THE MICHtIlAN DAILY' _________ Sam Burchlfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfield &JC, Coo EAST HURON ST. JOLLY'S B-H-B Briar and South Africanl Calabash PIPES Imported and Domnestic Cigars Cigarettes and Tobaccos PILLOWS and BANNERS AT Darling & Malleaux V. of M. BAP1rBER SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. 11011 ANT) t(O)1) IOtrifl~t TA HIS Gaineis' ani1 5 t'i~)lcr ir 1(155557 322 S. State St.An rbrlVich.i Phoe 359 Bl AnAroT ih Ty VAN KLEI3K'S For ICE CREAM 300 East Waal.rstar St. Phones 78 L 78 Blue ASPIRANTS TO COMEDY _f oe r$1.50 te)iswill be sold fitr 7i cetis j CLUB MUST SHOW TALETNT! o Wednesday tandlThu~rsday. This is -atbargaint. Calkins' IDrttg Store. 14 15 th its plans) for tihe yearalmtost compTtletd,te Cometly cltil is ready is if yousmStoke'toil ds nit sttotlkt steit before the footlightts. The firs)t flay, 12,.\t.l.A ND WYIHIITE cigars, VyouT a)e whlichi till ite givesnlDeceetberrT h.ssnot ivintg your tpocketbootk tsqtuare ntot yet beenT deided upon, btth Ie ectoice deal. liur tem t iT Brostni's lDrug a) bseeni narrowetd to fire moorertn plays, Store. eod-22 and~t the tfial deeisioit sill lie announc~ted - soont. TThis sitetrill be repeated Feb- REXAIIT, ANTISETIC TOOTHI rur 6. PO\YOIER-t big, ttt for 25 ceents. If Tier) St. Johtt, trhotmniagetd "lieich t ouit eitt sr it y ott till tot be likely getndt" latst twiter, Itas ibeetipractically to t sltryan terkitnd.TO lte tatd oils engageid to mtanaige lie Comtedly cltib's att Itrown'ts Dirtg Stors', 25 East ,ib- protltiioii. He twill also stiperintettd erty St. eod-22 lie ectoosittgof the east, aitdlerery can- ditdate trill ite required isosdo soite ttrt TYPh\YR1TINCG AND TYPE- iseitte tie mtanatger. Es-en sludimetmtbers WEIll ES--Wrestill sell yott a type- trill lbe cotspelledl tt tryot)againt itndiwriteriirentiyotti atypewriter, or dc ino oiletwill btetcceted si thT e stretngthiyourit 1-pettt titu for you. Jolliffe & of preevious exspe rienice alotte. The rltitZtib ii t taeS.3sli E' -' Y' f y V O L ishtes eve ryonte sit the ecampTuls, wlii itintks lie Isis taletnt for aetitng, is try oit. Nstie if thle time aitdl tlaee of lie trotstrill tbe girenitniTo'he Dily. ilittiagr, Charles \Yeeks alss atn- nones that a seesidtl paystill be gis-en lie last seiester, andt this willibe a cas- ?iICFIIGAN PROFESSOR IS A(Cf)ORl)D HIGIT HOfNOR Priof. Eitil Lttrcht,of the archtiteetural 'ciogitteeritig depairtmtetnt, Tias bet-iteeect- eib vicee-presidlentif theorchrlitectttral I,eatgue otf Amtier ica. This is t result of Prof. T,,rchts ait edI itterest ini lie dloings if tse socie2toilnd iin is st-ifare. Prtof. Titreti has sersvedtilottagreti tttt of the leaigue's imptorstantt comittiees. Prtof. l~orceu is tlsto apoin tent nieni- ittriof thie AmtericaniiItistittesof bArti- tets, ti simtilatr lbutittir ldlter srgaiza- toit. 'Tse formieriorganizatti st-as JUNlIOR[IEISEARCII CLUII JA EARS TRAVELER At lie itrst sessioth is s-satr tf ite uio Riti eseat-lichlib,fitelilat its rottmtt tone. whostt ssbieeti stuin-g il(Ger- teresitig s-xperilctsts. 'Te Itollowtitigittttmbers trere slecs-sd to1 serte through the estiitg year: C. S. Rioblinsoni, presidlet; L. 1H. tenntingtont. is-etssitdenti \V.P.1hutti.sesretary- TBeut gutaranteed $io li t ilteeity at Cutshinig's Flil tnd wi-uter Regals just receivteid. I l eturs- & Cs., stile agets. t2--if PIAtNOS FOR RENT-A ecisice It it flte iighter gratde piattos for retio0n eatsy termis. 