i Shave Thyself 711k v '1 (1 MICHIGAN DAILY CARNIVAL ATTRUACTS MANY Foind. for lig hi School Al Ilfetic Field Apipirently As:sured4 I ii 1 I tic' X1 ? ::'ri t''1 - I '{> t Il' I We if(thef Inu Gillette Safety iCr toi distingei Broth sides the regular the Naitnig, sht the gftie fo n ,te we rietweak irith the stick, xs gc-aingto r tsitgli.an ;al1s tieless. Ifathers' sidtil eist teamt. CThe score Ir..atrrswr~tyosg sru s mak, 14syus c . r']csct at all timra. SPRI EAR New Process Blades F\llti~1 11 Quarry s ilni) Money Loaned Watches and Jeseelry repaired. Legf,1)... Bargains in Watches & Diamonds tesil r 1 fice at resitdene3 31 EC. Ltberty Sit I ittiltictiti, AsistArtier. losers:ltSt 30a. Di.itisito :ad7toi ketlis re,. 9 P. Ini. Bickle r , 21; ALLiBSIEiSeS CONFIDEfNTIAL Sow S. JOEHC. WATTS tell, c Buchanan, FAMES AND MECHIANICS BANK i1 Calattt,I MAIN AND) HUReON STREETS Capital $510,000 Surplus and Proftis $90000 Gerneratl Baikii Buisitness. 3 tersest paid itn rime ant ingurseDleposits. Safety lie- Icial. pesit Bises ts eni tuat $2.00and upwards itigi. R it itussr. '1ris. W- i'. SeereNSs.Vice-Pres Y'iiiittiiti Sile isar The Ann Arbor Savings Bank listit6. A Geinral Bansking Buisiness Transacted ti ltkilita OFrRutS: Clues. IE. ilisth, Fk Pes.; W. D. IV i.aiiislt Hartans Vie lres.:t 1...i.riis. Cashiesr ctutu, 111 Il. Sti...... I) S. .3. 1 i () .2 0 1 () 4 21) 41271r.1 . . . 1 i t [ 0i _' 1 2 _' () 'it 2() ) 1- i(i 1\; 4t1' ImdI 1 i i 12'i , sli iit . I;I I P2,, Ic I 11 git Is11 l' dt i i 4 ;ri t( i e ild (ten's attil hitS tu ile dtulity, stirt sarielirxs toii. 4ii rianti. IHats, eiegtint ioog 3stvl5 1) SitettettndBeaconii, tir 1, i: Manattan tSitls, rl Pterrints in all shadies. l xi retirsiiiat s Iitsplv { N itIet c esty attracivle, ccr, faishiont righit anid the titlst texsacting dc- lotsws, Dettts anti \1 ' i itl CI fattcy Veel C, RFULE9 FIEGEL Ic 1 I i Gillette , izor Clean sav .1i STATE SAVINGS BANK ias I. W du Fi .I SitIs 'rfit. I5 . Carrt Henttry W. Doiuglas Christian 11:)rtit I~itsi P. Zimmsuermni FIRST NATIONAL BANK S. WitL lSOlN, Itashielr Cormrx-ez-ciaA.1 twed Sa vxrs orMts..ies. fd Liber'ty Strest~ Allister atl scet to ilt' 11 o1ti nc OE'Si it u s- aickl,i Ilioiii !. lt 7 St itliti Ii is i l Hits-OfIii iii iii , t an, i.-tSetruck oii t I iY Sith 4,i au 7.i S ole se11 1,11" 11 11, 1 o hr p. alii Slidhits it sIl Itaccompani'e IttCoachle i li tacIt t , snacrlitrl- is' morning(sit- clthsiir I< .iislbtogaesiiitheii I ct lim-i cas leers. sit %,howa Nliciga teas co ld d()tiso. ii clttles itr stllel-et 'i its (}n stl it ii l"i itsiCtlrtt tiSt, St1 5BARBER SHOP 5North University Avte. 0. A. MOE. college man's g the exercise andits fgood spirits and n Five nminues 4d Safety Razor keeps the f1t sI soft and clear. 'oi(t 1,1 1 o . fh' lie ii' ( ii iti it. t Iottest si tti~ti t 2 Lo -hb-l 'lt,~ d t, The GI I,1iii TF i.- I i ii r s n 5 x ri ''Ittitiilltt s ;it 1" (IiLli 1,11 SASt Is par of the r1 pliges with -o Le--with t sit the Gillette , The skin is. I ! _ t 'ho ilido '3 I *MEN'S 2 HOQLE TIE " Ico i sit u s to l * p i tillds1 s$5.00 It GNE ~ . t aSi teSt .; ,.. ' , N ;Y =.: You Must Hurry!I I f u an a1 d r-ii I I set- hli May Festival 'I r a i ia I ite I I I iun ii t Y e let ei 1 I :School of Music Maynard21; t. 4. L. CHAPA Ne e ALARM CLCK$1.0 ALARM CLOCKS $.50 ALARM CLOCKS-1.75 ''4 tcuis R0P2sirirxg a Spec..sut Rowe'saundr THOMAS (OWE, Prop. 3226N. F itAver. NetsI 'lute 4u'7 l ltle C45_ MAKERS A-ND 1)ES-IGNBRS OF COLLEGE JEWELR Y cailer's Jewelry Stoi 216 SCUTH l11'AIN SCI UL1: Large Collection Antiques Brass, Iron, Copper anud Chinawdare 'tsr fraternity 11111 -ti~iti 110U---i Miss Florence S. Babbitt YfPSILANTI, MIC' rlC i 'I r AC-AMEL ink, ,trs t itCfil itsown T se College tt i k'1 isallther Standsrd is lto 1, i t I -10 h er. Doits CON7ft' b ? N PEN e' \ attJc ie t] i ii t tt t ts .iiconventience. SYoe could llt 't. I t aiit siti iit ilulnger of quialiti(- 1i s