when n ytrust to tailors_______of_______________
tionabli tastead doutfl kil Regula rimeeting of Scaninai cu
'd our looks ad yocurtrpuatianfor 4 ondas eveining at ,7:15in Uha:c
it co atirooms.
i) iSenijor lit lbaseiball lpractic Ilna
eng ) ineru lthe-cafin ,at 4p. in., South ferry iel. } eto
;4 ay of captain. .Biggers, Mlgr.
Is hacet i ina Iapec-illecture at Tttcker Icmr
f is l4Sling, anidlSumeat bis Hall, Suntday noon. SubijecCoso
Ne% orksstglati~stoftetnts, attiolitat Religiont" Conrad RysChir
lat501 dteamto l our i it it aan
iii petiiit. - Settior engineers will liautuiet at the
- littler, Friday, Atpril 31). The lirr1
Yolsitl lie oilt > i di ttrc i ii ste r =t ray-lit to oiar display of toasts \nIll leie aot nteclass
I()HA Y. SA ottl iiu oai airisreadt Is. iiiilat liss cost ih150Y5vecc tieiitg Mlonlay it 'p 1). I oolt -loi.
wcv istoinnis to tiaYM.Everybodyv oit.
Dr. 1.. ICVinci sn oftheikpilosoipyis
*~~ *~~~** ~ caing servieti h iir i
J. K. Malc im i the Untarian ihurtchll hs subject.
V '1sill le "Oliver I\ vitill IHIlimes: ~
ao118 E. Liberty of Menatd if Gd h (] C illit
.-. . .__.. v-n.. .... . . :. oorn enuate thye iiiic hund t h lilt
ivssryiof I lilis'bithich t l
iii' nt-- Ii- ytttiiI-is s-;sccs lii
Quaity anI Dstictivea
n ess of Sye. Feature
istingu ishour line of
Just received and nowhetsre else to be found in
this city. Always look to ils lfo the latest.
L INDmuENS'L ~ &coo
Jameis Il lt tr, Sit S St its It 1omc AMBLANCE . iirhi nii 5.s 5i a
BO0TH PHONES 480 L1O,!h _I.Kuc -I;iak~ o~can nin ilcos134;ftff.iTri BpotBal
St r a ,aMatin ee M a 1s _ -.-t-utptiittitr ci-is -r! (~latilt tssti~u
Dies-a,suit foiste C.1. 55,Iof"q titut
sit sic. i~i 71. 5 ~ -s Fueral IDirectrs- t, s
B.C. W HITiNEY Presetnts s siitscMessSF LiG -
The New Mu.scal Far-cicality Sensation is leictinn 68I ACi IsA & BROS.
20V S 41 , A rbotr5 t ai S~i \ s c"oisi 1ir
I-i~wa t lii twihs, ii -tad.,
Jw~h0 .E aion seatih a cli IJO LL~nc
WITH 1BLB 0 atO(,"-St.
A ND 75 1 migs tt. -suit St llisyourIns t eilsilIBES
Book by Hal Stephens. Mcasic and L OTHERSy vs\'igsst & I~eisvltlleChan v uselessand-1.: 1PS L~h Lnchesar
Ly le y llem 5 Iitttu tltttttitatts nu . --and
Williams andvan Aistyne. CGoostrichlienistils. sht liu is& Co.. ut w 5 ntt wlu ist 5ceCeal
0~vn t 1.75 Iii 5 is) ---- -
Many Pleasing Surprises Ineluding the Human - essisis1.00 tois
Rose Bush the HumarnDragon, the most Nuclicsa, iu lust lis),fo h (,I:,<ip ;55shoies 78 L 78 t ue
Farmous Balloon Ascension.. particssulasman. onsit-le si Illeli-
ClthettlS hosp, Illt S. Ith
Prices Matinee 25c-S0c-75c-$1.00 Ystuu Ii- istcsteettit
Prices ight 35c-50c-75c-$1.00-$1.50 luimtes ,>,ton sie in Ill,,ttlthr1, .~it o is is lc
Slithopit,t. i kn-ossthat the real source of his strength is not the
Seat Sale Opens [hursday April 2, 10 A. M.
-- - field or track,'but the food he Cuts. From this he
__________________-_________ Ho uts. lit t~sses deiere-I tttCoSlege gets the force which later is transformed into bone
______________ and muscle. Here he renews the tissues wasted by
T H E A T 0 K Ig p T M Sttishits- the kidu tha t plhwse exercise.
I CHANGE OF 7 AN ' 'o7 Always at.__t8hait SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT
PROGRAM -A Double Show C3,1. 1?.117 IS-GItpcialussites~ is peculiarly the food of athletes and workers. It is
tut lsichsul utituic st ithii h the most nourishing and easily assimilated, the most
______________ effectve of all builders of brain and brawn.
1 s tiluu, thcrushus'cts sl t shi ,
Caricean c-sire Secdtott mi I r 11 ht it It contains all the body-building material in the whole whueat,
Crige and Baggage Detroit United Lines ser.) made digstible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking.
mboast summit a ui trontws) Otn mum itsat ito tim 13mm stal iet in ................. I s on on the ''training
-, Icttsuct s$50oteto lut t A'I:6 AD P'Itable' o nearly every
$20tindentitAllet)1 la-titiiiithe Iletroit ( II171 .N+Xithll.clee an nsosl
-11 Tuntou or5 us i d rus hin ie Int ltu iIii a5 hum uslitisoat arsit mt---olg nd u ie st
1s-wu)il tse 25 Cen. tii(saiedi mu f-n
ss tsts il-t lis tinple wlltu uhit iii iof time mmmicettelit, Ieanul WelIe sreselitg all Iounmttu vuluttue n hi e
oltCetse cii a s c ;)'t oe t, -at*_
Dr: ls i,,net- u sted slei ash) uthe ust) ml u the is- t sesilu i- cec, oh ls-tittin -ueI-s- i
W 1.c~ I m iiitasE i sus [ IVmmII imetiRm o-itt cuA n ted hlull Mus-. 1 -itc i memhtle2eo )2
RO~.iN.5Eti&t Co.ti Arhbor extra cars and extra service ctneh luui 1m-c Ihmue (-
WC 11. tiIARtS will be promptly supplied. h ls e rty t r1
Si-mutt its-tat lute "san se esualstsgist1m
h WRN S.IH. 'ITriltt. 10} S. Iayts7S.tail R
221)-222 ottt State_,
HOWELL & JOHiNSON. Prp.NM E.RYANBuManaer Popular for s Tvfor
Imitaetuitshatllu thetilt-
FORtIE YE G O VIIL collar spreading, can be had only in
Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant n tei ,It t tiloypil
( tiiu~sats- n isheSeiadtiti lhititim s- it - r I's l-nteShredIs"
Atinricuiti u ettsii huind eey , tci Itmtitrit lt a xrec J F - l"1 h
0tn:t s l c i ss P ast itttuthitsscudtit ttitit it n, Iett 0 i Pewi t ilwatd. - r ( 1/4 FdI
Ccdn t kitctdthiitnt An An hirb tr. THE T. J. CAIE CO.
314 S. STATE STREET Roin 45 Rowland Bd. DETROIT IN~ISITtta ~~kr eyY THE SHREDDED WHEAT CO. Niagara Falls, N. Y