'lTtning free fsr the year. Rtttt's .\Ittsic I Isitise. codtf Gentlemtent : YWoeinyou iteesd a pair of slippers is studly itn,s-ott till fitid theis at Puirielul's shise store. WVe have thle kittt that sattisfy teeauise they fit- $t.7; to $4.00. eodl-24 Call at Rsst's MusiecfHsuse atid hear the muosic frttmt Cohtano& Norris' ins- trels. eod-14 'Ac tote sditte expert iwatci reptair- tng sitice 18,58. Haller's Jewelry Stsre, 21ft S. \laiti St. rod-if Julst tuinkb--wet offter outrtbig $,sst iteit fsor $2.51) tIt \edntesdlay antill'huttrsday. Calis' 1 I ttgStoitt. 14-f15 KZl;N L L PLAYING CARDS-the slutc1ntkintd fott15centis, at Brsiwt's Drugit Stret'1',.Liberty St. etot-aa 'AeIthise sold is your grandfather andu to stoutfaiter, so let its sell is yost. FEstalilshesdl 18,58. Haller's Jewrelry Stre,'16 S. -Alaiti St. eod-if 13 O~\V\'\S IRUG ST1ORE, t2o Last Liber tySt.-hetsplaice ito le sutre sf gelittl -rttot tutmoci-'s si-orthi. eodl-22 Sptecial butstiess tment's lutntch, IT :30 rt. m.1to'2p. m. t1 ilt. 204 fSthtltMai tiles as itish itgs phatrmacy. if c W ARRANTED FOR ONE QUTARTER Y11AR PHOENI6' 1X sOx Silk Finish 3 Paio- for- $1.00 A WH-OLE PAIR FOR Oh lERN HOISEX' PAIR O Wmm STAELER & ERTH CO. WALK-OVER SHOES and OXFORDS NEW FALL STOCK NOW COMPLETE Our Specialty College Shoes for College Men and Women J rj N r' TRADE MARK RN OS PAI Off Of Kfl1H 0;i? 1's SEE WINDOWS lutr E_ sltisix's Styles in Fall aidsI'titter Ofxords in French alf, Tt Moose, and Ox- Il1stoti Cordlovatn Leathers. Irics-s, $3.50, $4.00 $5.00 and $+6.00. Ott) 'atet -h-ioof Campns Boots unteqiuals'd at any price. WALK-OVER SHOE CO, 115 S. Main St. JSOG; JENlIARD MIERCII.\N'rTAILOR Rl '.\lEING AND PRESSING -'o6 1". Washtingtn St. - IKEEP SMILING -VAT)NEii)TR&Cii.State Steetsell sititi Si-ci o tn i g swh stit ' o. THE ___________J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler SCHOO OF USIC ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.750 Stdeilts' Lecture Association C O L O U I ALARM CLOCKS $1.5 MAYNARD STREET I ty Gulaaiteed' We'tc h Rpeir 1g a Specialty OFFERS FOR 19081909 Special courses in all branches of music for ( A LIST OF TEN SPEAKERS OF WORLD-WIDE FAME: University students. Rowe's Laundry If you wish to "make" any of the Varsity musical JUSTICE DAVID J. BREWER clubs, or wish to acquire a knowlege of music, call THOMAS ROW , Prop. HON. CHARLEMANGE TOWER,32 N. fifth Ave. JOHN MITCHELL 'i tol i elPoe471 PRESIDENT BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER WAI KING Loo. MAKERS AND DESIGNERS S. S. McCLURE WhitneyTaitrOrhsa WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Y~1~ete rhsr OF COLLEGE JEWELRY HON. W. BOURKE COCKRAN Chinese Fany ishesAmrian Lunches of ALBERT LONG, Director all kinds. ds rything Iesu-lasotrSac 9810 ladies and gentlenmen.Sao 98199 Hle~ IDA M.Hailer's Jewelry Store IDA M. TARBELL Du~~Cinese and Japanese Bri-a-hre. Can be sered, for Dances, 2 OT1PANSRE JOHN HAYS HAMMONDlp stairs, one door S. Ilston Brs,, 3143. state StReepios6ndalSOUTHe trus,___________STREET_____ BARON KOCORO TAKAHIRA Recptinsndll__neguar__ts and AMBUL.ANCE Bell Phone, 98, 2R on dates olier than reglar Showr Hame Phone, 98 Bookings. Any conmbination feonm Large Collection Antiques in Donald Robertson and Company of Players R.ADOH&co two pieces np. For open dates Brss, Iron, Copper and Chinaware R.A O P C . and particlars apply to lu'r tenitry and sorority houses and Sa