'14~ MteUt -~ ~AILV i . H. 110M"AJO"Re Co FHElSARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH I LATEIST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE NSEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS xAdISIES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Ou1 sp~ecialty is fioe Decorating, soch as Papcr-hanging Paint- interior anid exterior) Walt-tinting, Kalsoinining, Fresco- (,1 c etc. enimploy only skille-d woorkmnen and guaratntee 0""'01k.Goods lDeliveired to all parts of the city. B-'OTH PHONES 237 203 E. Washlmgtorx St.j LEAVE YOUR MEASURE NOW Cap and Gown Rentals fi I I14'( ii T () N K MAC K &O. Pr-ivate orClass Lessons in Danvcin'g ca be a-ran.ged for- at GrnersAcae m~o y. I1 ~T~w 'X~thitici : bcatrc y BOTH PHONES 480 SMatinee t I aLtx-ida.y, and N ight LVA I3Zt B1. C. WHITNE +Y Presen~ts The Now Mu~scal A FIarcicalIty Sernsationi ' WITH TIS H RLAN THERS B 1ook by Hal Stephens. Music arxd LyrIcs by Williams and Varn Alstyrse. Marcy PleasIrng Surprises Irvcl-tdirig the Huxma.ri Rose Sush, the Husmart Dragon, the mrtost Irarrsoucs Balloorn AscenssIon.. Pices Matinee 25c-50c-Z5c-$1.00 jrices Night 35c-50c-Z5c-$1.OO-$1.50 Seat Sale Opens Thursday April 29, 10 A. M. -01111egieer i.asotiltprciecioda ati 3 South Ferry field. \tcctingc of snoritsal uco Frcsh lit liaseball ipratice :it 3 oclock oili SciuthiFIri ciel. Michell11 IcrctoricaoarIcelete-ig tdcy a11t ocl ock Room ia 11n iveriy Itall F rest enin ecer ba~scbl llpractille1at South Ferrci tildit3:311to111111 urec \11 Sophilitsit for111 asbal l ilra111tie itadr is C apt.iiic lt Soiit Ferrclilctit a vistic 3:. to ll1 Scenior lits clt iv as cacet lciig orinciisio sii i calc dullti pa11 id d-cstdaiai ; RanA.Smll Meetingceofi all lss prlsidets at 1. 3 todhutyc ini RoomliA,6Unierity-ialil. toi lieiv11certifi1 cates for \iicll lingic There w11 ic nimotn1 ncefri 'Thursdcoay- a ip. mi. i IdRoil .A. 4iii Dticso uioril iical(. C. I. tioci 211 ii itb , 914 iS. Sae S. 414. Ilsit -ipic o ll k i i t c Ic-o. (oilec hu Ifcotll '.cant1 cour ;hc:it paired at 1111. lilc c s o t ore.\c''dil cc dtlpc'. 11 1ciiphoncie 573 Ieel.t 2 I17 lI.NIS GODS-) i i Sar- Loigwdc and1111Spaldigsbilld ItMedai \\ right scit IthonChii mp iihipc-1 and111 1111111Bo kso. li 110 ii ktii 011010 l comanio01111- at . lln 'iis Sltll.Shocil:iSi St Ciit Ihp liiMall~ct~ hiiidt.t.itlr Slt isandichs dtivered. Ct liii c 1111- th pm At -07-,, anciiii0i. 8Sble sale by :Alleniiii-i cl i ccil ciSt. c If \ ii locaott or11111cii 0111 ii~ ttkiVcNS IRUGi Stiitdtt. 11It: tiliccic S. 211c' cc We Rciie old to ypi c gclc.tictei cud 10o11111ricaihe, iio let iotse1l2t1111u doabliiotectIsis. 13 lleco jewlely Soice,.26 S. Maci t. eo-f DA.NCIEIPIOGR1AMS. k111icl be 11romptll 1111111 cclWe Cal~c' ac oiiileteilineiof rateityiiii es ianodi seals.to. iftfe ,&- ciii, . St street. 