlit - zIl JA N ilt, tsh s h ' I ite iltr Ils Is baii se itSall 'i tl i l ii Ifo Ie c ~ liii ,cris. I siha tca led iia slet i t\otithe :;triia s 11111st mll tis l ies ts 1h11d it the t hti ' lti asocitl'ion Ificertl f 7lt I ills ithli mpis tant sli t li t eattml hurinI~ st tit i tshttis slee ti as it i :io l s11 ltit l ll i me ne t is i o i it's tilt ii'isrias' Str distribtioni, fsecond f l oor, .XhackI's. fOtheri depatl- mtat-ttl f Own1s till 1herrrtady atitu mite i tirsilti. Sall at oites. STANLEY TO PLAY AT SENIOR SWINGOUTE Tuesday, May 4, Is Timse Set for Swingout-Campus Weather Prophets Wag Their Heads. mit crc praticlly c-v li tcil Tlilt- o ltisit ii" iss sc1--ti t l l ay1 th pi pe the speilluti11111 he P es lii il~cl an I- . l)((w ciI liii le l ith( ra e reiii tc <]ies As hs l(,rv Hi L im c iiiSy ittl t sil (p t ) 'Ili- i' s''lts' l't I ''l i >>i''' ;r r! clrtl~ , ca 111t~t 111 11 ll 111;1 (rilsii aliii I t 1s aa tt l h t.II a a s i (. I jsie t l is alths' ik I~t' I r r Ill <'1 i WXitIIt sIt ill s i r ti >It f , 111. w"'ar the alld r111113";i 1"1< ttl F , I')artIv)Iia's t i 21lailt, t11:it Illc c( fk71111 Rosli1E ()t 11t t)It tI "It ltIgIlt, and to Nv- 11'll Itc r f t1 fc rcc 1 tc IIIa:c c>f t I V. Iartll( I >l ittt c rtrc ita f otil or hrell oithsr, its s fe FRENCH LECTURE TODAY Prof.lEffinger to Deliver a Talk on "Le Bfarbier de Seville. ll irtm S til wiill dlivei ecuetn "~ Ii 'er de Seille." Slits titftenoonti I o'clckin1he ' W 'Hll letr it'l til iths leture ii siven for the twit titof tt' ithos who wish to attenitthe. Aar afor i'uthem ' th e opportun111 ityii of narchais' famos comdy. Noadmis ifewl hre o telcue ill StiltgI in it wh ar in rstd n h r Sc airim l fsri S aSlit deiSit Al& iet iut-itis' i liii t the ti Newi N hi s I lith ts' ttur. s ttlt l Th lit lls ii iiisynopistui'ii ii 'Stllo ct.iliCont" hn61111 iswa11n 1555 ithdos lii wu 1hop1ing 1111a 11(111s tlto f ui t herliiiI ht tlts III i lt f it isguu i uhe is pus"'it 09c'1 en icll iatav Op e Am 'l si. of he 1%.,I 1s.1 'sei, n 1 t ( 1 I.; t11111is si( lt ii t e 1(t1 I? ' lI'. tuulu i~hl ~ oit iii 1? 11 I. ~ ss11 sil- s s it tu isut +)t e t 11 a1:.nli t iIs o t11111 i ii) I Iw ,)-k 111 tIi i rtrll i oii t t10 fer ;l Fetil su tia"atTpanOk 511 l s,1 i nm 11diirm rs \ I i l is f>t h fi rt "pc ai l thtsi st't' this sully il tuiuto) hits it-ill slei s iss tulttheis' ailCl ii l, i surlitS 1 Iuitisut ii ulhttuI~at 5 iliii iih s iii IS ulutit II X I I t VNT :N hol.uleuggeust s thatustetututturht-XlThe l or5t l iittutmuitiuttuh h Xi i ihsu ilse jius t arh lo' ils i i Roo- Il, A ci t I1;1' at 'o. 1^ wse ofiia tiursoit r ith tutu-unit order''u Mosihierlii pf Sts' Is' lt~~l ~ 11511 Sirt s iv a re ta lt er , itil itu 1 tur l ttuis ot he ctlub s ithSlut v, menstesdlbyiisuspiis. hli'll his hutS nilsiiit commtt ee aSituhSistsiSe. ht's Ishuissh le househould on te ssik lust. ii a tuost 111t1 plac111 1111Ittil- of u Rinte, accuisedlby Bau rtholo osi 0111-suitS ttu 'li poIitSlohs III tilist reit pais phity w'ith lt iiroilisves htuimin a ; he miii r .1 this' ")1it'ICi I XNV(iN WINS 1TOSS S.4.I 6 "t'(1' h IS I E iNIY ist, a md vc-presidlet 1, .frttcntug situ'. u-luW-u ~ k tugs, Iltuu- 1 . 1. 1u~ y itsul a hits Ai it ut us i tilt i behsSt Iiiudescihde us liii y tumthod adotpitedusi. usf it} llct l hull nh ofi citttriol tieS y m,,d appmniii Jut -hatter as \. 'r~srr ~ea canidhrates psii+ l ut: u rrspoititu secre- rc Conuulhihsided tuhesard, hut 1 hul tth'it itwill lhe trtua tse util i-i-hi ir3: Ofbi howcomittei'et- t p lc tte Unin.lit- thst (ver ntmbe 1te present.