MidiUldAW DAILY- Shave Ihyself We ofettiefntrr Gillette Safety -AstiYou iI t.." I 145 II New Process Blades AT Quarry's Money Loaned On Watches, Diamtonttl.Law tooks, oothber'perso~nal prperty. Watches anti Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at 'etidentie 3111E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. 'Hearsto'is11:30 a. m.. 1lto 1:3'0and 7to ALt BUSINESOS ('OrrNFI oTIAt JOSEPH C. WATTS THE F'ARMERS AND ME[CHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURilON STREETS Capital $550,(00 Surplus and Profits $90000 Gerneral Ianking tuniness. 3 perrcent paid o Timne and Saetig>IDeposits. Safety De- posit Boxes to rent att$:3.00 and uptwards It. Kssns-r, Pre'. IW. (). SerVEiN'S. Vice-Ptres 1.A. WI~~.\ t te' I tljer F17.1 oiost.A The Ann Arbor Savings Bank A Gerneral Bannkinng Easiness Transacted UrrIcERS: Chat. E. lHiscock. Pres.;I W. D. Harriman, Vice Pres.. 1 X.I. .1. r1itz. Cashier STLATE SAVINGS BANK W. I. Bh et Jo. V. Shleehtan Wmt. ArnIli lDe. V. C. Vaugh1anl las. 11. Wadle Ir. le. 3I1ls John salteer .Ilil. iChi Prof. H. S.Carhtrt lHenry W.iDouglas Chrstiatar ttins )a FI i I'/11111eretan FIRST NATIONAL BANK Pres.tile-Pet. S. WI. 1 ,l\ lilt 'tN, CIiee r Capital, x100,000. Suerpllus1and1 leelis. 5.11'0.. (jehln-rnricn~avlis ank Conm'e-nsiae..laxe.nd Ssonirigs HIGH SCH~OOL GIVES SECONID CARNIVAL Many Novel Attractions will be in Evidence at Shows Given by Students and Alumni. week i ''the cndl Ibiennial ii'ig sihol Jttioal1111ill b iveni.l hi s 'a h program istt bett11r tIhan 1e111111"Joitns} 11on11111 l Seltond.e' the. 0111att is Ill atci onCI' lttlitears ait ,ii ndi i ll he111 flloiwedthis 'tilt " erg ah ingt ll h itto .' i 'Ith l tar 1'. i iar andi thttl- inclit' o ) i ll t't'tisi clilt' ti ott rskt tizabtht . ltdtttt 11111 Noweitittl l adlotiltitit' 01 ~ n otplt 4 I~mn ItO t ei CarrolItito It Camp ell '.t'ti i, 1Rssll :Mlls, 13 Ilal Il loilt. 1 II 11 The plt is fr ahea of "J1111H1 Joe,"ad th ly s ben;care 111111AYGIIR.11 1)W In0hi -l"111101 lititi rof.Irt 11 id : 1 iIll It y' 0 il10 o ,t i i t l ayIN held t p() 1in 1 lpitioIllt 11d I'al tilln I twas lra k:l i ncIt'l eit t ti--l I'lrs lhd tak tonla illac ti Ittlpart ite T T 1J=esetnaaelat youanCarlrask, lok yonn~r- bt at all tes. Men'st a1n1 1oy's 'Su1 it LIer1bfort lola'ttraIctivt ditictitontindividlity liarLul' tc Ifashionti Cgit and qulity,5111r.varietits ito I Ieett Ii IlmostiexcItig dc- Hats lt at i go )0 '11s tvLsbightest Im11lhltL', Kttox Stettsottand BLaconcIrIllenitrsi MatohatitnSirits, fllinlue I t itt'r'tDetits antd Pcrrtis in aii siiades. REULE, uF NI ; EL Gillette Saf~ety Razor ,.;() ;lCWI >r(ls a cre >i>(l that 1'II1111) nic c ; l tala t 1 tall it \ a11i1 trial «-c11 w ishh, > 11 .)f all(-VU )C( ; >ia>>c"c Yhiljla , 4'a c° fo i- the irgc r t th( 1, him the s c I I :< t, licitli1t it tci it zG ' I t) ti nk tha i 10 tPitit ti andsI i tOe h '.111 1 '11111 :mditae'It l i~t I ' II .1 ,t, iat i lasl ccle 1 Ire f u C I Inv -ha h ve ,'I I I Itd let1c\v l sit 111,II', 1111 tcIl 11in 1cc 11 11a h Ic>-brt111 v ,tnd tlt~~k~u tI s he1 er1 an ch~ ltpt ; c : ,'1llc e rre n 0 " °<< C itte~ th l~c^.c> Ivc It canl,; i a in it Clean shaving is part of the college man's gospeln It goes with the exercise and outdoor life---with good spirits and good health. Five minutes a . y spent with the Gillette Safety Razor keeps the face shipshapc. The skin is soft and clear. IILLI'E"i'TIh:. The .IiL isi kitt to 1w 1 ( lt '1k11neot atid einootlieot oshaving ed' 'ii 0 d c 111 t C i n It ' IteMi sttlf a clean., s ia ti ingt i i t1, x1 1,; ' E -deCsploiite' tough l'atrd ald tt'tt et 01111) saver tof timeicant inoi 3111 yer.ad1 ip- ized globle. I'lllaldatl'd octo 3)111 (I~L.LE F'FI IAXl 1S t;(dOIl'ANV I 'tto14lA ' > 'acn. Me fmIn'rind Liberty Stnreets lionstis237. C. IT Maito &c 1.1.rC. i ,t 111111 tli' l lit d itft s Ui lloprloo fir13tiltt'plin it Ilr itt loet (ttiitoatcoah IYou can tell a tailor made ink- re11W J*t )rtl ry< acd dost ;. Pl ii w lltctlcrdW . tiZ s'IOJI .' I'D.0 11111 d st to llli I You Mus may Fl Tlwrt, ar ia indtdI School ( J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler t ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 4 Hurry!" ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 re~ei Isea t rIlt ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 estival watch_____________aSpecialt Rowe's Laundry )f M icTHOMAS IROWE, Prop. an 1. 326 N. 'ifth As,. Nets Phone 457 Sell Phuone 451-1. A Carriage On Easter MAKERS AND DESIGNERS twill :save your swife's dtres' and perhapsl OF COLLEGE JEWELRY hetr temper. We are preparetd to hire you any kind of a rig yott desireeeither Halla's Je welry S$tore for attentding church or'a pleasant rtde in the countrty. Chttrch calls soldhJ 216 SOUTPL lAIN STREET he registered now. If tile provethial - Easter shoowetr occntrs oullil tllics11r1 Large Collection Antiques in suie to he sortly taxed. Brass, Iron, Copper'and Chinaware For fratIenity. and es~ooity hlossand Fred C. Heininger t 5t 5 tndllt deno. Ill N. Stalt' Miss Florence S. Babbitt Bell Phitel'191 ome1Phoe 101 tlYPSILANTIn MICHl 4I 11 ,B Y ASouvenir IEdition "Le Barbier de Seville" 50 certts Wahr's and Sheehan's Bookstores STUDI[0- r J . 319 East Hiuron Street