1 o CLA\SS n,,Aits-Getispeialllprics oil basebcia lititpilsic c .uitiiiit 54111 We\inituill ccittni-iitelestingc to11111 io cc-c our tiliii fccight 1111111.1fianneii troleiiics. IHcrs & Cc. 41 '1 1;Att tilS .ANI PUI'tLtS. We ccii sellinig ll tihioictdi -luius of classic-mic icsuch a 11 c-il c usin11g1 at onie-hact llice. A dcii niiiorkls ecs cepted. Roos iMuisiectHoiuse, 120-1 22 East 111ccri)-Si. 3.1 1t Ott) TOWN CANOES. Seiidtpostcil for "Canuoe" catalogue to WV. 1-1. 'ripleit, (04 S. Thcaycc St. 1211 Quiality, and IDistinctive= ness of Style. Feature distinusou line of EAR O R I GINAL Y,~ S .F CABLE Just received and tnwhere else to be found in this city. Always look to us for the latest. L N EN %S 9 A FEL & C. ANI 11 1 clii M E'S BARBER SHOP 745 North University Ave. TTJ . p T 7g q7_CO. A. MOE. sic'~ioo 1 IPorto Rican Canes 1, ,r c cccalkii 1sicks ut natie ,ran a cc ccciii. pali, cti'- Fneral Iirectirsmcai, s , ,130 and $2 Iot ulsrc Addiress FOT & G3dDER 209 s. 4th Ave. 0cc Oil Mayaguez Poro Rico Box 424 1 0 11, V 1AN 1Wa LEEK 'n.St BEEST Light Lunches 111111 sIut'0tc Confectionary I c~ S {ic Cream iiiItoI $ 1 51 - t °i 111e1es 78L 78 lue " °£ l3cc c' c - rien baying Recch IBase aOc ;1 I rt 0 lI cu1cn imphuose upon yolis ith ii coy of " 1101 askgoocd." :encc -c c } . I 1 ccli tell ycui tict Recichi Base lu. - --- 0 H ld -in and Gl~ o cre used almoslit ex- clsie ly byihi e - -- bi it lCof e ctiSup~eioiy- T he iiin ihic~ lakis aI-rki i0 2- i t is stampuhel cciievery artic iiof uic' 1 11 sc e ' _- Iclhs andut B ts schlhg at retail forlccsci ta io, c 1 It h T mdiiihc'cak asur~ce you of us s ta-tcle Reich oarantee n cc in-t ulity. Look for te Reach Ni halcaria n eery lBase Bll article you if lt- Guarantee ~ ricehe dtusac5 Trade d~ak guarantees' per- dii fet -goods. lSold defects appear, we will Cs epac any article absolutely Ivithout ingI6 tciind posessin theme1._ ' ReletOffodaeraide ftoi neveJtheless cat 1t of1 ihe- brdi aystle 15eah 4c5 A.RrechCo., ai 1727eTulipaSt.ciyiladCephilePs I T EA T0KIVM CHANGE OFr ' 7Always a PROGRAM A~tA*ADoubhle Show QUESTIONI Can a "Yap" be a "Rube" and still be a tWise Guy"? Answer -see Thomas and Hall MAJESTIC IDETROIT UNITED LINES ]Between Detroit, Antn Arbor and Jackson Limited Cars East Hound o i -c cccn}~. : 17.11..'uandi4.ui p. 11. Limited Cars West Bound 1l cc . iii-.? 1a. Ill.. ci:'-l cp . l Local Cars East Bonn d 'cc~tIo0:51 cc.. cccii i cdo cccii oi .)15 . i .. alst)i 10:4.p ccc. To)c 51cili'cuccc - ciitcic. ciii hafcolt' ccii y a.M , c 1. cc- o iii. c'ccu-ia 5 a '1coili'c '. Local Cars WestnBound iici4 a.int.ci:15 a _____________ IHE h~ Billiards and Pool nw 30c per~hour Cigars Cigarettes Tobaccos HOWELL tC JOHN SON, Props. M. E. RYAN, Mgr. m - I GOOD MONEY nuccuill 5 ciiiiit lhsh 1.5. Iliioy pubi Ci, ic r iciuiehs. Seas ai chops.uuc liohuul. A ccciiLunniiicso alttitnds.Everp-y - icic ufor ruceulucccStal-eu. ccricuci- c i i ccin ucaAnnicAroir. THE T. Jt. CAIE Co. 314 5. STATE STRECET Boom 45 Howland Bldg. DETROIT ALWAYS AH-EAD IN .Jt STY LES MIL WARD,, I TAIL O THE BEST OF EVER T" I NO IN TAILORING