THE MICHIG AN DAILY Sam Burchifield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclifld & C o. EAST HURON ST. in to TUTTLE' S for Hot Lunches Ice Cream Sodas Banana Flops 338 South Stat, Street THE F IARM[RS AND MEICHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Captal $50,000 Surplus and Profits $90000 Geoerai Basking Business. 3 per ceot paid on Time and Savinsgosposits. Safety De- posit Bowns to rt it $2.00 and upwards t. iKoone, Prens. . .SEVNSo. Vice-Pres f.LA.XWILLIAMS, Cashier F. T. SrowFAsst. BASXEBAIAt, Mstie I~TUsu VROM SOT"'I [-. (ionicifrmPage P.) eithininug, the third gaime ended with te scorn 7 tro 4, the 'Weight hein on the joy side. Then it out time to meet ttheir first re-lly important foes.. The Cattholies put their star pitcher, Scanlon, ontthte slats and he swas opposed by "Win" tarr. Eserythtinigseas swetl for just two 5inn- igs. Insthte third thie Cathiulics mixieit op four hits anod a hase on hatis for three rnts. Thingsdid let tlohotso islue for the Woteerines sthlesntiesson- secetedi for thtrees of their four siisgtes ini tirefirst hatf sflite rext routdan etiatkectip tiwsottu the scorehooardt. 'liree errosrs, two b Sasesstir tbalti, ttre oppor- tuite hits sait a fest ssoleibses o- tribuitedl eigtrnts fosr tihe Catiholics, asndt the fasts smsilest iroasdly. Tihs scssrs- :Michsigan.... 0 it oa0ti 0-o a 4 Notre- iDamec... oo.3 Oo o'-I i r ' 'at~t1 3 isis is Json, ( islet' \I zs lcesF, til s la oi MJI s-t I I k hi clst1300'Mrs AC; se- Ni~ toA Pte tts S, a- li lWm NV CuWilco iCsR, itosoe i 1_i . . 0.: ~ >isesiss i 1"),i. iow s-i J. i11 .G.,1. Ai. il~as l 'il sil piie (oft al iI I a Isr:-li i sss . 4w!' Clever, Snappy Sits for prine, This Store has won ab- solute leadership in high class Clothing by always 5> showing the newest, cor- - rect styles, and by giving always the best value at ,> the price. This year our stock excells all previous displays. r -- II~ 'sssto 5-5(sle1- fit I-a," ( on e ter's'l5 :\i l' is ' lii (sS fisst, Mins 88,f Nex~t Satrda5ty lsith s'isblltait 551tol prtlis te i. A. C. Itamiat Suisssig. lT ho etstistas t sire e'siscsi'i't.sits twithithue strong Woorsste-r te'ttrsr thess visitorrs. 'T'ie' Ohioranss iave t'pirrssiossc- erari suirprise'ss ortlMichiiganiteams1115intshte trust anrd tarcaapt tsibre-ksotocse tl tines. t'oirteently, lte csacht andc prlaycers are lookinug fossrwtrstost' its- tili irn thtie dispoosinsgsof tihest. 'Tireseaisonr tichet s wigoont suiet-os rmermbiers of Sirs-asusetictassociatito -s dity at SFso'isock, -ir ill iiasdmilits' mre'rriber tsrsix sof thsc-oiesl est s fos'tr ts- price' of trese, $r .r. A h ,le wiitih Syrtrec'arrind ssirc'Dai e r esc tr-woo sf tirebirggeston ss te tsttc.schdlbtut(f wihet . s w its-beopen'rt siseasnts ce ihoders t ite rediucediprice-,tt- i buyes wiii get tireir frrliltmsilsy'o s-ortih. 'tis tie gamtes whiicihtire tice'tiiladirmit cs are as filoiss Akiri 27, ,rooster; Nity r, Notre Darmes; Xiay 5',Ni. A. C.. M~ay i13, Syraecuse; Nitty 20, Belititttjiurse 2, D~ePaurw. CstL'st1ri. rSSFScSALsrOON ssir xts-te:. At its reguliar mteetinrgNiMorndity 55 ct gi the ity cornilipiassedt tll ordinarnrces raistig tesaison iceerse fromir$525 ts $675, anduiaholisinsg tSie free ilurcih. This ortdinrance, wihicirgoses intro effect Aipril 30, sdefinedi rorreeietarly tiht-re- sisireirerits of saioornkeeprers, irut t- tIrmitedinthrinirg in tiresswty cofliirmitirng ti-e niumbier cr1 salooss ihasS irsen rro- - 'st-t. k1-111'. Room r;ri ]lC tf I'.Sttle > 35'. iitSsssslis,3z issi '5 I iss-sssss - 2 5 The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stockt J5siss0 tonrirro 0;'*220,000 Riesources $2,6t00,00 A Gnserl BankingBsiss Trasacted {irrICIoRSs Chas. E. Siseonk, Fees.; W. D5. Harriman, Vice Prens.: Mn. .J. Frito, Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK WJ.Booth Jno. V heehran Wm. Arnoldi DrVC.Vaughan Tas. H. Wiade FE. . Mitts John Haarer Jno. Koeh Prf. H. S.CarharSt iHenry W.iDouglas Christian Mrartin iDan P. Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK Os ANN AsBeR, MICH. E. I>.tKiNNt 11A RtSN tsSOULF Sret. Vire- prs. S. W,515LI ttto', Caslie 'ir's ClothesiShop l isiloSsi 181 sfsssi '-oant siou rrs'' I,ssirei red'it rscioe' . \Slurtsstsr Is's scs call ,iend '.\ie ^lO8 nIu- IossI t';7srtis eisrrs -. IoiN-ossestandiSpatli g;i'', ( fssd Medal is stssi. e rs i ir- i tic' i aktIs Wishtso,&issl. itis St.pins5pan illdri' hac~'ll xttiSiehantorit St 1dc 33cc wlscr ieleri 3c8re Isetrrs list-er, 5h issist c sss ors- the'. hictis- ssl 's isiiN son tal at Al-e'ss ( -otcsr op, ssis-iss rSst.'iic'i tt s DOisN'tTsiOrsi "'_-ts. szeprs~i make oargeriands]let-ersictusres slisge- icns -u l c dosni'ti rsr e I o Isisriny78;more. Sisrisssi Ills Ils' itisci l us it ar'- Shop, il pitirn S t. 38sf MEN I l ro orI ols. 1;rl WOMEN otto . 'Tle Best in the World I r; fir the Money." 211 SOUTH 1M O. N S REET IWALK-OVER FOL OOTWEAR Prices &n c n f . / + DU TO $6.00 Prices -,$3.50 TO Y$6,00 .hi ress stiltfor tsate. tC. ii-SDitvis (rG6 Capital, $100,000. Ourtlis au rsti ti, 060,000.'crie,9i4S treS. 4?4 1*ui C( 1 i t r : tt. + 1 x It , (jeMa4mericau avii]IJs Bak Cormmneraa1 an~d Savisi~s Cor'. Mats-n ansd Liber-ty Str-eets \ksJohnr IHenrry to sows'yo0 whX t I.s- ups r hiis sic-es. ktltays somerthtinig iVs Ii. 41) Sot, iec-i,3c pair. W~onders. -itoag's. Whave don es se exert wsatcho repaiWAL mOV - 4 S --JGE insinrce s8 8. lHsriler's Jeweelry Store,) x M1 CO 2;6 S.5 ai Sttir 8. nod-tf 1 You can tell a (tailr m de l t 'r,aksposrs Isfsits a usfs s r altr-tI-s's s stitch Ingareno. fvord y -Ooddr sses W Pan}ei tor dpaIsr I t ss atre te hardist to malo S adtm st I isnwiitr stint slitAsot t o rkIsuts(lan(!i or'-suur'so ars- l'IstsrrrtssI' W1tl(,N-aeff&sCO., "i'ttS'rie et You Must Hurry!Z Iftyourscaago drsred seatlfrtlw May Festival Ifiv avtsOil alismtitud rnub-se tr ec llenrt sreats tuft. School, of Music 1ty n arrdSt. fil crc A Carriage On Easter will save your swife's dress and perhapus her temper., We ain prepared to hire you any kind of a rig you desire, either for attending chtereh or a pleasant ride in the country. Church calts should he registered now. If the prorerbial Laster shower occurs our facitties .,are sore to he sorely taxed. Fred C. Heinillger i14 ,. tate Beltlttmloute13991 Hosse Phone 150 J.- L. CHAPMAN, Jewele-r ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 1 ully Guaransteed Watcsh Rep erlsrixjjs a Speeatty Rowe's Laundry THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fifth Avn. Non Phonoet457 Beti Phene 457-I. MAKERS AND DESIGNERS OF COLLEGE -JEWELRY Hailer's Jewelry Store 216 SOUTH ntAIN STREET Large Collection Antiques in Brass, Iros, Copper asd Chinaware Foer fraternity and sorority houses atud student dens. Addre-ss Miss Floroce S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICHI. BUYA Souvenir Edition " Le Barbier de eville" 50cents s'tti i 55 A Wahr's and Sheean's Bookstores STUDIO- r 1lMr MM u.w " 319 East Huron Street