THE IMICHIGAN DAILY __. _- ~r Sr~iht 1) 0 (11 d '(spnso 1arefa1hon'slate I dietat s. We'llsake 1010 IS SI. 5' 0 or r i ~ .ws h.111 ito h Uout ovebstep- M 1learn our you'll1o1de1. hen you wear sur drf 1111r><<011 r. Drpi n ~ . u tiolook'round. x ['1*,,? J K. Malcolm 118 E. Liberty USE"M ENTS 4wtUbtncy theatre BO0TH PHONES 4801 APRIL 9th I IGFUN-FEST "11 Musical Comedy Lic G ok,(orgeous ,dtorate Scenery C omeidian.; PEOLE50 -1 1SlIO(),GILlS 'ra i' argin 25-50-Z5-$1 0 11,1115 We dnsday Tuesday, April 15th A KNOCKOUT James J. Corb'ett Farcical Success FACING THE MUSIC A 1on ty il l~rvt BY ANISHENRY D10 11R111.0 Prices - - 35-50-75-si Seat Sale 'Tuesday Mlorning I MlIusic ana 3'rauta \:1 OLo IN. soAlIJS 050105T 'hat the 1introducion101o1f th vilola 1111 -noodahleit i1m lltiolIwa sh il te its 11ep1111of 1t11e hs .a stranger appeal50 I for r1011' 1peoples thai te ili, n wa sskilfully 111a1edolbits r\I Sm e1 '. most importt oitheew ste.uil it. i amotk ttrctvel molttl. M1-i George 011(,0RheadiV0plydin ti hs1111with linttt d efcve nthI'e. othe'r.51115 I \S 'toodins he Sc. m nIac 011iftl 111 llS 111 IdIr illte oner 'po ed1) "I Irll 'NrilSt , IICSaktll the leutai\(I'S111A ~ bes tt rcived inShy 11111l;l'lt tby ll 1 .I. b 11111110055011and 111111111is 110(1111a 1114ed Iis star lig bt cntin t " i delat i t'teceidtI s 1 15Sttl} aiS Sa f -CCI\lsrvIATTHE i IS' arat e beit en Cl11in111111 111 15 11an 1th 1Ras' ibasi bal.111 e1m1 it 11 forhoo. Th(sasteam hs'wo in hat vic ISt . O n of1,their1 host game111wasplatyedISaIl Nashv'ill"ih h 111f foNNhe "Iioh'H s'I'iiI is said tha llonny Ray furishes n. nd i ANNIBUILANCUS Bel11 Phone, 98, 2R Home Phon, 9 8 R. A. DOLPH & CO. +u tss1i lsor to ntiS11 Funeral lDirectors 2090 S. 4th Asve. ORIGINALITY, SERVICEABLE Qduality, and- Distinctive- ness of Style. Feature distinguish our line of CAPS, SHIRTS an~d NECKWEAR Just received and nowhere else to be found in this city. Always look to us for the latest. LINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL& Co. Ann Arbor, Mich.I JOLLY'S l130 NSA8It-'S Own Make BRIAR PIPES ISIS SSS 0 0 $1.75 0.59.00 01,11110$1.00 to$1.S0 MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North Univsersity Ave. 0. A. MOE. Porto Rican Canes if I sh 1005140Ili og sticksoftt iv e 0 in thtree sires; $1, s 1.30 and $2~.,st tail. ('ogistro' 111xt1aAdiress. ROOT & C'MDER Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424 VAN KLEEK'S 300 East Waan gtnoa St. Light Lunches Confectionary and- Ice Cream Phones 78 L 78 lue TA LKING PICTURES oy '-iatay am~d Satu~rday. Admilsloen 5a G :ILLAR D BROS., Props. The Heavy Exerciser Often Wastes More Tissues Than He Can Build Up by Ordinary Food Shredded Whole Wheat contains more than enough nutrition and tissue-restoring material to make up for the energy expended. When it finishes re-s storing the waste mat- r tcniusadn new strength.,/ '/ S~fIRDY :30 Detroit United Lines Ottninrat ittn to DivsonttStperin- tendent Allen. Y'silSanti, of the D~etroit ititotinesIo0'yofftictrs of Varsity or' ganizations of Hithe ovemntt, beyo005 te capac0ity of teregutlar service. of any grotup of students to ot' frotm Ann Arbtor extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. hours, 11g 0lto 1' atM. I toiiNIl'ol in wrk onebi-a 1pontic1t I'l 111 N11. otfg-I. .NI i. T. '1511'S. 21 Lai Shredded Whole WheatA is pre-eminently the food for the athlete and the student. It contains all the body - building ma- terial in the whole wheat, made digest- ible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking. It is found on the "training table" of t1P~t^ ,o.,'rol nn .jn o _ Cigars THlE Candles Tobaccos \V( "It'so al/ in the Shreds" fiIOWELLtu JOHN SON. PropS. I Pplr o 1Tw'afor ii ry evey 0.AJOIe5t M. E. RA.M,- TOSAOS~~ and university in this I - Imitated in shape, bat the "Pot- country. S I pltfetL 0 1 raIEf~hTU'lented Lock Front " Which avoids 'Oi:O i' I= GOOD MO EYI collar spreading, can be had only in-Se'RsarnTHSREDDWATC I I IS~ y II s ins 55 tlt Illnest 1%S. Historyliui 1. i se ion I ttal h~p. is tlipted01. lsho tNiagara Fall,, N. Y. f all I l .\tn tiiy- SWrit' fotrttareuitoot's ,State eperiene- m (o Is 5 1111111 loy aned iI A iae. t T. J, CAIE CO. / 14S. ST ATE STREE&T Room 45 Rowland Bldg. DETROIT UNITED SHIIT to OLLARSCO., Makes}n,Tsroy,N.Y. ALW 'AYiS AHtEAD iN ~THE S!ILEILLW -RD / THEBSTl EEYTHING IN TAILORING